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Why ‘Schools’ should consider

Robotics /Activity Based Learning

‘Progressive Changes impacting the evolution of our
education system’
Shift of Focus from rote and theory TO concept based &
Practical application orientation
Shift from the marks assessment to a grading system
Shift of assessment = Academic + Co-curricular + Extra-
Shift of Individualistic to a Team based approach
NCERT Introduction of the CCE mandate
Above all its proven - Children learn while having fun
What is Robotics?
‘Its an evolution of machines to make them Sense,
Plan & Act’
A multi‐disciplinary field that prepares your
child early for many different possible careers
Co-relating with the curriculum
For Classes 3rd to classes 8th
 Robotics Lab curriculum contains many aspects which are left
at theoretical level
 These concepts are from basic Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics
 These concepts can be experienced from the activities
Introduction to LEGO
World renowned building Toy manufacturer & of
Innovative Educational products
Popular among children all over the world
Child friendly & Safe (No exposure to electricity,
welding, cutting, sawing or soldering)
 Virtually indestructible, Re-usable kits year on year
within School for a long time
Very scalable – numerous activities can be built from the
An exciting field that integrates

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