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Review : Pay it Forward

By : Bobby Prayogo (10)

Here is the data about “pay it forward” ..

Mimi Leder
Catherine Ryan Hyde (book), Leslie Dixon(screenplay)
Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment and Helen Hunt
 Drama / Romance

Changing the world does not always need an amazing or extraordinary action. As performed
by Trevor McKinney-12 (Haley Joel Osment). based on the task from his teacher "Think of an idea
to change our world - and put it into action", he created a program called "Pay It Forward", in which
the program procedure was very simple : we had to do goodness to the three people (in which
goodness was great goodness), and in turn, the three men had to continue the kindness to the three
others, so the amount of goodness multiplied rapidly.
When there was doubt whether the simple acts of kindness that we do to others will be
able to affect their lives, the movie "PAY IT FORWARD" could be an inspiration for us to give the
passion not always to get bored doing goodness to others.
Trevor McKinney believed in the goodness of human. He was dedicated to change the world
become better.
Is it possible that one idea to change the world?
I know some people don't agree with the idea of "Pay It Forward", but if they think about
possibility, no matter how little it is, they can do something that can change the world. Sometimes
The Simplest Idea Can Make The Biggest Difference.
It is a very good experience to see this movie. You must watch it today. This movie can give
something good for us. A movie from the heart that connects with the heart.

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