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Ex 1.1  To Answer Index
A (1)Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-one
(2)Five thousand nine hundred and three
(3)One thousand and ninety-seven
(4)Nine thousand four hundred and sixty-two
(5)Eighteen thousand and ten
B (1)11 670 (2)9 212 (3)3 108 (4)23 049 (5)7 370
C (1)9 001 (2)6 600 (3)33 320
D (1)ten thousands (2)hundreds (3)thousands
E (1)< (2)> (3)> (4)= (5)< (6)>
F (1)11 000 (2)8 000 (3)48 000 (4)35 000 (5)32 000
G (1a)5630 (1b)9850 (1c)8560
(2a)9900 (2b)23900 (2c)90700
(3a)3000 (3b)58000 (3c)13000
H (1)9709,9197,8879,7909 (2)77315,45977,43907,13577
I (1a)1,13 (1b)1,2,4,8,16,32 (1c)1,3,9,27 (1d)1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48
(2)8,12,24 (3)5,15,45,100 (4)6 (5)6 (6)12 (7)3,6 (8)5,21
J (1)12 900 males (2)16 $10 notes
(3)0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55 Factors 1,5,11,55
Ex 1.2  To Answer Index
A (1)One thousand eight hundred and seventy-five
(2)Three thousand and ninety-three
(3)Sixty-five thousand and thirty-six
(4)Forty-five thousand four hundred and forty-three
(5)Twenty-six thousand and eight hundred
B (1)12 600 (2)2 320 (3)38 780 (4)13 904 (5)10 205
C (1)6 190 (2)3 990 (3)36 000
D (1)hundreds (2)ten thousands (3)thousands
E (1)72 000 (2)15 000 (3)9 000 (4)19 000 (5)48 000
F (1)2600,2590,2399,1890 (2)15977,12707,11715,10307
G (1a)1,2,4,8 (1b)1,2,3,6,9,18 (1c)1,23 (1d)1,3,11,33 (1e)1,3,13,39
(2)9,21 (3)155,200 (4)7 (5)4 (6)8 (7)4,2 (8)5,5
H (1)85,95,105,115,125,135 (2)2057,2357,2657,2957,3257,3557
(3)2303,2306,2309,2312,2315,2318 (4)200,400,600,800,1000,1200
I (1)1,3 (2)1,11 (3)1,5 (4)1,2,4,8
J (1)$26 700 (2)$9 500 (3)1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23 Factors 1,23
Ex 2.1  To Answer Index
A (1)6041 (2)2846 (3)4720 (4)1067 (5)12242 (6)2445 (7)9482
B (1)936 (2)1640 (3)840 (4)31 (5)99 (6)82
C (1)$670 (2)45 eggs and 75 eggs (3)20 cents (4)12,24,48 (5)$25
(6)480 people
Ex 2.2  To Answer Index
A (1)6531 (2)6676 (3)1200 (4)88 (5)2084 (6)2445 (7)3536 (8)700
B (1)2640 (2)4620 (3)4116 (4)877 (5)196 (6)709
C (1)18 packets, blue 4 , red 6 , black 7 (2)$3550
(3)18 and 33, common factors 1 , 3 (4)130 bags (5)12 minutes 30 seconds
(6)11 trips
Ex 3.1  To Answer Index
[Note: Answers in ( / ) represents a fraction eg 1(2/3) means 1 whole
and two-thirds.]
A (1) 1(1/24) (2) 3(8/15) (3) 1(13/15) (4) (7/12) (5) 4(1/21)
(6) 1(7/45) (7) 2(7/12) (8) 3(23/30) (9) 2(3/5) (10) 4(29/36)
B (1) (5/9) , (2/3) , (3/4) (2) 1(1/4) , (8/5) , (5/3)
(3) (4/6) , (3/4) , (10/12) (4) (5/3) , 1(7/9) , 1(7/10)
C (1) 1.75 metres (2) (7/15) (3) 12 hours (4a) 4 hours 40 minutes
(4b) (4/7) (5) 3(13/56) metres
Ex 3.2  To Answer Index
[Note: Answers in ( / ) represents a fraction eg 1(2/3) means 1 whole
and two-thirds.]

A (1) 1(2/3) (2) 3(3/40) (3) (3/5) (4) 10(1/6) (5) 3(17/30)
(6) 1(7/12) (7) 7(1/2) (8) 4(11/20) (9) (19/30) (10) 2(21/40)
B (1) (9/8) , (7/6) , (5/4) (2) (9/8) , (9/7) , 1(3/4)

(3) (2/5) , (4/9) , (3/6) (4) (31/6) , 4(7/4) , 5(4/3)

C (1) (17/24) metres (2) (18/35) (3) (1/10) minute (4) (1/4) litre
(5) 5(11/15) metres

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