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Tier Tier One Tier Two

Breath/Blood Limit Breath/Blood Average Breath/Blood Average .
below .15 15 or higher
Refusal of breath,
blood or urine test.
Program Length 6-9 Months 12 Months
Vehicle Action 10 day vehicle impound 3 month ignition
Victim Services/Enforcement $300.00 $500.00
Fund Donation
DUI School Level 1 DUI School Level 2 DUI School
Substance Abuse Evaluation Required through the DUI Required through the
School DUI School
Cost of Prosecution $50.00 $50.00
Cost of Supervision $500.00 $650.00
Cost Recovery to Law As requested by law As requested by law
Enforcement enforcement enforcement
Community Service 40 hours 60 hours
Victim Impact Class MADD VIP Class MADD VIP Class


Tier Tier One Tier Two

Vehicle Action 10-day impound- $100.00 3 month Interlock -
Victim Services/Enforcement $300.00 $500.00
Fund Donation
DUI School $252.00 $387.00
Treatment if Required $300.00-500.00 $300.00-500.00
Cost of Prosecution $50.00 $50.00
Cost of Supervision1 $500.00 $650.00
Court Costs $556.00 $556.00
Drug Testing $5.00-40.00 $5.00-40.00
Cost Recovery to Law As requested by law As requested by law
Enforcement enforcement enforcement
Total Cost2 $2000-2300 $2750-3000

Costs are approximate and do not include cost recovery for investigative costs which vary by

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