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Date: November 2, 2010

ATAG Issue # 151

Ansley Tuesday Afternoon Golf Tour

Chronicling The Play and Behavior of ATAG Tour Players With Praise,
Ridicule, and Scorn


The Nickelodeon Players Relish Last Night On The Porch!
Published By:
Nickelodeon But All Good Things Come To An End—Nickelodeon Signs Off!
Publications, Inc
Since 2004 November 2, 2010
By: Don Nichols
Chief Editor: Don Nichols Ansley Tuesday Afternoon Golf Tour
Senior Vice President-
and Human Resources: Don Nichols
What a great day-- a beautiful Fall afternoon that saw 14 ATAGers show up
for the early 4 pm start time on the last Tuesday of Daylight Savings Time to
close out the 2010 season! The excitement was evident as players greeted
Graphic Design By: Amanda Nichols each other and took their warm up swings while waiting their turn to pound
the last opening tee shot toward the Number 1 fairway. (Some found the
sometimes elusive target while others revisited Montgomery Ferry Drive.)

Because of the odd numbered field, the Commissioner elected to pair two
five somes to follow the first foursome off the tee, with that foursome to
randomly select a draw partner at the end of the match. Despite having
two five somes, the pace of play was steady—helped somewhat by the
fact that there was no one else on the course.


Corrigan (not a typo) Leads Team To Victory!

Twenty five handicapper Frank Corrigan, 2009’s undisputed Pink Lady

Champion, shocked the field as well as his team with two birdies on the
front nine, enabling he and his fellow teammates Richard Batelaan, Kevin
McGlynn, and Jeff Colbath to take home the season end’s Golden Ale
Trophy with a score of 13 under.

Finishing Dead Ass Last with a score of 6 under was the befuddled team of
Scotty Greene, Marty Arnold, Doug Gooding, William Thornton, and Brad
Reese. Reese’s mood, though, was suddenly improved when he was
randomly selected as the “beer draw” partner by the winning foursome
team, thereby shifting his obligation to buying a beer for himself.

ATAG Final Results:

Frank Corrigan, Richard Batelaan, Kevin McGlynn, William Thornton, -13
Ansley Tuesday Afternoon
David Danzig, Danny Morris, Jim Williamson, Don Nichols, Doug Healy -9
Golf Tour
Marty Arnold, Scotty Greene, William Thornton, Brad Reese, Doug Gooding -6
Ansley Golf Club
1912 BRAD REESE LOW GROSS AWARD: Brad Reese: 35 (As usual six
196 Montgomery Ferry Dr handicapper Reese totally dominated the high handicapper field,
Atlanta, Ga 30309 making three birdies to offset back to back bogeys to finish at 1 under. As
you read on, you will see why this day turned out to be Brad Reese Day.)
LOW NET WINNER: Brad Reese -3
Low Gross Winner : Reese 35 (Reese slips by Greene by one shot to take home 14 bucks for an all out
Low Net Winner : -7 Martin great day by winning Low Gross and Low Net, being selected as the draw
Birdie Champion: Reese: 15 partner for the winning team, edging past David Danzig as the Top Money
High Gross: 57 Thornton winner for 2010, and bypassing Ron Majors to become the 2010 Birdie
Top Money Winner: Reese $49 Champion.)

PINK LADY WINNER: David Danzig: 52

Best Team Score-front: -16* ( Schizophrenic David Danzig made his return to the abbreviated 2010
McGlynn, Arnold, Sellner, and Danzig 5-4- season and took home the Pink Lady with the “sucked more” score of 52.
2010 *par 35 Danzig, two time winner of Low Net this year and leading money winner
going into the final match, opened with a par but a max 7 on the par 3
Best Team Score-back: -13* hole # 3, followed by a triple bogey to go with a scattering of double
Sawyer, Player, Colbath, Majors
8-3-2010 *with four holes shortened with
bogeys pretty much clinched it for him.
temporary greens
Worst Team Score (DAL) +2 There were two Shots Of The Day worthy of mention. Brad Reese nearly
Gaddis, Cowles, Colbath, Roberds holed out his 150 yd approach shot on # 8, hitting the pin before settling a
6-29-010 few inches from the hole for a tap in Birdie. And Frank Corrigan grabbed
the limelight by chipping in from about 50 feet on the last hole for a Birdie-
All Time Best Score -18
“net eagle.”
Danzig, Reese, Nichols, Pease--back
nine 10-10-06
BIRDIE CLUB: 6 additions to close out the 2010 Birdie Club thanks to Don
Nichols with one on #6, and three from Brad Reese on #5, #7, and #8 and
All Time Worst Score +6
Danzig, Gooding, Thornton, Player- two from Frank Corrigan on # 1 and #9, with Corrigan making the
back nine 5-15-07 prestigious club “for the first time in his life.” As mentioned, Reese’s three
birdies enabled him to bypass a vacationing Ron Majors to top the list of
All Time Shot Of The Day Birdie Makers.
Hole In One on # 9 by Bill Benning
■ It was a great night on the porch when, for the first time, tables
and chairs were pulled together to form one big table (how come we
never thought about this before?) where everyone shared in the
discussion about their rounds and a myriad of other topics ranging from
politics (quickly squashed by the Commissioner) to old time sports stars
(causing David Danzig to cry out, “how old are you guys?”), to the Club’s
member survey, to college football, and then to what to do on Tuesdays
going forward. The Commissioner jokingly suggested a bowling league
but quickly changed the subject when a few players jumped on the
idea. Throughout the evening there was a lot of laughter, and barkeep
Herschel Parker was kept busy refilling player’s glasses as it seemed no
one wanted this night to end.

Well, that’s it for the 2010 ATAG season, a season interrupted by a ten
week “green out” that still saw several players show up each Tuesday to
participate in the ATAG experience. Nevertheless, it was a season of
ATAG great fun, resulting in a total of 20 official matches with the final standings
shown on the facing page. The Commissioner announced that he would
Ansley Tuesday Afternoon provide statistics for the abbreviated season at next week’s cocktail party
Golf Tour on the porch.
Ansley Golf Club
1912 And, I’m afraid that’s it for the Nickelodeon as well. A couple of weeks
196 Montgomery Ferry Dr ago the Commissioner called this reporter in to his office and, with a sullen
Atlanta, Ga 30309 look on his face, told me that due to budgetary constraints and apparent
reader apathy as the novelty wore off, that he could no longer continue
subsidizing the operations of this paper which, like a lot of corporations,
has operated in the red since its inception. See the below Letter To The
Editor from subscriber Keith Morris, President of a local bank in Gainesville,
Ga, when he read of the pending closure of the paper and which pretty
much sums up the Commissioner’s own conclusion that it was time for the
Nickelodeon to go.

I am proud to say that this is the 151st weekly issue of the ATAG newsletter
dubbed the Nickelodeon, established to chronicle the play and behavior
of each week’s field of players and to promote the ATAG experience as a
special fraternity of Ansley Golf Club members who take the time to meet
each week in a friendly 9-hole round of golf competition and then stay to
have a couple of beers and enjoy a camaraderie that has continued to
build over the years. I am confident that ATAG will continue on with this
tradition without the need for further promotion.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being the quasi ATAG rapporteur and do admit
that I am sometimes guilty of sesquipedaliamism, but that can be
expected in a newsletter steeped in an oasis of nugacity. (been waiting
ATAGers Danny Morris, Doug Healy, Craig quite a while to use those words.)
Sellner, Jeff Colbath

On a positive note, the Commissioner has promised me that I will have a

role in next year’s ATAG Reality TV series which debuts on NBC next Spring.

In closing, thanks to all those who took the time to “read and delete”
each issue and a special thanks to those who wrote back with their
compliments and support.
--Don Nichols

Letters To The Editor

“Just when I think the economy is turning I get the news that the Nickelodeon is
going out of print. I personally was not effected by the demise of some of the New
York and Chicago papers. However, this news is devastating. I think you should
rethink your business plan and consider increasing the ATAG news in an attempt to
keep this fine publication in business. Wait a minute, there are no ATAG dues. Well
maybe you should increase the subscription rate for the publication. No, wait,
there is no subscription fee. Well now that I think about it, your business model
Commissioner Don Nichols (standing center ) sucks just like several of our bank customers. I’m amazed you stayed in business
announces results of an ATAG match while
David Danzig celebrates his team’s victory and this long. What the hell were you thinking?”
Bill Buist and William Thornton appear puzzled. Keith Morris 10-18-2010

Box Scores: 11-2-2010 Front Nine

Gross Standings Net Standings

Reese 35 Reese 32

Greene 42 Greene 33

McGlynn 45 Corrigan 35
Healy 45 McGlynn 35
Nichols 45 Healy 35
Gooding 45
Nichols 36
Nickelodeon Editor Don Nichols in the early Batelaan 46 Colbath 36
Colbath 47 Gooding 38
Thornton 47 Thornton 38

ATAG Corrigan 48 Arnold 39

Ansley Tuesday Afternoon Morris 48
Golf Tour Arnold 48 Morris 40
Williamson 40
Ansley Golf Club Williamson 49
1912 Batelaan 41
196 Montgomery Ferry Dr Danzig 52
Atlanta, Ga 30309 Danzig 42

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