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 Code segment (CS)
A register pointing to the area of memory where
the code is stored
 Data segment (DS)
A register pointing to the area of memory where
the data is stored
 Stack segment (SS)
A register pointing to the area of memory where
the processor temporarily stores register values in
case they get messed up
 Extra segment (ES)
A register pointing to where ever the user wants it
to point.
 AX – word multiply, word divide, word I/O
 AL – byte multiply, byte divide, byte I/O,
translate, decimal arithmetic
 BX – translate
 CX – string operations, loops
 CL – variable shift and rotate
 DX - word multiply, word divide, indirect I/O
 IP is to point incoming address instruction.
 SP is the stack pointer and it points to the "top
plate" or last piece of data placed on the stack.
 BP pointing to data in stack segment.
 SI pointing source data address.
 DI pointing to destination data address.
 CS:IP -- code segment:instruction pointer points
to the physical address of the next instruction in
memory to execute.
 SS:SP -- stack segment:stack pointer points to the
stack in memory, a temporary storage place for
 DS:DI -- data segment:destination index points to
the physical address in memory where data is to
be stored using a pointer.
 DS:SI -- data segment:source index points to the
physical address in memory where data is to be
retrieved using a pointer.

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