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Thi eS ee r ine MCQUAY’S ECO SYSTEM TRAINING 17 — 19 December 2007 2007 McQuay's ECO System Training Singapore [bate Time Training Content Duration Trainer 09:30-10:30_| Chiller Primary Secondary System Training | _ 60 Min 10:30-10:40 [Break 0 Min 10:40-12:00 _| Chiller Primary Secondary System Tr ing 80 Min. Lunch 60 iin eae Chiller Primary Secondary System Training | _60Min | David Platt Break 0 Min Controt Basie 50 tin 16:00-16:10_|Break 0 Min 16:10-17:00_| Control Basic 50 Min (09:30-10:00 | MeQuay’s ECO System 30 Min [Break 10 Min CSM ECO Introduction 50 Min Break 0 Min The Second CSM ECO Comissioning tool 50 Min Rene Aamodt Day | ¥2:00-18:00_[Lunch 60 Min 13:00-14:20_| CSM ECO Controls & cockpits 90 Min 14:30-14:40_[Break 10 Min 14:40-16:30_| CSM ECO Operator interfaces 710 Min 6:90-7:00 [Discussion 30 Min 08:50-10:50 | CSM ECO Sales tool 60 Min The Third [_10:30-10:40 [Break 40Min | rene Aamodt Day | 10:40-11:40_| CSM ECO Sales process 0 Min 1:40-12:00 [Discussion 20 Min (EE iene eee Chiller Primary Systems September 2007 Agenda + Introduction + Pumps and Valves ller Design * Cooling Towers Chiller Design + Condenser Water Temp Design + Primary System Design + Chilled Water Temp Design + Piping System Design Why Use Chilled Water Plants? Chilled Water Is A Convenient way To Move Energy Around ABuilding + A50mm Pipe Moves As Much Energy As A 1,000mm Duct AChilled Water Coit With Valve Can Offer Excellent Control + Dehumidification + Comfort Chiller Plants Can Be Very Efficient Locate Equipment Away From Occupants * Service + Noise + Safety ieee ocean = ieee Single Chiller Design + General + Most Basic Chiller Design + Chiller Load Equals Building Load Only Case Where NPLV Reflects Plant Performance No Redundancy Ancillary Devices Operate At Plant Design Capacity All The Time + Annual Pump Work Is 6% of Annual Chiller Work Heu- elo. Ofek lca | Q Lamp loud over gated Sp elee Gof 8 De fa} “feet ie id Cmte a See eeeene Parallel Chiller Design tillers See Same Percent Load Regardless Of Chiller ing iemeecence Parallel Chiller Design Chiller Staging + Challenge To Operate Below 50% Plant Capacity + If One Chiller Is Shut Down In Supply ised Water Temperature May Not Provide fication Or Cooling ller Setpoint Can Be Lowered + Isolating A Chiller Will Reduce Flow + Starve Terminal Devices ee Ronee ee Primary Only Design Primary Only Chillers Pros & Cons Pros Part load control becomes easier Chillers can be staged without affecting system load side Easy To Design * Cons Water flowing across the By Pass is wasted pump energy Pumps are constant Flow and are sized to meet total system Head oie eceancne Manifolded Primary Pump Arrangement iene ences + The More Chillers, The Smaller Primary Only Chillers Manifolded Pumps Chillers must be fitted with on/off isolation valves on condenser and evaporator ‘Timing of pump starts and valves opening becomes critical during chiller staging as flow across running chillers wi change. Must limit flow changes. It is important that all chillers are balanced on the water flow side at the same time with all pumps running to set flows as per design. If any pump is used as dedicated standby, must use pump exercising program Any Flow Through The Bypass Is Wasted Pump Work Provides No Cooling Effect Primary erodes the Delta "T" on the Chiller rosa sie ow the overall % of Flow Reset Chilled water supply temperature higher reduces flow across bypass and benefits the chiller McQuay aE CE pe ET) Goran eee Flow And Capacity Calculations + Solving For Load (Kw) + Q=WxCpxAT - Where + Q= Quantity Of Heat Exchanged (Kw) + W-= Flow Rate Of Fiuid (Vs) + Cp = Specific Heat Of Fluid + AT = Temperature Change Of Fluid ('C) + For Example Water + Q (Kw) =Lis x (C,,- Cay) x 4.187 ee | Training and De Flow And Capacity Calculations + Solving for AT (‘C) + AT=Q/(WXC,) + Where + AT = Temperature Change Of Fluid ("C) + Q= Quantity Of Heat Exchanged (Kw) + W Flow Rate Of Fluid (Lis) + C, = Specific Heat Of Fluid (Water = 4.187 KJikg'C“) McQuay ian eae Flow And Capacity Calculations * Solving for Flow (L/s) + W=Q/(G, x AT) + Where + W = Flow Rate Of Fluid (L/s) + Q= Quantity Of Heat Exchanged (Kw) + Cp = Specific Heat Of Fluid (Water 4.187 KJ/kg’C“) + AT = Temperature Change Of Fluid (‘C) | ionic Flow And Capacity Calculations * Solving for Condenser Flow (L/s) + W= (Q,+Q)/ (Cp XAT) + Where + W= Flow Rate Of Fluid (Lis) , = Quantity Of Heat Exchanged (Evaporator) (kw) Q, = Drive motor input power (Kw) Cp = Specific Heat Of Fluid (Water 4.187 Kikg'C) AT = Temperature Change Of Fluid (‘C) lems SU erred oe Gomeee eae a ° Water Loop Design auc ences ieee eee g Basics - Open Loop me Elevation Diferonce ioe ence Expansion Tank Location Sa, ‘Daarge reste = [eros Tont Posse] Pimptiead Discharge Pressure = exparson Tonk Prescure sesso | = tn Segees Shi 6 stirts/|ae Corb fled — Fite Jhon. Hone ence ns System Minimum Water Volume for Process Cooling Vos — * 14.17 + Vw = Required Water Volume + Ts =Time between starts in minutes (depends on application) + Hi = Minimum Operating Capacity of Chiller (Kwat * H2= Minimum Applie + TD = Deadband of chiller controller (°C) McQuay" | Gn eee Water Volume Equation + 700 Kwatt System (A/G Serew) + Process Chiller Flow rate = 30.26 LiSec + Water Volume (pipes, chiler and coils) = 400 Litres Deadband, Chillor start set Chiller stop set point) = 2° : imum unloaded capacty of Chiller) = 88 Kwatt + H2 (Minimum process load) = 35 Kwatt + Ts (Minimum Time Between Starts to give 6 starts per hour Max) = 10 minutes ( KES) = 1,493 Litres | RT emer eaenaen Pumps + Centrifugal Pumps Typically Used + Pump Sized To Meet System Pressure Drop and Flow Rate + Pressure Drop Calculated From | System piping fiction oss Plus the Pressure drop of the Largest PD on AHU coi + Flow Rate Calculated From Design Loads System curv nr Capacity U.S. Gattone por minute Figure 4.17. System Curve and Pump Head-Capacity Carve | foie econ Pumps Calculating Pump Energy Pump Kw = Flow x Pump Hd x Fluid S, 1,000 x Pump Eff x Motor Eff Flow in Lis Pump Hd as for System Hd Specific Gravity of water = 1.0 Pump Eff Average = 0.75 Motor Eff Average = 0.85 McQuay’ A See aE 16 Tone Paces Pump: rey impair dia eA se — copay usar, | Gennence Nees Pumps Choosing Pump Performance Condenser pumps normally operate at constant flow constant head, Pump selection is therefore At the Best Efficiency Point (BEP) or slightly to The left of BEP. Chilled water system pumps, especially secondary Pumps will ride the system flow curve if pumps are Constant speed select as for condenser pumps, If pumps are VFD, select slightly to the right of the BEP for best Performance. Efficiency Required west) re | C Flow (Usgpm) McQuay Game EE __ emery Serena CTE McQuay’ EE __seeee eee cen Pumps Selecting the correct Pump Selecting too far away from the BEP may lead to cavitation and excessive bearing wear Over sizing pumps leads to higher flow rates and consequently higher friction losses and poor efficiency. Installed pumps can have impellers changed or impellers skimmed. ‘Smaller impeller diameter will reduce, Flow, Head, and Energy. In general; 2% impeller reduction = 2% flow reduction, 4% head reduction, 8% energy reduction. MsQuay EEE ee feces Pumps Dealing with Net Positive Suction Pressure (NPSH) Manufacturers NPSHR is the point where pump head capability will reduce by 3% due to pump cavitation, NPSHA is the actual system NPSH Minimum system NPSHA should be NPSHR + 25% For Chilled water pumps NPSHA is normally not an issue, for Condenser pumps NPSHA needs careful consideration particularly if Cooling Towers are located at low level. McQuay ee ee _ _ Tones eee Valves 4, Three Way Valve 2, Two Way Valve 3. Control Valve foenaeune Piping Diversity - 3 Way Valves amie aceon Diversity Example-3 Way Valves Building With 280 Kw Peak Load Connected Load Adds Up To 350 Kw Building has a diversity of 80% Using Delta’T" Of §.5°C At Each Control Valve + Total System Flow Rate Is; Flow = 350 /( 4.187 x 5.5) = 15.2 Lis Delta “T* @ 280 Kw= 280 /( 4.187 x 15.2 + Chiller would be selected for 280 Kw and with a flow of 15.2 Lis + Care Must Be Taken To Select The Chiller At The Proper Dell Diversity !s Applied To Chiller Delta-"1™ Be rT" foe AES peel 20 _ ST] iene eae Two Way Valves ferences Piping Diversity - 2 Way Valves Rope beens Diversity Example-2 Way Valves + Using The Previous Example, + Connected Load Is Stil 350 Kw + Peak Load Is 280 Kw + Design Flow = 280 1(4.187 x 5.5) = 12.2 Us. + Requires 15.2 Lis IfAll The Two-Way Control Valves fully Open At Same Time + 80% Diversity Assumes Only 80% Of The Valves Will Be Open At Peak Load McQuay’ iene Chiller Diversity + Advantage Of Two-Way Control Valves Is Pump And Piping Are Sized For Smaller Flow Rates Offering First Cost And Operational Savings * Difficulty Is Chiller And Control System Must Be Designed For Variable Flow. + The Chiller Has Minimum Flow Rate So Piping Design Has To Allow For Enough Flow During All Operating Conditions, therefore load Bypass required + Using Two-way Valves At Loads Is Main control method For Variable Flow System McQuay Control Valves Usually Two Way Or Three Way Three Characteristic Types * Quick Opening + Linear + Equal Percentage ‘Two Way Typically selected Equal Percentage Three Way Typically selected Equal Percentage For Terminal Device Port And Linear For Bypass Port Typical Range ability Is 15:1 to 50: (ratio of the Largest ‘Smallest Flow Coefficient, a valve rated at 50:1 would still give good contr when flow is 50 tines the valve minimum flow) HcGuay Le CEeer Control Valve C, + Q=(K,/96)(4 PY + Qs design Flow Rate Ls + K,=Valve Flow coefficient (Lis at 1 KPa Drop) + A P= Design Pressure Drop, kPa + Kvis Property Of Valve - Does not Change between vendors + However, Different Vendors - Different K, + Valve Size Not Necessarily Pipe Si + Often One Or Two Pipe Sizes Smaller! (oversize valve will give poor control and inerease system installation costs) 23 Tne ene Control Valves And Coil + Coils Do Not Have Goll Performance Cinear Performance + 90% Cooling At 50% Flow + 80% Cooling At 10% Flow + Valve Must Be equal % valve Performance + 50% Flow At 10% ravel + 10% Flow At 50% Travel Valve Performance Based On Constant Pressure Drop Mncenee Control Valve - Valve Authority ithority= Pressure Drop Valve» "BD toop +P Vave” “100 + Want Valve Authority In 25%-50% Range : Equal Percentage Curve Shape + Pressure Drop Across Valve Does Not Stay Constant + Pressure Drop Shifts To Valve As it Closes. + E.G. : From Valve Point: -48kPa (Valve) x 100% — 35% (Good Selection) 20kPa(Loop}+ 48kPa (Valve) From Loop Point: 138kPa(Loop#valve) / 48kPa(Valve) “100%= 286% + Valve ‘That's A 286% Change In Valve Pressure As Valve Closes! + The Larger the Authority The Smaller The change In Valve Characteristic, Flow control becomes unstable. | MmEeeeee nee Cooling Tower Basics Classification Forced Draft Counter Flow Open Cooling Towers Forced Draft Cross Flow Closed Circuit Induced Draft Counter Flow Cooling Tower Induced Draft Cross Flow Cooling Tower Basic Induced Draft Tower Forced Draft Tower ‘Suck Air From CT Blow Air into CT el GrEccemacs Cooling Tower Basics Induced Draft Counter flow Tower Induced Draft Cross Flow Tower 26 enn Eee ane Cooling Tower Basics Induced Draft Cross Flow Tower Water is sprayed on to the Fu lls to the tower Homirneen eee Cooling Tower Basics Forced Draft Counter flow Tower sprayed on to the falls othe tower Gon WD ven Warm Process Water In WP Cold Process Water Out Closed Circuit Cooling Tower Flow arrangement. Induced Draft Cross flow ERReneco Cooling Tower Basics Closed Circuit Tower Cooling Tower Basics 28 Gaiman en sence Cooling Tower Basics + Induced Draft More Efficient + Cooling Tower industry (CT!) Rates Towers At ARI Condenser Water + 25% Wetbul + 29.4°C Leaving Fluid + 35 Entering Fluid + Walter Flow across tower Equates To 0.054 (Lis) / Kw {for standard cooling tower range of 5.5¢C) + A 1000 Ton Tower Can Consume 6840 Liters Per Hour of Make up ‘Water Due To Evaporation, Bleed off and drift loss. + Tower operating without fan would give approx 20% of its design output Cooling Tower Basics Cooling Tower Terminology + Range = Difference between hot and cold water temperature + Design Approach = difference between Wet Bulb temperature of Air entering tower and cold water leaving tower. + Typical range = 5.5°C + Typical Design approach = 4°C ‘closer to entering wet bulb, at an approach of 2°C Fan energy begin to be wasted as the Tower can only cool to the wet bulb Temperature. On ee 29 uence Cooling Tower Basics + Induced Draft More Efficient + To cope with a heat rejection of a 500tr (1,758 Kwatt) Chiller * Induced draft cross flow tower would require 34 Kwatt of Fan Energy + Forced draft tower would require 45 Kwatt of Fan Energy “Tl to better water to air contact on the extended fill area is due in part to Axial fan Vs Centrifugal fans but also McQuenye Toe ences Cooling Tower Process eiee en eesmn Cooling Tower Process SticetitS e499 ——rags a 1g ys a a [- ceeniee fae 2c Leaves @ ~ 2 a e 1 A tere 29506 DB eat we ‘Lens le owpy S24 tte Ate Sense heats paaeasa= si fointee eran Winter Operation * Freezing Conditions Require Special Care + Sump Heaters Required * The High RH of Ambient Winter Air Results In A Plume + Frosting Of Nearby Surfaces + Low Plume Towers Available + Freezing Of Condenser Water In Tower + Blockage + Avoid 3 way Valves Around Tower if you can McQuay GE EE __ erry 31 ees Gone Encenee Cooling Tower Control Tower Performan design approach single speed Fan ‘Typical Cooling Tower Performance ‘Single Cell Tower - Single Speed Fan =5 £ pec E t = T 2 T eee a I [560 Rame | bem ASSES eee iota een Geena Cooling Tower Control Tower Performance at design approach Two speed Fan Excellent opportunity to optimize Energy ‘Typical Cooling Tower Performance ‘Single Cell Tower - Two Speed Fan T ca] Ce a a ¥ Sr] Bee eee pe 8 a ee ee er) (65,0 Ranse) Wor Bub Temp (©) (Ful Speed -B- Hat Speed i ES _ eee 32 _ omen eee neta Cooling Tower Control Tower Performance at design approach Two speed Fan , ‘opportunity to optimize Energy ‘Typical Cooling Tower Performance Two Cell Tower - Tow Speed Fan i y k AR tl 4 Cooling Tower Control Fan power is reduced by the cube of the Fan speed Fan Characteristics Capacity & Horsepower Relative to Speed [et 40 poe Percent) aoe Lr | | bat bo} © 1 20 30 49 50 60 70 80 99 100 Percent of design fan speod (Ye) fpeeecene Cooling Tower Control VED Provides even more energy saving opportunities t Spoor | omeeenceueis Cooling Tower Basics + Using Tower fans with VFD drive + Airflow and tower capacity will fall linearly with speed + Fan power is reduced by the cube of the fan speed energy. (motor inefficiencies will increase at low speed) + VED efficiencies will not improve below 25% and if tower fan is gear driven, recommended minimum speed is 30% mee SCQUSY eel 34 shate Cell Tower - Single Speed Fan ° $ ue o = Ro La) pas $ Region for aR FE tnering = compressor o epee 0 poreopower $ : cow eS hme we tBu Tana) (a a0 Rae le ESEEY peered [aeemeeeeeneeneme ISS Hone Pee Cooling Tower Control ‘Typical condenser water operating range and Potential Compressor energy reductions Potential Compressor HP Reductions Constant Load - Reducing Condenser Water Temp 100 2h = g 2 ro £8 The s"nineFonm cane —| s eer es a a B 2% a 29 Colavier Temp [= Compressor wrceponar] McQuay’ SES ees 35 Cooling Tower Control ‘Shanghai Area Typical Condenser water tracking CONSTANT APPROACH RELATIONSHIP Polieneboeeanaes Cond Water Temp Design Cooling Tower & Chiller Supply Condenser Water Condenser Relief Chiller Type WIC Recip. Performance improvement Percent kW input reduction Per 1.0°C condenser Water rellot 221026 WIC Scrolh 2.6 103.0) WIC Screw. WIC Centrifugal WIC Centrifugal VFD 3.2 103.6 4.8 105.2 faeces ‘Temperature ee On This Curve 37 + Wetbulb Approach Control iene eae Aquastat Control Supply Condenser Water Temperature Other Control Schemes + Set Supply Condenser Water Temperature At Ambient Wet bulb Plus Design Approach Minus 196 + Condenser Supply Water temperature Will Track On Wet-bulb temperature Ios an outdoor tomporature and RH sensor to calculato Wet Bulb un at full speed until set point is reached, then constant speed fans gin staging down. VFO fans will begin slowing down + Note: VED fan control should be epeod control otween 30% and highest combined speed for stage up to occur a stage up should result the running fans reducing speed to >20%, stage fans off at 30% plus stop delay time, + Saves Fan energy and creates almost optimum balance between Fan energy and compressor energy (peeeennennemmee SEES] fomeneen sees Other Control Schemes Tower Optimization Control (Optimum control for VED) + Requires energy meters on chillers and fan motors Operate all cells and controls fans at equal speeds Measure and sum up the energy of all running chillers and fan’ motors every 15 minutes + Lower the wet bulb approach by 0.25°C and check result after 15 minutes IF total power reduces, lower set point again and check + If otal power increases, increase the set point by 0.25°C. ‘This will constantly identify the point of least power useage bose AEC UEY perrererererl Caen OT) ieee en eects) Cooling Tower Control Power (kW) 1 Tower 4 | 0200 040006000800 1.000 Relative Tower Air Flow McQuay ee eee) 39 Control Scheme Comparison 1,000tr Tower Shanghai ‘Scheme | Tower Chiller | Total Change Kwitrive | Kwitirive | KwiHiri¥r | from base Fixed Set Point (18°C) Ono 87,526 seosea | es7410 | 100.00% Two Speed | 64,541 ‘seosea | 054425 | 00.54% Iv FD 22918 ‘60,064 | 052,708 | 99.0% Fixed [Approach Ono 61,785 500,400 | anz22 | 97.60% Two Speed 50,801 20.469 | 634,270 | 96.02% VED. 13,154 20,069 | 623,623 | 90.86% Optimized Ono 57,613 seatas | cat.7se | 97.62% Two Speed | _20,203 oor.se3 | 624,86 | 98.55% VED 18,372 04,509 | 613,181 93.27% bummer — EASQUEY peer Tene Water Temperatures and Ranges Standard Cooling Tower Range + Increasing Range will Inc Lift + Std range 5.6°C + TEsystem design demands, try increasing range by 1°C ata time and run FA software to simulate. + Ona large system max range is approx 8°C + This is because to counteract the ine range the condenser needs to inc heat Exch surface or use 3 pass condenser which means more tubes and higher efficiency. ee 40 iommor encore Design Condition Effect on Chiller ‘Cond water | Capacity | COP] Pacete ‘Femo-c | (ci) Base. 3035 | 2.000 0 08 wae | 300 0 ro war] 300 so ae wae | 200 oo 128 wae | 200 eo 178 ‘Same price chiller selected to meet 30-39 303s | 2000 7a te condition re-rated at 30-35 condition PERE Scale Build up Effect on Chiller Condenser Approach (Sat Disch Fouling Seal % Power ‘Temp - Lyg water Temp) ts 2 Factor | Thickness | increase Inches (oom) 0.0004 0.001 14% (0.0254) (0.0005; 0.008 55% (0.4524) 0.004 0.012 11.0% (0.305) 0.005 0.024 22.0% (0.1) 0.003 0.036 33.0% (0.91) lers operate in this ares between tube ivieae pee 40% cleans (1.22) ieee Condenser Water Range Summary + Increasing Condenser Water Temperature Range Reduces Pump and Piping Size by up to 200mm. Also reduces Pump Work + Hurts Chiller Performance By Increasing Lift + 3,0 Incroase In Lift= 8% to10% Inorease in Compressor Power + Improves Tower Performance and Reduces Tower Size + But Towars Are Not Expensive + Generally Only Makes Sense For Large Condenser Pumps And Long Piping Runs (in excess of 100 metres) foe SUEY eee ome eee Chilled Water Temp Design 2 [meerpearnmeme sani RSS TRY Ponies Chilled Water Temperature Chilled Water Supply Temperature Tied To Supply Air iS enuocnsens econ Temperature See reece _|s + 7° GWater Will Produce cities de 12° C Air With A Reasonable c a z Coil 2 ae + Lowering The Supply Water a Temperature Will + Reduce Coll Size And Reduce ** ‘Apparatus Dew Point, coll Performance + Improve chillarefficloncy + Reduce coil performance inet Chilled Water Temp Reset + Increasing supply water temperature with chilled water reset can save chiller energy but reset needs to be done carefully to ensure coll performance is not unduly affected. Ona primary only system with chilled water reset the pump work is not badly affected as pumps are constant volume. Increase in temperature ‘would result in more flow to load and less flow across the bypass. + Less flow across the bypass would result at the chiller and better chiller performan higher evaporation temp 43 _ | Moe eooesae Chilled Water Range + Increasing Chilled Water Range Wil Save Pump Work re + Lowering Supply water iS temperature wil not! + Bigger Ranges Improves Chil Performance + Increases LMTD + Bigger Ranges Hurt Coll Performance + Decreases LMTD fone cen cen Chilled Water Range May Need to Lower Supply Water Temperature To Offset Coil Penalty + Lowering Supply Water Temperature Will Improve Coil LTD + Hurt Chiller Lift Careful Balance Required + Use Annual Energy Analysis To Determine Best Balance 44 EL iene ace Suggested Temperature Ranges + Annual Energy Analysis Best Method + Below Is Rule Of Thumb + Balance Chiller vs. Coil Performance Chilled Water ‘Suggested Supply Temperature Ranges | Water Temperature (eC) Cc) 3 7 +/a}o]~I Trends + ARI Operating Conditions Work Very Well For Most Buildings + Unnecessary Reduction Of Chilled Water Temperature Should Be Avoided + When Using Standard Products Such As UVs, Fancoils Etc Stay Close To 5° C Range McQuay SS Se __ mere 45 oeeacco Trends + Increasing Chilled Water Range Is A good Way To Reduce Pipe/Pump Capital Cost, Pump Operating Cost + Larger Ranges May Require Lower Supply Water Temperatures to Compensate AHU Coil Approach + Analysis Using Energy Analyzer is Helpful + If Lower Chilled Water Temperatures are Used Consider ver sizing the Cooling Towers To Maintain Lift (setect tower ith design approach of 3°C instead of 4°C) + Always Take Into Account Ambient Conditions + Dry Atmospheric Conditions Should Use Lower Design Condenser ‘Water Temperatures + 3.0 Temperature Drop = 8% to 10% Performance Improvement McQuay’ ES eT fone becca Range Vs. Supply Water Temperature + Standard ARI Conditions vearer }: + 12-70 Chilled Water 7 mre + 30-356 Condenser Water ao + 5 Range : 3 + 1C Approaches In Heat Exchangers + 30C Lift On Compressor 46 + Change To 7C Range + Maintain Supply Water + Hurts Chilled Water Coil + Maintain 70 Range + Lower Supply Water + 6% Increase In Compressor + Chilled Water Coil + Smaller Pumps, Pipes etc. ‘Temperature Performance + Deeper Coils Required + Increased Fan Static Pressure ‘Temperature To 4C Litt hiller Performance Sutfers; Performance Improves 47 oe Gono aeee Primary Flow to Load isually onioff (Flow / no Flow) with multiple be open / closed at the same time + AHU Valves are modulating, with vaive when AHU is off + As Chiller is constant flow a Bypass valve is supplied so that any quired by the terminal units is diverted back to the Chiller + The modulation of the bypass valve is controlled by measuring the pressure differential across the load between the supply and retum piping boom MSGUSY gael ene aston Primary Flow to Load ‘The location of the sensing point and the setting for the DPT is the satisfactory control and the energy efficient jon of the system. The DPT should be located where it can sense the system pressure differential at the last terminal unit in the system or across the termi ‘The sensing point can be at the end of the system or at least Two thirds of the way along the system away from the pl A sensing point in the plant room is not going to tell you what is, happening in the system as a whole as the pressure differential is affected by the valve action and the system will tend to hunt, ee | ene een Direct Return Piping ee ee ee ee ly ieee Reverse Return Piping we ae fr McGuay' Tone en eean Primary Flow to Load + Setting of the control must be done at the commissioning stage after system flows have been balanced. Design total Chiller flow should be divided by the total terminal unit flow to determine diversity factor. Al Chilled water pumps should be run with Chillers off Selected terminal units should be valved off to simulate the diversity calculated above and the DPT adjusted to maintain the required DPT across the last terminal unit in a band of 5 to 10 Kpa. Tele ence nee Varying Chiller Sizes + Different Sized Chillers May Be More Effective Than Even Sized Chillers + Depends On Load Profle Can Optimize Chiller By Operating 1 Large Chiller Rather Than 2 ‘Smaller Chillers + If pumps are manifolded pumps should be staged to match chiller flow requirements + Possible Energy Penalty From Pumps and tower fans. Chiller will unload but pump will be constant flow and tower fan will remain on. + Use Energy Analyzer to caloulate mmm AASOYSY epee 50 cnt Pumps 2250010 W170! Ou 1300 nine 01760 en SL Teneo ences 52 Cee Sanemeemmes se TES] Touecbnneene Series Chiller Design General Provides Redundancy Easily Designed And Operated WPD Must Be Added + Single Pass Arrangements Common + Lower Della Ts WPD Can Be Higher Than Parallel Systoms Service Bypass Line An Option Chiller Sizing + 60/40 Spit r Is Loaded From 0 To 100% "% Of Plant Capacity + Lag Chiller Starts + Lead Chiller Remains Loaded At 100% + Integrating Chiller Controllers + Both Chillers Load Balance + Improves Performance 1-2% fcQuay’ eee ee __ aeememmeeeree) 53 Series Chiller Design + VED Chiller Option + If Chillers Selected For Worst Duty + Lag Chiller Provides Too Much Lift + Add VED + Capture Savings When Both Chillers Required + Use VFD ar When Only One Chiller Required And Condenser Relief Available foes SGU pepe Yorke seels oll wet ng ~ Sof. ie ad eee ences Series Chiller Design ° Pros + Two Chillers Offers Some Redundancy * Easy To Design + Easy To Control * Cons + Water Pressure Drops Can Be An Issue * Piping For Chiller |solation Can Be An Issue 34 Tone e acne Series Counterflow Design * Pros + Balanced Lift On Chillers Improves Chiller Performance By 2% + Savings Enhanced As Design Delta T Increases + Cons + Condenser Pump Sized For Entire CI Operate All The Time + Increased Pump Work. Hone eac wanes Primary/Secondary Chillers 56 (a Geneeees See Why Variable Flow? + Piping And Pumps Based On Design Load Rather Than Connected Load + Lower First Cost + Lower Operating Cost 37 fone necro Primary/Secondary Design Pease Primary/Secondary Design General Allows Multiple Chillers Provides Stable Flow Through Chillers Provides Variable Flow Throughout Building (Diversity Is Applied To Flow) All Chillers Usually See The Same % Load + Can Preferentially Load Chillers + Decoupler Location 58 _ cL] iene eee Primary/Secondary Design + Pros Variable Flow Through Secondary Loop Stable Constant Flow through Chillers * Cons Complexity Low Delta T Syndrome ‘Stepped Primary Flow + (More Pump Work Than Variable Primary Flow) HeQueay fone ees Standard Primary Loop Layout 59 anne eo cee Alternative Primary Pump Arrangement 60 + Any Flow Through The Decoupler Is Wasted Purp Work + Provides No Cooling Effect + The More Chillers, The Smaller The Loss iene Primary vs. Secondary Flow r * 61 62 ae Gente eenene + Three 1406 Kwatt Chillers + Plant Operating At 60% + Std Arrangement Evenly Loads Chillers + 10% improvernent Plant Perform. vs Decoupler Location + Biased Arrangement Preferentially Loads One Chiller BTEC Foren aay 6 Gone n cena Large Plant Design + Over 14,000 Kwatt + Large Chilled Water Temperature Ranges (10° C) Desirable To Decrease Pipe And Pump Sizes + Lower Supply Water Temperature May Make Sense + Analysis Required * Series Counterflow In P/S Arrangement Best Method For Large Temperature Range, Low Supply Water Temperature fee AU pemeeeeneem| 64 Teenie neers Large Plant Design Recetas Sequence Of Operation * Chiller Staging + Flow Control + Measure Flow Or Temperature In Decoupler + Add Chillers To Maintain Flow From Supply To Return + Subtract Chillers When Bypass Flow Exceeds Chiller Flow Rate + Capacity Control + Measure Chiller Power Consumption + Add Chillers When Chiller Capacity Reached + 90% For 30 Minutes + Subtract Chi 1's When Remain Chillers Can Meet Load en | Toueoeoc ese Sequence Of Operation * Secondary Pump Control + Use Differential Pressure In Secondary Loop To Control Flow + Tends To Maintain Higher Than Necessary Pressure + Wastes Pump Energy + Use % Valve open For Critical Valves To Control Flow + System Pressure Maintained At Optimum Pressure + Least Amount Of Pump Work 66 Teer ane nea Low Delta T Syndrome eeveieadan At 50% Load Mrnee sete Peep en Low Delta T Syndrome Low Delta T Symptoms And Solutions 3 Way Valves + Don't Use Them Supply Air Setpoints Lowered Beyond Design + Valves Go Wide Open - No Contro! + Ensure Valves Are Tracking Valves Not Closed When Not Required + Ensure Valves Close When AHU Not In Use All System Components Not Designed For Same Delta T + Oops! McQuay taumenemene (SS9% geeeeemvmeseeeed 69 Tone bac Low Delta T Syndrome Low Delta T Symptoms And Solutions Cont'd Coils And Valves Not Properly Selected + Select Correctly Coils Piped “Backwards” + Coils Must Be Piped So Water Is Counterflow To Air Improper Tertiary Piping + Ensure Tertiary Setpoint is Above Chilled Water Setpoint Dirty Ce + Clean Coils Pes Low Delta T Syndrome * Low Delta T Symptoms And Solutions Cont'd + Airside Economizers And 100% MUA + AtPart Load, Reduced LMTD (Cooler Air) Reduces Coil Effectiveness And Return Water Temperature + Reduce Design Delta T (Not Necessarily A Good Thing) + Two Coils In Series Water Reset * Raising Chilled Water Temperature At Part Load Has Same Effect, ‘As Above + CWR Favors Systems With Smaller Pumping Costs + Systems With Larger Pumping Losses Will Pay More In Pumping Costs Than Gained In Chiller Savings ee ee | 70 Tennent Chiller System Variable Primary Flow Renee Variable Primary Flow (VPF) systems + Review Conventional P/S System + Review VPF System * Compare primary-secondary and VPF systems + Why now? + Discuss challenges of VPF systems * Chiller Staging + Plant configuration considerations + Review design, installation and operation Moonee AREY perp remeonsal n antec ae Primary/Secondary Design Chaes Waters) Tenens Primary/Secondary Design “Decoupled” one ston (Constant Primary-Variable Secondary Flow) System iorrame -e—| & cols, i 2a eed en n Geen enceen eee Primary vs. Secondary Flow + Any Flow Through The Decoupler Is Wasted Pump Work a + Provides No Cooling Effect Prinses ‘Sy 7 + The More Chillers, The 5 a Smaller The Loss 7 I secondary Fon Plant Load (ene) Bie eeaucnes Primary/Secondary Design + When a chiller and its pump is turned on, there is a constant volume of water flowing through the chiller. Therefore this system has constant primary flow per chiller. As load increases we rand pump together, as it decreases we turn off a chiller and pump. This results in vari secondary (or distrib variable speed drive + The bypass or decoupling line makes up the difference between primary and secondary water flow and also decouples t hydraulics. Note that there should be no valves or restrictions in the bypass line. Only Flow meter and Temperature Sensor B fmteceacen Variable Primary Flow Design - Dedicated Flow Meter_ rer femme enemies Variable Primary Flow Design General + VED system varies water flow througho} system (evaporator as well as cooling coi Variable-flow chiller pumps eliminate the need for a separate distribution pump; The bypass can be positioned either upstream or downstream of the cooling coi A control valve in the bypass ensures that the amount of flow that returns to the operating chiller(s) never falls below the minimum limit. 75 ine eae ean Variable Primary Flow Design + Can be fewer pumps + The pumps available pump water both through the chiller and the rest of the system + Minimum Flow Typically 50% Of Design + Bypass Must Be Of Largest Chiller ed to Maintain Minimum Flowrate MsQuey Ee el Gee cna Primary-secondary and VPF comparison + Primary-secondary + Variable Primary Flow + Secondary pumps . condary pumps + Chiller and primary pumps. Chiller and pump staging not staged ‘necessarily connected + Bypass line (ne valve) allows + Bypass line and valve for ‘constant evaporator water minimum flow control flow + Reduced installed cost + Reduced operating cost 16 to changing situations + First cost savings + Pump space + Pump wiring + Piping and connection a + Operating cost savings : a + Pumps i + Be wary of chilor claims usually chiller performance is degraded is bese ar Gree earn Challenges of VPF systems Maintain the chiller flow rate between the minimum and maximum limits of the evaporator. Manage transient flows without compromising stable operation, especially in multi-chiller plants. Pressure drops across chiller evaporators. McQuay 7 Annee Dee Variable Primary Flow Design - Minimum Flow rates + Design flow rate Determined By Tube Velocity + Maximum 3.3 MPS + At Typical Conditions, 2 MPS + Minimum Flow Typically 50% Of Design + Bypass Must Be Sized to Maintain Minimum Flowrate Of Largest Chiller McQuay ee eS Men e Variable Primary Flow Design - Minimum Flow rates Minimum flow rates - Bypass. * Flow measurement Must be accurate + Controls and By Pass valve must respond Quickly + Other means McQuay 8 _ CSS] Gone ee earn Variable Primary Flow Design - Mi lum Flow rates Eithor flow motor Variable ary Flow Design - Minimum Flow rates Flow sensors + Flow Meter + AP Sensor i \ eee 9 Teneo Variable Primary Flow Design - Minimum Flow rates Minimum flow and bypass control + Control valve pat + Actuator + Flow and position proportional «- ecurate and repeatable flow ap ceeng canes + Minimize control lag between the flow sensing dey + Proper bypass Ii + Accurate proof-of-flow device Eee Variable Primary Flow Design -Transition Flow Rate Changes 80 ieiireencese Variable Primary Flow Design -Transition Flow Rate Changes Variable Primary Flow System 5 | © g wo} pxome Se wm no= Gtr = » 6 i ead osm wom ao ‘System Flow rate McQuay EEE ee __ geese Tee eee Variable Primary Flow Design - Transition flow rate changes + As the cooling load increases, a second chiller will be required. the flow is split, resulting in an immediate 50% reduction in load for the first chiller. + Ifthe first chiller cannot respond quickly enough, then McQuay | 81 Ronee ee Variable Primary Flow Design - Transition Flow Rate Changes Flow rate and temperature difference + Tons = gpmx AT / 24 KW = 4.187 x is x AT + When flow rate drops by 60%, AT doubles, if return water is 12°C Chiller will attempt to achieve a leaving water temperature of 2°C + Unti the chiler controler unloads the of + Until the oh by turning the chiller off ee | (aerate Variable Primary Flow Design - Transition flow rate changes Number of Flow rate chillers operating reduction* 1 50% 33% 25% 20% 17% 82 ime Variable Primary Flow Design - Transition flow rate changes + Allowable chiller flow rate changes - McQuay’s Centrifugal Chiller: up to 30% per minute; = MeQuay's Screw Chiller: up to 20% per minute * Reliable remedy for this reduction in flow is to ~ Reduce the output (demand limit) of the first ct prior to opening the isolating valve for the second chiller, - Open the isolation valve slowly over a 2 to 3 minute period. 5 Tee Variable Primary Flow Design - Staging + Must Be Carefully Done Or System Will Not Work + More Difficult Than Primary/Secondary + Use Flow Meter To Measure Actual Flow To Bui + BAS Knows Mi Chiller + Add Chiller When Operating Chillers At Design Flowrate + Subtract Chiller When Difference Between Actual Flow And Design Flow Exceeds One Chiller And Remaining Chiller(s) Can Support Actual Flow ling ium And Maximum Flowrates For Each McQuay 83 Variable Primary Flow Design - Staging + System “Hiccups” Each Time Chiller Added or Subtracted + Especially With Two Chillers. + Time Taken For Pump To Stabilize Can Cause Flow To Exceed Min Or Max Flow For Chillers + Chiller Turns Off On Safety + Valves Must Open Slowly + Isolating Valve Selection Critical + Primary Pump Rate Of Change Critical + Recommend 10%4/Minute (Up To 30%/Minute) MeeLnee Variable Primary Flow Design - Staging Flow fluctuations Outside the chiller plant + Slow-acting valves at coils, + Stagger start/stop times 84 S ounce een Questions 85 imines Control Theory Basic December 2007 Agenda + Control Basic * Air-conditioning System + Control and Control Loop *Network Architecture + Sensorfinput + Communication Protocols + Controller and Control Silla “BACnet + Controlled Device puedes + DDC System LonWorks + Terminology + Introduction + Classification cry’ EE CSS poREEE Control And Control Loop What is Contro!? - Example contrter one baenene Control And Control Loop *DDC Control Loop imepoc —-2-Processing Data Gu poe Gone eens + Sensor: temp, RH, Sensor/Input Measuring Data pressure, flow rate, CO,, etc + Other Input: time-of-day, eee current demand, highviow Yi eo = —— + Sensors are an ca Extremely important part of the system Geir Controller and Control Response + Controller + Process data from applies the logi Cas — 4 .« 9— oe —< o> aie ‘Sensor inputs ‘Outputs unique to the specific control application, Meee ceancne Controller and Control Response + Control Response Type: + TwoPosition + Floating + Proportional (P only) + Proportional plus integral (P!) * Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) beeen SE ee Geen een Controller and Control Response + Two-Position Control~Home reife ¢ TwPesiton Cont Heating System : + | ~ “Tompene Changes Bane Teo Psion Covi Oe + Compares the value of an ce analog or variable input with instructions and gonorat digital (two-position) output imple control loops or irene emen ene Controller and Control Response + Floating Control + Produces two possible digital ‘outputs based on a change in a variable input + Floating cont function well significant thermodynamic lag inthe control oop + Fast airs! oops respond well o floating control ey ‘Training and Development® Controller and Control Response + Proportional Control sos Proportional Contr aie + reds an anal or able “rahe >| output change in proporton toa St 2 re varying input eal + The more quick the sensor 2a oomper “feels” the offect of the control response, the larger the “ppc perian Papuan! Contat Uhrotting range has to be to produce stable control. Gone eons Controller and Control Response + Proportional Control - Example Controller and Control Response + Proportional Control — Throttling Range Sve Ienene Perec Controller and Control Response + Proportional Control — Proportional Band Calculate Gain ‘Throting Range TF)* [3] sencrSesn+ [2 Proporionstterd= [03] Genie eee) Controller and Control Response + Proportional plus Integral Control + Awell setup Pl control foop will operate in a narrow band close to the setpoint + Pl control loops do not perform well when safpoinis are r cs dynamic, where sudden load } me the throttling "en Opa oC a Controller and Control Response + Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) Control Measures ‘vais Melanie Controller and Control Response + Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID) Control + PID control adds a predictive element to the cont jesponse + PID is a precision process control response and is not always required for HVAC applications Youre = Gainx(Xinpu +4 f Xwdt +Tax cen D eeeneencn Significance Of Control Controlled Device + Responds to the signal from the controller, or the control ‘changes the condition of the controlled medium or the state ‘end device + Controlled device in HVAC system: valve operators, damper operators, electric relays, fans, pumps, compressors and variable speed drives for fan and pump applications ‘Contoted Deve Eepeomcise DDC Introduction * Definition + DDC control consists of microprocessor-based controllers with the control logic performed by software + Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converters transform analog values into digital sign roprocessor can use. + Analog sensors can be resistance, voltage or current generators + Benefit of DDC + Improved Effectiveness + Improved Operational Efficiency + Increased Energy Efficiency McQuay EEE EE a ——____—_——eeeses fore nee DDC Date Classification + Date Type tal Data: IscreterBinary) ether 0 or 1 + Analogy Data: cumerc, decimal numbers 1umbers where the resulting sum is + Data Flow + Input Data: the data going nto 00C + Output Data: refer to the data cut of DDG + Data Source + Internal Point: represeat data that are created bythe losicof the softwar + External Point: refer to the data received from an extemal device or sent fo an extemal device McQuay i i A 10 + DO: Terminology Is used to describe data storage locations within a DDC system + DI: Digital Input tal Output + Al: Analog Input + AQ: Analog Output Teneo Air-conditioning System Overview * Basic Architecture ion ceeenee Control Example - AHU Tainiigand Development Network Architecture ‘Apogee Apogee GO. ‘Asogee Seca Prep saner QO eee eee Network Architecture — Larger System Apogee soogee ‘case Apogee Wesener a Sever Gient™ OreSaner RENO Saver _ heme Teen Gore etn Protocols ) + Classification: + Closed Protocol: a equipment manufac tary protocol used by a specific + Open Protocol: An open protocal system uses a protocol available to anyone, but not published by a standards organization Teme enemies Protocols + Open System + alloves components from different manufacturers to co-exist on the same network + These components would not need a gateway to communicate with one another and would not require a manufacturer specific workstation to visualize data + Note: The sole use of an open or standard protocol does not guarantee thet @ DDC system will be an open system fees EESSY eee foment e mene Protocols + BACnet + Standard protocol + Published by - ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers) + BACNET is a relatively complex standard + Popular in US + For more details pls visit femme SBE peeereeereo 14 iene eee Protocols + ModBus + An open protocol + Extensive user range + Good expansibilty + Easy to implement + High + Popular in Europe + For more details pls visit Industrial level lemme ASBYEY saepemnopmeoamsc Peace Protocols + Lon + An open protocol + Created by Echelon Corporation, for more details pls visit + Good open characteristic - fully Opened system + Aunique chip is required for any device that uses LON, it wll add cost + Protocol s calied LonTalk + Netivark technology is called LonWorks + Programming software is called LonMaker + Intemational organization is called LonMark, for more detail pls visit | McQuay’'s ECO Sy: McQuay’s ECO System... * ECOnomical y ECOlogical Energy COntrol a ~@ A ee | McQuay's ECO Philosophy... Technology is an enabler... & However, it is the application of technology that generates outstanding value... We apply technology with innovation to develop comprehensive solutions, delivered with logical processes... The result is a fair upfront cost and low operating cost, achieved through conserving energy and providing transparency to the operator... A as sstsicd ECGnovation Ciicousy) * Economical - Ecological - Eneigy contol < ee McQuay's ECO System... Easy to operate ‘Comes with strong process support: WEB Interface as standard + Sales tools ‘Supporting all HVAC applications + Engineering tools | fain a healthy ndoorclinate_ Commissioning toole ees Ineressingetine of equipment _Proeets supports importante Reducing downtime ° + We sell what is needed | Hat texte Qy tote ceiver what we sold Scalable RAV Simple to install Based on Siemens technology Cost competitive McQuay’s ECO System is scalable... ECOnovation a) MeQuay's ECO System is complied of Energy Controllers... 7S ‘MeQuay's Energy Controllers: + Standard ECO cont (CSM ECO dosigned ‘ASM ECO designed «for specific application scopes ‘System Managercent of up to Tour chillers. nding units + Fully or partially customized ECO Plus controllers for specific applications (C84 ECO Pus for Thermal Energy Storago.or huge ehilor pants. CSME recrorceis CSM ECO WEB based Operator interface... (CSM ECO — Advanced Operator interface... One screen for every chilar + Status + Dlgnostioe ) “eoning -Ropors ‘nd math uch wore. McQuay’s ECO System ~ Development steps... Currently: & QS + CSM ECO for up to 4 water-cooled chillers (Primary only) * Engineered solutions for all other appli Next steps: + CSM ECO for up to 8 air-cooled chillers + CSM ECO for up to 12 water-cooled chillers (Pimen/seconden) * ASM ECO for air-handling units + VRV ECO for integration of VRV Systems ork ae ECOnovation Gian > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < &% > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < CSM ECO Chiller System J CSM ECO... Energy Controller designed for up to 4 water cooled chillers (Primary systom ony) ‘CSM ECO - Maximum supported application (Manifolded pumps) UO CSM ECO - System topology... ion and control strategies... ECCnovationcxs= Supports any mix of water cooled chillers Mol Bas Coe QW er Provides + Dynamic graphics + Pump and tan stats + Alarm application + Scheduling CSM ECO ~ Advanced Operator interface... aoe yayu “Trending Reports [And much mush more. McQuay’s HVAC WEB Portal... CSM ECO ~ Benefits... Easy to sell Cost competitive High level of standardization Easy to install Single terminal stip Easy to commission Easy to operate Graphically by the click of a mouse High level of transparency Easy to understand Well documented Graphical and dynamic interfaces ‘Two panels reducing wiring costs Graphically by the click of a mouse Maintains desired comfort levels Prolongs lifetime of bby minimizing and equatizing running hours of pumps, fans and chillers via maintenance diagnostics prompting the operator prior to breakdown Reduces energy consumption Matching active cooling capacity to cooling demand Minimizing running hours of equipment Automatic fault management of pumps, fans and chillers Chilled water reset based on demand ‘Summary of the CSM ECO solution... ECOnovation as ECOnovation Clcauay) > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < 7 CSM. let esd ale) ieee idivia) “Piel aia ds habeas jer ea ale) So ten felalejal ie) wigs) feaes Sie) Se eiRE ia[eelslolol Dis) sighed sRistsiel) oer a oie ae CSM. = SCE Glee) islet lal) Sieieltlelss| ae al he Sled Ac leielel a CSMECO~The chiller application interface... ECOnovationcss=p =e ett tht ie) alas) seisiisis) je alieal Sie] a laisie RTM, Ue I i i J | io! e/e/e]F/e |e ele F/=/e] ee Efe lel lo! lolola!_lolo, e]eye(e)e)e)e) 8 (=| lo, fe lo! jee e|©(e Ele |e lelEle| eel lejele io} alo‘ololojoloio!_|oio! | lo f ‘l0\_Jololo! Jojo'o! |e! ) elele Na paicilela) oiuley lat) Sietlobed| 5 IRs ay fos) ale lo atl Gai) Tiel sats Seely jedra oe scene Ieloial Lie) lake) sieledole) eu] Sled fe belo Biel) |e) lary Uisiiisis) a ali al Sle) sic Tsiblel Se) alot selstlele)) en ed sie) Sicilia pn | al eae sie) seer ea 43 suelo) [lel ial oh 21 81 81 81 81 sigh -Isrfaloje)) 15 Pie) slaty Senieiy We ales Aled Seta is) sla SNislelel| era sie) lesa & % A El COnovation Clecuay) > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < CSM ECO ~ Staging & Sequencing... ECO novation a=) This control strategy has several tasks: Calculate if chiller is available or not available for operation. - Do recycling when none of the chillers are running and the plant is enabled the Next-Off chiller 1e with the current demand = Dotermine the Next-On ct Do stage-up and stage-dow = Do soft-leading upon cold start hee sagen Reston aoe T LJ wewor |} suns Pare ie Uptown we CSM ECO - Chiller Availabe. ‘Achille Not Available whan one of Tho unitcontroter reports thatthe The communication between the CSM ECO H20 and the chiller unit cont CSM ECO — First-On Last-Off chil You can designate speci chiller to always ECOnovation esas) CSM ECO - Recycling function... CSM ECO - Recycling function... ECOnovation ia csm ECO. ~ Soft-loading function... ECOnovationcass> CSM ECO ~ Stage-up inhibit function... CSM ECO — Stage-up function (First stage)... EConovatic {use eeray pia! stgeup of eile capacity by capi lampaatee> TOD ie greaertan din T eotole SP%e, HE hi CSM ECO ~ Stago-up function (Additional stage)... {CZnovation zp "i 6 0 0a elesng an adn Stage when l te allowing conden poy ‘Once ita been dete Note:The CSM ECO H20 becomes Not Available CSM ECO - Stage-down function... ECOnovation cma Tho purpoto ofthis function isto ealeulate energy opti Stage-down ofchiloreapacty matehing ‘capi to decreased Tha CSM ECOH20 decreases system capacity by one stage (one chiles) whsn the following at ‘System design AT set-point mores Spoee 1 ‘System setpoint CWR AT ,CVO02 Max. systet set $P003, wom] | son Bleia) Ziel) sais» plsbeisie)| seis 9 ee Oe ieee CSM ECO — Chilled water reset using external valve signal... Actual valve position, EVO01 Valve position set-point System set point CWR valve, CVO02 mel ‘Max system set-point ‘Min. system setpoint Bivicls) ie) sah seinbaielsy| Rilo) ole feel le (ois) in 3 le Grert CSM ECO ~ Cooling Tower VED Control... tegy has two tasks: ing effect, as a bigger heat-exchange surface is activated, - Lower condenser entering temperature results in higher chiller efficiency CSM ECO ~ Cooling Tower VFD Control... ECOnovation exes) Es CSM ECO - Cooling Tower VFD Control. ECOnovation cae The Stage-up switching points are defined using the following cal = Min VFD Speed ( = Min VED Speed * ike place when the VFD speed falls below the ‘and the has expired. unt down the Second the VED Speed VFSO! fats below CSM ECO — Fan staging ~ Two methods. fai VY ye | u i E E i“ it le re @ i i att ge in i Poyl i FES Pes ea 16 Re EE pivelel) ewe sw seenis@ | #7 O1 ME PL BL ilsisl| je aife 9 Slel sic ieini plalela) ihe) eigisy eviatletes| ifr a) Sed Sie lel i SSM, = 19 20 & > Economical - Ecological - Energy control a McQuay's ECO Advanced interface... ECOnovation cis S0eL9}U| Mega fo) ls Ae ee leo] I Fs) lee 1s eee SM. fale Giaisial ile) alah) stelveslo)\. iets Oa Sie) oleic la sab sieves CEES ail, Sldlcjeleloleiel |! | y i Bialeial isle) gala sieteedols|) eT Ble ales le lelblcl i oS igiela) {fol eign) obisislof Jet fea Ale lam a & Erk - > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < McQuay’s ECO WEB interface... VR oO 13 ‘s ECOnovaiion Cilcauay) > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < ee bs O DDO lm sre © 2 b= DAG De trom e invent die 2pm CEM. cost steer Petr ane a = I i [aaa SSE | rE =CO, iH E&Y novallon from Mcquay Economical - Ecological - Energy control U CSM ECO seaiony rox Daikin's & McQuay’s Strategy... Daikin and McQuay has decided to adjust their controls strategy from providing unit controls only, to step-wise become a solution provider of full building ‘management systems and turnkey solu! Astep wise approach: 4 Unit controls (Past and current) zystem solutions for HVAC applications (Current and future) ns (Future in 4 to 5 years) Why did we change the strategy? snd towards bundling of HVAC products and controls in mature USA... 2. We see a growing market for controls in emerging markets, such as China, calling for bundling of HVAC products and controls... 3, We want to benefit from the value add, differentiation and potential increased service revenue that controls can generate. Daikin's & McQuay’s Strategy... (=) (=) Our offering... Services Daikin’s & McQuay’s Strateg; ‘and McQuay have decided to use controls technology from Siemans APOGEE’ Kaz) fenSIEMENS ‘Siemens is our world-renowned technology partner! ‘The combination of technology from Siemens and Daikin's & McQuay’s application knowledge, makes our solutions outstanding! 1 knowledge is the main key to success! ‘The WIN Word processor from Microsoft enabled J. K. Rowling to write the Harry Potter books - Microsoft provided the technology! However, the main value was generated by J. K. Rowling's excellent talent McQuay’s ECO System... ° ECOnomical Sy, ore Rw ECOlogical Energy COntrol CSM ECO... Energy Controller designed for up to 4 water cooled chillers (imery system only) Control of: 19 and chiled water pumps ated or manioided piping Loft vaives, Cooling towar bypass Soca *Bypassonloadside CSM ECO - Benofits... High level of standardization Easy Single terminal strip ‘Two panels reducing wiring costs Easy to cor Graphically by the click of a mouse Easy to operate Graphios ission by the click of a mouse High level of transparency Easy to understand Well documented Graphical and dynamic interfaces, ECGnovation cia) 1 of equipment Prolongs: ing and equal rs of pumps, fans and ‘maintenance diagnostics prompting the operator prior to breakdown Reduces energy consumption Controls all HVAC components within the plant room Matching active cooling capacity to ‘cooling demand Minimizing running hours of equipment Maintains desired comfort levels ‘Automatic fault management of pumps, Chilled water reset based on demand sass r001, ‘Summary of the CSM ECO solution... MeQuay’s ECO Documentation concept... © made for aya 2|/3 Palas 3 i Brochures ellel_le elle Guided epee ° ele Functional description elie ellele ) Apr on manual ° elele Installation marvel e{_[e ellele Operator manual ° elele McQuay's ECO Roles... ‘ranch offee-> Desian i ‘ranch office -> Customer More dotalson the above wil fllow soon! EE McQuay's ECO Plus Roles... Process Prineple Process details Branch offcelControla SH Controls SH => Branch ofice Branch offco-> Customer Controls SH «> Braneh-> Customer “The main france to CSM ECO I hat he Controls Tosm in Shanghal makes design and proposal, "WE Bases tol ECOnoven McQuay's ECO - Competitors... ECOnovation crs) ‘Compare controls prices offered for tho same system! room contol + Compare the number of VO polis oer + Compare tho offered matelal scope (Valves, sensor, et.) + Aro the controle stratapiaccomprahansive + Wi the control offered mect th requirements of the speciation? Controts is not just controls ~ there are poter ly huge differences! Focus and sell on value ~ not only on price! More deta on the above MeQuay's ECO System — Example of price comparison... Project in Singapore (4 chi + Mequay price was RMB430'000 + The lowest compettor pice was RMB230'000 rs, variable primary flow): Comparing the two offers showed: McQuay offered 400 data points and all needed material to meet the specification ice per data point: RMB1'075) al competitor offered 200 data points and was missing essential material (Price per data point: RMB1'650) 6 Reason: MeQuay's offer was based on incorrect information, wheroby the local ‘competitors offer was based on the correct information (nevertheless the local ‘competitor was missing essential material, such as sensors) McQuay’s price based on correct information: RMB280'000! ‘McQuay's ECO System ~ Example of extreme value add of controls... Project in Singapore (4000 Tons): Cooling towers were controlled to maintain a fix condenser entering temperature at 383 degree c. * fast and so forth. (On decreased demand the reverse sequence was used... Changes to the strategy: Vy ‘The condenser entering set-point is based on wet-bulb temperature approach. ‘On increased cooling demand the coo! McQuay’s ECO System ~ Development steps... Currently: Ly, * CSM ECO for up to 4 water-cooled chillers mary only) + Engineered solutions for all other applications Next steps: + CSM ECO for up to 8 air-cooled cl + CSM ECO for up to 12 water-cooled chillers (Phmsryisecontary) + ASM ECO for air-handling units + VRV ECO for integration of VRV Systems llers ECOnovation camp ¥ Economical - Ecological - Energy control < erry fe > Economical - Ecological - Energy control < SEARS Application Manual CSM ECO H,0 Chiller System Manager Water-cooled Chillers McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions Ric@uay’ E 2060 ‘CSI EGO H20 Functional Desorption HVAC Total Contr Solutions CSM £00 1:0 Functional Deseripton CSM. CSM ECO H,O Index 1 CSMECOH,0 Introductior 4.1 CSMECOH,0 functionality. . 4.2 CSMECOH,0 hardware platform. 4.3 CSMECOH,0 Devices offered. 1.4 CSMECOH,0 Installation .. 2 CSMECOH,0 Functional 2.1 CSM ECO H,0 Overview of functions and control strategies 2.2 CSMECOH,0 Low ambient lockout (Optional) 23 CSM ECO H,0 Chiller Plant Enable (Mandatory)... 7 2.4 CSMECOH,0 Chilled water reset via 19 25 CSMECOH,O Chilled water reset via external valve signal (Optional) .21 BOB aR 2.6 CSM ECO H,0 Actual System Set-point (Mandatory)... 24 2.7 CSM ECOH20 Chiller Plant Staging & LeadiLag (Mandatory) 26 2.8 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water and condenser pumps (Mandatory) «33 29 CSM ECO H,0 Control of shut-off valves (Mandatory) «1. 35 2.40 CSM ECO H20 Flow control on load side (Optional). see 36 2.41 CSM ECO H.0 Wet bulb constant temp approach (Optional. 37 242 tower variable frequency drive VED (Optional) .39 2.13 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower fan staging (Optional). 244 tower fan control (Optional) 2.15 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower bypass valve control 2.16 CSM ECO Power return function, 217 CSM ECO H,0 Diagnostics... 2.18 CSM ECO External Alarm Contact (Optional) 2.19 CSM ECO H,0 Chi 2.20 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware points 2.21 CSM ECO H;0 Calculated values. 7 Sora 2.22 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware... ees : s7 2.23 CSM ECO HO AlAIMS......onninninennn 38 3 CSMECO H,0 Installation.. HVAC Tolal Control Solutions 3of60 McQuay CSM. (3M £00 Ho0 Functions 1 CSMECOH,O Introduction Welcome to McQuay’s ECO System ! wit DE] a, me mp ee oa ee Pd McQuay's ECO System is a Building Management System designed to provide Economical, Ecological, Energy Control to customers having facilities with HVAC applications such as; water or air cooled chillers, air-handling units,source water heat pumps, VRV, etc. McQuay's ECO System is compiled of energy controllers, each having a dedicated HVAC apalication scope. The energy controllers may operate standalone or can be integrated 1n advanced system solution. They are developed by McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions. McQuay HVAC Totel Control Solutions is committed in providing quality controls solutions with a fair upfront cost and a superior lifetime cost. We achieve that by providing: ‘© Integrated contro solutions saving costly energy, while maintaining desired comfort levels, © Logical tool supported processes, © Eesy operation and mai © Aword renowned, qual technological platform, ‘This document focuses on the CSM ECO H,0 energy controller for chiller plant rooms, with water cooled chillers CSM. CSRS ‘The CSM ECO family consists of © CSMECOH:0, Chiller System Manager for water cooied chilers from McQuay, Daikin or 3 partes. er System Manager for McQuay and Dalkin Air-cooled chillers ‘The CSM ECO H,0 offers @ suite of predefined, control strategies, functions and diagnostics designed to enable energy efficient operation, reduce down time and prolong the lifetime of your valuable equipment, while maintaining desired comfort levels. RicOQuay 40f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions = G 3M £00 1:0 Functional Desenptlen CSM. The target audience of this document is customers, design institutes, consultants, operators, sales- and application engineers that desire a comprehensive understanding of the CSM ECO H,0 funetionaity. FE e a HVAC Total Control Solutions soteo cSM., C5160 etna Desronen 1.1 CSM ECO H,0 functionality Standardization improves quality and reduces costs! Scope ‘The CSM ECO H,0 provides control of complete primary system constant flow chiller plant room systems with dedicated or manifolded piping/oumps. This includes chiller staging and sequencing of 2 o 4 water-cooled chillers to match chiller capacity to actual load demand. It includes integrated control of a bypass valve on the load side, On/Off or VED control of Up to 5 cooling towers, control of cooling tower bypass valve, chilled water- and condenser pumps and shut-off valves. CSM ECO H;0 is not only a chiller sequencing solution; it controls the entire plant room! Manifolded pump piping ficQuay eofeo HVAC Tota! Control Solutions ESM ECO #20 Functional Dose CSM. ‘Scalability ‘The specific application needed for a project is configurable, You might have two, three or four chillers. You might choose control of pumps or you might not. You select what you need and you pay for what you select. Chiller integration All water-cooled chillers with @ unit controller providing a Modbus® interface can be Integrated into CSM ECO H,0. For McQuay and Daikin water-cooled centrifugal and ‘effort, For third party chillers a simple configuration of the Modbus® interface might be needed, ‘Standardization ‘The functionality scope of the CSM ECO H,0 is highly standardized and fis the need of, ‘most common chiller pant room applications. Highly proven solutions and processes, results in a high level of quality, at very fair upfront cost. However, the CSM ECO H,0 is not designed to answer all requirements in the market place. For requirements that go beyond the CSM ECO H,0 functionality an engineered can be provided by McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions. Our engineered solutions are market under the brand name CSM ECO+. The <+> indicates the value-add in form of engineering. ame ae HVAC Total Control Solutions 7of60 McQuay’ CSM. stn ec0 Heo Functor Desenston WEB-Based Chiller Plant Operator interface World-wide Web access to your chiller plant! ‘The CSM ECO HzO comes with a WEB-based operator interface as a standard feature. ‘The WEB-Server is located in the main panel and is connected to the Internet through your Ethernet LAN. The WEB-server faciliiates WEB-Based operation using Explorer version 6.0 (or higher) ‘The WEB-Interface gives you access to: 10 dynamic graphics for graphicel monitoring and controt Point commander for, ¢.g. change of set-point. Alarm status and acknowledgement ‘Schedule overrides Point log report ‘Trend data reporting eeccee McQuay 80f 60 HVAC Total Contro! Solutions 5M £0 1:0 Funevonal Deseripon csM.. ‘The WEB-Based operator interface reduces the cost of hardware, as you don't need a dedicated PC to operate your chiller plant. It extends the geographical scope of your ‘operation, as you can operate your chiller plant from any location having an Internet access. ‘The WEB-interface is compatible with standard IT policies and secured from IT security threats by means of password-protected operator access. User accounts can be individually configured for customized user privileges. ‘The WEB-Server enables unlimited number of user accounts, with up to two concurrent ‘operator sessions. The operator PC must have Microsoft Java installed in order to view graphics. HVAC Total Controt Sotstions g0r60 E CSM. CM £00 1:0 Funcvenel Deserotion Advanced Chiller Plant Operator Interface Intuitive chiller plant control! For more advanced user interface functionality a dedicated workstation with McQuay's ‘Advanced Chiller Piant Operator Interface can be made available on a DELL® workstation, ‘The workstation supports seamless integration of all of McQuay's ECO System's Eneray controllers. 1ce to manage and control a ct iat gives the workstation the abil efficiently perform many tasks simultaneously. User Interface ‘The compelling user interface is designed to simplify the tasks an operator performs most. Setup of operator profiles ‘The system manager can assign different capat application. For exe Need the abilly to edit graphics. Each appli ‘Command privilege, The system manager has the ablity to “customfit" pri various levels of operator expertise or need MieQuay 10 0f60 HVAC Total Contr! Solutions (68M £60 #20 Funct CSM. Point commander Set-points and other system points can be commanded by the click of a mouse button. Scheduling Easy to use and understand, allowing users to create schedules that reflect the specific. building activities years in advance. Alarm Management Allows operators to troubleshoot an alarm quickly. Alarm Management features includes: © Alarm Summary @ Audible alarms with selectable wav fle support © Enhanced Alarm Routing © Alarm Acknowledgment © Alarm History © Point Memo ‘Trending capabilities That allows an operator to easily monitor and store a record of point values over an extended period of time. Trending is especially useful in monitoring critical points or other points of interest such as chilled water supply temperature, ambient temperature or relative humidity. Trend reports Easy to setup. Users do not need to understand the intricacies of the building system to ‘report on trended information. And an easy-to-use Trending Wizard guides the operator through the simple configuration of trending strategies. Back-up utility ‘Supports back-up and restoring of databases and scheduling of recurring backups. Even more advanced options, which are not part of the Advanced Chiller Operator standard package, can be purchased separately: © Dynamic Plotter: Dynamically plot the values up o 18 points simultaneously to roubleshoot and tune the system, ‘© Report Scheduling: Reports can be scheduled on a regular basis or even years in advance ‘and run as often as required. © System activity og: Capture and report on operator activity to identify system utilization or training needs, Integration into 3” party Building Management Systems CSM ECO H.0 can be integrated into third party Building Management Systems via BACnet® protocol, taking advantage of the BMS's operator interface. HVAC Total Conto! Solutions ‘tote McQuay 1.2 GSM ECO HO hardware platform Be near to the equipment - reduce costs! ‘The CSM ECO H,O consists of two electrical enclosures; the main control panel to be placed in the chiller plant room close to the chillers and a control pane! for the cooling towers to be placed close to electrical equipment dedicated for the operation of the cooling Main Panel Cooling Tower Panel The main panel includes the microprocessor-based Energy Controller, needed VO expansion modules, transformer, switches, terminal block for connections of field wired inputs and outputs, communication to the cooling tower panel, Ethernet communication, Modbus® communication for chiller integration and an optional Building Management ‘System communication interface. The cooling tower panel includes remote I/O block block for connections of field wired inputs and outputs. insformer, switches and a terminal ‘With the concept of providing two separate control panels, the costs of electrical cabling can be reduced as the cooling tower control panel can be placed close to the cooling tower switchgear reducing the length of expensive cabling. The only connection between the main control panel and the cooling tower control panel is a standard communication cable, ‘Small things matters! The bypass vaive for the cooling tower can either be connected to the main panel or to the cooling tower panel, depended on which panel is closest to the bypass valve actuator, saving installation costs, ‘The CSM ECO H,0 control panels are in compliance with: European EMC Directive (CE), China Certified Compliance (CCC), FCC Compliance, Australian EMC framework, European Low Voltage Directive (LVD}. Agency listings: McQuay 120160 HVAC Total Control Solutions Se Gael CSM. UL864 UUKL, UDTZ, QVAX, ULC-C100 UKKL7, UL 916 PAZX Hardware interface Hardwired input from sensors/switches/current transducers and hardwired output to end devices as required for chiller system management are connected to input/output terminals in the CSM ECO H,0 control panels, as shown in the electrical schematics later in this document, ‘Supported input and output types: . Wve actuators and VED control are 0-10Ve or 4-20mA. >, humidity or diferental pressure sensors are 0-10Véc and 1K 100K thermistor. © Digital outputs are relay contacts rate for 110/220 volt 4 amp (resistive) Form © relay. © Digital inputs are dry contact sensing from remote devices such as relays and contactors 1.3 CSM ECO HZ0 Devices offered {tis the weakest link in the chain that makes it fil! All microprocessor controllers, input and output modules, operator SW packages, temperature-, humidity- and pressure sensors offered with the CSM ECO H0 are of world renowned qualily and manufactured by our technology partner Siemens Building Technologies. Valves and actuators are either from Siemens Building Technologies or the world renowned quality brand Belimo. APOGEE’ nex) fom SIEMENS For details on hardware included in your CSM ECO H,0 solution, please consult the dedicated data sheets, HVAC Tote Control Solitons 1g0f60 McQuay {CSW ECO #0 Functional Dessrgtion CSM. 1.4 CSMECOH.O We need good connections! To achieve a simple components are ‘This makes th \derstand electrical wiring diagram tailored to the specific project is provided to the installer. Main Panel For details on installation, please consult the CSM ECO H,0 Installation Guide. elie Control Panel HVAC Total Contvol Solutions RicQuay 140160 CSM. 2 CSMECOH,O Functionality ‘This chapter explains the functions and control strategies, which are included in the CSM ECO H,0 Enery Controller. It is important to stress that the functional scope is flexible and depends on what has been selected for implementation in a specific project. For all functions itis indicated whether the function is Mandatory or Optional 24 CSM ECO H,0 Overview of functions and control strategies Be in contro! 24/71 Functions and contro! strategies supported in Version 1.0 of the CSM ECO H,0: © Lowambient lckout (Optional) ° plant enable (Mandatory) ‘© Actual system set-point Mandatory) © Chiller plant staging & leacag (Mandatory) © Coniel of ehied water-and condenser pumps (Optional) © Cont oF shutof valves (Optional) © Flow control on load side (Optional) © Wetbulb constant temperature approach (Optional) © Cooling tower variable frequency dive (VFO) (Options) . 36 tower staging (Optional © Cooling tower fan conto (Optional) © Cooling tower bypass valve conto (Optional) © External alarm contac ( © Chile diagnostes ( ¥ q i arpa etalon ipo J q ‘hae sage enn i t z | | ¥ yoy ow conta ep cent onoratging tod Above is a simplified overview of the relations between functions, f HVAC Total Control Solutions 15060 CSM... 54 00 #20 Funcboral Desenpuon 2.2 CSM ECO H,0 Low ambient lockout (Optional) This strategy is designed to disable or enable the chiller plant based on the ambient temperature. The function reduces the overall energy consumption of the chiller plant by controlling the number of running hours to a minimum, cso0e Low ambient lockout sPo0s ‘oreot od Lockout ‘spo0—sP002—~—~OTOOT lock-out is especi Ns in ambient temp« of advantage in geographical areas where there are ture during spring and autumn seasons. ‘eS008 Controt hardware needed InputfOutput ‘OT001 | Ouidoor temperature sensor ‘Analog input $008 | Data input to this function Description 'SPOO1 | Ambient lockout setpoint Range: 16°C to 10°C Def eo ofining at which ambient plant has to be disable. eC defining at which ambient plant has to be enabled. ‘SPO02 | Ambient lease setpoint Range: 12°C to 20°C Def User defined setpo! temperature level the: (68008 | Output from this function Description ‘SPO03 | Ambient lockout status Range: Released, Locked Inicates if the Ambient lockout function has Released or Locked the plant. Is set by the Ambient lockout function Using the above the OTOO1 falls below the SPO01. The set-point SPO03 is set to Released when the increases beyond the setpoint SPOOS is set to Locked ‘The set-point SPO03 is used by the chiller plant enable function described later in this document, McQuay 16 0f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions C4 20 0 ent omen CSM. 2.3 CSM ECO H-0 Chiller Plant Enable (Mandatory) This function calculates when to enable or disabled the chiller plant depending on the following criteria: ‘© tManual Switch S002 located in he CSM ECO H:0 main panel can be selected — Auto/On/Ot. ‘© Low Ambient Lockout will enable or disable the plant depended on the ambient temperature. ‘© External stastop contact S001, ¢.9. from third party Building Management System, (© Scheduler in CSM ECO HzO CP0OS or in a thid party Building Management System CPOO2. Control! hardware needed TapulOutput E8001 _| starlstop from 3” pari, O%10n (Optional) Digital input ES002_| Manual plant enabied switch, Auto/On/Of. 2 Digital input Data input to this function Description ‘SPOT | Use scheduler from BMS (S| Range: NoYes Default: No| party) Indicates ifthe scheduler na 3° party BMS system controls the chiller plant enable status (GP002 | Schedulerin BMS (3 party) | Range: Disables, Enabled Default: Disabled Holds the value enabledisisabled sot by the 3" party BMS scheduler ‘cP00s | Scheduterin CSM ECO ‘Range: Disabled, Enabled Default: Disabled Holds the value enabied/d'sabled set by the CSM ECO HO. scheduler. ‘sP003 | Ambient lockout status (©8008) Range: Released, Locked \mbient lockout function has released or Set by the Ambient lockout function, ‘cPO06 | BNS communication status | Range: Comm, No comm Indicates ff CSM ECO H,0 can communicate with the SMS system. Is sot automatically by CSM ECO HO. locked the p ‘Output from this function Description ‘2P000 | Chile plant enable ‘Range: Disabled, Enabied Indicates ifthe chiller ptent is enabled or disabled HIVAC Total Control Solutions 17 of 60 McQuay CSM... C50 £0 H0 Funevona: Desenpon ‘BMS CSM ECO. ‘Start {st ‘extern ‘Scheduler ~~ Scheduler contact Poot ves} No Use BMS Scheduler cP00d comm.| , Nocomm. SPO03__—Loeked o Released ‘Ambient : Lockout esoo2 ute | Jon, of Man, switch jabled switch> ES002 in the CSM ECO H,0 main panel has the fed by the SPO03 will determine if the chil Locked depending on the level of the ambient temperature. plant is Released or The ES001 and the schedulers CP002, SP003 are having the same and third highest priority. The Scheduler can either be a CSM ECO HO external scheduler located in a third party BMS system or it can be the internal CSM ECO H,0 scheduler residing in CSM ECO H,0. ‘The scheduler to be used is selectable during commissioning CPO01 During commissioning you can choose to setup both schedulers and give the external BMS scheduler the local CSM ECO HzO scheduler and set the CSM ECO HzO to automatically switch to the local CSM ECO H;0 scheduler in case of lost ‘communication. McQuay 18 0f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions {28M £00 120 Functional Deserinion CSM. 2.4 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water reset via chilled water AT (Optional) This control strategy is designed to reset the Actual system set-point based on the deviation between the Actual AT and the System design AT set-point. The function attempts to maintain the chilled water supply temperature at level of the designed AT level. This strategy reduces the overall energy consumption. Note; increasing the chilled check with the system designer. tion capability. Before implementing this strategy and inputting the set points, e506 Controt hardware needed InputiOutput “TMOOT | Chiled water supply temperature sensor ‘Analog input ‘Tw002_| Ciilled wator return temperature sensor ‘Analog input (28006 | Datainput to this function ‘sP001 | System set-point Range: 5° to 10°C Default: °C User defined system setpoint ‘SP002 | Max set-point reset change Range: #7 Default: 06°C User defined set-point defining the reset change in °C, and the maximum deed band around System design AT where no change to the Actual System set-point will cour. ‘SP003 | Delay time for set-point reset | Range: Minutes Default: 10 Minutes User defined set-point defining the time in minutes that a deviation between the Actual AT to the set-point has to be active before a setpoint reset is executed, 'SPO08 | Max system set-point Range: x°C Default: 10°C User defined max alowed system set-point ‘SP008 | Min system set-point Ranger x°C Default: 5°C User defined minimum allowed Aetval system set-point ‘SPOTO | System design AT set-point °C Defaults: §°C User defined systoris designed. int defining the AT for which the HVAC Total Contvol Solutions. 18 0f60 McQuay CSM. (CSM £00 #0 Funcuonal Description (68006 | Output from this function Description ‘Cv002 | System setpoint CWR AT | Range: System min set-point to Systom max set-point. Default: Calculated valve, “The chilee water set-point calculated by the chilled water reset using chilled water A. This value wil become the ‘Actual system set-point wien this function is activated. When this function is released for operation during commissioning for the very first time the set-point CV002 will be set equal to the setpoint CVO02 with the value of the defined SPO02, when the (TMO02-TMO001) is lower than the ( set-point SPO10 ~ set-point $P002) for a period longer than. the defined SPO03. ‘The is decreased with the value of the defined SP002 when the (TMO02-TMO0‘) is higher than the («System design AT set-point> SPO10 + the SP002) for a period longer than the defined SPOO3. The value of the CV002 wil stay within the SP008. ‘The CV002 is used by the Actual system set-point function. RcQuay 20 of 0 HVAC Total Control Sofutions Cat 0 into Onsen CSM. 2.5 CSM ECO H:0 Chilled water reset via external valve signal (Optional) This control strategy is designed to reset the actual system set-point based on the opening percentage of a critical valve on the load side. I valve could e.g. be a valve on the cooling coil serving the reception area of a maintain the desired comfort level on a hot summer day, due to a frequenty used entrance. The function guarantees that the chilled water supply temperature is on a level that enables you to maintain desired comfort levels at optimal ‘energy cost. ‘The transmission of the opening percentage of the critical valve is elther done through ‘hardwiring to the CSM ECO H.0 or transferred to CSM ECO H0 via communication from ‘a BMS system es007 Controt hardware needed InpuliOutput Ev001_| Vaive signal from 3% party ‘Analog input (68007 [Data input to this function Description ‘SPO01 | System set-point Range: 8° to 10°C Default: 7°C User defined sysiem set-point. ‘SPO01 | Valve postion set point Range: 0-100% Default: 85% User defined setpoint defining the requested valve positon, 'SP002 | Dead band valve position Range: 0-100% Def % User defined set-point defining @ dead band around the valve position setpoint where no change to the Actual ‘System set-point will occur. ‘SP003_| Max set-point rasel change ‘Range: x°C Default: 05°C User defined ink defining the maximum reset change made to the Actual system sot point. HVAC Total Control Solutions. 21 of 60 McQuay’ CSM. CSM ECO He0 Functional Daseripion SPOO4 | Delay time for set-pointresei | Range: x Minutes Default: 10 minutes User defined setpoint defining tne time a deviation between the Actual valve position and Valve position set-point has to be active before @ set-point reset is executed. 'SPOGE | Max system set-point Range: x°C Default: 10° User defined max allowed system setpoint ‘SP008 | Min system set-point Range: x°C Default: °C User defined minimum allowed Actual system set-point (68007 | Output from this function Description ‘Gvo02. | System setpoint CWR valve | Range: System min set point io System max set-point ‘The chilled water set-point calculated by the chilled water reset function using an extemal valve signal. This value will become the Actual system set-point when this function Is activated When this function is released for operation during commissioning for the very first time the set-point CV002 will be set equal to the SPOOt ‘The function is released for normal operation when one or more: ‘Actual valve position, EVOOt Ue Vat postion stoi Tse ‘Systom sot point CWR valve, CVO02 Max. system set-point -f 0004 Seon] sees a Min. system setpoint + T Using the above settings the CSM ECO H,0 will increase the set-point CV002 with the value of the defined SP003, when the EVO01 is lower than the ( set-point SPO01 - the set-point SP002) for 2 period longer than the defined set-point CV002 is decreased with the value of the defined EVO01 is higher than the ( set-point SP001 + set-point SP002) for a period longer than the defined set-point CVO02 will stay within the SPOOS. system set-p« The CVO002 is used by the Actual system set-point function, HVAC Total Control Solutions 230160 McQuay CSM. CSM ECO Fiz0 Functional Description 2.6 CSMECO H,0 Actual System Set-point (Mandatory) The value of the chilled water Actual System set-point depends on which control you have activated during commissioning. You can choose between three © Fixed user defined System setpoint (© Actual system set-point, defined by chilled water reset function, based on maintalning the ‘System design AT. © Actual system set-point, defined by ch positon from a ertical valve on the load side. set function, based on extemal valve Data input to this function Description ‘SPOor | System se Range: §°C to 10°C Default: °C User defined system set-point ‘SPO08 | Actual max system set-point | Range: x°C Default: 10°C User defined max allowed system setpoint ‘S008 | Actual min system set-point Range: x°0 Defau User defines minimum alowed Actual system setpoint ‘Gv002 | System set-point GWR valve | Range: Actual min eystem sat point to Aciual mex system ‘sot point. Default: Calculated value led water reset function based on ‘external valve position. Cvo02 | System set-oint CWR AT Range: Actual min system set-point io Actual mex system set-point. Default: Calculated value ‘Output from the chilled water reset function based on system design AT, 65001 Description CV001 | Actual system set-point Range: x°C Defauit: 7°C ‘Tho actual hited water system set-point cstributed to all chlor inthe system MeQuay 24of60 HVAC Total Conttol Solutions cou e020 ret sgn CSM. eet ‘seus ‘es eaieso caittco owls Satna, Win Ss fiat Eee evan No | Yes. ‘Setp. from: ot wo) ves in Ws eee! cos ‘iain Se carwipacamr | | A cotati Cink ietpont ceed sl setpontar& {f no chilled water reset function is activated, then the user defined or . ‘The CV001 is always limited to stay within the SP009. ‘The value of the CV001 is distributed as cooling set-point to all chillers in the system. ‘The ‘wo chilled water reset functions are mutual exclusive. The chilled water reset functions are described in detail elsewhere in this document. HVAC Toa Control Solutions 25 0f60 McQuay SM ECO HzO Functional Dessnption strategy is responsible for the optimal start-up, sequencing & staging of capacity to load demand. It instrumental in achieving a energy ee esr en cae 0 0 sane T cse0t Control hardware needed inpuvOutput “TwO0%_| Chilled weter supply temperature sensor ‘Analog input Chiller available function Data input to this function ‘GHxOo4 | Chilor 1727/4 in alam ‘CHxO0S | Chiler 172/04 Localism ECO Range: Local, CSM ECO ‘Status signal from the chiller unt controller to CSM ECO. H20 reporing if the unit controler is in Local or Remote/CSM ECO mode. CSM ECO H20 can not ‘command the unit controler when the status Is set to Local es00t Description CH Range: Not Available, Avalable Default: Calculated value Shows the overall res 26 0f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions OU in = {GSM E00 Hs0 Functional Desorption ble when one of the following conditions applies: the chi ‘batween the CSM ECO H20 and the chiller unit contol reports CHx005 is set to Local operation and ‘consequently CSM ECO H20 can't command points in the unt controller ‘© An Available chil fas on star-up request (© Adicated pump of an enabled chiller has a feedback err ‘© An enabled chiller is made Not Available and stays Not Available until the operator has cleared chiler alarms manualy, when one of the folowing conditions appli: © When an Avalable chiller is not running within 3 minutes after it has been enabled. An alarm CHix Soft loading function ‘The purpose of this function is to prevent excess stage-up of capacity during startup after the system has been disabled for a period of time, Without this function an excess capacity would have to be staged-down once the system has reached its Actual system ‘8001 | Data input to this function 'SP009 | Soft loading timer efines in minutes the minimum time the frst enabled chiler has to run before a second chiller is enabled, ‘S001 | Output from this function Description evo0e | Softioading status Range: Inactive, Active Default: Calculated value Indicates whether the soft loading function is active oF not The soft loading set-point CVO09 is set to Active the second the first chiller is running and the SP009 starts to count down. A second chiller will not be enabled until the has expired. ‘The set-point CV009 is set to Inactive when the is set manually to 0 or when the soft loading timer has expired First-On, Last-Off Set-point ate a specific chiller to always be the First-On chiller and always be the HVAC Total Control Solutions ar or60 McQuay (CSM ECO Hao Functional Deseripsion ‘65001 Data input Description ‘SPOO1 | FirstOn, Last-Off chiler Range: Oto 4 Default: 0 User defined setpoint that defines the number of the First-On, Last chiller 19eF e.g. centrifugal chillers. You will be able to force the smal On in the morning and Last: the evening, when cooling load in a building is low. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. Next-On chiller function ‘The purpose of this function is to determine the next chiller to be enabled when the stage-up function has identified increased capacity demand. The function equalizes the ‘number of running hours on available chillers, prolonging the overall lifetime of the chiller system, (€8004 | Data input to this function Description ‘SPO01 | First-On, Last Off chiler Range: Oo 4 Default: 0 User defined setpoint that defines the number of the FirstOn, Last Off ch Range: Hours Default: Calculated value (CHax | Runsing hours of chile 4 ‘The number of running hours for chiller 1 to 4. (€S001 | Output from thie function Description Next-On chiller Range: 0 to 4 Default: Caleulated value le to be enabled, The ler available. Indicates the number ofthe next value is set Oi there is no axkitional Only Available chillers are considered by this function! Exception: if a First-On chiller has been designated and this chiller not running, then this with the lowest number of running Next-Off chillor function ‘The purpose of this function is to determine the next chiller to disable when the Stage-up function has identifies reduced capacity demand. The function equalizes the number of running hours on chillers, prolonging the overall lifetime of the chiller system. ‘€S001 | Data input to this Description function ‘SPO01 | FirstOn, LastOffchiler | Range: 0 io 4 Default: 0 User defined set-point thal defines the number of the FirstOn, ‘CHixixe | Running hours of chiler 7 to4 McQuay 28 0f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions {CSM ECO 1:0 Functional Description CSM... ‘e800 | Output from this Description funetion NextOf chiller Range: 0 10 4 Default: Calculated valve. (CH Incicates the number ofthe next chiller to be disabled. The value is set Of there is no running chiller with the highest number of running hours, compared to all other be chosen as the Next-off: running chillers, Exception: If a Last-Off chiller has been designated and this chiller is running, then this chiller will be the last chiller to be disabled, regardless of its running hours. Recycling function ‘The purpose of this function is to constantly or periodically recycle water on the load side: when no chiller is running and the chiller plant is enabled. This is done to enable the chilled water temperature sensor to measure the water temperature and determine if there is load demand in the system. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. (68001 [Data input to this function Description 'SP007 | Constant recycing Range: Not acvated, Activated Default: Not Activated User defined set-point defining whether recycting is done ‘constantly or periodically. Periodically recycling is done in intervals defined by the set-point when this set-point s equal to Not activated. 0 Minutes length ofthe periodically recycting 'SPO0E | Recyciing interval ‘Set-point that defines Intervals in minutes. (8001 | Output from this function Description Recycling status Inactive, Active Default: Calculated value. Indicates if the recycling function is active, The Recycling function is activated when the chiller plant is enabled and no chiller is running. During recycling the chilled water shut-off valve of the Next-On chil Next-On chilled water pump is tumed on rest circuit. opened and the in flow over the chilled water load When is activated, recycling will continue until load demand is detected by the stage-up function. If is not activated then periodically recycling is done in onloft intervals in lengths defined by the set-point SPOO8. During the off-cycle of 2 recycle interval the chilled water pump is turned off. HVAC Total Control Solutions 290160 McQuay ae, CSM... aM £00 x0 Funcwonal Desenpon set-point is CVO01 is set to Inactive when a chiller is enabled or the chiller plant is disabled. Note: Constant recycling should be activated if the chilled water load ciroult has a critical load demand (data room, laboratory or close control area), so the chilled water evaporator isolating valve remains open and the chilled water pump remains operating during recycling ‘The purpose of this function is to avoid the addition of chilers prior to @ known drop in system load e.g. 30 minutes prior to eg. an office building or a shopping mall being tunoccupied. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. es001 [Dat to this function De ‘SPO0 | Chile plant inhibit stage-up | Range: Inactive, Active When set o inactive no addtional chiller wil be enable. You inhibit stage-up by activating SPO06 using the CSM ECO H,0 scheduler or an external scheduler from a -up inhibit stage-up> is Active then the CSM ECO H,0 will prevent additional from being enabled, unless @ running chiller fails. ef ‘Stage-up function ‘The purpose of this function is to calculate energy optimal stage-up of chiller capacity by determining the increased load demand. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. ‘C8001 | Data input to this function. Description Soft loading status ‘Range: inactive, Active Default: Calculated values Indicates whether the soft loading function is active or not Recyaling status ‘Range: inactive, Active Default: Calculated values Indicates ifthe recycing function is active ‘SP002_ | Siage-up diferent Range: 0G 106, os ‘Temperature set-point Defines the maximum variation to the accepted by the system before stageup is requested. ‘SP003 | Stage delay timer (up and | Range: 3 to 60 minutes Default: 5 minutes down) Dafne the time in minutes that a stage-up or stage-down ‘condition shall apply before chiller is actually being ‘enabled or disabled '$P006 | Chiler plant inhibit stage-up | Range: Not active, Active, Default: Not active When set io active na adsitional chiles will be enabled. 'SP010 | System design AT setpoint | Range: x°C Default: 5°C User defined set-point defining the AT for which the system is designed McQuay 300f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions a QO UU (SM EO Hs0 Functional Description CSM. the following conditions ‘The CSM ECO H,0 is releasing the first stage ( apply: ‘©The chiler plants enabled © Chiller plantinhibtstago-up is Not Active © Nochiler is running © The sot points equal to Active. © Load demand is detected as the TMOO1 is greater than the ( CVOO1 + SPO003. ‘© Sufficient pump capacity is avaliable Once it has been determined that stage-up of capecity Is needed the Next-On chiller is ‘enabled Note: The CSM ECO H,0 will immediately enable the Next-On chiller, when any running chiller becomes Not Available. Stagedown The purpose of this function is late energy optimal Stage-down of chiller capacity matching capacity to decreased load demand. The function reduces the overall energy ‘consumption. (©8001 | Data input to this function Description ‘CHOOK | Capacity of chiller t to 4 Range: 60 to 2,500 Tons Default: None Usor defined set-point defining the ful load capacity of a chiller in tons ‘CHOOK | Actual capacity of chiler¢ to | Range: O10 100% ‘The actual capacity at which a chiler is running. ‘SPOG3 | Stage delay timer (up and | Range: 3 to 60 Minutes Default: § minutes down) User defined set-point defining the tine in minutes that 2 ‘tage-up or stage-down condition shall apply before a chiller is enabled or disabled ‘SPO0S | Spare capacity at stage-down | Range: 0.100% Default: 10% User defined set-point defining the spare capaclly in percentage that hes to be available immediatoly after 2 chiler has been disabied due to decreased load demand in the system, HVAC Total Control Solutions at of60 McQuay CSM. cst 00 0 Funston Desert Che | Nex-On chiler Ranger 0 lo 4; Default: Caleuaied value. Indicates the number of the next chiller to be disabled. The value is set 0 if there is no running The CSM ECO H,0 decreases system capacity by one stage (one chiller) when the following conditions apply: © More than one chillers running © When the Nextoffchilr can be tumed of and the spare capacity ofthe remaining runing chiles i higher than the requested set-point SPOOS. ‘© The ebove conciion has been te fora period of time specified by the SPO03, that a minimum spare capacity is available immediately after a chiller is disabled due to decreased load demand in the system. This prevents an immediate stage-up request, should the load demand increase slightly. Note: Outing periods of very low load, when the system stages-down to one chiller. The CSM ECO H,0 will leave the Under the contro! of its own unit the chiller wil stop, The CSM will disable the chiller, close isolation valves and stop pumps and the Recycling function takes over. RecQuay 32060 HVAC Total Control Solutions (05M £00 H20 Funetlonal Des cM. 28 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water and condenser pumps (Mandatory) This function is responsible for the control of chilled water pumps and cooling water pumps. It is assumed that there are an equal number of pumps on the condenser and chilled water side. The function equalizes the number of running hours on pumps in manifolded systems, prolonging the overall lifetime of the pump system. Control hardware needed InputiOutput PMOOx_| On/OM commands for 1 to 6 chiled pumps Digital output PPOOx_| Feedback for 1 0 6 chilled pumps input PMS0x_| On/Off commands for 1 to 6 condenser pumps: Digital output PP50x_| Feedback for 1 to 6 condenser pumps Digital input Data input to this function Description ‘SPO01 | Hours between exercising pumps | Range: x Hours Default: 168 Hous User defined set-point defining the accumulated number of hours @ pump can be in oft-cycle before itis exercised for 1 minute. CSM ECO H,0 provides a digital output to turn a pump onvoff and a digital input to monitor the feedback from a pump. The feedback can be connected to a pump relay or to a differential pressure switch. The running hours of each pump is monitored. A manual running hour reset function is available for each pump for the case that @ pump is being replaced due to failure. For systems that are expected to run for long periods at part load, CSM ECO H,0 will ‘exercise pumps that have been in off-cycle for the number of hours defined by the set-point SPO01 ‘The CSM ECO H,0 supports two basic pump configurations: CSM ECO H,0 supports pump applications with dedicated and manifolded piping, In an N to N configuration there is an equal number of pumps and In N#1 of Ne2 configurations there are either one or two standby pumps as described below. Dedicated or manifolded pipe work, dedicated pumps, N to N For chiller plant systems with dedicated pumps, each chiller is assigned a specific pump (Pump 1 to chiller 1, pump 2 to chiller 2, and so forth). The pump will run 2s soon as the chiller is enabled. There are no standby pumps in this mode! Mani For 1d pumps, N41 plants with manifolded pumps and chillers of same size and a standby pump ship between a specific pump and a specific ch HVAC Total Control Solutions 33 0f60 CSM... C51. 0:0 Funcvenat Desenpion pump with the lowest number of running hours will be turned on when an additional c is enabled (Next-On pump). The pump with the highest number of running hours wil turned off when a chiller is cisabled (Next-Off pump). Manifolded piping, none dedicated pumps, NZ CSM ECO H,0 supports the allocation of two pumps to chiller No.1 position. This is to ns where you have a small e.g. screw al sized bigger ©. centrifugal chi ‘ypical has two smaller pumps, which needs to be dedicated to the smaller screw screw chiller In this kind of application CSM ECO H,0 assumes the following: ec he smallest ci (© Pump No. 1 and 2 are allocated to chiller No.1 (© The pump with the lowest punning hours wil run when chiler No. 1's enabled. The second pura is. standby. All other pumps serve the rest ofthe chilers &: é em vce = deo & deenet =: & is “ent = t z Rene N to N, Dedicated piping N to N, Manifolded piping Dedicated pumps Dedicated or none dedicated pumps =. £ 7 = ? - = ive Po ¢ Md % 4 i ‘ae i « = Eicon = : 5 z oe N41, Manifolded piping N+2, Manifolded piping None dedicated pumps None dedicated pumps NeQuay 3400f60 HIVAC Total Controt Solutions 34 £60 HO Fuetons Desrton CSM. 29 CSM ECO H,0 Control of shut-off valves (Mandatory) ‘The CSM ECO H,O supports the control of shutoff valves in the chilled water and condenser water circuits. For manifolded chiller plants, shut-off valves in the chilled water circuit and in condenser Circuit are mandatory for every chiller to prevent flow though disabled chillers. Normally lled water pump and condenser pump are fed and non-manifolded systems. On a is switched off and pumps are stopped without the condenser and evaporator being the water flows through the condenser and eva} the remaining operational chillers will reduce and may cause all operational chillers to trip ‘on low flow. On the chilled water side, flow through a chiller that is off will lead to an increase in the chilled water supply temperature due to flow through the off chiller mixing with the chilled water passing through the running chillers. manifolded system Control hardware needed 'SVO0x_| On/Off commands for 1 104 chiled water shutoff valves ‘Sv50x_| On/Off commands for 1 to 4 condenser water shutoff valves| Data input to this function Description ‘SPOO1 | Shutoff vaive max dosing time | Range: 0..x Seconds Default: 30 seconds User defined set-point defining the maximal closing time ofthe shut-of valves in seconds Itis highly recommended that actuators with an opening and closing speed of 30 seconds are installed to reduce rapid fluctuations in the flow though the chiller system when valves are opening or closing. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 will start an additional pump and immediately open the corresponding shut off valves, when a chiller is enabled, ‘When a chiller is disabled the CSM ECO H,0 will close the corresponding valves and turn the respective pumps off after the number of seconds defined in the set-point SPOOt HVAC Total Control Solutions 35 0f 80 RcQuay CSM. CSI ECO x0 Functional Deszption 2.10 CSM ECO H20 Flow control on load side (Optional) ‘The CSM ECO H,0 supports flow control on the load side via bypass valve and a differential pressure sensor. The control strategy is needed in applications where two-ways valves are used for cooling colls on the load side and a by-pass is applied to keep constant flow over the chiller circu Flow control toad eide | ‘Poot 65008 Control hardware needed InputiOutput ‘BvO01 | Bypass valve/actuator on the load side ‘Analog output ‘DPOD1 | Ditlerential pressure sensor over the load side ‘Anaiog input (€8005 | Data input to this function Description ‘SPO01 | Delerential pressure set-point | Range: 0.2 10 6 KallGm* Default: 0.7 KaliCrn™ User defined set-point defining the desired deferential pressure to be maintained over the oad side This control loop is released when one or more chilled water pumps are running, The control strategy uses a PID cont defined SP0O!, by measuring the actual differential pressure over the load side DP001 and controlling the opening percentage of the bypass valve BVOO1. ‘The bypass line and differential pressure sensor shall be installed between the chilled water supply and chilled water return lines. The differential pressure sensor should be ‘cated in a position as far as possible from the plant room in order to have accurate flow ‘control on the load side. RicQuay 36 01 60 HVAC Total ct Solutions (SM ECO Hh Functional Description csM.. 2.11 CSM ECO H,0 Wet bulb constant temp approach (Optional) Based on the ambient temperature and the ambient humidity the CSM ECO H,0 calculates the wet bulb constant temperature approach set-point. ‘Wet bulb constant temp. approach The wet bulb constant temperature approach set-point is used to optimize the overall performance of the cooling tower and the chillers, by letting the cooling towers track the wet bulb. essot ‘Control hardware needed InputOutput ‘OTOO4 | Outdoor temperature sensor ‘Analog input ‘OHO0 | Outdoor humidity sensor ‘Analog input ©8501 | _Data input to this function Description ‘SPO01 | Constant approach temperature | Range: °C Default: 9° deferential set-point User defined set-point defining the Deg C value to be added to the wet bulb temperatu atthe Wet bulb constant temperature set-po ‘SP002 | Minimum wet bub setpoint ‘Range: »°C Default: 1° User defined set-point defining the minimum possible \wet bulb constant approach set-point. ‘css01 ‘Output from this function Description ‘Cvoot | Wet bulb temperature ‘Range: xC Default: Calculated value Holds the value of Wet bulb temperature. ‘Cv002 | Constant approach temp set-point oxo ‘The set-point calculated by the WET bulb constant temp function, ‘The CV002 is used as set-point for the cooling tower VFD control or in the case that the cooling towers are on/off staging, itis HVAC Total Cont! Solutions 37 of60 McQuay ESS CSM. SM ECO H-0 Funcvenal Deserpten Used to float the staging set-points for the cooling tower fans. The overall aim is to maintain proper balance between chiler energy and cooling tower fan energy and achieve the lowest possible cooling tower leaving water temperature, with the lowest possible overall energy consumption ‘As a general rule it can be assumed results in 3% energy saving on your a1 ‘C lower cooling tower leaving temperature, ers. Using the above set-points CSM ECO H;0 calculates the CV002 based on the OTO01 and (OHOO1, adding the set-point SP0O1 to the ‘wet bulb value and makes sure that it equals a value higher or equal to the defined Minimum wet bulb set-point SP002. NcQuay 38.of 60 HVAC Total Control Soltons Ss {SSM £00 H40 Functional Description CSM... 2.12 CSM ECO H;0 Cooling tower variable frequency drive VFD (Optional) This control strategy is designed to maintain the condenser entering temperature at a predefined set-point or wet bulb calculated set-point using VFD controlled aves? eam Wet Bulb AAs fan power reduces by the cube of the fan speed and fan and tower capacity reduces linearly, the most efficient mode of operation is to keep all fans operating at low speed as long as possible, this strategy also maximizes the use of all the available cooling tower heat exchanger surface. ‘Minimum recommended fan speed is 30%, this is because VED drive efficiency falls away rapidly below 25% and excess vibration may be encountered. In addition, in a gear driven fan the gearbox usually has @ minimum speed requirement of 30% in order to maintain lubrication capat CSM ECO H,0 supports a maximum of five manifolded cooling towers! ess02 ‘Control hardware needed InputiOutput "ThBOT_| Condenser entering temporature ‘Analog input ‘OT0OT_| Outdoor temperature sensor (Optional) ‘Analog input “OHO01 | Outdoor humidity sensor (Option ‘Analog input ‘V501_| Variable frequency signal controling all running fans ‘Analog output (©8502 | Data input to this function ‘SP001 | Condenser entering temperature | Range: x°C Defaul setpoint User defined setpoint defining the desired temperature level of the condenser entering temperature. HVAC Total Control Solutions 39 0f 60 MeQuay CSM... 5M E00 Heo Functional Desetion ‘$PO02_] VFD Minimum speed User defined set-point defining the minimum speed of the frequency contrat fr the cooling tower fans. 'SP003 | Stage-up timer Range: x Minuies Default: 5 Minutes User defined set-point defining the minimum period of time that a stage has to be activated before stage-up {to next higher stage ean tako place. ‘sP004 | Stage-down timer Range: x Minutes Default: § Minutes User defined set-point defining the pariod of te that 1a stage-down condition has to be active before stage-down take place ‘Gvo02 | Constant approach temp set-point | Range: x°C, Default: Calculated value ‘The set-point automatically calculated by the WET l bulb constant temperature function, (68502 | Output from this function Description ‘ev007 | Stagaup switching paint stage 115 | Range: % VED speed Default: Caleuated value 0 “These five set-points hold the VFD speed switching ‘cvo0s Points for stage-up of the stages 1 to 8. The switching points are calculated as described below. ‘Gvo06 | Actual Number of needed tower | Range: 0 to § Default: Calculated value stages Number of cooling tower stages needed, Release of the cooling tower for operation IF the BV501 is available then the cooling tower will be zased for operation when the by-pass valve is fully open to the tower and one or more chillers are running. In applications without 2 cooling tower bypass valve the towers are released for operation when one or more chillers are enabled. Cooling tower VFD control When the cooling tower is in operation a Pl control loop will calculate the needed VF501, based on the deviation between the TMS01 and the set-point SPO0% ‘© Othe CV002 calculated by the wet bulb constant temperature ‘aparoach algorithm, in case this function has been purchased, Note: For optimal energy performance wet bulb constant temperature approach is highly recommended! Stage-up of up to five cooling tower stages ‘The stage-up of the cooling tower stages is calculated based on the set-point SPO02, - CV001 = CV002 = multiplied with 2 < CV003 = < VFD Minimum speed> multiplied with 4.5 - CV004 = muttiplied with 1.33, < CV005 = multiplied with 1.25 Stage 1 will be released when the VF501 exceeds the CVO01 set-point. ‘The stages 2 to 5 will be released when all ofthe following conditions apply: ¢ The stage is next in sequence. ‘© VF50 exceeds the \VFS501 is lower than the set-point SP002 and the Stage-down timer has expired. HVAC Total Control Solutions 41 of60 RicQuay CSM. cst eco nso uncon cosenpton, 2.13 CSM ECO H20 Cooling tower fan staging (Optional) ‘This control strategy is designed to calculate the number of cooling tower stages needed in order to maintain the condenser entering temperature at a predefined set-point. It uses fixed user defined staging set-points or calculates staging setpoints based on a combination of user defined set-points and wet bulb constant temperature approach. The function reduces the overall energy consumption by reducing the leaving water temperature to a minimum. cs503 Fan staging besed on cond. entering temp. ‘Tms01 sPo1s SPOt4- coousia NER Syl > ‘Stage CSM ECO H,0 supports a maximum of five mainfoided cooling towers! ess0a ‘Control hardware needed InpuOutput ‘THs01_| Condenser entering temparatu ‘Analog input ‘OTGOT | Cutdoor temperature sensor (Opt ‘Analog input ‘OHOOT_| Outdoor humidity sensor (Optional) ‘Analog input €8503 | __ Data input to this fu Description 'SPO01 | Siage 7 base temp sety Range: 18°C to 82°CDefaull: 21°C fo | Sbase setpoint User defined setpoints defining at which condenser ‘SPO05 ‘entering temperature lavel cooling tower stage 1 0 5 _are suliched on oF off ‘SPOtT | Actual Stage 1 temp setpoint to | Range: x°C Colculated value to | Actual stage 5 temp set-point ‘Ace calculated set points; either fixes to the value of Pots {tho user defined Stage 1 to 5 base tomp set ‘value based on the Wet bulb constant approach ‘setpoint as described below. ints oF ‘sP006 | Stage-up delay Range: x Minutes Default § Minutes User defined set-point defining the ‘thatthe demand for stage-up has tobe active, before stage-up takes piace, in minutes HicQuay 420160 HVAC Tota! Control Solutions QU {65M £60 H20 Funevoral Description CSM. ‘SP007 | Stage-down delay Range: x Minuies Default: § Minutes User defined set-point defining the time in minutes that the demand for stege-down has to be active, before siage-down takes place, V002 | Constant approach temp set-point | Range: x°C, Calaulated value 's automaticaly calculated by the WET bulb constant temp function (68502 | __Output from this function Description ‘Gvo01 | Number of needed tower stages Range: 0105 Stages Calculated value Number of cooting tower stages needed. Release of the cooling tower for operation If the BV501 is available then the cooling tower will be when the by-pass valve is fully open to the tower and one or more chillers are running. In applications without a cooling tower bypass valve the tower is released for operation when one or more chillers are enabled, Cooling tower staging The on/off switching of cooling tower stages is based on the SPO11 to SPO1E. Stage-up of cooling tower stages ‘An additional stage will be added, when the TM501 is higher than the defined SPO11 to SP16 and this has been true for the period of time defined by the set-point SPOOS. Stage-down of cooling tower stages Stage down with one step will take place, when the ‘TM801 is lower than the defined SPO11 to ‘SP15 and this has been true for the period of time defined by the set-point S007. Definition of the Actual stage 1 to § temperature set-points ‘There are two methods for defining the values of the SPO1t to SPO15. Fixed user defined method ‘The user defines the SPOO1 to SPOOS. With this method the are copied to the SPO11 fo SPO15, Wet bulb approach method With this method the set-points for the SPO11 to ‘SP015 are based on a combination of the set-point CVOO2 HVAC Total Control Sokatons 430160 McQuay oes CSM... SM ECO Ho0 Functional Desenption and the user defined SP001 to SPOOS. The switching points for the cooling tower stages are floating with the value of the Wet bulb set-point CVO01. ‘The switching point for set-point CVO02. ‘The switching point for $P012 is set to the value of the set-point CV002 + ( SPO02 minus CV001 then the CSM ECO H,0 will turn on the ‘cooling tower fan with the lowest number of running hours (Next-On fan), via a digital ‘output. The feedback of the fan is monitored by a digital input. When the demand is reduced by one stage the CSM ECO H,0 will turn off the cooling tower fan with the highest number of running hours (Next-Off fan). tower fan reports feedback error the inactive fan with lowest running hours (Next-On fan) will be tured on immediately. ‘A manual running hour reset function is available for the case that a fan is being replaced due to failure. For systems that are expected to run for fong periods at part load, CSM ECO H,0 will exercise fans that have been in off-cyele for the number of hours defined by the set-point SPO08. P @ 4. HVAC Total Control Solutions 48 of 0 CSM. C54 £00 #0 Funcuonat Desenption 2.15 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower bypass valve control (Optional) If the cooling tower is equipped with a bypass contro! loop then this function will attempt to maintain the Actual condenser temperature at the Minimum condenser entering temperature set-point by modulating the bypass valve between 0 and 100%. ‘e504 Controt hardware needed InputiOutput 'Bv501_| Cooling tower bypass valvafactuator ‘Analog output TMsO1_| Condenser entering temperature Analog input ‘08504 Data input to this function Description SOOT | Minimum condenserentering temp | Range: °C Default: 18° User defined set-point defining the desired minimum condenser entering temperature. 2.16 CSM ECO Power return function On Power outage all output contacts will be tured off to prevent high starting current upon Power Retum, Upon Power Return the CSM ECO H,O will wait for 2 minutes for communication to chillers, 1/0 modules and BMS system to have sufficient time to build-up. A¥ter the two minutes the normal startup procedure of the chiller plant will be activated tor plants it is recommend providing USP provision for the CSM ECO For highly critical Ha0 panel, McQuay 46 0160 HVAC Total Control Solutions 8M ECO 120 Functional Dose 2.17 CSM ECO H,0 Diagnostics Diagnose comes before treatment ~ treatment makes fit! Regardless of the chiller brand you purchase, your chillers will not last forever! However, you can extend the lifetime of your chillers and ensure their full design efficiency, by ‘maintaining them regularly and monitor their actual running status. To help extend the lifetime of valuable equipment and prevent increased energy consumption CSM ECO provides a set of diagnostics that monitor the development of chiller process values. In case these values drift outside predefined limits Warnings are automatically generated and if the situation worsens, calls for Actions are generated by the CSM ECO H,0 system. Disclaimer: Diagnostics are only available when the needed process values for calculating the diagnostics are included in the c' xdbus® interface. This is the case for McQuay's centrifugal chillers and for the screw chillers WMD and PFS, Piease consult McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions in case you have chillers of other types or brands. Condenser water AT too low or too high The CSM mi the condenser water AT over each chiller and compares Abigher than normal AT would indicate: © Possible problems with water flows, ‘Shutoff valves not working corractiy Blocked strainers Pump wear Incorrect setting of balancing valves or flow contol devices. ° . Alower than normal AT would indicate: © The Chiller is running unloaded (© Flow rate through the chiller is too high ‘Allow AT can be tolerated to a degres, but ultimately pump energy will be high and there is a ‘chance erosion of condenser tute ends or tube sheets wil cur Evaporator water AT too low or too high The CSM monitors the evaporator water AT over each chiller and compares it to predefined sets of lower and higher limits to determine if the AT is “healthy’, Abigher than normal AT would indicate: © Possible problems with water flows © Blocked strainers © Pump wear © Incorrect setting of balancing valves © Flow control devices. HVAC Tota Control Sottions 47 060 McQuay Allower than normal AT would indicate: (© The Chiferis running unloaded © Flow rate through tne chillers too nigh. ‘A low AT can be tolerated to a degree, but ulimately pump energy will be high and there is & ‘chance of erosion of evaporator tube ends or tube sheets wll occur, Condenser approach too high ‘The condenser approach is the temperature difference between the saturated condensing temperature and the condenser water leaving temperature, ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the condenser approach for all compressors in the system. For @ new chiller with clean tubes and the correct refrigerant charge, the approach temperature would normally be between 0.0 to 1.5°C, as scale builds up on the condenser tube walls the heat exchanger performance would reduce, similarly. If the chiller were ‘overcharged liquid refrigerant would cover the lower tubes in the condenser and reduce the heat exchange surface area and also affect performance. ‘Too high condenser approach temperature can indicate: © Condenser water flow s to0 low © Condenser tubes are scaled up or city ‘© Systems overcharged with refrigerant © Refrigerant contro device not functioning correctly © Airinthe system, © Water by-passing the divider inthe water box ‘A high approach condition will indicate the compressor is working harder than it should be and therefore wasting energy. Evaporator approach too high ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the evaporator approach for all compressors in the system. For @ new ean tubes and the correct refrigerant charge, the approach temperature would normally be between 0.0 to 1.5°C. as dirt builds up in the system, tube wells will Become fouled and the heat exchanger effect would reduce, similarly. IF the chiller were undercharged, liquid refrigerant level would be low and consequenlly so would the evaporating temperature, A high approach condition will indicate the ‘compressor is working harder than it should be and therefore wasting ene: Possible causes for a too high evaporator approach temperature would be: Evaporator water flow is 100 low Evaporator tubes are dity ‘Systom is undercharged with refigerant Refrigerant control device nat functioning correctly 48 0f60 HVAC Total Contvol Solutions CSM E00 H20 Funstional Deseinen cs. Suction super heat too low, too high Suction super heat is the temperature difference between the saturated evaporating temperature and the actual temperature of the refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the suction super heat for all Centrifugal compressors in the system. ‘Suction superheat is extremely important when diagnosing faults in a Chiller, Espectall {for Centrifugal as discharge superheat reading would not be available if compressor liquid injection is switched on. High suction superheat will result in inefficient operation and low suction superheat will result in liquid reftigerant being drawn back to the compressor leading to compressor damage. Possible reasons for too low suction super heat could be: (© Evaporator refrigerant control device not working or not sel correctly © Systems overcharged with refrigerant © Poor heat exchange in the evapora (© Too high suction super heat cout Discharge superheat too low, too high Discharge super heat is the temperature difference between the saturated condensing temperature and the actual temperature of the refrigerant vapor leaving the compressor. The CSM EGO H,0 monitors the discharge super heat for all compressors in the system, For centrifugal chillers discharge superheat is not included as the value is corrupted if cation that liquid refrigerant may be drawn back to the compressor and this could result in damage to the compressor. Possible reasons for too jow discharge super heat could be: © Evaporator refrigerant contro device not working or not set correctly © system is overcharged with refigerant Poor heat exchange in the evaporator, (Now or dity tubes) Too high discharge super heat could indicate: ° charge HVAC Total Contr! Solutions 49 0f60 McQuay CSM. ee 2.18 CSM ECO External Alarm Contact (Optional) ‘The CSM ECO H,0 comes with an External alarm contact that can activate e.g. a hom, a bel or a lamp. You can link one or more groups of alarms to activate the External alarm contact, Group 1: Sensor failed alarms Group 2: Chiller operational alarms Group 3: Chiller communication alarm Group 4: CSM ECO 1,0 Hardware alarms Group 5: Feedback alarms from pumps and fans Group 6: Diagnostic wamings Group 7: Diagnostic action alarms If an alarm within a linked group becomes active then the External Alarm contact is activated. MeQuay s00f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions (CSM E00 H20 Funetional Description csé.. 2.19 CSM ECO H;0 Chiller Modbus® integration The data highway to chiller information! ‘The CSM ECO H,0 integrates chiller data residing in the embedded controller dedicated for the control of the chiller unit, using a Modbus® interface, ‘Amaximum of four chillers can be integrated in the CSM ECO H;0. Each chiller can have ‘@ maximum of 4 compressors. Depended on the chiller type, up to 45 values can be integrated per chiller. The actual number of integrated points depends on the specific chiller type. Obviously chillers with ‘one compressor only, will not be able to provide data for a second compressor. ‘The following table defines the maximum set of data per chiller that the CSM ECO HO can integrate for MeQuay’s and Daikin’s water cooled chil No. Point name Point type Range: Mandatory oot DO | Disabled. Enabied | Yes ‘002 No 008 No 004 (Normal, Alar Yes 035 Local Remote Yes 006 DI | Limited | ves 007 _| Evaporator flow switch L__| Nofiow, Flow No. (008 | Condenser flow swatch DL__| Noviow, Flow No ‘008 or No. 010 AO. Yes on Al__| Percentage Yes (012 _| Capacity imi set-point Percentage Yes (013_| Chiller onfott OF On Yes (014 _ | Compressor 1 running hours Hours No. (O15 | Compressor 1 stars ‘Stars No. 016 | Compressor 2 running hours Hours No. (017 | Compressor 2 starts Stars No. (018 _| Compressor 3 running hours Hours No. (018 _| Compressor 3 starts Stans No. (020 _| Compressor 4 running hours Hows No (O21_| Compressor 4 stars Starts No (022 | Evaporator inlet temperature 6 No. 023 _| Evaporator oulettemperaiure °C No (024 | Condenser inlet temperature °C No (025 _| Condenser outlet tempera “c No. (026 _[ Compressor 1 discharge temperature 56 No (027 _| Condenser 1 saturated refrigerant temp 6 No. HIVAC Total Control Solutions 51 0160 McQuay SM. (951 £00 #20 Functional Deserition (028 | Compressor 2 cischarge temperature a’ No. (020 _| Condenser 2 saturated refigerantiomp Al No (030 _| Comeressor 3 discharge temperature A | Ne. 031 _ | Condenser 3 saturated refrigerant temp a [°c No. (032 _| Compressor 4 discharge temperature A |e No. (033 | Condenser 4 saturated rege ne Ne. (034 | Evaporator 1 saturated retrige are No. (035 | Evaporator 2 saturated refrige ce Ne. (036 | Evaporator 3 saturated refrige aL | Ne (037 | Evaporator 4 saturated rerige °C Ne. (038 | Oi feod pressure compressor + Kpa No. (038 | Oi feed pressure compressor 2 Ka Ne (040 _[ Oi feed pressure compressor 3 ‘Kpa Ne (041 _[ Ol feed pressure compressor 4 pa. No. (042 _| Suction ine temperature compressor 1 °e No, (043 | Suction ine temporature compressor 2 °C No. (044 | Suction line temporature compres (045 _ | Suction Ine temperature compressor & °c No. ‘The foliowing table cispiays the points that CSM ECO. party water cooled chiller has a Modbus® i H,O can integrated for any third without any engineering effort, provided that the thid party face thal includes the values. Point name Point type Range Mandatory Chiter enabled Disabled, Enabled | Ves alarm ‘Normal Alarm Yes Ghilerloca’OSM ECO. Local, Remote Yes Notliited. Limited | Yes °C Yes ‘Actual capacity Percentage Yes Capacity mit set-point Percentage Yes (013 | Chiter oof (Off, On Yer 028 | Evaporator oullet temperature A [ee Ne. (024 | Condenser inlet temper A [ec Ne. McQuay 52 0f 60 HVAC Total Control Solutions UV {CSM E00 #20 Functional Deseroton 2.20 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware points ‘The connection to the periphery! the maximum number of hardware points that CSM ECO H:0 can accommodate. It is rare that @ specific project includes all the points. A project specific point list is generated during the sales phase. Te] Poiana af 0 pms comes | Poa ope | Range was teeenanpan! | Gia warp tcannans | BO] Sa % rote wpa ea oot on ¥e id | Ce wat parozcenmand | boot on co Fore | Cet wa pao ata a —forer 7 P68 | Sie trae amnend—| bo [oon % Foon | Sut nemo ak 1 foo 7 Pot | Gite nat ne tanmend [00 on on re Child val up tener Sail oven re Cilmi pun Searmmng | 00 [at on 6 a1 foto © bo [or os ¥6 or Toor 8 reo [cots wat sane reownard | bo [aren We rs01_| Ging watson Terk oof or % Piso | Goin war sonoZeonnand | bo [ok on re 602 | Cain wr pan eck or Jorer ¥e Pe | Coster Scanners | bo [or on re Pests Cos nt por 3 eet or [or on 7S iene [costs wasup seovmara [00 Tor Gr re sot | cons wor puresteoman | 0) Toros 1 eo [Goa wtr pure Scanners | 00 [ot or 6 PSOE | Cots wtroan Steaua | 81 Toren ¥ PE | Cote wt ponp scorns | 65 [on or % Posoe_| code varpompsToasene | 8 Toner % S101 [Evora 50 Gose,Oony [ns Sve | Spoubr tafe? 30 Goss Oner [ns ots | Epub shores 30 Gone oen [ne vote | Esashi 00 Geren [ns svat | comeer shart T 30 | oes et [Ne att [Cone shactahe? 30 Gasser Rs Svstt_| Cone’ shah 30 | Gas. pens vei | Cone shetene a 07001 | Ambient temperature Al °c No cto [aie ry ate 7 ott | Bypnrvohe or Sa so r vac Tal onsale stato McQuay CSM. cs cc 20 untona desertion, No. | Point name of VO points connected | Point type Range Mandatory to the main panel ‘BPO | Dif pressure sensor on oad side AO. No. TMOO1_| Ghiled water supp temperature A’ Yes ‘TMOO2 | Grilled water cetum temperature A [°C No. TMSO1_| Entering cooling water temperature a [°c Ne. 'BV50%_| Cooling tower by-pass valve 20 No. V001_| Vaive signal rom 3 party system % No. A007 | External alarm signal to 3” pany ‘Normal, Alarm No. S001_| Star/Stop from 3” party eysiem D1 _| Stop, Start Ne. 5002 _[ Manual plant enabled switch 201 | Off, On, Auto Yes No. | Point name of VO points connected | Point type ‘Range Mandatory to the cooling tower panel (CFS01 BO__| Of, On No. (OP50 Dr_| Of, On No. (F502 _| Cooling tower 2 command DO | Off On No. (6P502_| Cooling tower 2 feedback DL__[ Of Gn No. (6503 | Cooling tower 3 command DO | Of On No. (C503 | Cooling tower 3 feedback BI___| Of, On No. (0604 | Cooling tower 4 command DO_| Of, On No (6P504 | Cooling tower 4 feedbeck Dr__| Off, On No. (F505 _| Cooling tower § command DO | Off, On No. (GP505_| Cooling tower 5 feedback DI__[ Off, On No ‘VE5O1_| VED cooling tower fans AO | % Ne BV501_| Cooling tower by-pass valve AO |% Ne. McQuay 4 0f60 HVAC Total Control Solutions 5 £00 20 Funevoral Deserition CSM... 2.21 CSM ECO H,0 Calculated values ‘The below table shows the maximum number of calculated values, that are available in the CSM ECO H.0 operator interface. Whether or not an actual value is available in a specific project depends on the project configuration: Number and type of controlled chillers, compressors, pumps, cooling towers and sensors. No. Point name Point Range Remark ‘ype 00% _| Chie plant enabiea 00 | Disabled, Enabied | Always avaliable 002 _[ Actal system setpoint a |e ‘Always available 003 | Actual chiled water AT ta |e i sensors avai . (004 | Nootrunning chilled water pumps | LAO | 0106 it pumps contoted ) (005 [ No ofrunning cooing water pumps | LAO |Ow6 if pumps contalied (068 _| No of coating towers running ino | 0105 ‘towers controlled (007 | Total eile plant eapecty LAO | ntons Always avaiable LAO | Intons Always avaiablo LAO [ intons ‘Always avaiable tao [oe Awaye avaiable ino [ows ‘Aways evalabe 3lage-Up ih progress Lor No. Yes ‘Aways avatable O78 stage-down in prosress wDi_[Ne, Yes ‘Always avalable 014 | Minimum start to siop timer active | _LDI_| No, Yes ‘allo per chlor 045 _| Chir running Fours 1A0_| Hous ‘allable po ch ‘16 | Condenser AT dagnasto lw [ ‘Available per chiter, ow 400 | Ok, Waming. Acton _| if possitle (018 | Evaporator AT diagnostic tal [°c ‘Avalable per chiller oo L00 | 0%, Warning, Acton _| ifpossibe oy (020 | Discharge super heat diagnostic tal [ec Per chiller and for oat L00 | 0% Warning, con | every compressor, if possible ‘022 | Condenser approach temperature | LAT | °c Per chiler and tor 023 | diagnostic 100 | Ok, warning, Acton | every compressor, if possible (024 | Evaporator approach temperature | Lal |S Per ctiler and for 025 | diagnostic L00 | 0k, Warring, Acton | every compressor, if (026 | Suction super heat diagnostic a | oar L00 | Ok, warring, Acton | every compressor, if possible ‘28 | Running hours ciled water pump | LAO | Hours Per pump, contolied (029 _| Nox-On chiled water pump tno [owe if pares controlled (030 _| Next OF chited water sump Lao [0106 if pumps controlled HVAC Total Control Solutions 55 of 60 McQuay csM. C3 E60 #20 Funcsenal Descdgtion conte Cat Re on coo eater Fon Tao [ows Tung cncod 063 | Nex coat nto pomp a0 [ows pong cored 064 | Fanning tours coolgtverfon | LAD”| Pour Per fen fo cont cs ao [owes 38 a0 ows a7 | otra ewer °F tae ears eae McQuay se ote0 {NAC Tot Cont Solos CSW E00 M10 Functional Description 2.22 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware ‘The below table shows the pre-qualified hardware offered in CSM ECO H,0 projects. The list is subject to change without any notice. A project specific material list is generated during the sales phase and included in the proposal to the customer. Description of pre-qualified eld No. | devices usedinthecsm eco | Range | Typedestgnation | Brand #20. (OT001 | Ambient ompertue sensor [°C Siemens ‘OH00% | Ambient raialy sensor % Siemens THOO | Chited water susply temperature [=O Slemene sensor Two? | Chites water vein temperature [°C Siemens ‘TMSO1 | Entering condenser temperature | °C ‘Siemens sengor ‘0P001 | Differential pressure sensor for load | Kg/Cm* ‘Siemens side TBVOO1 | Bypass vale fr load ede Oi 100% | Bepended onaize | Siemens or Belo BVOO1 | Bypass valve actual orload sige [010 100% | Dopendod onze | Siemens or Baline BVE01 | Bypass vavevor cooing wer | O10 100% | Desended onsizo | Siemens or Twoorthee way | Betino TBVE0T | Bypass vave adutorforload side | O10 100% | Depended on sie | Siemens or Belino ‘SVOOx | Shute valve or cited waterside | Gosad, Opan | Depended onsize [Siemens or Utotourper pant _| Bolo SV00x | Shutoff vale acuolor for cited | Gosed, Open | Dopended onsize | Siemens or water side Uptofourzer tant _ | Bolmo ‘SVs0% | Shut valve for cooing waterside | Closed, Open | Depended on size | Siemens or Upto fourper lant _| Beimo ‘SvG0x | Shuto valve actuator Tor ooking | Closed, Open | Depended onsize | Slemens or water side Upto fourper pint | Balino HVAC Tote! Control Solaons s70f60 McQuay CSM. cs 00 120 Funcona Description 2.23 CSM ECO Hz0 Alarms The b ist shows the maximum number of alarm points included in the CSM ECO H,0 operator interface. The actual number of alarms in a specific project depends on the configuration: Number of chillers, pumps, cooling towers and sensors. Entering condenser water omperature sensor falad Evoot_| Valve signal tom 3 par fled Din Alarm or not avaliable in Alarm or not avaliable “ain Alarm oF aot avaiable 3 communication fault “4 communication fault 10001 | Wain panel VO module + communi 10002 _| Wain panel VO module 2 communi 10003 | Cooling tower VO module + communication fault Chilled water pump 1 feedback fa ‘Normal, Alarm iled water pump 2 feedback faut Normal, laren iled watar pump 3 feedback fault Normal, Alarm iled watar pump 4 feedback fault Normal, Alarm water pump 6 feedback fault Normal, Alarm water pump 6 feedback fault, Normal, Alarm water pump 1 feedback fault, ‘Normal, Alara M502_| Cooling water pump 2 feedback fault ‘Normal, Alarm M503 | Cooing water pump 3 feedback fault Normal, Alarm ‘Cooling water pump 4 feedback faut water pump 6 feedback fault Normal Alarm PMS06_| Cooling water pump 6 feedback fault Normal, Alarm (F501 _| Cooling tower fan 1 feedback fault Normal, Alara (CF502_| Cooling tower fan 2 feedback fault Normal Alara F503 tower fan 3 feedback fault FS04 tower fan 4 feedback faut Normal, Alarm (GF505_| Cooling tower fon 6 feedback fault Normal, Alarm MeQuay 580160 HVAC Total Control Solutions a {084 E00 #20 Functional Deseritlon 3 CSM ECO H,0 Installation HVAC Total Contro! Solutions 59 of 60 cS (3M £00 H20 Functonal Desengton UO HicQuay 60 of 60 HVAC Total Convo! Solutons Functional Description CSM ECO H.0 Chiller System Manager Water-cooled Chillers MeQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions McQuay ae McQuay = 20158 CSW ECO 1-0 Functional Description HVAC Total Contvol Solutions: (5 £00 140 Functional Deserition CSM. CSM ECO HO Index 1 CSMECOH,0 Introductio 4.4. Control or no control ? - That's the question! 1.2 CSMECOnovation .. 1.3 CSMECO H,0 functional 1.4 CSMECO H.0 hardware platform 1.6 CSMECO H,0 Devices offered... 2 Processes. 2.1 CSMECO H,0 Sales process. 2.2 CSMECOH,0 Installation 2.3 CSMECOH,0 Commissioning. aes 2.4 CSMECO H.0 Application Support, Training and Service 3 CSMECO H,0 Functionality 3.4 CSMECO H,0 Overview of functions and control strategies 3.2. CSMECOH,0 Low ambient lockout (Optional)... 3.3 CSMECOH,0 Chiller Plant Enable (Mandatory) 3.4 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water reset via chilled water AT (Option: 3.8 CSMECOH,0 Chilled water reset via external valve signal (Optional 3.6 CSM ECO H,0 Actual System Set-point (Mandatory)... 3.7 CSMECO H20 Chiller Plant Staging & Lead/Lag (Mandatory) 3.8 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water and condenser pumps (Mandatory) 3.9 CSMECO H,0 Control of shut-off valves (Mandatory) 3.10 CSM ECO H20 Flow control on load side (Optional) 3.11 CSM ECO H,0 Wet bulb constant temp approach (Optional) 3.12 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower variable frequency drive VFD (Optional) .32 3.13 CSMECO H,0 Cooling tower fan staging (Option 3.14 CSM ECO H0 Cooling tower fan control (Option: 3.415 CSMECO H40 Cooling tower bypass valve control (Optio 3.46 CSMECO Power return function. : 3.47 CSMECO H,0 Diagnostics... 3.48 CSMECO External Alarm Contact (Option: 3.49 CSMECO H,0 Chiller Modbus® integratior 3.20 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware points... 3.21. CSMECOH,0 Calculated values. 3.22 CSMECOH,0 Hardware 3.23 CSM ECO H,0 Alarms. CSM ECO H,0 Installation. CSM ECO H,0 Sales configuration she ‘CSM ECO H,0 Output from the sales tool. CSM ECO H20 Samples of Dynamic operator screen: 7.1 GSMECO H,0 WEB Interface .. 7.2 CSMECO H,0 On-site Works 8 CSMECO Abbreviations Noon HVAC Total Control Solutions cs. 3M £00 #0 Funcvonal Desenpten 1 CSM ECO H,0 Introduction Welcome to McQuay’s ECO System | a Ag me =z ee ee tease McQuay’s ECO System is a Building Management System designed to provide Economical, Ecological, Energy Control to customers having feciities with HVAC applications such as; water or air cooled chillers, air-handiing units.source water heat pumps, VRV, ete. McQuay’s ECO System is compiled of energy controllers, each having a dedicated HVAC. application scope. The energy controllers may operate standalone or can be integrated into an advanced system solution. They are developed by McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions. ‘McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions is committed in providing quality controls solutions with a fair upfront cost and a superior lifetime cost. We achieve that by providing: (© Integrated contro solutions saving costly enargy, while maintaining desirad comfort levels, © Logical too! supported processes, ‘Easy operation and maintenance. technological platform. ‘This document focuses on the CSM ECO H,0 energy controller for chiller plant rooms with water cooled chillers. The CSM ECO family consists of: © CSMECO HAO, Chiller System Manager for water cooled chillers from McQuay, Daikin or 3° partes. jae System Manager for McQuay and Daikin A-cooted chillers The CSM ECO H,0 offers a suite of predefined, control strategies, functions and diagnostics designed to enable energy efficient operation, reduce down time and prolong the lifetime of your valuable equipment, while maintaining desired comfort levels. ‘The target audience of this document is customers, design institutes, consultants, McQuay 40f56 HVAC Total Control Solutions CeMg00 uo rnin osnon CSM. ‘operators, sales- and application engineers that desire a comprehensive understanding of the CSM ECO H,0 functionality. 1.1 Control or no contro! ? ~ That's the question! In many emerging markets a controls solution is considered too expensive. Consequently, valuable energy consuming equipment is often controlled manually, if at all! Sure you can control everything by hand - but hands are getting expensive and tend to get sick, take vacation, lacks transparency and sufficient knowiedge to make energy efficient decisions! Manual operation might seem cheap upfront, but can prove extremely expensive over time. ‘That is why you need McQuay's CSM ECO H,0 performing 24/7! 1.2 CSM ECOnovation Everyone has access to technology — some can apply it - few can apply it with innovation! Control solutions developed by McQuay are different from other sok place. McQuay not only focus on technical aspects of HVAC apy provides strong support to the related processes that eventually guarantees @ successful implementation and operation of your facility. Successful implementation of a solution is less about technology and much more about people's performance and how they are enabled to delivery and apply technology! To achieve outstanding customer satisfaction, McQuay has invested huge efforts in providing, @ tool based sales support, easy installation procedure, a tool supported ‘commissioning process and last, but not least; a user friendly interface for the staff in charge of the daily operation. ‘As you learn more about McQuay’s ECO System and how we bring it to our customers, we are convinced that you too will conclude that McQuay applies technology with innovation. The application of McQuay's ECO Systems different - We call it ECOnovation! eer ze ECCnovation ca) Economical - Ecclogical- Energy control < HVAC Total Control Solutions sors McQuay ipuon 1.3 CSM ECO H,0 functionality Standardization improves quality and reduces costs! Scope ‘The CSM ECO H,0 provides contro! of complete primary system constant fiow chiller plant coom systems with dedicated or manifolded piping/pumps. This includes chiller ‘staging and sequencing of 2 to 4 water-cooled ct rs to match chiller capacity to actual load demand ILincludes integrated control of a bypass valve on the load side, On/Off or VED control of up to 5 cooling towers, control of cooling tower bypass valve, chilled water- and condenser pumps and shut-off valves CSM ECO H,0 is nat only a chiller sequencing solution; it controls the entire plant room! Manifolded pump piping MeGuay 6086 HVAC Total Controt Solutions {C9 E00 Heo Functional Desrption cs... Scalability The specific application needed for a project is configurable. You might have two, three or four chillers. You might choose control of pumps or you might not. You select what you need and you pay for what you select. Chiller integration ter-cooled chillers with a unit controller providing @ Modbus® interface can be tegrated into CSM ECO H,0. For McQuay and Daikin water-cooled centrifugal and is done with no engineering effort. For third party chilers @ simple configuration of the Modbus® interface might be needed. Standardization ‘The functionality scope of the CSM ECO H,0 is highly standardized and fits the need of ‘most common chiller pant room applications. Highly proven solutions and processes, results in a high level of quality, at very fair upfront cost, However, the CSM ECO H,0 is not designed to answer all requirements in the market place. For requirements that go beyond the CSM ECO H;0 functionality an engineered solution can be provided by McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions. Our engineered solutions are market under the brand name CSM ECO+. The <+> indicates the value-add in form of engineering. CSM: Henne HVAC Total Contol Solutions 7 ot 86 McQuay CSM. cei eso ranean WEB-Based Chiller Plant Operator interface World-wide Web access to your chiller plant! ‘The CSM ECO H,0 comes with a WEB-based operator interface as a standard feature. ‘The WEB-Server is located in the main panel and is connected to the Internet through your Ethemet LAN. The WEB-server facilitates WEB-Based operation using Explorer version 6.0 (or higher) ‘The WEB-interface gives you access to: (© 10 dynamic graphics for graphical monitoring and contro! © Point commander for, eg, change of set-point, (© Alarm status and acknowledgement © Schedule overrides © Point og report ‘© Trend data reporting McQuay B0f56 HVAC Totet Control Solutions (CSM_ECO HzO Functional Desoriation ‘The WEB-Based operator interface reduces the cost of hardware, as you don't need a dedicated PC to operate your chi ‘extends the geographical scope of your operation, as you can operate yor int from any location having an Internet access. ‘The WEB-interface is compatible with standard IT policies and secured from IT security threats by means of password-protected operator access. User accounts can be individually configured for customized user privileges. ‘The WEB-Server enables operator sessions. The of graphics, limited number of user acco tor PC must have Microsoft th up to two concurrent stalled in order to view Fe e a HVAC Total Control Solutions 90f86 CSM. 51 0 #0 Funeuonal Deseipton Intuitive chiller plant con For more advanced user interface functionality a dedicated workstation with McQuay's Advanced Chiller Plant Operator Interface can be made available on a DELL® ‘workstation. ‘The workstation supports seamless integration of all of McQuay's ECO System's Energy controller. sking operating environment that gives the workstation the al cfficiently perform many tasks simultaneously. User Interface ‘The compelling user interface is designed to simplify the tasks an operator performs most ‘Setup of operator profiles The system manager can assign different capabilities to each operator for each application. For example, an operator may need to edit a scheduled event, but does not ‘need the ability to ect graphics. Each application has an assignable View, Edit, and Command privilege. The system manager has the abilty to “custorn-fi* privileges to the various levels of operator expertise or need McQuay 10 of 58 HVAC Total Control Solutions {8M £60 1:0 Funcvoral Deseripton csM.. Point commander Set-points and other system points can be commanded by the click of a mouse button, Scheduling Easy to use and understand, allowing users to create schedules that reflect the specitic building activities years in edvance. ‘Alarm Management Allows operators to troubleshoot an alarm quickly. Alarm Management features includes: Alacm Summary lectable way file support © Alarm History © Point Memo Trending capabilities That allows an operator to easily monitor and store a record of point values over an extended period of time. Trending is especially useful in monitoring critical points or other points of interest such as water supply temperature, ambient temperature or relative humidity, Trend reports Easy lo setup. Users do not need to understand the intricacies of the building system to report on trended information. And an easy-to-use Trending Wizard guides the operator through the simple configuration of trending strategies. Back-up utility ‘Supports back-up and restoring of databases and scheduling of recurring backups. Even more advanced options, which are not part of the Advanced Chiller Operator standard package, can be purchased separately: ‘© Dynamic Platter: Dynamically pot the values up to 15 points simultaneously to troubles! ‘and tune the system. ‘© Report Scheduling: Reports can be scheduled on a regular basis or even years in advance and run as often as required. © System activity log: Capture and report on operator activity to Kienty system utilization or training needs. Integration into 3" party Building Management Systems CSM ECO H,0 can be integrated into third party Building Management Systems via BACnet” protocol, taking advantage of the BMS's operator interface. HVAC Total Contr! Solutions 11 of 6 PcQucsy’ CSM... 5M £0 #0 Funetonal Desenpton 1.4 CSM ECO H,0 hardware platform Be near to the equipment - reduce costs! ‘The CSM ECO H,0 consists of two electrical enclosures; the main control panel to be placed in the chiller plant room close to the chillers and a control panel for the cooling towers to be placed close to electrical equipment dedicated for the operation of the cooling towers, Main Panel Cooling Tower Panel The main panel includes the microprocessor-based Energy Controller, needed VO expansion madules, transformer, switches, terminal block for connections of field wired inputs and outputs, communication to the cooling tower panel, Ethemet communication, Modbus® communication for chiller integration and an optional Building Management System communication interface. ‘The cooling tower panel includes remote 1/0 blocks, transformer, switches and a terminal block for connections of field wired inputs and outputs. With the concept of providing two separate control panels, the costs of electrical cabling can be reduced as the cooling tower control panel can be placed close to the cooling tower switchgear reducing the length of expensive The only connection between the main control panel and the cooling tower control panel is a standard communication cable. ‘Small things matters! The bypass valve for the cooling tower can either be connected to the main panel or to the cooling tower panel, depended on which panel is closest to the bypass valve actuator, saving installation costs. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 control panels are in compliance with: European EMC Directive (CE), snce (CCC), FCC Compliance, Australian EMC framework, European Low Voltage Directive (LVD). Ageney listings: 120186 HVAC Total Control Solutions C54 £00 140 Functional Descrinion CSM. ULB64 UUKL, UDTZ, QVAX, ULC-C100 UKKL7, UL 916 PAZX Hardware interface Hardwired input from sensors/switches/current transducers and hardwired output to end devices as required for chiller system management are connected to Inpuv/output terminals in the CSM ECO H,0 control panels, as shown in the electrical schematics later in this document ‘Supported input and output types: 9. valve actuators and VFD control are O-10Vée or 4-20mA. from temperature, humiclty or cifferential pressure sensors are 0-10Vde and 1K RTD or optionel, 100K thermistor. © Digital outputs are relay contacts rated for 110/220 volt 4 amp (resistive) Form C relay © Digital inputs are dry contact sensing from remote devices such 2s relays and contactors. CSM ECO H,0 Devices offered the weakest link in the chain that makes it fail! ‘All microprocessor controllers, input and output modules, operator SW packages, temperature-, humicity- and pressure sensors offered with the CSM ECO HO are of world renowned quality and manufactured by our technology partner Siemens Building Technologies. Valves and actuators are either from Siemens Bullding Technologies or the world renowned quality brand Belimo. APOGEE’ nuns) ten SIEMENS. For details on hardware included in your CSM ECO H,0 solution, please consult the dedicated data sheets. HVAC Total Control Solutons 130186 McQuay CSM... sm eco 10 al Description 2 Processes You seldom find a chapter in a Functional Description Manual that discusses the processes needed to deliver your system. McQuay is different! We know that our processes are important for generating outstanding customer satisfaction and we therefore regard processes as an integral part of our solutions. 2.1 GSM ECO H,0 Sales process Sell lke hell! - Don't sell hel! It is highly important for McQuay to understand the customer requirements and to make sure that the customer understands what we have agreed to offer. To provide clarity to what is needed and offered during the CSM ECO H.0 sales process, a WEB-based sales tool is made available to our sales force. It allows sales to define the actual project specific requirements and document the scope of our offering. The documentation generated by the sales tool is: ‘© A project specific specication sheet that Cocuments al offered and controlled equipment. © A project specie point © A project specific materialist ‘The materials offered are pre-qualified to guarantee the overall quality of our solution and can't be changed without agreement of McQuay's HVAC Total Control Solutions team. ‘A well documented sales process is McQuay’s and the customer's guarantee, that the requirements are understood and that is setting the foundation for a successful implementation of the purchased solution. ‘Samples of the outputs generated by the sales tool is shown later in this document, McQuay 1a of 86 HVAC Total Control Solutions 3M £60 H:0 Funetional Description CSM... 2.2 CSM ECO H,0 Installation ‘We need good connections! To achieve a si components are This makes the in Assimple to underst to the installer. installation process, all internal control and communication a single well docu n process easy for jectrical wiring diagr eile le Control Panel For details on installation, please consult the CSM ECO H;0 Installation Guide. HIVAC Total Control Solutions 180f 56 McQuay eSM.. 3M £00 Hr0 Functional Deepen 2.3. CSM ECO H:0 Commissioning Asolution is only 2s good as the commissioning! McQuay knows that selling a great solution is not the same as delivering a great solution! To guarantee that our control strategies, communication platforms, ete. are actually implemented to the benefit of the customer, we have gone to great lengths developing a comprehensive commissioning tool, providing the on-site support and transparency needed to do a rather complex job. po chillers and finally, op ur commissioning tool is task oriented and developed to guarantee that we deliver the benefits that we promised our customer upfront. 2.4 CSM ECO H20 Application Support, Training and Service rovide support to customers to achieve an optimal jon of the most efficient chillers, support system design with advice on cooling tower, pump selections and design of the appropriate control solution. ‘This support is crucial to create the foundation for a successful solution. ‘After the commissioning of the CSM ECO H,0, a one day training of operational staff is performed as part of our offering. For maintenance of your system McGuay's extensive service network will be happy to offer you a service contract. McQuay 16 0f 56 HVAC Total Control Solutions (CSM ECO 140 Functional Description csv 3 CSMECOH,O Functionality This chapter explains the functions and control strategies, which are included in the CSM ECO H,0 Energy Controller It is important to stress that the functional scope is flexible ‘and depends on what has been selected for implementation in @ specific project. For all functions itis indicated whether the function is Mandatory or Optional. 3.1 CSM ECO H,0 Overview of functions and control strategies Be in control 24/7! Functions and control strategies supported in Version 1.0 of the CSM ECO H,0: ¢ Lowambient lockout (Optional) © Chiller plant enable (Mandatory) . water reset (CRW) using chilled water A. T (Optional) ° plant staging & leaag (Mandatory) ° led water-and condenser pumps (Options!) ° shutoff valves (Optional) ‘© Flow contol on load side (Optional) ‘© Wet bulb constant temperature approach (Optional) © Cooling tower variable frequency cv (VED) (Optional) ‘© Cooling tower staging (Optional © Cooling tower fan contro! (Optional) ‘© Cooling tower bypass valve control (Optional) © External alarm contact (Ostional) © Chiller dagnostis (Optional) q Y y citer pntonte seu ste stot her igh enn f i ¥ | | t Leesa Flom cot Wo comet onorrsaia yoy ‘Above is 2 simplified overview of the relations bebween functions. HVAC Total Control Solutions 17ol86 McQuay nm Sid. (CSI ECO H0 Functional Desention 3.2 CSM ECO H;0 Low ambient lockout (Optional) This strategy is designed to disable or enable temperature. The function reduces the overall er controlling the number of running hours to a mini the chiller plant based on the ambient nergy consumption of the chiller plant by imum. 8008 ssPo0s Low ambient lockout Release Lockout ‘sPootSPo02 rot Low ambient lock-out is especially of advantage in geographical areas where there are large fluctuations in ambient temperature during spring and autumn seasons. ‘es008 Control hardware needed InpuOutput ‘OT001 | Cuidoor temperature sensor ‘Analog input RcQuay 180t56 HVAC Total Control Solutions CSM. 3.3. CSM ECO H;0 Chiller Plant Enable (Mandatory) ‘This function calculates when to enable or disabled the chiller plant depending on the following criteria: © Manual Switch 8002 located in the CSM ECO H.O main panel can be selected ~ AutolOn/0r, © Low Ambient Lockout wil enable or disable the plant depended on the ambient temperature. © External starV/stop contact £001, e.g. from thed party Bulling Management System, © Scheduler in CSM ECO H40 CPODS or in athied party Bulling Management System CPOO2. Control hardware needed InputOutput. S001 | starVstop from 3% party, OffOn (Optional) Digital input 5002_| Manual plant enabled switch, Auto/On/Of, 2 Digital input 3.4 CSM ECO H20 Chilled water reset via chilled water AT (Optional) This control strategy is designed to reset the Actual system set-point based on the deviation between the Actual AT and the System design AT set-point. The function attempts to maintain the chilled water supply temperature at level of the designed AT level. This strategy reduces the overall energy consumption. Note; increasing the chilled re will affect the cooling coll capacity, especially the dehumidification capability, Before implementing this strategy and inputting the set points, check with the system designer. 3006 “Chilled water reset ( using cl k= + oo — ‘AT = TM002— THON (Ff) TH002 * 3006 Control hardware needed InpulOutpat TuOOt_| Chited water supa emperature sensor ‘raiog input Two02 | Chited water return temperature sensor ‘Anaog int HVAC Tatal Control Solutons 190856 McQuay = CSM. Sema iee 3.5 CSM ECO H,0 Chilled water reset via external valve signal (Optional) This cont opening percentage of a eri strategy Is designed to reset the actual system set-point based on the I valve on the load side. jed water reset (using external valve signal) ‘The critical valve could e.g, be a valve on the cooling coll serving the reception area of a hotel, where it might be difficult to maintain the desired comfort level on a hot summer day, due to a frequently used entrance, The function guarantees that the chilled water supply temperature is on a level that enables you to maintain desired comfort levels at optimal energy cost. ‘The transmission of the opening percentage of the ortical valve is either done through hardwiring to the CSM ECO H.0 or transferred to CSM ECO H,0 via communication from a BMS system. es007 Control! hardware needed Input/Output Vv001_| Valve signal rom 3° party ‘Analog input McQuay 200f 58 HVAC Total Control Solutions {SM £00 #0 Furetiona Desenpten CSM. 3.6 GSM ECO H,0 Actual System Set-point (Mandatory) ‘The value of the chilled water Actual System set-point depends on which control jes you have activated during commissioning. You can choose between three (© Fixed user defined System set-point (© Actual system set-point, defined by chiled water reset function, based on maintaining the System design AT. © Actual syst , defined by chilled water reset function, based on extemal valve positon from a erical valve on the load side. If no chilled water reset function is activated, then the user defined CV001. If one of the chilled water reset functions is active then the or SPOO8 and the SPOOS. ‘The value of the C\V001 is distributed as cooling set-point to all chillers in the system. ‘The two chilled water reset functions are mutual exclusive. The chilled water reset functions are described in detail elsewhere in this document. HVAC Total Control Solutions atofs8 McQuay CSM. comeco 1:0 3.7 CSM ECO H20 Chiller Plant Staging & Lead/Lag (Mandatory) This control strategy is responsible for the optimal start-up, sequencing & staging of jor capacity to load demand, It is instrumental in achieving a energy r plant staging 09 9080 8200 198900 1400 #80 26 ocorm 7 (68504 Control hardware needed Input Output TMOOt | Chiled water supply temperature sensor ‘Analog input Chiller available function This function determines if a chiller is Available or not, based on inputs from the controller, Modbus® communication status and pump feedbacks. Achi |s Not Available when one of the following conditions applies: ;epors that the chiller sin Alarm status, 1M ECO H20 and the chiller unit cont ‘© The unt controller reports CHx005 Is set to Local operation and consequently CSM ECO H20 car't command points in the unt controller, © AnAvalable chiller falls on start-up request © Acedicated pump of an enabled chiller has a feedback error ciiller alarms manualy, when ane of the following conditions applies: © When an Available chile is not running within 3 minutes after it has been enabled. An alarm wil be generated, (© When a dedicated pump of an enabled chiller has « feedback error ‘The chiller available status'is reported in CHxxx McQuay 220186 HVAC Total Control Solutions U C51 £00 #0 Functional Desenton csM. Soft loading function ‘The purpose of this function is to prevent excess stage-up of capacity during start-up after the system has been disabled for a period of time. Without this function an excess capacity would have to be staged-down once the system has reached its Actual system set-point, The function reduces the overall energy consumption. Note ‘ot affect the ramp up to load settings of the chiller, which is set in the merely delays the starting of the next on chiller. running and the SP0O9 starts to count down. A second chiller will not be enabled until the has expired. ‘The set-point CV009 is set to Inactive when the set-point can be used in applications where you have a small e.. ith several bigger e.g. centrifugal chillers. You willbe able to force the small On in the moming and Last-Off in the evening, witen cooling load in a jing is low. The function reduces the overall energy consummation, Noxt-On chiller function The purpose of this function is to determine the next chiller to be enabled when the stage-up function has identified increased capacity demand. The function equalizes the umber of running hours on available chillers, prolonging the overall lifetime of the chiller system, Only Available chillers are considered by this function! ler not running, then this the lowest number of running hours will be First-On. Next-Off chiller function ‘The purpose of this function is to determine the next chiller to disable when the Stage-up function has identifies reduced capacity demand. The function equalizes the number of running hours on chillers, prolonging the overal system. ‘The running chiller with the highest number of running hours, compared to all other ‘unning chillers, will be chosen as the Next-off chiller. HVAC Total Controt Solutions 230188 McGueny CSM. £00 Ho Funtonal Dasenption r has been desig chiller is running, then this chiller will be the last chiller to be disabled, regardless of its running hours. Recycling function The purpose of this function is to constantly or periodically recycle water on the load side when no chiller is running and the chi is done to enable the re and determine if there is load demand in the system. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. ‘The Recycling function is activated when the chiller plant is enabled and no chiller is running, During recycling the chilled water shut-off valve of the Next-On is opened and the Next-On chilled water pump is turned on resulting in flow over the chilled water load circuit. ‘When is not activated then peri intervals in lengths defined by the set of a recycle interval the chilled water pump is turned off, Recycling status> set-point is CVO01 is set to Inactive when a chiller is enabled or the chiller plant is disabled, ly recycling is done in onloft int SPOOB, During the off-cycle Note: Constant reoyeling should be activated if the chilled water load circuit has a critical load demand (data room, laboratory or close. area), so the chilled water evaporator isolating valve remains open and the water pump remains operating during reoyciing Stage-up inhibit function The purpose of this function of chillers prior to a known drop in system load @.g. 30 minutes prior to e. ing or a shopping mall being ‘unoccupied. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. You inhibit stage-up by activating SPOO6 using the CSM ECO H.0 scheduler or an external scheduler from a third party BMS. When is Active then the CSM ECO H,0 will prevent additional chillers from being enabled, unless a running chiller falls ‘Stage-up function ‘The purpose of this function is to calculate energy optimal stage-up of chiller capacity by determining the increased load demand. The function reduces the overall energy consumption. McQuay 24 of 56 HVAC Totel Control Solutions [CSM ECO H20 Functional Dee CSM. The CSM ECO H,0 is releasing the first stage ( apply © Thechile plants enabled © Chir lant int stageup is Not Active © No chieris runing ©The TMT is eeatr than the ( TMOOt is grester than the set-point SPO02, Consitions (1) and (2) above have been rue for a period of tne specified by the SPO03, © Sufficient pump capacity is avaiable ‘Once it has been determined enabled Note: The CSM ECO H.0 wi chiller becomes Not Avail tage-up of capacity is needed the Next-On chiller is mediately enable the Next-On chiller, when any cunning Stage-down The purpose of this function is to calculate energy optimal Stage-down of capacity matching capacity to decreased load demand, The function reduces the overall eneray consumption. The CSM ECO H,0 decreases system capacity by one stage (one chiller) when the following conditions apply: ‘© More than one hi When the Nextoffchiler can be tured off andthe spare capacity of te remaining runing chillers fs higher than the requested est point SPOOS. © The above coniion has been tue fora period of me speciied by the ), the stop. The CSM will disable the chiller, close isolation valves and stop pumps and the Recycling function takes over. fcQuay 28 of 56 HVAC Total Control Solutions esi £6 0 Frnt Desition CSM.; 3.8 CSM ECO H;0 Chilled water and condenser pumps (Mandatory) This function is responsible for the control of chilled water pumps and cooling water Pumps. It is assumed that there are an equal number of pumps on the condenser and chilled water side. The function equalizes the number of running hours on pumps in manifolded systems, prolonging the overalllifetime of the pump system. Control hardware needed inputlOutput PMOOx | On/Off commands fort to 6 chilled pumps Digital output | PPOOx_| Feedback for 1 to 6 chilled pumps Digitalinput 'PRSOx_| On/O't commands for 1 to 6 condenser pumps Digital output PP50x_| Feedback for 1 o 6 condenser pumps Digital input CSM ECO H;0 provides a cigital output to turn a pump on/off and a digital input to monitor the feedback from @ pump. The feedback can be connected to a pump relay or to a differential pressure switch. The running hours of each pump is monitored. A manual ‘unning hour reset function is available for each pump for the case that a pump is being replaced due to failure, For systems that are expected to run for long periods at part load, CSM ECO H,0 will ‘exercise pumps that have been in off-cycle for the number of hours defined by the set-point SPOO1. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 supports two basic pump configurations: CSM ECO H,0 supports pump applications with dedicated and manifolded piping. In an N to N configuration there is an equal number of pumps and chillers. In N+ or N¥#2 configurations there are either one or two standby pumps as described below. Dedicated or manifolded pipe work, dedicated pumps, N to N For chiller plant systems with dedicated pumps, each chiller is assigned a specific pump (Pump 4 to chiller 1, pump 2 to chiller 2, and so forth). The pump will run as soon as the chiller is enabled. ‘There are no standby pumps in this mode! Manifolded pumps, N+1 For chiller plants with manifolded pumps and chillers of same size and a standby pump there is no relationship between a specific pump and a specific chiller. In this case the pump with the lowest number of running hours will be turned on when an additional chiller is enabled (Next-On pump). The pump with the highest number of running hours will be tumed off when a chiller is disabled (Next-Off pump) ‘Manifolded piping, none dedicated pumps, N+2 CSM ECO H,0 supports the allocation of two pumps to chiller No.1 position. This is to HVAC Total Control Solutions 27 of 56 McQucy ead CSM. SIH £0 10 Functional Desenpton ications where you have a small e.g. screw chiller, for low load conditions and one or several equal sized bigger e.g. centrifugal chillers. In such an application the smaller screw chiller typical has two smaller pumps, which needs to be dedicated to the screw chiller, In this kind of application CSM ECO H,0 assumes the following: © Chiller (isthe smatest chi (© Pump No.1 and 2 are allocated to clr No.1, (© The pump with the lowest running hous will run when chiller No.1 is enabled, The second pump is standby. Al other pumps serve the rest of the chiles, = ive = gle: = tiem & 4 = (oseene = Suomen a "oer z (ivan N to N, Dedicated piping NtoN, Manifolded piping Dedicated pumps Dedicated or none dedicated pumps ve a = i vs = = ee = so ; = = koe Pa = = N+4, Manifolded piping None dedicated pumps None dedicated pumps McQuay 280156 HVAC Total Control Solutons ca £040 nena Degen CSM. 3.9 CSM ECO H,0 Control of shut-off valves (Mandatory) ‘The CSM ECO H,0 supports the control of shut-off valves in the chilled water and condenser water circuits, For manifolded chiller plants, shut-off valves in the chilled water circuit and in condenser Circuit are mandatory for every chiller to prevent flow though disabled chillers. Normally ‘when a chiller is stopped a corresponding chilled water pump and condenser pump are also stopped, this is true for both manifolded and non-manifolded systems. On a manifolded system if chiller is switched off and pumps are stopped without the condenser and evaporator being isolated, the water flows through the condenser and evaporators of the remaining operational chillers will reduce and may cause all operational chillers to tip ‘on low flow, On the chilled water side, flow through a chiller that is off increase in the chilled water supply temperature due to flow through the off chiller mixing the chilled water passing through the running chillers. ‘Controt hardware needed InpuliOutput ‘SVOOx_| On/Off commands for 1 to 4 chiled water shut-off valves Digital output ‘SV50x_| On/Off commands for 1 to & condenser water shutoff valves Digital output Itis highly recommended that actuators with an opening and closing speed of 30 seconds are installed to reduce rapid fluctuations in the flow though the chiller system when valves are opening or closing. ‘The CSM ECO H.0 will start an additional pump and immediately open the corresponding shut off valves, when a chiller is enabled, When a chiller is disabled the CSM ECO H,0 will lose the corresponding valves and turn the respective pumps off after the number of seconds defined in the set-point SPO01. HAC Total Contro! Solutions 20 0f 58 NicQuay Description 3.10 CSM ECO H20 Flow control on load side (Optional) The CSM ECO HO supports flow control on the load side via bypass valve and a differential pressure sensor. The control strategy is nesded in applications where two.ways valves are used for cooling colls on the load side and a by-pass is applied to keep constant flow over the chiller circuit, $003 Flow control load side (68008 Control hardware nesded InpuvOutput 'BV0OT | Bypass valvelactuator on tho oad side ‘Analog output DPOot | Diferential pressure sensor over the load side ‘Analog input This control loop is released when one or more chilled water pumps are running. defined SPOO1, by measuring the actual differen side DPOO1 and controlling the opening percentage of the bypass valve BVOO1. ‘The bypass line and differential pressure sensor shall be installed between the chilled ‘water supply and chilled water return lines. The differential pressure sensor should be located in a position as far as possible e plant room in order to have accurate flow on the load side. McQuay’ soot 86 HVAC Total Control Solutions C5500 #0 Functional Deseapion CSM... 3.11 CSM ECO H;0 Wet bulb constant temp approach (Optional) Based on the ambient temperature and the ambient humidity the CSM ECO HO calculates the wet bulb constant temperature approach set-point. E8504 Wet bulb constant temp. approach covaot oneot ‘The wet bulb constant temperature approach set-pi performance of the cooling tower and the chillers, by ‘wet bulb, used to optimize the overall 1g the cooling towers track the C8501 ‘Control haraware needed Input/Output ‘OT001 | Outdoor temperature sencor ‘Analog input ‘011001 [ Outdoor humidity sensor ‘Analog input ‘The CV002 is used as set-point for the cooling tower VFD control or in the case that the cooling towers are onvoff staging, It is used to float the staging set-points for the cooling tower fans. ‘The overall aim is to maintain proper balance between chiller energy and cooling tower fan energy and achieve the lowest possible cooling tower leaving water temperature, with the lowest possible overall energy consumption, ‘As a general rule it can be assumed that 1 ‘C lower cooling tower leaving temperature, results in 3% energy saving on your chillers. Using the above set-points CSM ECO H,0 calculates the CV002 based on the OTOO1 and (H001, adding the set-point SPO01 to the wet bulb value and makes sure that it equals a value higher or equal to the defined S002, HVAC Total Control Solutions 31 0f 86 McQuay’ CSM. (CSM £00 #0 Functional Deserstion 3.12 CSM ECO H-0 Cooling tower variable frequency drive VFD (Optional) This control strategy is designed to maintain the condenser entering temperature at a predefined set-point ulb calculated set-point using VFD controlled cooling tower fans. The function calculates the number of needed cooling tower stages and one Variable frequency speed signal that is controlling the speed of all running cooling tower fans. ‘As fan power reduces by the cube of the fan speed and fan and tower capacity reduces lineal, the most efficient mode of operation is to keep all fans operating at low speed as Jong as possible, this strategy also maximizes the use of all the available cooling tower heat exchanger surface. Minimum recommended fan speed is 30%, this is because VFD drive efficiency falls away rapidly below 25% and excess vibration may be encountered. In addition, in a gear driven fan the gearbox usually has 2 minimum speed requirement of 30% in order to maintain lubrication capat CSM ECO H,0 supports a maximum of five manifoided cooling towers! ess02 ‘Control hardware needed Input/Output “Tn501_| Condenser entering temperature ‘Analog input ‘OTOO1_ | Outdoor temperature sensor (Optional) ‘Analog input ‘OH001 | Cutdoor humidity sensor nal) ‘Analog input 'VE501_| Variable frequency signal controling all running fans Analog output Release of the cooling tower for operation If the BVS01 is available then the cooling tower will be released for operation when the by-pass valve is fully open to the tower and one or more chillers are running. in applications without a cooling tower bypass valve the towers are released for operation when one or more chillers are enabled. McQuay 22ofs8 HVAC Toial Control Solutions Cooling tower VFD control When the cooling tower is in operation a PI control lo calculate the needed VF501, based on the do\ between the TMS01 and the ‘SP001. All fans will run at the same speed, ‘The Condenser entering set-point is either: © fixes user defined set-point SPOOt ‘© Ortho set-point SPO02: ‘ CV001 = CV002 = mul ‘ CV003 = < VFD Minimum speed> mull CVO0S = multiplied with 1.25 Stage 1 will be released when the VF501 exceeds the CV001 set-point. ‘The stages 2 to 5 will be released when all of the following conditions apply: © The stage is next in sequence. © VFS01 exceeds the forthe stage In sequence. © The VED stage-up timer has expire. ‘The VFD stage-up timer will start count down as soon as a new stage is activated, Stage-down of cooling tower stages The number of active stages is reduced by one stage when the \VF601 is lower than the set-point SP002 and the Stage-down timer has expired, HVAC Total Control Solutions 330156 McQuay csM., 541 £0010 Freon! etton 3.13 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower fan staging (Optional) strategy is designed to calculate the number of cooling tower stages needed in the condenser entering temperature at a predefined set-point. It uses fixed user defined staging setpoints or calculates staging set-points based on a ‘combination of user defined set-points and wet bulb constant temperature approach. The function reduces the overall energy consumption by reducing the leaving water temperature to a minimum. css03 Fan staging based on cond. entering temp. | Taso} | 5 es seer oe spor | coouNe TOKE spots spot2 /epo0s ‘SPOO7 Pott - > 1 aes ‘Stage CSM ECO H,0 supports a maximum of five mainfolded cooling towers! ‘es503 Control hardware needed InpuvOutput TM501_| Condenser entering temperature ‘Analog input (OT001 | Outdoor temperature sensor ‘Analog input ‘OH001 | Outdoor humiity sensor ‘Analog input Release of the cooling tower for operation If the BV501 is available then the cooling tower released for operation when the by-pass valve is fully open to the tower and one or more chillers are running. In applications without a cooling tower bypass valve the tower is released for operation when one or more chillers are enabled. Cooling tower staging The onloff switching of cooling tower stages is based on the SPO11 to SPO15. Stage-up of cooling tower stages An additional stage will be added, when the TMS01 is higher than the defined set-point SP006. McQuay 34 0f 58 HVAC Total Contro! Solutions {5 E00 Heo Functional Desorption CSM. Stage-down of cooling tower stages ‘Stage down with one step will take place, when the ‘TMS01 is lower than the defined SP ‘SP15 and this has been true for the period of time defined by the set-point SPOO7. Definition of the Actual stage 1 to 5 temperature set-points, ‘There are two methods for defining the values of the SPOT! to SPO15. Fixed user defined method The user defines the SP001 to SPOOS. With this method the are copied to the SPO11 to SPO15, Wet bulb approach method With this method the set-points for the SPOTt to ‘SPO15 are based on a co of the set-point CV002 and the user defined SP001 to SP00S. The switching points for the cooling tower stages ere floating with the value of the Wet bulb set-point CVO001 The switching point for SPO11 is set equal to the set-point CVO02 ‘The switching point for SPO12 is set to the value of the set-point CV002 + ( SPO02 minus SP001) The above formula is also applied for stages 3 to 5 using the applicable set-points for those stages. The wet bulb approach method is automatically active when the Wet bulb constant temp approach function is activated, Note: For optimal energy performance wet bulb constant temperature approach is highly recommended! HVAC Total Conte Solutions 350865 McQuay CSM... 504 600 #0 Funcuenal Desensvon 3.14 CSM ECO H;0 Cooling tower fan control (Optional) This function is responsible for calculating which cooling tower fans to enable or disable based on fault conditions and the actual needed number of cooling tower stages, calculated by either the Cooling tower VFD control function or the Cooling tower fan staging function described earlier in this document. The function equalizes the number of running hours on cooling tower fans, prolonging the overal lifetime of the cooling tower system. ‘Control haraware needed inpuvOutput 10 5 cooling tower fons Digital output ing tower fans Digital input ‘CFOOx_| On/Off command ‘ePO0x_| Feedback for 1105 ‘The running hours of each fan is monitored. ‘Once CSM ECO H,0 has determined that an additional stage is needed monitoring the CVO01 then the CSM ECO H,0 will turn on the cooling tower fan with the lowest number of running hours (Next-On fan), via a digital ‘output. The feedback of the fan is monitored by a digi 1and is reduced by one stage the CSM ECO H-0 will tum off the cooling he highest number of running hours (Next-Off fan). If a cooling tower fan reports feedback error the inactive fan with lowest running hours (Next-On fan) will be turned on immediately ‘Amanual running hour reset function is available for the case that a fan is being replaced due to failure. For systems that are expected to run for long periods at part load, CSM ECO H:0 will ‘exercise fans that have been in off-cycle for the number of hours defined by the set-point SPOO8, McQuay 360156 HVAC Total Control Solutions csi 20 0 neon etn CSM... 3.15 CSM ECO H,0 Cooling tower bypass valve contro! (Optional) {f the cooling tower is equipped with a bypass control loop then this function will attempt to ‘maintain the Actual condenser temperature at the Minimum condenser entering temperature set-point by modulating the bypass vaive between 0 and 100%. C8504 Cooling tower common bypass valve ‘es504 Control hardware needed InputiOutput 8V501_| Cooling tower bypass valvelactuator ‘Analog output “Tws01_| Condenser entering temperature ‘Analog input 3.16 CSM ECO Power return function (On Power outage all output contacts will be turned off to prevent high starting current upon Power Return Upon Power Return the CSM ECO H,O will wait for 2 minutes for communication to chillers, /O modules and BMS system to have sufficient time to build-up. After the two minutes the normal startup procedure of the chiller plant will be activated. For highly critical chiller plants itis recommend providing USP provision for the CSM ECO HO panel HVAC Tolat Control Solutions 37 of 58 McQuay CSM... St ECO Ho Fun Deseriotion 3.17 CSM ECO H,0 Diagnostics Diagnose comes before treatment ~ treatment makes fit! Regardless of the chiller brand you purchase, your chillers will not last forever! However, you can extend the lifetime of your chillers and ensure their full design efficiency, by ‘maintaining them regularly and monitor their actual running status. To help extend the lifetime of valuable equipment and prevent increased energy consumption CSM ECO provides a set of diagnostics that monitor the development of, critical chiller process values. In case these values drift outside redefines Warnings are automatically generated and if the situation worsens, calls for Actions are generated by the CSM ECO HO system. Disclaimer: Diagnostics are only available when the needed process values for iculating the diagnosti ler Modbus@ interface. for McQuay's centrifugal chillers and for the screw chillers WMD and PFS. Please consult McQuay HVAC Total Control Solutions in case you have chillers of other types or brands. Condenser water AT too low or too high ‘The CSM monitors the condenser water AT over each predefined sets of lower and higher and compares it 10 (0 determine if the AT is “healthy, higher than normal AT would indicate: Possible probloms with water flows Shutoff valves not working correctly Blocked strainors Pump wear Incorrect setting of batancing vaives or fow contro! devices. eeceen Alower than normal AT would indicate: (© The Chilers running unloaded (© Flow rate through the cles too high Alow AT can be tolerated to a degree, but ukimately pump energy will be high and there is a chance erasion of eondenser tube ends or tube sheets will occur. Evaporator water AT too low or too high ‘The CSM monitors the evaporator water AT over each predefined sets of lower and higher limits to determine if the AT: and compares it to “healthy” Ahigher than normal AT would indicate: ‘© Possible problems with water flows © Blocked ners Incorrect setting of balancing valves Flaw contro! devices. McQuay 38 0856 HVAC Total Control Sotutons a1 CSM ECO Heo Functional Desein CSM. ‘Allower than normal AT would indicate: © The Chiferis eunning unloaded @ Flow rate though is too high. Allow AT can be tolerated to a degree, but ulately pump energy will be high and there is a ‘chance of erosion of evaporator tube ends or tube sheets will ocour Condenser approach too high ‘The condenser approach is the temperature difference between the saturated condensing temperature and the condenser water leaving temperature. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the condenser approach for all compressors in the system. For a new chiller with clean tubes and the correct refrig temperature would normally be between 0.0 to 1.5°C, as scal tube walls the heat exchanger performance would reduce, ‘overcharged liquid refrigerant would cover the lower tubes the heat exchange surface area and also affect performance. charge, the approach ids up on the condenser larly. If the chiller were the condenser and reduce Too high condenser approach temperature can indicate: © Condenser water fois tao low © Condenser tubes are scaled up or dy System's overcharged with refgerant ‘© Retigerant contol device not functioning coretly ‘Water by-passing the ‘A high approach condition therefore wasting energy. Evaporator approach too high ‘The CSM ECO H.0 monitors the evaporator approach for all compressors in the system. For a new chiller with clean tubes and the correct refrigerant charge, the approach temperature would normally be between 0.0 to 1.5°C. as dirt builds up in the system, tube ‘walls will become fouled and the heat exchanger effect would reduce, similarly. If the chiller were undercharged, liquid refrigerant level would be low and consequently so ‘would the evaporating temperature. A high approach condition will indicate the ‘compressor is working harder than it should be and therefore wasting energy. Possible causes for a too high evaporator approach temperature would be: Evaporator water ow is to0 low Evaporator tudes are erty ‘System is undercharged with refrigerant Refrigerant contol device not functioning correctly Excess cil in the evaporator ‘Water by-passing the dvdr inthe water box: HVAC Total Contr! Solutions a9 0f 56 McQuay ooeecee csM.. CSM £00 H0 Functional Desenpton ‘Suction super heat too low, too high ‘Suction super heat is the temperature difference between the saturated evaporating temperature and the actual temperature of the refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the suction super heat for all Centrifugal compressors in the system, Suction supetheat is extremely important when diagnosing faults in a Chiller. Especially for Centrifugal as discharge superheat reading would not be available if compressor tq High suction superheat will result in inefficient operation and low suction superheat will result in liquid refrigerant being drawn back to the compressor leading to compressor damage. Possible reasons for too low suction super heat could be: ‘© Evaporator refrigerant control device not working or not set correctly (© System is overcharged with refrigerant © Poor heat exchange in the evaporator, (iow or dity tubes) (© Too high suction super heat could indicate © Insufficient refrigerant charge ‘© Evaporator refrigerant control device not working correctly or nat set correctly. © Excess oils fouling the evaporator Discharge superheat too low, too high Discharge super heat is the temperature difference between the saturated condensing temperature and the actual temperature of the refrigerant vapor leaving the compressor. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 monitors the discharge super heat for all compressors in the system. For centrifugal chillers discharge superheat is not included as the value is corrupted if Liquid Injection is switch on. Discharge superheat is extremely important when diagnosing faults in a High discharge superheat i jon the chiller is operating inefficiently and low discharge ‘superheat is an indication that liquid refrigerant may be drawn back to the compressor and this could result in damage to the compressor. Possible reasons for too low discharge super heat could be: © Evaporator refrigerant contol device not working or nat set corecty © systems overcharged Poor heat exchange in the eveporator, (Now or dity tubes) ‘Too high discharge super heat could indicat: Insuficient refrigerant charge not set correctly, 40 of 88 HVAC Total Control Solutions CM 00 M0 Functional Desorption CSM... 3.18 CSM ECO External Alarm Contact (Optional) ‘The CSM ECO H,0 comes with an External alarm conta bell or a lamp. t can activate e.g. a horn, a ‘You can link one or more groups of alarms to activate the External alarm contact. Group 1: Sensor failed alarms Group 2: Chiller operational alarms Group 3: Chiller communication alarm Group 4: CSM ECO H,0 Herdware alarms Group 5: Feedback alarms from pumps and fans Group 6: Diagnostic warnings Group 7: Diagnostic action alarms Han alarm within linked group becomes active then the External Alarm contact is activated, HVAC Total Control Solutions At of56 McQuay ees, 3.19 CSM ECO H;0 Chiller Modbus@ integration ‘The data highway to chiller information! ‘The CSM ECO #0 integrates chiller data residing in the embedded controller dedicated for the control of the chiller unit, using a Modbus@ interface. ‘A maximum of four chillers can be integrated in the CSM ECO H,0. Each chiller can have ‘a maximum of 4 compressors. Depended on the chiller type, up to 45 values can be integrated per chiller. The actual number of integrated points depends on the specific chiller type. Obviously chillers with one compressor only, will not be able to provide data for a second compressor. ‘The following table defines the maximum set of data per chiller that the CSM ECO HO can te for McQuay's and Daikin’s water cooled chillers. No. Point name Point type Range Mandatory 001 ‘enabled DO | Disabled, Enabled | Yes 002 tun made DI No. 008, operating mode Ne. 008 in alarm BI___| Normal, Alarm Yes (005, ToeallGSM ECO Dr__| Local Remote Yes (006 ited DI___| Notlimited, Limited | Yos (007 | Evaporator flow switch DI__| Noflow, Flow No. (008 | Condenser flow switch DI__| Nefiow, Flow Ne. 008 Dr No. O10 AO) Yes O11 _| Actual capacity ‘AL__| Percentage Yes 012 | Capacity lirit set-point Yes 018 | Chiler ono Yes (014 | Compressor 1 running hours Hous No. (015 | Compressor 1 stars Starts No. 016 | Compressor 2 running hours Hours No. (017 _| Compressor? stars ‘Starts No. (018 | Compressor 3 running hours Hours Ne. (019 | Compressor stars Stats No. 020 _| Compressor 4 running hours Hours Ne. 023 _| Compressor 4 stars AL__| Stars Ne. (22 _| Evaporator inlet temperature A [°c Ne. (023 | Evaporator outlet temperature al [°c Ne. 24_| Condenser inlet temperature A [°c Ne. 025 _| Condenser outlet temperature Al [°c Ne. (026 | Compressor 1 discharge temperature at [°c No. 027 _[ Condenser 1 saturated refigerant temp a_[°e No. McQuay 42.0155 HIVAG Total Control Solutions CSM ECO 20 Funationa! Deseription (028 | Compressor 2 discharge temperature A [% No. 1029 _| Condenser? salurated refigerant temp a [% No. (030_| Compressor $ discharge temperature A | No. (031_ | Condenser 3 saturated refigerant temp A | No. (082 _| Compressor 4 discharge temperature A |e No (033 | Condenser 4 saturated refrigerant temp A | No 034 | Evaporator 1 saturated refigerant temp al__[ 6 No 035, 2 saturated retfigerant temp a | No 036 93 saturated refigerant tomip A [|e No 087 4 saturated retigerant temp A [% No. 038 | Otieed pressure compressor 1 AL Koa No. (039 _| Oilfeed pressure comoressor 2 Kpa No. 040 _| Oil feed pressure compressor 3 pa No. (041 | Oilfeed pressure compressor 4 pe No. (042 _| Suction ine temperature compressor 1 °C Ne. (043 | Suction line temperature compressor 2 A [°% No. (044 | Suction ine temperature compressor 3 a | No, (045 | Suction tine temperature compressor 4 al [ No. The following table di lays the points that CSM ECO H0 can integrated for any third party water cooled chiller, without any engineering effort, provided that the third party chiller has a Modbus® interface that includes the values. ovis ie nage] oc reat ee oni cn acai a cae TESS Sr ol evar a eaerinta oF [nated ned [a aaniaat ra ii Pieces TE Ne Paconage | We Evaporator outlet temperature Al °C No. Corer lone nb ie HRC Pt Cone See ssatse McQuay CSM. 504 £00 #0 Funationa Desenstion 3.20 CSM ECO H;0 Hardware points ‘The connection to the periphery! ‘The below tables list the maximum number of hardware points that CSM ECO HO can ‘accommodate. It is rare that a specific project includes all the points. A project specific, point list is generated during the sales phase. No. | Point name of VO points connected | Point type ‘Range Wandatory to the main pane! Chilled water pump + command DO | OF, On No ‘pump 1 feedback BL Of. On No. pump 2 command BO _| Off On No pump 2 feedback or | off, on Ne. ‘pump 3 commend DO | Of on Ne pump 3 feedback or | OF. On Ne. pump 4 command DO_| Off, On No POO water pump 4 feedback Br off, On No. 00s | Chilled water pump § command BO | Off on No PPOOS water pump 5 feedback or _[ ot on No. ‘M006 | Chiled water pump 6 command D0 | Of, On Ne. 'PP008 | Chiled water pump 6 feedback or | Of on No. PMsO1_| Cooling water pump 1 command DO_| Off On No P51 _| Cooling water pump 1 feedback Bro. On No. PMs02_| Cooling water pump 2 command DO _| Off, On No. P502_| Cooling water pump 2 feedback or | of. on No. PNS03_| Cooling water pump 3 command DO | Of, On No. PP503_| Gosling water pump 3 feedback or | of. on No. PMSO4 | Cooling water pump 4 command DO__| Off, On No. PP504 | Cooling water pump 4 feedback or ___| ott, on No. PMS0S | Cooling water pump 5 command DO | Of, On No. PP505_| Cooling water pump 5 fecdtack or | Ot on No. PMB06 | Cooling water pump 6 command D0 | off. on No. PP506_| Coaling water pump 6 feedback DL | of. on No. ‘Svo01_| Evaporator shutoff valve t DO _| Close, Open No. svo02 DO__| Close, Open No. ‘sv003 DO___| Goose, Open No. ‘Svo04_| Evaporator shutoff valve 4 DO | Close, Open No. ‘5V501_| Condenser shutoff valve t D0 | Close, Open No. ‘8v502_| Condenser shutoff valve 2 D0 | Close. Open No. ‘sv503 DO__| Close, Open No. ‘svs04 DO__| Close, Open ‘O70 a [°c No. ‘oH007 | Ambient humelty A |% No. ‘Bv00% | By-pass valve on load side ao | % No. McQuay 44.056 HVAC Total Contol Solutions {CSM E00 HzO Functional Deseritian cou. No. | Pointname of 10 points connacted | Point pe Ronge Mandatory to the main panel 1DP00% | Di. pressure sensor on oad ae %0 Wo WOOT | Chiled water supply temperate al |" Yee TwO02_| Chiied water return emperatire a | No TM501_| Entering cooling water temperature AL Ko No BV501_| Cooling tower by-pass vaio Ao | % No EV001_| Valve signal from 3" party system Al No EA001 | External alarm signal to 3° party DO No. E8001 | Start/Stop from 3° party system oO No 5002_| Manual plant enabled ewtch 201 Yes : No, | Paint name of 10 points connected | Point type Range Mandatory to te cooling tower panel (FSO | Cooling tower t command oom On No {GP501_ | Cooing tower feedback DI Ot. on No {F502 | Cooling tower? command DO | OF, On No (6P562_| Coating tower2feccback DI [OF On No {F503 _| Coating tower & command 0 _[Of.0n Ne (P503_| Goolng tower 3 feedback DI [Of on No {GF504 | Cooling ower 4 command DO__[o1,on No. (GP504 | Coong tower 4 feedback DI [OF On No {F505 | Cooling tower 5 command Do [ of, on No {P505_| Coalng tower 5 feecback BI__| OF. on No no |% No 'BVE01_| Cooling tower by-pass valve ao [% No D HVAC Total Contral Solutions 450158 McQuay CSM. CSM £00 Hy0 Funcbonal Dasenption 3.21 CSM ECO H,0 Calculated values The below table shows the maximum number of calculated values, that are available in the CSM ECO H,0 operator interface. Whether or not an actual value is available specific project depends on the project configuration: Number and type of controlled compressors, pumps, cooling towers and sensors, No. Point name Point Range Remark ‘ype 001 lant enabled 100 | Disabled, Enabied | Always available (002 _| Actual system setpoint tw [se Always avaiable 003, tal [Fe IR sensors availabe 004 tao [ows pumps controted (005 _| No of running cooling water pumps | LAO [0106 (006 _| No of cooling towers running tao | 010s (007 | Total chiller plant capacity Lad | Intons 008 TAO | intone 009) tao [intone 010 tao [Oioa 1 tao | 0i04 ore. to1_[ No. ves ons LoI_[ No, Yes or Lor_[ No, ves ‘Available per oiler O16. tao | Hours ‘Available per chlor ‘016 | Condenser AT diagnostic tar [°c ‘Available per chile, on L00 | 0% Warning, Action _| if possible (018 | Evaporator AT diagnostic tal [°c ‘Available per chile, org L00 | Ok Warning, Action _| if possible (020 | Discharge super heat dlagnastic tal [°c Per chiller and for o2t LOO | ok Warring, Action | every compressor, if (022 | Condenser spproach temperature | Lal | °C 028 | diagnostic L00 | ox warning, Action (024 | Evaporstor spproach temperature | LAT [°C 025. | dagrostc L00 | 0k Werning, Action essitle 026 | Suction super heat diagnostic Lat | °C Per chiller and for car 100 | 0% Weming, Action | every compressor, ossbie 028 | Running hows cited waterpump | LAO | Hous Per pump, centled @29_| NexiOn child wator pm TAG | O66 if pumps eorvaed 20 | Nex-O¥ nite water pump (AO [0.06 if bums contvoes McQuay 480156 HVAC Total Contol Solutions 9M ECO 1:0 Functional Description CSM... G51] Running hours cooing water pure | LAO | Hours or pomp, Wf pumps contrled 052 | Neni-On cooing water pump tao [ows | 083 _| Nox Off cooking water pump 40 [0106 084 | Running hours coofng tower fan | LAO | Hours 1035 _[ Nex-On coating tower fan iad [ows (036 | Nex-Of cooling tower fan 1A0 005 037 | Cooling tower AT waif if sensors available HVAC Total Conte Solutions 47 of 58 McQuay 3.22 CSM ECO H,0 Hardware (OSM £60 H:0 Functional Description ‘The below table shows the pre-qualified hardware offered in CSM ECO H,0 projects. The list is subject to change without any notice, A project specific mat generated during the sales phase and included in the proposal to the customer. Descrinton of pre-qualified eld No. | devices used inthecsm eco | Range | Typodesignation | Brand HO 0T001 | Ambient temperature sensor °C ‘Siemens ‘OH001 | Ambient hui sensor % Siemens TM001 | Chilled water supply temperature | °C ‘Siemens ‘TMO002 | Chilled water return temper °c ‘Siemens TMS01 | Entering condenser temperature | °C ‘Siemens sensor ‘P01 | Differential pressure sensor for load | Kg/Cm® ‘Siemens sie BVOOT | Bypass valve forlosd se 010 100% | Dependedonsie | Stamens or Betimo vOOT | Bypass vale acuatorforload ide [Oto 100% | Dependedonsize | Siemens or Bote BVEOT_| Bypass valve forcoolng tower | 010 100% | Depended onze | Siomens or Twoortivee way | Belimo BVGOT | Bypass vale actuslorforload ide [Oto 100% | Dependedon size | Siemens or Belo SvO0x | Shuto valve for chilled waterside | Closed, Opan | Depended on size | Siemens or Untotourperplant | Belino SvOox | Shuto valve aclustor for ciled | Closed, Open | Depensedion size | Siemens or water sido Upto ourper plant _| Belino ‘SvB0x | Shutof vale foreooing waterside | Closed, Open | Depenced on size | Siemens or Upto ourperpiant | Beimo SVSx | Shiba valve actuator for cooling | Closed, Open | Depended on size | Siemens or waterside Uototeurperpient | Betimo | McQuay aBo186 HVAC Total Coriral Solitons 3 £00 HzO Functona Desertion CSM... 3.23 CSM ECO H,0 Alarms ‘The below list shows the maximum number of alarm points included in the CSM ECO H.0 operator interface. The actual number of alarms in a specific project depends on the configuration: Number of chillers, pumps, cooling towers and sensors, No. Point name of UO points connected to the cooling tower panel “71001 | Chilled water supply temperature sensor flied “Tw002 | Chiled water supply temperature sensor fled "TMS0i_| Entering condenser water temperature senor falee EV001_| Vaive signal rom 3° party failed ‘OTOO1 | Outdoor temperature sensor faled ‘OHOO1 | Gutdoor humidity sensor failed ECOOt | Ciiller + in Alarm or not avaliable E0002 r Zin Alarm or nok avaiable C008 in Alarm or not available Eco04 in Alarm or not available ‘svOot communication fa ‘Sv002_| hiler2 communication fa 'Sv008_| Chiter 3 communication fault ‘Normal Alarm ‘Svoo4_| Chiler 4 cormmunication fault ‘Normal, Alarm 10001 | Main pane! VO module 1 communication faut ‘Normal, Alarm 10002 _| Main pane! 10 module 2 communication faut Normal Alarm 10003 | Cooling tower VO module + communication fault ‘Normal Alarm PAO01 | Chilled water pump 1 feedback fault ‘Normal, Alarm wou waler pump 2 fosdback fault ‘Normal, acm PAOG3 | Chiled water pump 9 feedback fault ‘Normal ar PNOG4 | Chiled water pump 4 feedback fault ‘Neral lac PAOGS | Chiled water pump 6 feedback fault ‘Normal Alarm PN006 | Chiled water pump 6 feedback fault ‘Normal Alarm MSO; | Cooling water pump 1 feedback faut ‘Normal, Alarm ‘P4502 | Cooling water pump 2 feedback fault Normal Alarm PMS03 | Cooling water pump 3 feedback fa ‘Norinal Alarm 'PMSO4 | Cooling water pump 4 feedback fa ‘Normal, Alarm 'PMSOS | Cooling water pump 5 feedback fa ‘Normal Alarm P50 | Cooling wator pump 6 feedback fault ‘Norma, Alarm ‘CF5O1_| Cooling ower fan 1 feedback faut Normal Alarm (€=502_| Cooling tower fan 2 feedback fault Normal Alarm (6503 | Cooling tower fan 3 feedback Fault Normal, Alarm (G804_| Cooling tower fan 4 feedback faut ‘Normal Alarm C505 _{ Cooling tower fan § feedback fault ‘Normal Alarm HVAC Total Control Solutions 49 of 58 McQuay csi. 30 £00 0 Functor Desrien psi ete es SSM. McQuay 50 of58 HVAC Total Control Solutions WU 234 £60 10 Fi 5 CSM ECO H,0 Sales configuration sheet GoM. Project for. Chiler Type TD WSCWWOE- USC WSCMIDO- Wahan WHS - Wohen WWD - 4. hier No 1 Wuhan OPFS- Wuhan OWHS-tay —_ CIPFS- tay TD WSCWDC - USC) WSCRNDO - Wuhan ~ worn : saa SCRVGC = Waban CO WHS ~ Wohan Wid Wuhan OPES - Wuhan COWHS- tly ——_CIPFS-tly TT WSCC - USC WEIN wehan WHS Wonon 0 WitD = ‘Wuhan PFS - Wuhan WHS - Rtaly OOPFS - Italy TD WSEWOC - USO WSCWIDO Wuhan C)WHS- Wuhan) WitD 4. Cher No.4 Waren —_COPFS-Wuhan WHS tly OPES aly Evaporator & Condenser Pumps 1. Conto ofthe pumps? DiByOSMECO_ONoconta 2. Pump Configuration OManfos individ 3. Numbor of pumps ONON CNN DWONT2 Shutoff Vales 7. Control ofthe shut of valves? Day COMECO No contol 2. Incude valve and acuaorin the fer? Yes Ne oe oi Os OW Dawe O20 amo Oso 2. Chiat evaporator wale plpe DN size zal set ba D400 0450 500 oe Om Ons oi om oO om 0% 4. Chllert condenser waterplpe ON size 400 0450 0500 oe om os ow oo Om Gmo oxo 5, Chller evaporator water pipe DN size ae fed 0400 0450 0500 De O10 ows O10 O20 O20 Go O30 6. Chile condenser wale pipe DN size 400450 1500 Oe om os Gis oe O25 Gmo Oso 7. Child evaporator water pie DN size re inp D400 450 500 De O10 Os Oi ome O20 Gmo Oa 8. Cie condenser water ppe ON size civ o4s0 sco comataaoanwawopepvee [7s 010 Hs oie ne O30 oe cam ie 0400 0450 500 ae O10 Os O10 Oo O20 oxo oso 10. Chiler condenser water pipe DN size 400450 1800 Toad Side water rest GiNone Ges AT Texoma vale signal 2, Contel ofa bypass vale on load 6, ee OyYes QNo wih dota Psensor? 3 Include vae and actuator inthe ofr? | Cives Ne 4. DN Size (Size of the bypass pice) i005 G10 _a200 0250 new 0500400 5 Include chiled water retum temporat ‘ eae yes No sensor inthe ofer? HVAC Total Conto! Solutions 51 of56 McQuay CSM. 50 £00 #10 Functional Descnption Cooling Tower 1. Control ofthe cooling tower fans? TD Oniof only DVFo, Not controled 7. Number of cooling towers o1 o2 os a4 08 3. Control of common bypass valve? Oves: TINo ‘include common entering condenser ves DNe temperature sensor? S. include valve and actuator in offer? aves ONe 6. Valve type. Two-way OTheeway 7. CT bypass valve DN Size oo os 150 O20 O20 cs O80 400 8. Gonttol of Individual two-way jsoleing ayes No valve forthe cols? Jude individual wo-way isolating valve 9. includ y isolating aie ae and actuator in offer? Oe a1 Os 180 0200 0250 O30 380 400 0480 0500 40. Tower two-way isolating valve DN size ae aw Os O10 O20 250 O30 360 11, Tower 2 two-way isolating valve DN ize etn a4 0480 0800 oe om Os O10 O20 O20 OI O60 412. Tower 3 two-way isolating vale DN size pesca 40 04500600 Ge O10 Os O10 O20 O20 oo O50 18, Tower 4 two-way isolating valve DN size D400 D480 0800 neo oi oO 1 O20 O20 ca O50 14, Tower 5 two-way isolating valve DN size ieaictiatld 400045001500 76; Indluge outdoor wet bulb temperature aves ane sensor package in oe Interaction With 3rd Party System “1: Inlegration to BMS via BACent? aves Ne 2 Saristop fom 3° party system yes Ne Alam contact to 3 pary system Dyes Ne ‘Management Station “rltertace None CiMcauay eatware base icouay sofware advanced 2 Printer Dyes Ne McQuay 52 0f 58 HVAC Total Control Solutions 34 £00 1,0 Funcvona Description CSM. 6 CSM ECO H,0 Output from the sales tool ESM, srecteaton see deat Euan HVAC Total Control Solutions sa0156 McQuay (SM_ECO Hs0 Functional Description eee she aluls a ESM, roncuist rojectfor COnovation Phase 1 54 of 56 HVAC Total Control Solions ) {25M ECO H20 Functional Dosenption 7 CSM ECO H20 Samples of Dynamic operator screens 7.4 CSM ECO H:0 WEB Interface MeQuay HVAC Tota Control Solitons 55.0656 McQuay csM., 8 CSMECO Abbreviations 56 0f 56 {654 E00 #0 Functions! Description HVAC Total Control Solutions HEME loae as Lp seauay’s eco system Insight Wonmunen Web Browser ECO eee eee eee rere eee eee ee eee eee Ethernet i (etee el esueco no | vaveco | | ] | 1 | (sa 7) = ] a i i Air-cooled Chillers ‘Water-cooled Chillers ft AHUS: VRV Units Lo McQuay’s Energy Controllers are designed to achieve lower energy consumption, higher comfort levels, extended lifetime and increased transparency of HVAC applications. ‘McQuay’s in house Building Management System is based on Siemens technology ands branded McQuay’s ECO System. MeQuay’s ECO System is compiled of e range of energy controllers, each having a dedicated HVAC application scope. The energy controers may operate standalone or can be integrated into an advanced Building Management System solution. CSM. McQuay’s Energy Controllers are designed for the following applications: CSMECO H:0 Standard Chiller Sysiem Manager for water cooled chillers from McQuay, Daikin CSM ECO AIR Standard Chiller System Manager for McQuay and Daikin Air-cooled chillers GSM ECO plus Customized solution for chiller plant rooms that goes beyond our standard solutions including support of "4 party chillers. 4 Installation Manual CSM ECO H,0 Chiller System Manager Water-cooled Chillers Draft Revision 0.03 Date: 18.09.2007 Mequay HVAG Total Control Solutions Mc@ucy' cere CSM. F 20f22 230 ECO H:0 Installation Manual HVAC Total Control Solutions 34 £C0 140 Istalton Manual CSM 1 Notice 2 Reference Documents... 3. Revision History.... 4 System Architecture. 5 Unpack the CSM Panel 6 7 8 9 CSM ECO Mounting Operating Environment Requirements. Clearances.. : ne cnn 7 Mounting Guide for the Main Panel... se : 8 10 Mounting Guide for the Cooling Tower Panel, eee 210 1 Wiring of the panels eect . 14 12 PC workstation wiring... . : eee 13. Chiller Plant input and Output Wiring, : et 24 14. Sensors typical used with CSM ECO... ee 2A HIVAC Total Control Solutions sotze McQuay CSM... Instaition Monvot 1 Notice McQuay International reserves the right to change any information contained herein without prior notice. The user is responsible for determining whether this product is appropriate for his or her appl red trademarks of their respective companies, ternational, APOGEE from Siemens. ‘The following are trademarks or MeQuay and CSM ECO from McQuay 2 Reference Documents Company Number Title Available at: McQuay HVAC ox CSM ECO HO cae ‘Total Control Solutions Functional description McQuay HVA ox (CSM ECO H,0 wa Total Control Solutions Application Manual 3. Revision History Xxx September 4, 2007 ‘First release 4 System Architecture The CSM ECO H,0 solution provides control of complete primary systern constant flow water cooled chiller plant room systems with dedicated or manifolded piping/pumps. \cludes integrated control of a bypass valve on the load side, On/Off or VED control of up to 5 cooling towers, contral of cooling tower bypass valve, chilled water- and condenser pumps and shut-off valves. MeQuay 40f22 HVAC Total Control Solutions 69M E60 H:0 Installation Manat CSM... ST iz ee ee oe ee The specific application needed for a project is configurable. You might have two, three or four chillers. You might choose control of pumps or you might not. You select what you need and you pay for what you select. ‘The CSM ECO H,0 consists of two electrical enclosures; the main control panel to be placed in the chil fs and a control panel for the cooling towers to be placed close to electrical equipment dedicated for the operation of the cooling towers. The main panel includes the microprocessor-based Energy Controller, needed VO block for connections of field wired tower panel, Ethernet communication, Modbus® communication for chiller integration and an optional Building Management ‘System communication interface, The cooling tower panel includes remote U/O blocks, transformer, switches and a terminal block for connections of field wired inputs and outputs. ‘The CSH ECO H:0 control panels are in compliance with: European EMC Directive (CE) China Certified Compliance (CCC) FCC Compliance, Australian EMC framework European Low Voltage Directive (LVD) Agency listings: UL864 UUKL, UDTZ, QVAX, ULC-C100 UKKL7, UL 916 PAZX P i HVAC Total Control Solutions CSM, com e010 station Manu Hardwired input from sensé hesicurrent transducers and hardwired output fo end devices as required for system management are connected to input/output terminals in the CSM ECO H,0 control panels, as shown in the electrical schematics later in this document. ‘Supported input and output types: © Analog outputs for @.9, valve actuators and VFD control are 0-10Véc. ‘© Analog input fom temperature, humicity o citferential pressure sensors are 0-10Vdc and 1K RTD or optional, 100K _tnermistor. © Digital outputs are rolay contacts rated for 110/220 volt 4 amp (resistive) Form C relay © Digital inputs are cry contact sensing from remote devices such as relays and contactors, Electric shock hazard. Can cause personal injury or equipment damage. ‘This equipment must be properly grounded. Connections and service to the CSM ECO control panel must be performed only by personnel that are knowledgeable in the operation of the ‘equipment being controlled. ‘Static sensitive components. Can cause equipment damage. Discharge any static electrical charge by touching the bare metal inside the control panel before Performing any service work. Never unplug cables, circuit board terminal blocks, or power plugs while power is applied to the panel. 5 Unpack the CSM Panels Be sure all items on the packing list are included and are not damaged. If damaged, notify the appropriate carrier at once and contact your local McQuay representative for yourself with this guide and support Formulate a comprehensive installation plan for the entire CSM ECO system. 6 CSM ECO Mounting This chapter describes procedures for mounting the CSM ECO Panels, Install and use the CSM ECO as specified by the manufacture, Failure to do so may result in equipment damage. Make sure that the location meets the operating environment requirements and clearance McQuay eotz2 HVAC Totel Contr Solutions CSI ECO 140 Insta on Wana CSM... Fequirements described in this chapter. ACSM ECO must be installed indoors! ‘McQuay recommended location: © Near the controled equipment to reduce witing costs. © Where service personnel have easy access. © Wher (© Where pubic access is restricted to minimize the possibly of tempering or vandalism. is easy to see, Do not mount panels: © Ina area where excessive moisture, corrosive fumes, or explosive vapors can be present © Where vibration or shock i likely to occur © In.a location subject to electrical noise, This includes proximity of large electrical contactor, lecrical machinery, variable speed drives, welding equipment, spark ignilers, and othor equipment of same nature 7 Operating Environment Requirements Make sure that the operating environment conforms to the specifications listed in Table 1. Temperature From 32°F to 122°F (0°C 0 60°O) Humidity 10-80% non-condensing Power requirements ‘280 Vac, 1 phase, 60 or 60 Hz Weight ‘Mounting surface musi be able to support 60 b (28 kg) ‘Dimensions (€30 mm *600 mm * 150 mm) “Table 1 Opeaing anvonmen!epcinatons 8 Clearances Make sure that the mounting location has enough room to meet the minimum clearances shown in below. t 30cM HVAC Total Control Solutions 7o0f22 [ < . CSM. CSM £00 #0 etatauen Manual 9 Mounting Guide for the Main Panel ‘CSM ECO Main Panel Mounting Guide McQuay B0f22 HVAC Total Control Solutions {3M E60 #0 station Manual CSM... 8g 600 prop 285, + aaah | | I | | | | | | | | I | al | i] 4 | I I ) I i | | Il I | | | (CSE ECO Main Pane! Mounting Detail HIVAC Total Control Solutions gore McQuay GBM, cs eco no ntnation erat 40 Mounting Guide for the Cooling Tower Panel St ECO Cooling Tower Mounting Guide McQuay’ soo122 HVAC Total Contr! Solutions cs... 150. 450 | | | | | ofpon nn + ‘CSM ECO Cooling Tower Mounting Detail 11. Wiring of the panels Following are descriptions of the various field-wiring requirements. Wiring MUST comply the National Electrical Code and all local codes and ordinances. Failures caused, or contributed to, by wiring not in accordance with these instructions will not be covered by warranty, Each panel has one terminal strip that connects to peripheral equipment. The two terminal strips are documented in a three page wiring diagram. ‘The wiring schematies in this manual document the maximum possible CSM ECO H0 Solution. In specific projects it is very likely that not all field devices are present. Each project will have a project specific set of schematics showing the actual set of field devices that is connected to the CSM ECO H,0 controller. HVAC Total Control Solutions wotz McQuay = CSM... CSM EO 0 Intaiation Manual | i loon Sees McQuay 12082 HVAC Total Control Soltions {5M £00 120 Instataion Manvat CSM. The Main panel wiring schematic Page 1 of 2 é ‘page 479" ello]: ele. elelele elelele Ii o ee HVAC Total Control Solutions i30t22 McQuay (Sid ECO M10 Installation Manual CSM. The Main panel wiring schematic Page 2 of £8 £00 H:0 nsaiaton Manual cs. ‘The cooling tower panel wiring schematic Page 1 of mee Sri recto 2 cs waaay IAC Total Cont 2 McQuay CoM... CSM ECO Hi: lstatiaon Manual Power Wiring Building power is wired to the transformer supplied with the CSM ECO panels. Some local codes demand a separate switch before the panel and demands that the switch to be in sight of the unit. The switch must be capable of 240VAC: service (depending on model) to ‘switch the transformer primary. About the Transformer ‘The CSM ECO Panels ships with a 240VAC (depending on model), 40 VA, S0/60 Hz transformer. The transformer provides 24-volt power to the control modules. The panel ships with from one to four modules. Each module requires 10 VA of power. Do not power other devices from this transformer. To connect high-voltage power wires to the panels: WARNING Hazardous voltage! Before making electrical connections, lock open the supply-power disconnect switch. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. Use copper conductors only! Unit terminals are designed to accept copper conductors only, Other conductors may cause equipment dam To connect high-voltage power wires to the panels: 1. Lock open the supply-power disconnect switch. 2. Open the enclosure door. 3. Inside of the enclosure at the bottom-left comer, Feed the high-voltage power wire into the enclosure. 4. Connect the fine wire to the L terminal as shown in above. 5. Connect the neutral wire to the N terminal Do not bundle communication wiring with high-voltage supply or high-voltage cont otherwise communication problems can occur. 10122 HVAC Total Control Solutions CSM ECO M20 nstatlation Manual CSM... 3 o & g > 3 8 8 AC wiring L HRC Te Conta Sone setae McQuay’ woe Sy suojnjog Jonuiog (ei0L OAH a a s TopestunUWES Bunya uoREISHOM De ZL SD TBAT UOTRSISU OH OOS WES ilotion Manual CSM... Chiller Modbus Communication ‘The CSM ECO systems Main Panel support the Modbus protocol for chil ‘communication. ‘See separate chapter for connection to the chiller unit controller. network ‘Communication: Dedicated EIA-485 and Modbus. Te Main Panel LE = Cemmunication ) Qemwe 9 g 3 z ) 2 3 z 5 2 HVAC Total Control Solutions 190122 McQuay Communication network between Main Panel and cooling tower panel ‘The CSMECO systems Main Panel supports Modbus protocol for network communication with the water cooled panel. csm eco esm eco ‘Main Pane! Cooling Tower Pane! Main Panet Cooling tower Pane! LFLN3+ ee @OQeOe@ @@@@\®@ FLNS HVAC Total Control Solutions {OSM E00 #20 nstatition Manual csh.. 13 Chiller Plant Input and Output Wiring This chapter outlines the requirements and signs ions for the wiring of input and output General requirements: CSM ECO Digital Inputs ‘The CSM Eco supports digital inputs, which are wired to the termination board. ‘The inputs can be used for the following types of binary devices: © Binary, including momentary contact switches (normally open), and standard (maintained) switches (© Pulse meter (water, gas, and electric) Common devices are feedback from pumps and fans, external contacts, All devices connected to digital inputs MUST be isolated and have dry, ungrounded contacts Input ‘wiring must meet the following guidelines: Input wing should not exceed a length of 1,000 f (305 m), Ifthe recommended lengths are ‘oxseeded, the wire may pick up EMURFI, which might affect operation of the CSM ECO. system. © Uso only 18-22 AWG (1.02-0,643 mm2), twisted-pair wire with stranded, tinned-copper conductors. © Dornot run input wires in the same wire bundle with high-vollage power wies, Running input Wires with 24 VAC power wires is acceptable, but the input wire must bo shielded. CSM ECO Digital Outputs ‘The CSM Eco supports digital outputs, which are wired to the termination board. ‘The outputs can be used for the following types of binary devices: © Binary, ineuding momentary contact switches (normally open), and stondard (maintained) switches ‘Output wiring must meet the following gui © Output wiing should not exceed a length of 1,000 f (305 m). If the recommended lengths are ‘exceeded, the wire may pick up EMURFI, which might affect operation of the CSM ECO system, © Use only 18-22 AWG (1.02-0.649 m2), twisted-palr wire with stranded, tinned-copper conductors © Do notrun output wires in the same wire bundle with higholtage power wires, CSMECO Analog Inputs ‘The CSM ECO supports analogue inputs, which are wired to the termination board, HVAC Total Control Solutions at of2 MeQuay = cs deus oraaiueslos For 4-20 mA or 0-10VDC Transmitting Sensors, an optional Sensor Power Supply is available. This Power Supply provides 24 VAC to sensor via the A and B terminal, which illustrates the location of the optional 24VAC Power Supply and its terminals. Recommended /O wire is twisted, shielded pair with 18-22AWG copper conductors. Caution! Exceeding the recommended Analog Input Maximum Wire Run Length of 300 feet(91m) may result in electrical noise problems. CSMECO Analog Outputs The CSM ECO supports analogue outputs, which are wired to the termination board Each Analog Output is capable of driving a 4-20mA or 0-10 VOC device. Recommended is twisted, shielded pair with 18-22AWG copper conductors. Caution! Exceeding the recommended Analog output Maximum Wire Run Length of 1000 fee'(305m) may result in electrical noise problems. 14. Sensors typical used with CSM ECO Sensor Description Temperature Sensor_| NTC, 1K RTD, Ni1000, 0-10V, 420mA Pressure Sensor O-410V, 4-20mA, Humidity Sensor O-0V.,4-20mA Flow Meter Sensor O-40V, 4-20mA, McQuay 220122 HVAC Total Control Solutions CHILLER SYSTEM MANAGER Guide Specification System Controllers Chiller System Manager PART 1— GENERAL 44 MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE Chiller Manufacturer ‘The CSM shail cons corporate the manufacturers recommended energy management strategies algorithms that can be selected by the end user. COMPLIANCE, Chiller System Manager pane! compliance shall be: > European EMC Directive ( CE), > China Compulsory Certification (CCC), > Foc Compliance, > Australian EMC framework, > European Low Voltage Directive (LVD) Agency Listings: >ULB64 UUKL, UDTZ, QVAX, ULC-C100 UUKL, UL 916 PAZX PART 2 - PRODUCTS, 24 22 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. MoQuay inter B. (Approved Eq HARDWARE Chiller System Manager ‘controller, terminal bl ‘communications to sup Panels and optional Building Management System (BMS) integration as described herein. Optional Remote 1/0 Panel(s) Optional Remote /O Panei(s) may be provided when CSM on-board input and output point capacity is not sufficient to support the control hardwired devices such as pups and tower fans. Optional remote /O Modules may be installed adjacent to equipment to ‘CSM Guido Speeteation 2 System Controllers Chiller System Manager reduce wiring costs. Optional Remote /O Modules and other control components shall be installed in an enclosure and powered per the drawings and in accordance with al ‘electrical codes. User Interface ©. Setup and Contigu ‘and configuration of the CSM shall be via non-dedicated personal computer ith control system software communicating to the CSM via [S232] Monitoring and Control Options: ‘+ Monitoring and control of the CSM shall be via web-based communication via Internet Explorer version 6.0 (or higher). + Bacnet@, Modbus@ Protocol, or OPC. Refer to section 2.4 below. ‘Network Communications D. Communication between the CSM, all chillers, and optional Remote 110 Modules shall be via a dedicated MODBUS®, BACnet or LonWorks communications network. Hardwired Inputs / Outputs E. Hardwired input from sensors/switches/current transducers and hardwired output to tend devices as required for chiller systern management shall be landed to clearly marked input/output schematic drawings shall show connections in both labeling and number format. + Analog Outputs shall be: = 0-10 Vde, '* Analog Inputs shal be: + 0-10 be in the range of +/-1% of span ive humidity sensors shall be bwisted-pair, 0-10 V, £3% (or Optional diferential pressure sensors shall provide 0-10 Vac signal representing the entire range of pressure measurement + Diaitel out (or Remote VO; Relay outputs rated for 110/220 volt 4 amp Crelay. ‘© Digital inputs shall be: = Dry contacts status sensing from remote devices. (SIM Guide Speciteaton 3 23 System Controllers _chitlor Systom Manager ‘SOFTWARE General A acceptable. CSM shoul Plant expansion. ‘sequencing, load tower conte, 19 functions, water pump ‘The CSM shall provide trend data for both the Chiller operation and the system. The ‘rend points should include the following as a minimum. jnser Water Temperature in / out Evaporator Water Temperature in/out ‘Compressor Oil Feed Pressure ‘Compressor Oil Feed Temperature Saturated Condensing Temperature Saturated Evaporating Temperature Fo Se Total Chiller System Load © Outdoor Ory Bulb and Wet Bulb Temperatures (if sensors fited) + Chilled Water System Supply Temperature Chilled Water System Return Temperature (if sensor fited) Condenser Water Supply Temperatu Condenser Water Return Temperatu Position of By-pass valve on the load = Tower VFO fan speed with VED) The CSM shall provide builtin logic for chiller diagnostics. The diagnostics should include as a minimum, Evaporator A °T" Evaporator Approach Condenser 4 “T" Condenser Approach ‘Compressor Suction Superheat ‘Compressor Discharge Superheat :. The CSM shall be able to manage up to 4 chillers, as described herein. =. The CSM shall be capable of stand-alone operation and shall be capable of optional ‘communication with a Building Management System via [(Bacnet IP) (Modbus RTU ‘over RS-485)]. Refer to section 2.4 below. (C5 Gusto Specitcaton 4 System Controllers chiller Systom Manager Software Security G. The CSM shall have four password-protected levels of security access to protect the ‘operation of the chiller system when operating stand-alone. Control Mode F ‘The CSM shail tum the chilled water system on and off based on the Control Mode. Manwal Off via a switch inside the main CSM panel. Andior through the system scheduler software ‘Automatic: The chiller system shall operate automatically, enabling and disabling chillers according to the following: CSM Internal Sch: BMS scheduling Remote Start / Stop Operator scheduled 0% Optimal star (if Ambient temperature sensor is installed) Low ambient lockout (if Ambient temperature sensor is installed) ‘Sequencing cont ‘System stage-up inhibit ‘Manual On: The chiller system shall be on, enabling and disabling chillers according to the low ambient lockout and sequencing control features. BMS connected) ‘Manual Off: The chiler system shal be disabled. ‘Sequencing Control: The CSM shall enable and disable chi cooling capacity is matched to the current cooling load by cont inning chillers to a common supply water temperature. System supply water temperature shall be able to be reset based on: Chilled water temperature A “T", or an external ‘so thatthe current able Chillers: The CSM shal disable chiler and stage-up so tat another chiller is started when any operating chiller becomes unavailable due to chi or loss of communications. : The software shall allow easy designation of the sequencing ‘number of run hours as the lead chiller, the chiller with the second lowest number . to always Eelam he cour chal alco be able to designate one ways be the last off Chiller Staging Control |. The CSM shall calculate the load of all chillers running to determine when the number lers should be increased or decreased, Each ctiller shall communicate CSM Guide Speciation 3 System Controllers Cchiter System Manager its current load status to the CSM. ‘The CSM shall decrease the system capacity by one stage when the chiller system load decreases by the capacity of the next off chiller. Stage down strategy 's maintained to match current load whilst -day or 1p inhibit unless @ running chiller fails. Chiller Load Limiting Control J. The CSM shall provide loa (of 40-10%, which shall be ser common vaiue sent to each chiller. ing of each chiller through a Capacity Limit Setpoint ach applicable chiller. The value will be a + Soft Loading: The CSM may slowy start (1 to 60 minutes to full load) the first chiller during system startup. During this period other chillers will be prevented from starting, Leaving Chilled Water Temperature Control ‘each chiller ‘emperature atthe System Setpoint, The CSM sal is never set above the Maximum System Sat ‘Set-point. These minimax set-points ‘or below the Minimum ‘The CSM shall calculate the common chilled water supply set-point (System Set- point) based on one of the foliowing Reset Types: ‘+ Reset Type "None": The CSM ‘manually and remain fixed. ‘+ Reset Type "Constant A T": The System Setpoint shall be reset by the Constant Return/Supply A “T" Proportionallntegral function to mé Load side water temperature A *T" at the System Design Set Poi Water System Set point shall be set the The (03M Guide Specifeaton 6 System Controllers ‘chiller System Manager ‘The System Set-point shall vary proportionally if the reset signal is between (and 10 Vio). Cooling Tower (Water-cooled Chillers Only) L. The CSM shall control the cooting tower when any chiller is operating or attempting to start. Conirol of Cooling Tower shall be through on/off fan staging or VED fan control ‘A tower bypass valve can be incorporated into the control scheme. ) Digital Output Control of Cooling Tower Stages + Staging Only: if the Tower Valve Control is without bypass valve the tower stages shall be rolled as described below. The CSM shall stage possibie condenser wat ‘consideration of any energy saving control strategies implemented by the ‘operator. ihe cooing tower mcudes a bypass valve the oveal ower contol must include the control of the valve Analog Output Control of Cooling Tower Fan VFD's (Optional) “The CSM shail control tower fan speed to mai Control Temperature at the Tower Stage 1 set shall be run at the same speed. The CSM shall ccorirol loop to generate an analog fan speed signal for the VFD(: Tower Staging Control Strategies Optional tower control strategies shall include fixed set point and wet bulb approach {a8 a minimum requirement. Actual strategies should be detailed in the tender submission. (03M Guide Specifeaion System Controllers Cchitr System Manager Dedicated Condenser and Chilled Water Pumps M, Where chillers use dedicated chilled water and condenser water pump, the pumps shall be wired to and controlled by the CSM network. Condenser and Evaporator Flow Control — 2 or more Manifold pumps ‘The CSM shal condenser and Evaporator Chilled water pumps according to lone or more of the following strategies: 1. Two or more Pumps: ‘The CSM shall start the condenser pumps based on pump run hours. 2. Net or N42 Strategy: Inaysiems thet employ a stend by pup, the pump wih the ngest | runrng hours Loop Bypass Valve Control for Primary Constant Volume Pumping Systems (Optional) 1. The CSM shall modulate a bypass valve to maintain differential pressure at the Loop pressure drop and the valve opening and clo effect to the chilled water flow to any ofthe terminal units. Time Clock using the non-dedicated, or dedicated CSM User Interface as described in section 2.2. ‘Scheduling Functions P. The CSM shall start the chilled water system by any ofthe following functions when the Control Mode is set to automatic. ‘= Internal Schedule: internal schedule shall provide start times and stop times for each of the seven holiday dates. + Special Events Time Schedule: “The special events time sched shall alow the system to be turned on for a which can be defined in advance. The user shall be liple start and stop times and dates. The resolution of duration (CSM Gute Spectteaton 8 System Controllers. chiller Systom Manager 24 shall be 1 minute, Timed Override: “Timed overide shall be inated trough the OSM user interface. The user shal increment the timer to start times override and start the chilled water system. When the timer counts down to zero, the system shall tum of Building Manac letwork Scheduling (Option: ‘The system shall be able to be scheduled via a third party bul system (BMS) by command from a Bacnet Binary Output object or writing from a Modbus col Alarm Processing The CSM shall include the following alarm notification capabilities nti an operator acknowledges them, BMS Alarms (Optional): ‘Modbus Alarms: An enumerated list of CSM alarms shall be available to a third party BMS using Modbus Protocol. Audible Alarm Option: ‘The Alarm Horn Setup" menu wil allow the user to specity whether or not an ‘external alarm is wired to the system, BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATION Optional Third Party Building Management System (BMS) Monitoring and Controt ‘The CSM shall support standard objects for monitoring (read) andlor control (write) of the (= read onlyfmonitor, W= write only/control, RW = reed and write/monitor and control.) Data points avaliable to the CSM shall be as follows, Chiller System Points Chilled water return temperature ( Leaving condenser water temperature: (CSM Guide Specteaton 9 ‘System Controllers Chiller Systom Manager Low ambient lockout flag (R/W) Chiller System Alarm: Chiller Monitoring Points (Each Chiller) + Active chiller set-point (R) ‘condenser leaving water temperature ‘condenser entering water temperature ‘evaporator pressure (R) evaporator saturated refrigerant temperature (2) (034 Guide Seeciteaton 10 System Controllers {Chior Systom Manager ‘condenser pressure (R) condenser saturated refrigerant temperature (R) rms (centrifugal chillers only) (W) Chiller Alarms (Each Crile) alarm log (R) (each chiller) (R) ure (each remote /O module) (R) PART 3 ~ EXECUTION 34 3.2 33 INSTALLATION contract documents. ‘Terminate all communication wiring per controler installation manual, or troller. for te point et an speced herein fon wi alr temperelure corel contractoreystrne 7 moo @ fed to ensure a fully operational chilled water control system fed herein andlor shown in the drawings. START-UP AND COMMISSIONING A Mand the associate control equi @ ‘power as specified on the drawings. CCiller plant system startup and commissioning st authorized service agency. CHILLER SYSTEM MANAGER TRAINING 2 I be the responsibilty of Chiller Chiller manufacturer authorized service agency. Shall provide [XX] hours of training for up to three CSM operators. (C54 Guide Speciation u | | | L ———————— — ap po

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