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Student Name: Makanani Keomaka

Date: 1/30/2016
Artifact Description: Graffiti and Fictional Story Using programs
like paint or Photoshop to create a painting using simple drawing tools.
What you learned: When reading the instructions, I tried to think of
some ideas that I could do to draw over my teacher. I couldnt really
think of anything so, I just started by opening the picture in Photoshop
and kind of just doodle for a little. I had no idea what I was doing. At
one point, I actually started to draw Steve as a very manly, woman.
Until finally, I just decided, hey Im gonna make him into a clown. I
thought it would be something a little easier for me. I actually didnt
really have any problem at all drawing my teacher into a clown until, I
was all done and realized that I needed to come up with a fictional
story for this drawing. This is where I had the toughest time in this
assignment. I like to think that I am creative when it comes to arts and
crafts but when it comes to creative writing, sometimes my mind goes
blank. I tried my best to create some kind of weird/funny story that
goes along with my drawing. Hope you like it!
National Educational Technology Standards for Students
(NETS)S Addressed: (Links to an external site.)
Standard #1: Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate
creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology. Found at
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This assignment
could be very beneficial in a school setting. I think the children could
do this activity in either the computer lab class or in the regular
classroom. The children could do the exact thing that we did using the
program Paint. I think it would be smart for them to use paint because
it is the easiest and simplest drawing tool. Have them create a
character and a short story about their character. If there is no
computer lab, they could also do it in the classroom. Hand out a
printed picture to each student and have them physically color over it
with markers or crayons into a fictional character and also write a short
story about it. I think this is an awesome assignment because it allows
the children to get really creative and think out side the box.

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