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Source: http://www.yugatech.


Social Security System Online Inquiry

SSS Online Inquiry is a service by the Social Security

System of the Philippines that provides updates on member
contributions, salary loans, SSS ID information, among


Adult Learners' Online Inquiry-Based Learning Processes

Nurturing inquiry can make learning more meaningful and

conducive to higher-order thinking. However, inquiry-
based learning is not easy to adapt to because it
requires a qualitative shift in students~{!/~} learning
beliefs and skills. Current research on this area
focuses intensively on K-12 students in mathematics and
science in the face-to-face context; adults~{!/~}
inquiry-based learning in other areas in the online
context is largely ignored. To advance inquiry-based
research and practice, the proposed qualitative study
will investigate online adult students~{!/~} inquiry-
based learning processes in the field of instructional
technology. Three students were selected to facilitate
in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. Findings of
this study will help to extend the focus of current
research on inquiry-based learning and enhance
people~{!/~}s understanding of it on a broader horizon.


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