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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt many new techniques and methods of using technology during the process of the
construction of my media product. When I first began the course I was really an amateur at
technology consisting of the processing applications used. I have l learnt how to use Photoshop very
efficiently and have put it to use outside of school time and even used it in the world of work. The
most useful tool I have learnt about in Photoshop would be the clone tool; this can be used to fill
spaces with the exact same colour as the picture. Other technologies such as prezi, animoto and
scribd have helped me along the course; previously I had heard nothing of these sites and programs.
I have now learnt how to use these to great effect and will continue to use them where I find
relevant. Scribd has been hugely successful in my use, as it has enabled me to post a article on my
blog with out multiple posts, it makes everything look neater and easier to read.

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