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F3804 Desktop Publishing

Assignment 1


1.(a) Value

- Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Value pertains to the use of light and dark,
shade and highlight, in an artwork. Black and white photography depends entirely on value to
define its subjects. Value is directly related to contrast.

(b) Texture

- Texture is the way something feels when you touch it. Texture is the feeling or visual effect
created by repetition and variation of form, colours, value, or patterns of line, often seen in
textiles and natural surfaces. There are two types of texture: Optical (visual) texture, and
texture which can be physically (tactile). So how something would feel ,rough, smooth,
bumpy, coarse etc. is a description of its texture.

-This picture are divided into two and its looks like in front of mirror but the diferrent

is on the left are boy and right are girls. The situation is in the train. This picture is been

divided by the tall pole in the middle and that makes it look symmetrical balance.

3.(a) Proportion

- Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design. The
issue is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole. This means that it is
necessary to discuss proportion in terms of the context or standard used to determine

(b) Unity
- Unity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function
together. Unity gives a sense of oneness to a visual image. In other words, the words and the
images work together to create meaning.

4.(a) Alignment

- Alignment is the placement of text and graphics so they line up on the page. It's one of the
principles of design that help us create attractive, readable pages.

(b) Mass and white space

- Create 3d forms with straws or toothpicks and plasticene or play dough.

(c) Relevance

- Describe how pertinent, connected, or applicable something is to given matter.

(d) Style

- A particular kind (as to appearance).

(e) Visual flow

- Is a type of viewer software that allows the easy viewing of stored image data.

(f) Focal point

- The point at which initially collimated rays of light need after passing through of convex

lens or reflecting from a concave mirror.

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