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Dancing is the act of moving the body in rhythm, usually in time

to music. It seems natural for people to express themselves through

rhythmic movement. Young children jump up and down when they
are excited and sway gently when content or at rest. Dancing is both
an art form and a form of recreation. Dance as art may tell a story, set
a mood, or express an emotion. Some dances consist of symbolic
gestures that tell a story completely through movement.
Benefit of dance are help we stay healthy, dance regularly will
decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, because that activity gets
you breathing faster, increases your heart rate and warms you up.
You’ll enjoy while you dance and you’ll forget you’re exercising.
Regular dancing will also help burn your calories and keep you trim.
Exercise dancer in general will help to keep your mind active as
well as your body and that improves circulation and helps avoid
oxygen starvation to the brain, and remembering complex steps
motivates the working memory. Another good reason why dance are
benefit, dance can build a friendships and increase your social life.
Dancing can really help to enhance your posture, balance and
concentration which can prevent falls. Regular dancing will improve
and build muscle tone throughout the body, especially in the legs and

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