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Student Name: Jane De La Cruz

Date: 4/5/2020
Artifact Description: Celebrity Gossip newspaper – using word
What you learned: This assignment was so much fun. I enjoyed reading
my classmates articles and bringing the together in my project. This
assignment makes you organize the pages and you have to bring into
life what you’re envisioning. I know what a newspaper looks like, but
when I tried designing it. it almost felt like I had never seen one. My
mind went completely blank. It was fun to look up pictures and make it
seem like it was a real newspaper and imagining the stories were true.
I personally though my article was hilarious, which is why I decided to
put it in the front page. When I sent it to my sisters to ask for their
opinion, they loved it.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S

Standard 7: Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives

and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working
effectively in teams locally and globally.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This is a fun activity I

would definitely use in my classroom. It’s unlikely I would have my
students do celebrity gossip, as fun as it is. I would probably have
them answer mini essays on different subjects as a group, the way we
did this assignment. This assignment is great for organizing and
practicing the use of word processor and really getting to explore how
much can be done with such a simple program such as Word.

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