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g Get an early start

g rganize
g Mlan
g d pr rastinati n! Sti t y r plan!
g Stay in t  and as f r elp
g J niate learly
g „eep g d re rds
g „n  y r pr gra f stdy and falty/staff inv lved in y r
pr gra
g Yelieve in y rself

Plagiarism is taking the written ideas or thoughts of another person and trying to pass
them off as your own. It͛s taking credit for work that you didn͛t complete. It͛s dishonest
because you aren͛t giving the rightful owner of that work credit for what they͛ve done. If you
are using someone͛s writing or ideas in a paper, you should always cite that work. Give credit
where credit is due.

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