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MSc (Part II) Computer Science- Project Assessment Exam First Half


Guidelines for evaluation and awarding marks:

Examiners are requested to follow the guidelines for giving marks while assessment to bring in
uniformity and objectivity.

· Extraordinary brilliant projects, which creates an impact & a research prospects - More than 90 marks.
· Implementation of a novel idea with very good understanding – 80 to 90 marks.
· Implementation of known ideas with a different approach and command on the topic - 70 to 80 marks.
· Implementation of familiar ideas with incomplete command on the topic– 60 to 70 marks.
· Incomplete Implementation of familiar and known, but with understanding of the topic – 50 to 60 marks.
· Copied or lifted from somewhere but expressing with understanding - closer to 50 but less than 50.
· Blindly copied project without any understanding – closer to 40 but greater than 40 marks.
· Project without documentation, indifferent attitude and presentation - fail or less than 40 marks.

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