Potato Salad.

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Chef SOS

Episode 3
Others (type of dish)
Bahan-bahan | Ingredients

In Malay
I kg kentang
1 tangkai dil
1 tangka daun sop
2 bawang besar, dihiris
120ml mayonis
3 sudu besar ‘sour cream’
200g sosej
2 tangkai seleri
250g daging ‘turkey bacon’
1 cawan tomato ceri
1 timun ‘continental’
Sedikit garam
1 sudu besar lada hitam

In English
I kg of potatoes
1 stalk of dil
1 stalk of spring onions
2 onions (slice)
120ml of mayonaise
3 tbsp of sour cream
200g of whole sausage
2 stalks of celery
250g of turkey bacon
1 cup of cherry tomatoes
1 continental cucumber
A pinch of salt
1 tbsp of crushed black pepper
Cara-cara | Method

In Malay
Buang kulit kentang. Potong dadu.
Hiris bawang, seleri, timun, tomato, dan daun sup.
Panggang sosej, daging tukey bacon hingga garing. Kelar sedikit
Gaul kentang dengan bahan hirisan, masukkan sedikit mayonis dan ‘sour cream’Mix potatoes
and the sliced ingredients with mayo and sour cream.
Masukkan pula sosej dan daging turkey bacon
Gaul dengan rata. Hias dengan daun sup.
In English
Remove skin of potatoes. And dice them.
Slice onions, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onions
Grill the sausage, turkey bacon till crispy and slice roughly
Mix potatoes and the sliced ingredients with mayo and sour cream
Add in the sausages and turkey bacon
Toss it well
Garnish it with spring onions, cherry tomatoes and cucumber

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