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Myzheleen Roman

MBA 2E – Human Resource Management

After I watched the short clip of The Star Thrower, I realized two things. First, how we should act

to reach our dreams and turn our dreams into reality. Starfish resembles the chances and

opportunities that are in front of us. We all have dreams and there’s a lot of opportunities for us.

But if you only observe and remain complacent on things that is happening, nothing will happen.

Our vision we have in mind will just remain dreams. If you we make an action no matter how big

or small, whether there is no assurance, still it will make a change to shape the future.

Like how the man did, he picked up the starfish and throw them in the water. He made himself

an actor to make a difference. We are all gifted to make a change. We just need to be persistent

to make an action towards our dreams. We should think that every adversity is an opportunity

for personal growth and focus more on encouraging others. We should be more outwardly

focused, looking at how we can use an adverse situation to make the world a better place.

Second, as the young man found the starfish in a difficult situation. He helped the starfish by

throwing it in the water. This resembles helping other people and giving second chances.

Making a difference does not have to be big. We may not be able to change the world in an

instant at least we are able to change people’s perception by touching their lives in a positive

way. We touch them with our words, with our smile, with our eyes, with our courage, with

millions of different ways.

And always keep in mind.

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