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The Excellent Golden


By Ryan
The Diet
The Golden Eagle mostly eats rabbits and
prairie dogs. It will sometimes eat dead
animals. In the day eagles only hunt for
small animals. A Golden eagle might take
prey from other animals. It mostly hunts
it’s prey from in a tall tree. This eagle is a
very feared hunter to other animals.
The Habitat
Many Golden eagles are found in western
North America and eastern North America.
In the winter they are found in Mexico and
Canada. Sometimes they can be found in
Africa. Fishing eagles are found on sea
costs and sometimes inland waters.
Golden Eagles live everywhere except
Antarctica. The Golden eagle can defend
a territory of 20 to 60 square feet.
The Body
Golden Eagles are big birds. These birds
are 30 inches tall. They have great
eyesight. These birds have very powerful
legs, feet and claws. There beaks are
hooked beaks. Female eagles are bigger
than male eagles. Sea and fishing eagles
have a very massive bills. A golden eagle
is not really golden.
Eagle Eggs
Eagle eggs are 3 inches long or 2 inches
long. Eagles that live in the north lay eggs
in March. Young eagles are called eaglets.
A eagle nest is usually at a cliff ledge or in
a tall tree

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