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Yuzon~ Pd.4~ 10-6-10

Ancient Egyptian Temples
Long ago, the Ancient Egyptian temples
were built in the New Kingdom Period - or
a period that lasted from 1550 to 1069
The Egyption architects built the
temples out of stone. There was another
available choice they could also use,
which was mudbrick. But, after just a few
years, it was known to crumble down. So
overall, they needed to use stone so it
could last for eternity.
The temples were built dedicated to the
gods and goddesses for the people to
praise. If there were no temples, the god
or goddess would be very angry and
leave the citizens of the town opened to
all kinds of disasters.
The Egyptian temples could be mostly
found in each individual city.
How the temples helped the people of
Egypt was that it actually prevented them
from mass chaos. "The House of
Worships" (The temple) followed the laws
of Maat - An ancient Egyption pronounced
the concept of truth, balance , order, law,
justice, personified as a goddess
regulating the stars and seasons.
And as if today, after years and years
from the New Kingdom Period, the
temples are nothing more than crumbled

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