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Optimal Training Signals for MIMO OFDM

Channel Estimation
Hlaing Minn, Member, IEEE and Naofal Al-Dhahir, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents general classes of optimal train- linearly-precoded OFDM systems (which include OFDM sys-
ing signals for the estimation of frequency-selective channels in tems as well as single-carrier systems with cyclic prefix) were
MIMO OFDM systems. Basic properties of the discrete Fourier presented where it was shown that the L pilot tones (which is
the minimum required to estimate an L-tap channel) are equi-
transform are used to derive the optimal training signals which
minimize the channel estimation mean square error. Both sin-
gle and multiple OFDM training symbols are considered. Sev- powered and equi-spaced. For doubly-selective fading channels
eral optimal pilot tone allocations across the transmit antennas are characterized by the basic expansion model, an optimal training
presented and classified as frequency-division multiplexing, time- structure was presented in [13] for SISO single-carrier systems
division multiplexing, code-division multiplexing in the frequency- by maximizing a lower bound on the average channel capac-
domain, code-division multiplexing in the time-domain, and com-
binations thereof. All existing optimal training signals in the lit- ity (equivalently minimizing the minimum mean square error).
erature are special cases of the presented optimal training signals In [14], MIMO training signal design for single-carrier systems
and our designs can be applied to pilot-only schemes as well as was reduced into a SISO design with a longer training sequence
pilot-data-multiplexed schemes. using the space-time code structure. Furthermore, some sample
Index Terms—Training signal design, Pilot tone allocation, training sequence constructions were presented.
Channel estimation, MIMO, OFDM, DFT. In [15], optimal training signal design for frequency-selective
block-fading channel estimation in MIMO OFDM systems was
I. I NTRODUCTION analyzed based on minimizing channel estimation mean square
error (MSE). The optimal pilot tones for channel estimation
Channel estimation is a critical component in many wireless
based on one OFDM symbol were shown to be equi-powered
communications systems. Training-signal-based channel esti-
and equi-spaced. Furthermore, pilot tones from different an-
mation is widely used in packet-based communications. For
tennas must be phase-shift orthogonal. For channel estimation
based on Q OFDM symbols, the conditions on pilot tones for
single-carrier systems, optimal periodic or aperiodic sequences
the case of one OFDM symbol are just spread out over the Q
for channel estimation were studied in [1]-[6] and references
therein. The optimal training sequences and pilot tones for
symbols. Note that [16] also presented an optimal training sig-
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) channel
nal design for MIMO OFDM systems where all sub-carriers are
estimation were investigated in [7][8]. Optimal placement
used as pilot tones with equal power and pilot tones from differ-
and energy allocation of training symbols or pilot tones for
ent antennas are phase-shift orthogonal. A similar design with
BPSK pilot symbols (a phase-shift of  among pilot tones of
both single-carrier and OFDM systems were considered in [9]
for frequency-selective block-fading channel estimation. The
different antennas) was used in [17] for two transmit antennas
training signal placement design is based on maximizing a
and later extended to more transmit antennas in [18].
lower bound on the training-based capacity with the assump-
In this paper, we revisit the problem of optimal training sig-
tion that all training symbols or pilot tones have the same en-
nal design for frequency-selective block-fading channel estima-
ergy. For OFDM systems, the optimal placement of pilot tones
tion in MIMO OFDM systems and present more general opti-
is equal spacing in the frequency domain. In [10], optimal
mal training signals based on minimizing the channel estima-
design and placement of pilot symbols for frequency-selective
tion MSE. While we derive our results assuming all sub-carriers
block-fading channel estimation are addressed for single-input
are used as pilot tones over the Q OFDM symbols, the cor-
single-output (SISO) as well as multiple-input multiple-output
responding results for pilot-data-multiplexed schemes can be
(MIMO) single-carrier systems by minimizing the Cramer-Rao
obtained in a straight-forward manner (see Section V). A brief
bound. The same problem was addressed in [11] by maximiz-
comparison with the existing approaches in the literature is now
ing a lower bound on the average capacity.
in order. Our approach is novel in that it is based on the dis-
In [12], optimal training signal design and power alloca-
crete Fourier transform properties and could be useful for train-
tion for frequency-selective block-fading channel estimation in
ing signal designs with more constraints such as low peak-to-
This paper was presented in part at IEEE Globecom 2004. The work of H. average energy ratio (PAR) and robustness to frequency offsets.
Minn was supported in part by the Erik Jonsson School Research Excellence
Initiative, the University of Texas at Dallas. The work of N. Al-Dhahir was In addition, all existing optimal OFDM training designs can be
supported in part by the Texas Advanced Technology Program (ATP) project expressed as special cases of our design. Furthermore, our de-
no. 009741-0023-2003 and by NSF project no. 0430654. sign introduces new optimal pilot structures and offers more
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, EC 33, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 , USA insights as described next (see Section V for details). First,
(e-mail:, some of our new pilot structures can save training overhead (in

terms of the numbers of pilot tones) for some system parameters and n is a length-KQ vector of zero-mean, circularly-
and/or support a larger number of transmit antennas. Second, symmetric, uncorrelated complex Gaussian noise samples with
our design offers more flexibility in terms of applicability to equal variance of n2 .
different systems such ultra-wide band (UWB) systems. Third, The least-square channel estimate (also maximum likelihood
some of our new pilot structures can give better channel esti- S S
in this case), assuming H has full rank, is given by [19]
mation performance in the presence of PAR constraint and/or
frequency offsets. Finally, our design shows that the condition h^ = (SH S) SH r 1
“equi-powered, equi-spaced pilot tones”, which has been con- S S
and the corresponding MSE is given by n2 trf( H ) 1g: Let
sidered in the literature as a necessary condition for the training S S
1 , . . . , LNTx be the eigen values (positive) of H . Then,
signal optimality, can be relaxed. S S S S
trf( H ) 1g = 1 1 + . . . + LN1 Tx . Since trf( H )g = 1 +
PN 1 E is a constant, the minimum MSE
. . . + LNTx = L mTx
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
the signal model and the optimality condition for the training =0 m
PN 1 E
is achieved if and only if 1 = . . . = LNTx = N1Tx mTx
signals of multi-transmit-antenna systems are described. Sec- =0 m
tion III presents optimal training signal designs over one OFDM = Eav . This is achieved when
symbol while Section IV generalizes them to the case of Q SH S = Eav I (6)
OFDM symbols. In Section V, the applicability of our designs
where Eav = N1
NTx 1
to pilot-data-multiplexed scenarios and their relationships to the Em (7)
existing optimal training signal designs are discussed. Finally, Tx
the paper is concluded in Section VI.
X1 KX1
and Em = jsm;q [k℄j2: (8)
Consider a MIMO OFDM system where training signals
The corresponding minimum MSE is LNTx n2 =Eav . We will
from NTx transmit antennas are transmitted over Q OFDM
design training signals for NTx transmit antennas to achieve
symbols. Since the same channel estimation procedure is per-
this minimum MSE, i.e. to satisfy Condition (6). In this pa-
formed at each receive antenna, we only need to consider NTx
per, optimal training signals refer to those which achieve the
transmit antennas and one receive antenna in designing optimal
minimum MSE. Condition (6) can be equivalently stated as
training signals. The channel impulse response (CIR) for each
transmit-receive antenna pair (including all transmit/receive fil- X
Q 1
tering effects) is assumed to have L taps and is quasi-static over Condition A: SHm [q℄Sm[q℄ = Eav I ; 8m (9)
Q OFDM symbols. Let n;q =[ n;q [0℄, . . . , n;q [K 1℄℄T q =0
be the pilot tones vector of the n-th transmit-antenna at the X
Q 1
q-th symbol interval where K is the number of OFDM sub- Condition B : SHm [q℄Sn[q℄ = 0; 8m 6= n:(10)
carriers and the superscript T denotes the transpose. Further- q =0
more, let fsn;q [k℄ : k = Ng ; : : :; K 1g be the correspond-
ing time-domain complex baseband training samples, includ- III. O PTIMAL T RAINING S IGNAL D ESIGN OVER O NE
ing Ng ( L 1) cyclic prefix samples. Define n[q℄ as S OFDM S YMBOL
the training signal matrix of size K  L for the n-th transmit This section investigates optimal training signal design when
antenna at the q-th symbol interval whose elements are given training signals from all transmit-antennas are transmitted over
by [ n[q℄℄m;l = sn;q [m l℄ for m 2 f0; : : :; K 1g and only one OFDM symbol. For notational simplicity, the sym-
l 2 f0; : : :; L 1g. bol index q will be omitted in this section. For complete-
Let n;q represent the 0-th column of n [q℄. Then, the l-th S ness, in the following we summarize PKthe1 main DFT proper-
column of n [q℄ is the l-sample cyclically-shifted version of ties used in this paper. Let X [n℄ = k=0 x[k℄e j 2kn=K and
s ((l))
s h
n;q denoted by n;q . Let n denote the length-L CIR vector x[k℄ = K1
PK X [n℄ej kn=K , i.e. X [n℄ F! x[k℄.
1 2
corresponding to the n-th transmit antenna. After cyclic prefix Property-1: For any K , if X [n℄ = a 8n, where a 2 C and C

removal at the receiver, denote the received vector of length K is the field of complex numbers, then x[k℄ = aÆ [k℄ where Æ [k℄ is
at the q-th symbol interval by q . Then, the received vector over a discrete unit impulse function and vice versa.
the Q OFDM symbol intervals is given by Property-2: Assume that K = ML for M =1, 2, . . . .

r = Sh + n (1)
If X [n℄ =
a; n = iM ; i = 0; : : : ; L1 1; a 2 C
0; elsewhere;
then x[k℄ =
aL1 =K; k = iL1 ; i = 0; : : : ; M 1
0; elsewhere;
r = r T r T1 : : : ; r TQ 1 ℄T
[ 0 (2)
2 S0 [0℄ S1 [0℄ : : : S NTx 1 [0℄
and vice versa.
6 S0 [1℄ S1 [1℄ : : : S NTx 1 [1℄ 77 F
Property-3: X [(n l)K ℄ ! ej 2lk=K x[k℄ where ()K de-
S = 64 .. .. .. 5(3) notes the modulo-K operation, hence representing a cyclically-
. . . .
S0 [Q 1℄ S1 [Q 1℄ : : : S NTx 1[Q 1℄ shifted version. Its dual form is given by x[(k m)K ℄ !
h =
[h h 0 1 : : : hTNTx 1
℄ ; (4) e j 2mn=K
X [n℄.

In the following, our discussions based on Condition-A will B. Training Designs for NTx L0 =K
be indexed as (A-i), (A-ii), etc., and those based on Condition-B Consider the following cases:
will be denoted as (B-i), (B-ii), etc. (B-i) If L  K < 2L (i.e., M = 1), then (20) implies that
gm;n [k℄ = 0 8k and hence Gm;n[k℄ = 0 8k which is possible
A. Optimality Conditions in Sub-Carrier Domain only if pilots from different transmit antennas are frequency-
Consider Condition-A in (9) with Q = 1. The following division multiplexed (FDM). However, since each transmit an-
conditions can be derived. tenna must have at least L tones according to Condition(A.1),
(A-i) Condition(A.1): The full rank condition in (9) implies we can only have one transmit antenna, i.e., NTx =1. The opti-
that for every transmit antenna i, there must be at least L differ- mal pilot tones are then given by (16) (constant amplitude pilot
ent nonzero tones. tones) with NTx =1.
s s
(A-ii) The condition ( m )H m = Eav from (9) implies
((l)) ((l))
(B-ii) If M = 2, then gm;n [k℄ can have nonzero values at
that indices fL; : : :; K Lg while satisfying (20). Using Proper-
Condition (A:2 ) : Em = Eav 8m: (13) ties 2 and 3, we have the following two solutions which satisfy
Condition (19) or (20):
(A-iii) Consider the following condition from (9): (B-ii-a) All antennas use all pilot tones and have the follow-
(s((ml)) )H sm((i)) = 0 8l 6= i; where l; i 2 f0; : : :; L 1g: (14) ing relationship:
8 (l)
Since sm = FK 1W (l)C m where FK is the K -point FFT
((l)) < am;n; k = kl + iM ; i = 0; : : :; L0 1;
matrix and W (l)=diag f1, e j 2l=K
, ..., e j 2 (K 1)l=K
g is a G m;n [ k ℄ = : 0; l = 0; 1; k0 = 0; k1 = 1; (21)
diagonal matrix, the following condition is obtained from (14): elsewhere
m;n =
a(0) m;n ; am;n 2 fC n 0g
a(1) (l)
Condition (A:3 ) : j m [k℄j2 ej 2dk=K = 0; (15) where n denotes the set difference operation. Note that a(0) =
k =0 m;n

for d = 1; : : :; (L 1): a (1)

m;n limits the number of transmit antennas to N Tx = 2.
This allocation type will be called code-division multiplexing
(A-iii-a) By Property-1, Condition (15) is satisfied for any (CDM) pilot allocation.
K  L if (B-ii-b) Pilot tones of an antenna are disjoint from those of
j m [k℄j2 = am ; 8k; am > 0: (16) any other antenna resulting in
(A-iii-b) By Properties 2 and 3, Condition (15) is satisfied for Gm;n [k℄ = 0 8k; m 6= n:
K = ML1 , M = 1, 2, . . . and L1  L, if
8 l
< am ; k = l + iM ; l = 0; : : :; M 1;
To satisfy Condition(A.3) from (15), each antenna’s pilots must
satisfy (17), i.e., they must be spread out with equal spacing
j m [k℄j = > = 0; : : :; L 1; aml  0 over the indices f0, . . . , K 1g. Since each antenna must have
: 0; ielsewhere.
2 ()
at least L tones and K = 2L0, we can only have NTx = 2
antennas, each having L0 pilot tones. To satisfy Conditions
Consider Condition-B in (10). Using sml = FK W (l)C m,
(( )) 1
(A.2) from (13) and (A.3) from (15), all pilot amplitudes must
we obtain the following condition: be the same. This type of allocation of equally-spaced disjoint
pilot tones in the frequency-domain will be called FDM pilot
K 1
m [k℄ n[k℄ ej 2dk=K = 0
(18) (B-iii) In general, consider K = L0 M for M = 1, 2, . . . . Let
k =0 L1 = L0 V , U = M=V , and V; U 2 f1; 2; : : :; M g. We can
for d = 0; 1; : : :; (L 1); 8m 6= n: have U FDM groups, each with L1 pilot tones. For the u-th
FDM group (u 2 f0, 1, . . . , U 1g), Condition (19) is satisfied
Let Gm;n[k℄ = m [k℄ n[k℄ and gm;n [k℄
F! G [k℄. Then,
if the following two conditions are met:
Condition (18) can be expressed as Condition (B :1 :1 ) :
8 a(l)
K 1 >
> ; k = kl(u) + iM;
Condition (B :1 ) : Gm;n [k℄ e j 2dk=K
= 0; (19) < uV +m;uV +n i = 0; : : : ; L0 1;
GuV +m;uV +n [k℄ = > l = 0; : : : ; V 1;
k =0 >
: 8m 6= n;
for d = 0; 1; : : :; (L 1); 8i 6= j 0; elsewhere
or gm;n [k℄ = 0; (20) (24)
for k = 0; : : :; L 1; K L + 1; : : :; K 1: X1
a(uVl) +m;uV +n = 0; 8m 6= n (25)
The following definition will be useful in classifying the various l=0
training signal designs in the following (sub)sections.
Definition: Let L0 be the smallest integer satisfying L0 = where kl(u) 6= km
if l 6= m, kn 2 f0; : : :; M 1g, and

0 (u) and k(u0 ) are disjoint.

K=M (M is a positive integer) and L0  L. +m;uV +n 2 C . For any u 6= u , kl
a(uV l

The first condition (24) can be satisfied in infinitely many ways Other Training Structures
but the second condition (25) can be satisfied by only a few. Note that for V > 1, all pilot tones of an antenna do not have
Hence, (25) determines the number of antennas within an FDM to be equally spaced. The solution (27) suggests that within
group. If am;n is restricted to have constant amplitude for any each FDM group, the pilot amplitude is the same. However, for
antenna pair (m; n), a simple solution to (25) is given by V = 2, we can have the following alternative solution:
b(1l) [i℄ =
1 ( 1)l ;
a(uVl) +m;uV +n = a(0)
uV +m;uV +n e
j 2l(n m)=V
b  [i℄
(26) (l)
8m 6= n; m; n 2 f0; : : :; V 1g: 0
l = 0; 1; i = 0; : : :; L0 1
This solution indicates that the maximum number of antennas jb0 [i℄j = (0)1
within each FDM group is V . jb0 [i℄j
The corresponding optimal pilot tones within each FDM
group satisfying Conditions (24) and (25), and hence Condi-
jb(ml) [i℄j = a(ml) > 0 for i = 0; : : :; L0 1 (31)
where fbm [i℄g for different l do not necessarily have the same
tions (B.1) and (A.1), are then given by (l)

8 l
> buV m [i℄ ; k = kl u + iM ;
() ( )
For L1 > L0  L and a positive integer U , if K = L0 L1 U
i = 0; : : :; L 1; 0 and there are disjoint sets of eqi-spaced, equi-energy L0 and
uV m [k℄ = l = 0; : : :; V 1;
> u = 0; : : :; U 1
L1 pilot tones, then (19) will give additional optimal pilot tones
: 0; not covered by (27). These additional optimal pilot tones are
elsewhere composed of disjoint sets of L0 and L1 tones. Within each set
j2lm of L0 equi-energy pilot tones, the spacing is K=L0 while within
buV m [i℄ = pm buV [i℄ e V ;
() l ()
the set with L1 equi-energy pilot tones, the spacing is K=L1.
pm = 1; m = 0; : : :; V 1 Pilot amplitudes for different sets will be different but the total
jbuV [i℄j = b > 0:
0 pilot energy for each antenna is the same for all antennas. An
example is given in Table IV. This type of optimal pilot tones
It can be readily checked that the solution (27) satisfies (17) can be extended for L  L0 < L1 < L2 < : : : < Ld as long
and hence also satisfies Condition(A.3) from (15). Although Qd
as K = U i=0 Li and there exist disjoint sets of equi-spaced
Condition (25) is satisfied by any pm 2 fC n 0g, imposing the Li pilot tones with spacing K=Li for all i.
Condition(A.2) from (13) yields pm = 1 and hence it is incor-
porated in (27). The pilot allocation within each FDM group C. Training Designs for NTx L0 < K
may be considered as CDM type in the frequency domain and
For U -FDM + V -CDM type pilot structures, which includes
hence will be called CDM(F). The overall pilot allocation will
be called U -FDM + V -CDM(F) pilot allocation. The maximum
pure FDM or CDM structures, (27) gives optimal pilot vectors
total number of antennas is NTx = UV = M . If U = 1, we for M transmit antennas. If the actual number of transmit an-
have a CDM(F) pilot allocation while if V = 1, we have an tennas NTx is smaller than M , we can use any NTx vectors
FDM pilot allocation. If K = L0 , i.e., M = 1, then V = 1 from the available M optimal pilot vectors. In the following,
we present more optimal pilot structures for NTx L0  K .
(one antenna within an FDM group), U = 1 (only one FDM
For FDM-type structures, (19) also gives the following opti-
group) and the result from (27) becomes identical to that in (B-
mal pilot tones for the m-th transmit antenna as
i). For K = 2L0 , i.e., M = 2, if V = 1, then U = 2 and the
result from (27) becomes identical to that in (B-ii-b). If V = 2, X
L1 1
lK K
then U = 1 and the result from (27) becomes identical to that m [k℄ = b(ml) Æ [k im ℄; im 2 [0; 1℄
in (B-ii-a). l=0
L 1 L 1

The condition (25) required for the CDM(F) allocation im 6= in if m 6= n; m = 0; : : :; NTx 1 (32)
within each FDM group of the U -FDM + V -CDM structure
where fbm g are constant-modulus symbols and L1 is any in-
is satisfied if fbm : l = 0; 1; : : : ; V 1g for all m are or-
teger such that K=L1 is an integer while L  L1  K=NTx .
thogonal sequences. Hence, if f m [k℄g are constrained to be
binary (BPSK) symbols and V is a power of 2, optimal binary
Similarly, we obtain from (19) optimal FDM pilot structures
with unequal numbers of pilot tones (an integer multiple of L0 )
sequences fbm g for V antennas (m =0, 1, . . . , V 1) can be
constructed from the Walsh-Hadamard sequences of length V
as follows: X X
Vm 1 L0 1
m [k℄ = b(ml;p) Æ [k im;p ℄; (33)
b(ml) = wm [l℄ b(0l) ; m = 1; 2; : : : ; V 1 (28) p=0 l=0
where wm [l℄ is the l-th element of m-th Walsh-Hadamard se- m = 0; : : :; NTx 1; im;p 2 [0; 1℄;
quences 1 of length V and fb0 : l = 0; 1; : : :; V 1g is any
im1 ;p1 = im2 ;p2 only if (m1 = m2 & p1 = p2 )
binary (1) sequence. VX
m 1 LX 0 1 NX
Tx 1
1 Walsh-Hadamard sequences are rows of the Walsh-Hadamard matrix and jbm j = KEav ;
(l;p) 2
Vm L0  K
the 0-th Walsh-Hadamard sequence is an all-one sequence. p=0 l=0 m=0

where Vm is an integer greater than zero. In this case, due to the where L1 is any integer satisfying L  L1  VNLTx0 L 1
. The
different numbers of pilot tones per antenna, the corresponding corresponding pilot tones for the m-th antenna are given by
pilot amplitudes will be different so that the total pilot energy
per antenna is the same (see (13)). m [k℄ = 0 [k℄ e j 2kmL1 =K
; m = 1; : : :; NTx 1 (41)
For CDM-type structures, similar to the development from where
(24) to (27), we can obtain optimal pilots defined by
V L0 1
lK K
V0 1L 1
lK 0 [k℄ = b(0l) Æ [k n0 ℄; n0 2 f0; : : :; 1g
m [k℄ = bm Æ [k
ip ℄; (34) l=0
V L0 V L0
p=0 l=0
L0 (42)
and fb0 g are constant-modulus symbols. An unequal distance
m = 0; : : :; NTx 1; ip 2 [0; 1℄; shifting of gm;m [k℄ is also possible as long as the condition L 
ip1 = ip2 only if (p1 = p2) lm;n  V L0 L, 8m 6= n is satisfied.
Note that for V L0 < K , K must be an integer multi-
VX 1
ple of V L0 in the above design for the CDM structure us-
= 0; 8m 6= n; m; n 2 f0; : : :; NTx 1g (35) ing V L0 tones. However, if all subcarriers are used (i.e.,
0 [k℄ = b(0k); 8k), then K does not have to be an integer mul-
where is any integer satisfying NTx  V  K=L0 and
V tiple of L0 (but K  L0 NTx ) and (41) can still be applied. In
 this case, the condition from (39) becomes L  lm;n  K L
am;n = b(ml;p) b(nl;p) . Note that each antenna has V groups of
, 8m 6= n. For the special case with equi-distance shifting,
L0 pilot tones per group. Within each group, L0 equi-energy
the condition becomes L  L1  NKTx L1 . For NTx L0 < K ,
tones are separated by an equal spacing of K=L0 . But spacings
optimal pilot structures of U -FDM + V -CDM type can be sim-
between groups do not have to be the same. Equation (35) can
ilarly constructed by appropriately combining FDM and CDM
be satisfied by
optimal pilot structures described for NTx L0 < K .
= a(0)
m;n e
j 2p(in im )=V
; 8m 6= n; (36)
m; n 2 f0; : : :; NTx 1g; D. Combined Training Structures

im ; in 2 f0; : : :; V 1g; im 6= in if m 6= n: More complicated pilot allocations are also possible, for ex-
ample, by not fixing the FDM boundaries and by combining
There are other ways, not covered by (36), to sat- FDM and CDM types. As an example, Table V presents a set of
For example, for V = 4, and NTx = optimal pilot vectors for the estimation of NTx channels (each
L = 2 taps) over Q = 1 symbol interval in an OFDM sys-
isfy (35).
3, we can have the following design satisfying (35): with K = 16 sub-carriers and NTx = 8 transmit-antennas
0 ; b0 ; b0 ; b0 ℄ = e
(1) (2) (3) j0 [1; 1; 1; 1℄, [b(0) ; b(1) ; b(2); b(3) ℄ =
1 1 1 1
k can be any constant-modulus symbol. Within the
ej1 [ej1 ; ej2 ; ej2 ; ej1 ℄, [b(0)2 ; b2 ; b2 ; b2 ℄ = e
(1) (2) (3) j2
group of antennas 0, 1, 2, and 3, the pilot allocations are of
[ ej1 ; ej2 ; ej2 ; ej1 ℄. FDM type. Within the group of antennas 4 and 5 or the group of
If all V L0 pilot tones are equi-spaced (in this case, K=(V L0) antennas 6 and 7, the pilot allocation is of CDM(F) type while
is an integer), we have between the two groups it is of FDM type. Pilot allocations of
VXL0 1
the antenna pairs (0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6), and (3, 7) are of CDM(F)
Gm;m [k℄ = a Æ [k n0℄; (37)
type and those of antenna pairs (2, 4), (3, 5), (0, 6), and (1, 7)
V L 0 are of FDM type. Note that pilot amplitudes may be different
K for different antennas, e.g., between antenna 0 and antenna 4.
n0 2 f0; : : :; 1g; m = 0; : : :; NTx 1
and by the DFT Property-2, we obtain OFDM S YMBOLS
This section investigates training signal design for channel
aV L0 X
V L0 1
estimation based on observations over Q OFDM symbols.
gm;m [k℄ = Æ [k lV L0 ℄ ej 2kn0=K : (38)
K l=0 A. Optimality Conditions in Sub-Carrier Domain
To satisfy the Condition B.1 from (20), gm;n [k℄ can be designed Based on Condition-A from (9), we observe the following:
by cyclically shifting gm;m [k℄ such that (A-i) Condition(A.1): The full rank condition in (9) implies
that for every transmit antenna and within the Q OFDM sym-
gm;n [k℄ = gm;m [(k lm;n )K ℄; 8m 6= n; (39) bols, there must be at least L different nonzero tones, each with
m; n 2 f0; : : :; NTx 1g; L  lm;n  V L0 L: at least one symbol duration.
(A-ii) The condition
A simple solution to (39) is to use an equal distance shifting as X
Q 1
sHm;q sm;q = E I ; 8m (43)
g0;m [k℄ = g0;0[(k mL1 )K ℄
(40) q =0

means that B. Training Designs over Q Symbols

(B-i-a) If we let gm;n [q; k℄ = 0 , for k = 0, . . . , L 1, K L+1,
Condition (A:2 ) : Em = Eav ; 8m: (44) . . . , K 1, 8m 6= n and 8q, then the solution for the case of one
OFDM symbol is applicable to each symbol of the Q-symbol
(A-iii) The condition case. To wit, for K = ML0 , we have Q sets of antennas where
each set has M antennas whose pilot tone allocations are de-
Q 1
(s((m;ql)) )H s((m;qi)) = 0; 8l 6= i; l; i 2 f0; 1; : : :; L 1g (45) fined by the solution for the one-symbol case. Each set uses
one out of Q symbols. Within each set, pilot tone allocation is
q =0
of CDM(F) or FDM or FDM+CDM(F) type while different sets
means that are of TDM type. The total number of antennas is NTx = MQ.
(B-i-b) Alternatively, using Properties 2 and 3, we have the
Q 1K 1
following condition satisfying (10) for K = ML0 :
j m;q [k℄j2 e j2dk
K = 0 for d = 1; 2; : : :; (L 1): 8 l
< am;n ; ki == 0l;+: :iM;
8m 6= n;
q =0 k =0
Q 1
:; L 1; (53)
Gm;n [q; k℄ = > 0
By defining
q =0 : 0; l = 0 ; : : :; M 1 ;
Q 1
X l
Em [k℄ = j m;q [k℄j2; k = 0; : : :; K 1; M 1

q =0
am;n = 0; 8m 6= n; am;n
() l
2 C: (54)
l =0

we can express (46) as Note that (53) satisfies Q

P g [q; k℄ = 0 for k = 1, . . . ,
=0 m;n

Condition (A:3 ) : PQ g [q; k℄ = 0 for k = 0, 88mm 6=6=nn. while (54) satisfies

L 1 ,
K L + 1, . . . , K 1,
q m;n
X (B-i-b-1) If Gm;n[q; k℄ = 0, 8q and 8k for some m 6= n
K 1
Em [k℄ e K = 0 for d = 1; : : :; (L 1):(48) (a group of antennas), the corresponding pilot tones are dis-
k =0 joint. Within a group, the L0 tones of each antenna are dis-
Note that Em = k=0 Em [k℄. Using Properties 2 and 3, we
joint from those of any other antenna by means of multiplexing
in time (TDM), in frequency (FDM) or in both time and fre-
obtain the following condition satisfying (46) for K = ML0 : quency (TFDM). The pilot tones must also satisfy Conditions
8 l (A.2) and (A.3) through (44) and (49). Hence, the optimal L0
< am ; k = l + iM ; l = 0; : : :; M 1;
pilot tones of one symbol duration for each antenna must be
Em [k℄ = = 0; : : :; L 1; aml  0 equally spaced (M tone spacing) with equal amplitude. They
: 0; ielsewhere
> :
should be disjoint from pilot tones of any other antenna. All
antennas have the same pilot amplitude.
At least one am must be nonzero in order to get nonzero (B-i-b-2) Consider the case where Gm;n [q; k℄ 6= 0, for some
Em . Note that pilot tone amplitudes of different antennas may (or all) q, for some (or all) k, and for some m 6= n, (a group
not be necessarily the same but total pilot energies Em must be of antennas where m; n 2 fi0; i1 ; : : :g). Let Nf be the number
the same for different antennas. of sets of equally-spaced (M tone spacing) L0 tones over Q
symbols assigned to an antenna from the above group (each set
corresponds to tone indices fkl + iM : i = 0; : : :; L0 1g
Now consider Condition-B from (10) which is given by

Q 1K 1 where kl 6= km if l 6= m and kn 2 f0; : : :; M 1g). Let Nt be
m;q [k℄ n;q [k℄ ej 2dk=K = 0 (50) the number of repetitions in time (with symbol indices q0, q1,
q =0 k =0 . . . , qNt 1) of the above Nf sets of L0 tones each. By using the
for d = 0; 1; : : :; (L 1) ; 8m 6= n: same principle as in (26), within the q-th symbol interval, the
Nf sets of pilot tones (each set has L0 tones) can accommodate
F! a set of Nf antennas if
Let Gm;n [q; k℄ = m;q [k℄ n;q [k℄ and Gm;n [q; k℄
gm;n [q; k℄. Then, (10) becomes a(imkl;i) n [qt℄ = a(imk0;i) n [qt℄ ej 2l(n m)=Nf ; (55)

Condition (B :1 ) : for l = 0; : : :; Nf 1; m 6= n; m; n 2 f0; : : :; Nf 1g:

K 1 1
! The corresponding pilot tones are given by
Gm;n [q; k℄ ej 2dk=K = 0; 8 l
< bm [qt; d℄; kd == 0k;l :+: :;dM
k =0 q =0

for d = 0; 1; : : :; (L 1); 8m 6= n im ;qt [k℄ = > L 1; (56) 0

: 0; l = 0 ; : : :; N f 1
Q 1
or gm;n [q; k℄ = 0; (52)
q =0 bml [qt; d℄ = b l [qt; d℄ e j lm=Nf ; m = 0; : : :; Nf 1
() ()

for k = 0; : : :; L 1; K L + 1; : : :; K 1; 8m 6= n: jb l [qt; d℄j = b > 0;()

0 0

where the fulfillment of Conditions (A.1), (A.2), (A.3), and for FDM+CDM(F) structure. In practice, K is a power of 2
(B.1) is inherited from (27). This pilot allocation is of CDM(F) for a simpler FFT implementation and hence L0 can always be
type. found. If all K ( LNTx ) sub-carriers are used in CDM(F)
Applying the CDM principle over the above Nt symbols can structure, then K need not be an integer multiple of L0 .
accommodate Nt sets of Nf antennas each. The optimal pilot Some representative examples of optimal pilot tone vectors
tones for an antenna from the v-th set are related to those from for SISO OFDM systems are given in Table I and those for
the 0-th set by MIMO OFDM systems are given in Tables II and III where
f ig are constant-modulus symbols. An example of optimal
kl )
[q ℄ : 8lg = fa(imkl;i) n [q0℄ : 8lg ej 2tv=Nt ;
f +m ;ivNf +n t
(57) pilot structure with unequal number of pilot tones per antenna
for v = 0; : : :; Nt 1; l = 0; : : :; Nf 1; is presented in Table IV. More complicated pilot allocations
8m 6= n; m; n 2 f0; : : :; Nf 1g: can be constructed by not fixing the FDM boundaries and by
combining FDM and CDM(F). An example is given in Table V.
The corresponding pilot tones are given by For training signal design over Q OFDM symbols, two simple
optimal solutions have been presented. The first one is com-
ivNf +m ;qt [k℄ = im ;q0 [k℄ e j 2tv=Nt
; v = 0; : : :; Nt 1 (58) posed of Q TDM groups where within each TDM group, the
FDM+CDM(F) pilot allocation given in (27) is implemented.
and f im ;q0 [k℄ : m = 0; : : :; Nf 1g are given by (56). The ful- In the second solution, every antenna transmits on all pilot
fillment of Conditions (A.1), (A.2), (A.3), and (B.1) is inherited tones over all Q OFDM symbols and the optimal pilot tones
from (56). This pilot allocation among the Nt sets is of CDM are given by the CDM(F)+CDM(T) allocation defined in (56)
type in the time-domain and denoted by CDM(T). Hence, this and (58). Other more complicated solutions can be obtained by
overall pilot allocation over Nf L0 tones and Nt symbols will combining TDM (less than Q TDM groups), FDM, CDM(F),
be denoted by Nf -CDM(F) + Nt -CDM(T). For NTx L0 < KQ, and CDM(T) allocations. Examples are given in Tables VI and
the results from Sub-section III-C can be straight-forwardly ap- VII.
plied. Although our discussion is based on pilot-only Q OFDM
training symbols, the results can be easily adapted to pilot-
C. Combined Training Structures data-multiplexed schemes. The optimal training signal design
More complicated pilot allocation schemes are also possible in pilot-data-multiplexed systems may be viewed as using data
by combining FDM, TDM, TFDM, CDM(F), and CDM(T) type in place of pilot tones allocated to some transmit antennas with
allocations. An example of optimal pilot allocations of mixed FDM pilot allocation in the original design for pilot-only train-
types over Q = 2 OFDM symbols is shown in Table VI for ing symbols (and removing those transmit antennas). The or-
the estimation of channels with L = 4 taps each in an OFDM thogonality between data and pilot tones is inherited from the
system with K = 16 sub-carriers and NTx = 8 transmit an- original FDM pilot allocation.
tennas. The group of antennas 0, 1, 2, 3 is disjoint from the
others by FDM over 2 symbols. Antenna 4 is of TFDM type B. Relationship to Existing Training Designs
while antenna 5 is of purely FDM type over one symbol. The
group of antennas 6 and 7 is disjoint from the others by TFDM. Consider pilot-data-multiplexed schemes with K = L0 M
Within the group of antennas 0, 1, 2, and 3, pilot allocation is and M = (Md + Mp ), where Md L0 sub-carriers are for data
of 2-CDM(F) + 2-CDM(T) type. Within the group of antennas and Mp L0 sub-carriers are for pilot tones. When K = DMp L0
6 and 7, pilot allocation is of CDM(F) type. where D is an integer (> 1) and pilot tones are equi-powered,
In Table VII, the pilot vector for each antenna is presented equi-spaced and all transmit antennas use all pilot tones with
for the optimal training signal structure given in Table VI where CDM(F) pilot allocation (i.e., U = 1, kl =  + lD with
k can be any constant-modulus symbol. Note that within one  2 f0; : : :; D 1g and l = 0; : : :; Mp 1 in (27)), our re-
symbol, pilot amplitudes from different antennas may be differ- sults specialize to the optimal training signals for Mp transmit
ent, e.g., compare pilot amplitudes of antennas 0, 4, and 6. antennas over one OFDM symbol presented in [9] and [15].
Note that K need not be an integer multiple of Mp L0 in our
designs for pilot-data multiplexed schemes. This fact results in
a better flexibility of our designs over the existing ones. For
A. Summary and Examples example, for K = 64, L = 8, and NTx = 3, the designs
In this section, we summarize our findings on the optimal from [9] and [15] would not be applicable since they require
training signals for MIMO OFDM channel estimation. For that K be an integer multiple of LNTx . However, our design
training signal design over one OFDM symbol, a simple opti- can still be applied; for example, by using unequi-spaced FDM
mal solution is the FDM+CDM(F) type pilot allocation given or CDM(F), or FDM+CDM(F) structure. As another example,
by (27) which includes FDM and CDM(F) types as special consider OFDM-based UWB systems where some tones may
cases. The allocation in (27) can also be used for NTx < M , need to be turned off due to coexistence of other wireless de-
(M = K=L0 ) by simply skipping any (M NTx ) pilot vec- vices (such as 802.11b and Bluetooth) within the UWB band.
tors. More optimal pilot allocations for NTx < M are given In this scenario, the existing equi-spaced pilot tones may not be
by (32) and (33) for FDM structure and (41) for CDM(F) struc- feasible and our design has a clear advantage in terms of appli-
ture, and an appropriate combination of (32) or (33) and (41) cability/flexibility for different systems. Our optimal training

signal designs over multiple OFDM symbols can be similarly only concern. We can use zero-correlation or very low correla-
linked to those of [15]. tion sequences as pilot tones which will give very low PAR.
Now consider schemes where all sub-carriers are pilot tones. If pilot symbols are constrained to be from a finite alphabet
For NTx L  K , our CDM design in (41) with L1 = bK=NTx signal constellation, FDM structure gives a much easier design
gives the training design of [16]. If pilot symbols are con- since CDM design is associated with some phase-shifts.
strained to be BPSK, then using a subset from the V pilot tone Furthermore, training signals for channel estimation should
vectors of our CDM design with Walsh-Hadamard sequence be robust to frequency offsets. Different optimal training sig-
(28) gives the training design from [18]. The corresponding nals have different robustness to frequency offsets. For exam-
m 1
subset is given by wm [l℄ = ( 1)bl=2 for m = 2, . . . , NTx 1 ple, we simulated the channel estimation NMSE for the above
in (28) with V L0 = K being an integer multiple of 2NTx 1L0 . five training signals in the presence of a frequency offset of 0:05
Note that for K = 2m 1 L0 with BPSK pilot tones, the design (normalized by the subcarrier spacing) at a SNR per antenna of
from [18] can accommodate m transmit antennas while our de- 10 dB and the corresponding NMSE values are 5:06  10 3,
sign can accommodate upto 2m 1 transmit antennas. 4:79  10 3, 4:75  10 3, 5:14  10 3, and 3:14  10 3, re-
spectively. Finding the best one(s) among the optimal training
C. Simulation Results signals in the presence of a frequency offset and a PAR con-
straint is a challenging problem. Being a larger and more gen-
We have numerically evaluated the optimality condition in eral set including the existing training structures, the proposed
(6) for all the training signal designs discussed and confirmed training structures will be useful in this quest.
their optimality with respect to minimizing MSE. Simulation
results are also provided to corroborate the optimality of the
proposed training signals. Simulation parameters assumed are VI. C ONCLUSIONS
K = 64, NTx = 4, a multipath Rayleigh fading channel with We presented general classes of optimal training signals for
L = 8 taps and an exponential power delay profile (3 dB per channel estimation in MIMO OFDM systems with single or
tap decaying factor). We evaluated five optimal training struc- multiple OFDM training symbols. The optimal pilot tone al-
tures: a CDM-F structure using all subcarriers (same as [16]), location among transmit antennas can be of frequency-division
an equi-spaced CDM-F structure using LNTx pilot tones (same multiplexing, time-division multiplexing, code-division mul-
as [15]), an equi-spaced FDM structure with a total of LNTx pi- tiplexing in the time-domain, code-division multiplexing in
lot tones, an unequi-spaced FDM structure with a total of LNTx the frequency-domain or combinations thereof. Depending on
pilot tones, and a 2-FDM + 2-CDM structure using all subcar- the pilot allocation, the pilot amplitudes of different antennas
riers. For BER evaluation, NTx independent streams of BPSK within an OFDM symbol can be different and all pilot tones of
data symbols are transmitted simultaneously from NTx trans- an antenna may not be equally spaced. The presented optimal
mit antennas and we use maximum likelihod detection. Fig. 1 training signal designs are applicable to pilot-only schemes as
shows the NMSE simulation results as well as the theoretical well as pilot-data-multiplexed schemes. Our proposed training
ones and Fig. 2 presents the BER simulation results for the designs include all existing training designs for OFDM as spe-
different optimal training signals. All optimal training signals cial cases and introduce new designs as well. Our approach
evaluated have the same performance as expected. based on the DFT properties facilitates new training designs.
Our training designs provide a better flexibility in terms of sys-
D. Other Properties of Optimal Training Signals tem parameters and could be useful in training signal design in
the presence of frequency offset and PAR constraints.
Training signals should be designed to have low PAR in or-
der to avoid nonlinear distortion of the training signal at the
transmit power amplifier. Depending on power amplifier de- R EFERENCES
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SYSTEM WITH K = 12, NTx = 4, L = L0 = 2, L1 = 3 AND Q = 1
Sub-carrier Index Ant. 0 Ant. 1 Ant. 2 Ant. 3 A N O PTIMAL P ILOT A LLOCATION IN AN OFDM SYSTEM WITH NTx = 8 ,
2 0 A1 3 0 0
3 0 0 0 0
4 A0 1 0 0 0 Antennas assignments
5 0 0 0 A3 8 Sub-carrier Symbol Index
6 0 A1 4 0 0 Index 0 1
7 0 0 A2 7 0 0 0, 1, 2, 3 0, 1, 2, 3
8 A0 2 0 0 0 1 0, 1, 2, 3 0, 1, 2, 3
9 0 0 0 0 2 4 6, 7
10 0 A1 5 0 0 3 5 6, 7
11 0 0 0 A3 9 4 0, 1, 2, 3 0, 1, 2, 3
3 jA j
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=2 jA j
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6 4 6, 7
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CDM (all subcarriers)

10 CDM (LNTx subcarriers)
FDM (LN subcarriers, equal spacing)
FDM (LN subcarriers, unequal spacing)
2−FDM + 2−CDM (all subcarriers)

0 5 10 15 20 25
SNR per Tx Antenna (dB)

Fig. 1. The NMSEs of several optimal training structures for an MIMO OFDM
system with NTx = 4, K = 64 in an 8-tap multipath Rayleigh fading channel
with an exponential power delay profile


Sub-carrier Index
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 1
p 0 0 0 2 2
p p 0 0 0
p 2 1
p 2 2 0 p0 p 2 3 p 2 4 0 p 0
4=3 1 =
4 3 2 0 =
4 3 3 =
4 3 4 =
4 3 5 0 =
4 3 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Sub-carrier Pilot Allocation

Index FDM FDM CDM(F) CDM(F), 1 m 3  
Ant. 0 Ant. 1 p
Ant. 0 Ant. 1 p
Ant. 0 Ant. 1 p Ant. 0 Ant. 1
2 e 1 1 ej1
2 1 2 1 2
j 1
0 0 0 p 1 1
1 0 0 p 0 2 5 0 0 2 2 e jm=2 ej1
2 0 2 3 2 2 0 p p 0 p j 0 3 3 e j2m=2 ej1
3 0 0 p 0 2 6
p2 2
p 2 ej112 4 4 e j3m=2 ej1
4 2 2 0 2 3 0 p
2 3 2 3 e 5 5 e j4m=2 ej1
5 0 0 p 0 2 7 0 0 6 6 e j5m=2 ej1
6 0 2 4 2 4 0 p p 0 p 0 7 7 e j6m=2 ej1
7 0 0 0 2 8
2 4 ej1
2 4 8 e j7m=2 ej1


Pilot Sub-carrier
Allocation Index Ant. 0 Ant. 1 Ant. 2 Ant. 3
0 1 1 ej1 1 ej2 1 ej3
1 2 2 e j=2 ej1 2 e j2=2 ej2 2 e j3=2 ej3
2 3 3e j2=2 ej1 3 e j4=2 ej2 3 e j6=2 ej3
3 4 4e j3=2 ej1 4 e j6=2 ej2 4 e j9=2 ej3
CDM(F) 4 5 5e j4=2 ej1 5 e j8=2 ej2 5 e j12=2 ej3
5 6 6e j5=2 ej1 6 e j10=2 ej2 6 e j15=2 ej3
6 7 7e j6=2 ej1 7 e j12=2 ej2 7 e j18=2 ej3
7 8 8e j7=2 ej1 8 e j14=2 ej2 8 e j21=2 ej3
0 2 1 0 0 0
1 0
2 3 0 0
2 0 0
2 5 0
3 0 0 0
2 7
FDM 4 2 2 0 0 0
5 0
2 4 0 0
6 0 0
2 6 0
7 p 0 p 0 0
2 8
2 1 2 1 ej1 p 0 p 0 j3
1 0 0 p2 5 p2 e j3
2 p 0 p j 0
2 6 e
2 6
3 p2 2 p 2 ej11 2 0 0
2-FDM + 2-CDM(F) 4
2 3 2 3 e p0 p 0 j3
5 0 0 p2 7 p2 e j3
6 p 0 p 0
2 8 e
2 8
2 4 ej1
2 4 0 0


Sub-carrier Antenna Index

Index p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 1
p 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 2 3 p 0 0 3 - 3 0 0
2 5 5 5
2 0 0 p0 0 0
2 7 7 - 7
3 p 0 0 0 0 0
2 2
p 0 0 0 - 2 - 2 0 0
5 0 2 4 p0 0 - 4 4 0 0
2 6 - 6 - 6
6 0 0 p0 0 0
2 8 - 8 8
7 p 0 0 0 0 0
2 1
p 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
9 0 2 3 p0 0 3 - 3 0 0
2 5 5 5
10 0 0 p0 0 0
2 7 7 - 7
11 p 0 0 0 0 0
2 2
p 0 0 0 - 2 - 2 0 0
13 0 2 4 p0 0 - 4 4 0 0
2 6 - 6 - 6
14 0 0 p0 0 0
15 0 0 0 2 8 0 0 - 8 8


Symbol Antenna Index

index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
2 - 2 2 - 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 9 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 2 13 0 0
3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0
4 - 4 4 - 4 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 0 0
5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0
6 - 6 6 - 6 0 0 p 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 17
2 17
0 0 0 0 0 2 15 0 0
7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0
8 - 8 8 - 8 0 0 p 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 18
2 18
0 0 0 0 0 2 16 0 0
1 1 - 1 - 1 0 0 0 0
2 - 2 - 2 2 0 0 p 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 p2 19 p2 19
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 19 - 2 19
3 3 - 3 - 3 0 0 0 0
4 - 4 - 4 4 0 0 p 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 p2 20 p2 20
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 20 - 2 20
5 5 - 5 - 5 0 0 0 0
6 - 6 - 6 6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 11 0 p 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 21 - 2 21
7 7 - 7 - 7 0 0 0 0
8 - 8 - 8 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 2 12 0 p2 0 p 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 22 - 2 22


CDM (all subcarriers)
CDM (LNTx subcariers)
FDM (LN subcarriers, equal spacing)
FDM (LNTx subcarriers, unequal spacing)
2−FDM + 2−CDM (all subcarriers)
0 5 10 15 20 25
SNR per Tx Antenna (dB)

Fig. 2. The BERs of several optimal training structures for an MIMO OFDM
system with NTx = 4, K = 64 in an 8-tap multipath Rayleigh fading channel
with an exponential power delay profile

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