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At the end of the presentation, the students are
expected to:

Define Contrast.
Distinguish Contrasting and Comparing
Contrast two unlike elements.
Compare – examining elements thru their

Contrast – examining elements thru their

Imagine your in a beauty pageant.

Would you
???????? rather be
beautiful but dull
or brilliant but
not beautiful?
Brain or Beauty? What profits the most? What
profits the least?

Brain signifies our mental skills. It pertains to the

intelligence of a person. The brain processes, analyses,
and stores information in our day to day life. Our
power to decide lies mainly on how well our brain
works. The efficacy of anyone in the business world
lies on how great one thinks. Thus, we can say that
brilliance generates money and earns profit.
Beauty, on the other hand also
generates money. It is a major factor on how to
launch yourself to stardom. Talent alone is useless
if you cannot possess the charm that would make
the audience like you. We see famous people
endorsing and posing for a certain product or in
to a famous magazine and what is their passport
to their flight to fame? Beauty.
However, as to what profits the most, it’s the
brain. Beauty, no matter how good-looking you
look, it will soon fade. It will lose its majestic
features, its grandeur and its glitz. Brilliance is a
lifetime assurance that despite the difficulties of
life, you will always have an edge to anyone. As
the saying goes “what is beauty if your brain is
“What is beauty if your brain is empty?”

Using beauty alone without KNOWLEDGE of doing the

“good” thing and not doing the “bad” one will lead you
to nothing. How come you’re using only your beauty?

- E.J.Y.

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