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Personal Nutrition Exercise Plan

Pamela Glover

SCI 241

Clayton Wilson

October 10, 2010

In the United States of America (USA) Americans are coming up against an increase
towards the obesity in many individuals and all of the health risks associated with the highly
developed individual weight levels. There is a range of health issues that have been connected to
the increased weight gain, (1) diabetes, (2) cancer, and (3) heart disease. Heart disease is the
primary cause of death in Americans today in the United States. Most Doctors do have a fear that
the development toward obesity in Americans, as well as a lack of a reasonable diet and
cardiovascular exercise schedule will bring on the growth of heart disease being this is the major
cause of death in Americans. Hearing the concerns of all doctors and the public health officials,
Americans should personally look at his or her nutritional intake, this way they can develop a
diet and exercise plan that will fit their needs and then implement the plan to ensure they are
taking care of his or her health so they can prevent health disease.

My family history indicates a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and
diabetes. I have gained more than a fair share of weight since I had my only child and this is a
concern to me since the diabetes runs heavily on both sides of my family as well as High blood
pressure. I have tried to lose weight in the past and it felt like I was fighting a losing battle
because I was not losing anything I then became very discouraged and stopped trying. For me
losing weight has always been a trying goal for me to accomplish emotionally and physically
but, since I have started this class I have become more aware of things that are much healthier
for me and I have become more aware of what I was eating. I have lost eight pounds and I feel
great. Now that I have lost some weight I am becoming healthier and I am gaining more
confidence and myself esteem is soaring high. As a result, my main concern is me gaining my
health back. My main goal is to target the problem in my life so I can continue with the weight
loss, and placing emphasis on my nutritional needs and lifestyle is also very important to me.
Another center of attention of my nutritional and exercise plan is I will be adding in a healthier
eating guide as a way of life, other than just another way to losing weight.

Most of the Physical Activities that I will be doing will consist of jogging, fast walking and bike
riding but of course there will be other exercises that I will be adding in and with a bit of luck it
will help make my line up a well thought out program. Such as, jogging, I will also use five to
ten pounds weights to help me gain some body strengthening work outs as well; once time goes
by I can add more weight. I will be doing some stretching and sit-ups as well, and this will help
make my body extra flexible as well as strengthen my abdominal area so I can see better results.
The majority of cardiovascular workout can be done even when I make the change in life, with
the exception I will have to do it moderately to get around me placing too much stress on my
aged body. For example, as an alternative to using a ten pound weight, I may possibly go down
with a set of five lb weights as I grow older. I reside in Georgia, and the seasons really don’t
change much around here therefore wintry weather it is better to put on something a tad warmer,
when I go outside to exercise but, should I move to where the temperature is colder, I would
need to buy a treadmill this way I can continue to do these exercises indoors, instead of going
outdoors where it will be too cold to do anything. My exercise agenda is really not that difficult
it is more convenient for me this way I can control myself, continue to be much more active and
to pull off the main goal in my plan is to eat better, drop weight and to maintain a healthy life

At first, coming up with a plan and maintaining a well nutrition balance and exercise plan can be
complicated but, working hard can and determination will lead me to the desired outcome I have
wanted for a long time. Learning how to conquer my setbacks and how to make minor
adjustments designed for my future will make my arrangement a permanent plan that will be
promising in any type of weather conditions at any age, and during any stage of life of my life.
This plan will stay in effective throughout my life for the reason that it encourages my own
development and definitely gives me the enthusiasm to defeat any and all challenges that is put
in way. Knowing and learning how to eat healthy and how to take care of my body is a goal that
very little people carry out because of their lack of knowledge, but if a person had the knowledge
and an accurate plan, any person not excluding me can be capable of making the right and
needed changes they need to live a blissful and active healthy lifestyle.

There will be physical exercise and four nutritional goals that will be the center of my attention
and these goals are going to be: I will be consuming extra fruits and plenty of vegetables, eating
a great deal of grains and exercising at least three to four days a week. At this time I am lacking
in nutrients that is so very essential in vegetable and in fruits. In one of my lesson using the Food
Guide Pyramid recommends that I eat at least 2.5 cups of vegetables and 1.2 cup of fruit in a
day’s time. Currently I eat less than 1 cup of fruit a week and 3.0 cups of vegetables each day I
love vegetables. This is a huge deficiency in my diet furthermore it will make it hard for me to
lose weight difficult. In addition I am also lacking in grains. If I was to eat more grains it would
give my body the fiber it needs, I only consume roughly guessing 5.0 oz of grains out of the total
recommended ounces which is 6 ounces. In addition physical activity is a very important part of
a nutritional and exercise plan. I am planning on implementing the exercising part of the program
by choosing three or four days out the week to exercise in the evening. Exercising is definitely a
continuing growth, keeping all this in mind it is best to start off with an encouraging attitude,
decide what the best time is for you this way you can be devoted to working out at least 60
minutes per day.

Weight Control Information Network. (2004). Weight and Waist Measurement: Tools for Adults.
Retrieved, October 09, 2010 from

United States Department of Agirclutrue (n.d.). MyPyramid.

    Retrieved October 09, 2010 from , USDA Web site:

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