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The OLOA Project: On Line and On Air


Role grid

This is a team activity (TW). Fill in the information about your roles.

Radio name: DNJB Radio 6IM09

Role Did you Reason why you chose it

Editor/presenter Yes Because she likes the hard and the good-done work. She
has a good relation with the other mates of the radio team,
Name: Rosas and this will help to the communication between them to
Delgadillo Nancy do a better work.
Local news Yes Because she loves her country, its traditions and culture.
She has visited a lot of places in Mexico. And because its
Name: Vera Daniel an important work for her.
International news Yes Because she always knows all the news of other countries,
she loves travelling and she is good to have relations with
Name: Cabrera Colín people.
Entertainment Yes Because she is a very talkative person, she is interested in
all the school activities and she has a very good
Name: Miranda relationship with all the student.
Rodríguez Jessica

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