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Week 4 – February 13, 2011 Student Handout

The Calling?

Impact Statement: To be called of God is to receive an appointment or invitation from him to serve Him in a

particular way. Paul was called to be an apostle. He did not have all the qualifications. He had no prior work

experience at it. He was not worthy. BUT GOD CALLED HIM and GOD USED HIM. He is calling you and

wants to use you too!

Impact Scriptures: John 15:16, 19, Philippians 3:14









Week 4 – February 13, 2011
Small Group Questions

The Calling?

1. What do you want to do when you grow up?

2. Why do you want to do that? What you get is not as important as what you become?

3. What kinds of things will stop you or get in your way of doing that?

4. If I ask you to tell me the name of person who God has called, what is it about them that make you think

God called them?

5. Do you feel like God is calling you – to do what?

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