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89 West Parade

Perth WA 6000

Mobile Phone contacts: Patrick Green on 0403539010 ( or

Des Sleight on 0415328600 (



Developed and hosted in Australia,’s website provides employers and recruiters with
the means to screen applicants by having them complete an online recorded interview which can be
carried out at any time and location... even at home. The site has been developed as a
complementary tool to the growing plethora of Job Board sites which address the job vacancy
advertising market.

After years of recruiting in the It industry, the developers wanted to reduce the time wasted on
interviewing applicants who presented well on paper with their CV and covering letter, and then
quickly failed at the face to face interview; personality, communication skills and appearance can
now all contribute to the recruiters choice of applicants for the final face to face interview. allows recruiters to invite applicants to an interview once they have submitted their job
application. Employers and Recruiting firms can continue to advertise on their preferred job site, or also offers a total solution through its own Job board postings which comes free when
purchasing interviews for a job. The facility uses everyday webcam, Internet and browser software
to record and playback applicants’ responses to the employer’s chosen interview questions.

Offering recruiters the way to see and hear applicants presenting themselves and answering the
recruiter’s questions is only one advantage. Interviewing the traditional way always involves
logistical issues of agreeing a suitable time with each applicant, setting up an interview meeting
rooms, coordinating colleagues time if there is to be an interview panel, and of course there is the
waste of time if the time has to change for some reason; and then there is the occasions when one
minute into the interview, you know the applicant is clearly unsuitable for the role because he fails
the ‘able to communicate’ criteria. And then there is the candidate who is maybe the best fit for the

job but the CV does not convey the personality and skills you were actually looking for and an
interview would have clearly shown the candidate to be the best choice.

A number of Recruiting agencies have already expressed an interest in using the facility because of
the potential time saving. Webcam Interviews is seen as the future norm for screening job

To encourage uptake on the service, is offering free trials and subsequent discounts to
early adopters to prove the value and benefits of the service directors are excited by their new service which is launched this month, run from Perth,
and will focus on offering the service in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

If you'd like more information about this release, or to schedule an interview with
the directors Des Sleight and Patrick Green, please call Des Sleight on 0415 328
600 or e-mail Des at

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