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Chelsea Backyard Chickens ***CALL TO ACTION***

Thank all of you for your interest in Chelsea Backyard Chickens! The campaign is picking up steam and we are
ready to move into the next phase. There is much to be done, and the more of us there are pushing for Chelsea's anti-
chicken ordinance to change the more likely we are to be taken seriously by the folks with the final say. No matter what
your level of interest in the issue, there are ways that all of you can help make this positive change in our city.

 We need contact info for anybody serious about helping the campaign in some way. While we welcome all
onlookers, it would be nice to establish a core group of people with a desire to see this nonsensical law changed.
Please message me, drop me an email at or call me at (734) 749-4266. Let's build the
Feather Underground!
 We need volunteers to take our flyer door to door, or to print more of these flyers. I have been mapping my
routes as these have been handed out so that no effort will be wasted. This flyer has been shown to obliterate
almost all objections residents have to the humble city hen.
 We need to make our film showing on Feb. 21 at the Chelsea Library a resounding success. We have advertised
that refreshments will be served. Jason at Jet's pizza has graciously donated the first $30 worth of pizza, but
we'll need more than that. Also, coffee, pop, Peeps, cookies, or whatever any of you are willing and able to
provide. Also, if anyone wants to volunteer to say a few words about backyard chickens before the film or work
the pizza table that would be great.
 Flyers, refreshments at the film, movie posters, the bumper stickers I'd like made... they all cost money. If
anybody would like to kick in a few bucks toward the fight, H.K. at the Chelsea Feed Store (by the railroad tracks)
has allowed us to put out a donation can as of this coming Friday. Fill it up and don't forget to buy a little
something while you're there!
 We need people to start writing letters and emails to the Chelsea Standard and to all involved with Chelsea City
business urging them to consider allowing residents to keep laying hens so long as they are kept in a clean and
responsible manner. I'll send a contact list to all interested. Remember: we are NOT fighting these people,
rather trying to educate, alleviate fears, and reason with them. Keep it friendly!
 We will be circulating an informal petition- I'll post it soon. Have your neighbors and friends sign it, post it in
your business, get people talking.
 There is no pecking order in Chelsea Backyard Chickens! Whether you received this letter straight from us or
found it crumpled in the trash, your input is important! Any and all pro-chicken action is needed if this effort is
to be a success.
 Sometime in March I'd like to be ready to formally present this to the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Let's make sure they know how many of us there are!

I'm confident that this arbitrary law will be changed and that chickens, like our beloved dogs and cats, can be
successfully integrated into our community.

Chris Felesky

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