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Kinnamont | 1

Bonnie Kinnamont
Stephen Darville

Revise Goal Statements

1. I want to get an A or B in this course.

-I think this goal should be more specific. An a or a b is a broad range. This goal should
state exactly what grade the student would like to achieve.

2. I hope that I can make the Dean's List this semester.

-This is a great goal but the writer is only hoping. You have to have a realistic goal. If the
writer doesn’t think they can make the dean’s list realistically, maybe they should scale
back and shoot for a more realistic goal.

3. I wish that I could lose ten pounds before the dance next Saturday.

-A goal should be moderately challenging as well as realistic. This goal seems very
challenging and honestly, it seems unhealthy.

4. Read all three chapters in my philosophy text before the exam.

-As long as the student has ample time to reach this goal, it sounds realistic and

5. I will learn everything that I am taught this semester.

-Although this isn’t a very specific goal or well measured, it is attainable. The writer of
this goal should be more specific and lay out a timeline of smaller goals to achieve in
order to achieve the large goal.

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