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Volume 1, Issue 1 August 13th, 2011

Welcome, Parents!

Welcome! to 11th grade World My grading policy is:

History! My name is Nick Bur-
gess, and I am excited about
the opportunity to get to B—89-80
know you. I am looking for- C—79-70
ward to a happy and produc-
tive school year. D—69-60
Curriculum: Areas we will fo- F—60-below
cus on this semester include
Ancient Mesopotamia, An-
cient Greece, the Roman Em- Class policies: Every student is
pire, Medieval Age, the Ren- expected to come to class pre-
aissances, and the Enlighten- pared and ready to learn.
ment. Homework is expected to be
completed by the time class
Supplies: Paper (college rule), starts. Electronic devices such
pencils, pens, 3” binder with as cell phones and Ipods are
dividers. strictly prohibited in the class-
Homework policy: 10% is de- room.
ducted for everyday that the
homework is late. 

Contact Info:

Email: Email is my preferred mode of However, if there is an emer- contact and I check my email gency please feel free to call my
regularly. phone.
Phone: 678-234-3063

Schedule for this Week: Seating chart: Front of Room

Monday, Aug. 13th First Day of School Billy Alan Anthony Katy Emily

Tuesday, Aug. 14th Boy’s Soccer tryout 3-5 PM Jane Elsa Robert Heidi Carlos

Wednesday, Aug. Academic Decathlon meeting 3 Dwayne Ricardo Jeffrey Dalton Lisa
15th -4 PM
Girl’s Soccer tryouts 3-5 PM Zulema Marlaina Christie Taylor Jack

Thursday, Aug. 16th Open House 7—9 PM Nick Sean Chris Lee Joan

Friday, Aug. 17th Football Game vs Central

Back of Room
Student Information Sheet


Date of Birth:____________________________________________________


Phone Number:__________________________________________________


Favorite Subject:_________________________________________________


Something Interesting About You:


What You Want To Be When You Grow Up:


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