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1. II MEF CG, Gen Paxton spoke and promised MCB would do all they could do for as long as necessary to be sure families are
secured and in new homes as soon as possible.

2. MCB Camp Lejeune Commander, Col Lecce spoke and answered questions. Following are his comments, information he
passed and then the Q&A

• BITZ accepted a donation of baby items to be distributed to those displaced families

• VFW is offering grants of up to $500 for those whose homes were totally lost and $300 for those whose homes were
significantly damaged.

• Claims of up to $20, 00 have already been paid.

• Make sure anyone receiving such large settlement checks do not use check cashing services out in town if they
don’t have a local bank. Marine Fed will cash them at no charge. Personally (my commentary) I am not sure it is
wise for them to be cashing such large checks. Might be advisable to open a checking account for the purpose of
making payment for services and repair work.

• Timeline for reconstruction: minor repairs 4 – 6 weeks, rebuilds 1 – 1.5 years.

• New housing for E5 and below available on TT and Midway Park. All 55 families who lost their homes on TT have
either moved into new homes or have the keys to their new residence.

• Partial dislocation allowances of $663 is available to replace start up household items

• Lloyd’s of London insurance which holds the policies for housing has a $250 deductible. AMCC will reimburse that.

• Keep watching the MCB web site and Face Book pages for updates to disaster relief services.

• Auto claims are to be filed with and paid by owner’s private auto insurance co. If someone only carried liability a
claim can be made through the PCA, Personnel Claims Act through the Fed. Government.

• FEMA is currently paying claims for damage

• Cars which were thrown and dislocated from a residence are still sitting where they landed. They will be moved
once insurance adjusters have determined the loss and the owner has been notified. They will be transported to an
impound lot.

• Some storage facilities were destroyed out in town. For those Marines who are deployed and have belongings
stored in them, the business has been called and asked to not to dispose of anything. In order for someone other
than the Marine to claim the items they must posess a valid power of attorney. If the Marine can’t provide one due
to deployment, the MCB will issue a letter to not destroy the Marine’s belongings and to secure them.

• For those displaced families staying at the Lejeune Inn, they may stay as long as necessary.

• A dislocation allowance will be a check issued by AMCC.

• TT and USO cannot accept any more donations. Surplus items will go to the SNCO Thrift shop. USO will accept
money donations or gift cards.

• The 8th ESB marines who saved the child should be recognized but Command must write up the actions for this to
take place. Commands will collect info and nominate for any awards for heroic behavior.

• There is a coordinated effort to clean the play grounds of dangerous debris. It was suggested that this be
coordinated as a volunteer operation

• Looting in the demolished homes will not be tolerated. As many MP’s as possible have been assigned to guard and
patrol the area. Homes that have been determined to be uninhabitable have been secured by a locked fence.

• It was asked about people without proper sticekers and registration being allowed through the gates. Col Lecce
said it should not be happening, but that some contractors may be getting in without the proper passes.

• Lost uniform items may be claimed under the PCA.

• CIF gear should be filed in a missing statement to drop. See the SJA.

• From AMCC- if there is even minor damage to a home AMCC must survey to log the necessary repairs.

• For cars without full coverage owner should obtain two written estimates, pay, save receipts and file with PCA
through the SJA. Make sure a denial for payment by the insurance company is in writing and attached to the claim.

• For those out in town with damage and loss watch the MCB website and FB page.

• NC Onslow outreach is an org. in town that will take donations. Phone number given was 910-455-5733. Here is
the number I have: 910-459-9493

• Col Lecce admitted that there were no alarms, but that Camp Lejeune does not have tornado alarms since we don’t
experience tornados. He also said that there is really no way to alert anyone except to “duck and cover”. Alarms
would not save property since tornados come so quickly and evacuation is not possible. He is considering using
the hurricane warning system if necessary again.

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