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4 Levels of Consciousness, Development and Leadership

Unconsciously Experienced at the job, and Leaders are still involved in decisions
L4 Competent
comfortable with their own ability to and problem-solving, but control is with
do it well.  May even be more skilled the follower.  The follower decides when
than the leader. and how the leader will be involved.

Experienced and capable, but may Leaders pass day-to-day decisions,
lack the confidence to go it alone, or such as task allocation and processes,
Competent the motivation to do it well / quickly to the follower.  The leader facilitates
and takes part in decisions, but control
is with the follower.

Consciously May have some relevant skills, but

Leaders still define roles and tasks, but
won't be able to do the job without seeks ideas and suggestions from the
Incompetent help.  The task or the situation may follower.  Decisions remain the leader's
be new to them. prerogative, but communication is much
more two-way.

Unconsciously Generally lacking the specific skills

Leaders define the roles and tasks of
required for the job in hand, and the 'follower', and supervise them
Incompetent lacks any confidence and / or closely.  Decisions are made by the
motivation to tackle it leader and announced, so
communication is largely one-way.

Consciousness Levels
Development Levels – Situational Leadership
Leadership Behavior – Situational Leadership

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