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The Differences and Similarity between Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis Meiosis


The process of cell division in which DNA replicates only once.

Mitosis Characteristics Meiosis
Produces new cells for Function For the formation of _____________
growth and repair
All __________cells Location Cell in the reproductive organs

__________of homologous Synapsis Homologous chromosomes pair up

chromosomes (synapsis) (synapsis) to form bivalents
does not occur
Crossing over between non- Crossing over between non-sister
sister chromatids does not chromatids occurs during prophase I
occur during prophase
The chromosomes are Metaphase Homologous chromosomes _______
arranged randomly at the side by side at the metaphase plate.
metaphase plate.
Sister chromatids separate to  Homologous chromosomes
move to the opposite poles separate to move to the
____________ poles.
 The sister chromatids still remain
__________to each other.
_______daughter cells Product and ________ daughter cells (gametes)
(somatic) number of cells
Number of Twice
division of parent
Once Number of
___________ to parent cell Genetic __________ from parent cell and from
and to one another information one another
Diploid (2n) or the same Number of ___________ (n) or half the number of
number of chromosomes as chromosomes chromosomes of the parent cell
the parent cell.
Does not cause genetic Genetic variation Causes genetic variation from one
variation in any generation generation to the next.

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