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Culturally-linked leadership styles

Uma D. Jogulu

Leadership is one of the.1

A. most observed and least understood phenomena on
B. most observed and most understood phenomena on earth
C. lest observed and least understood phenomena on earth
D. lest observed and most understood phenomena on earth
E. None of the above

The explicit differences between cultures, particularly in terms.2

……… of the individual
A. values
B. attitudes
C .behavior
D .skills
E. A, B and C

Asian students, who were originally from collectivist cultures,.3

generated ……… ideas and worked ………. effectively with a
.transformational leader compared to Caucasian students
A. less, less
B. more, more
C. less, more
D. more, less
E high, low

In high “power distance” cultures such as …………. (Hofstede.4

and Hofstede, 2005), followers are expected to accept orders
and direction more readily from superiors out of respect for
.people in power
United kingdom.D
United States.E

The cultural norms and values are internalized as ………. and.1

subordinates grow up in an egalitarian environment such as
Australia, suggesting that ………. who are in charge of other
staff are only seen as someone who co-ordinates and
.delegates work
A. individuals, individuals
B. supervisors, supervisors
C. employees, managers
D. managers, managers
E. individuals, managers

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