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STUDENT’S BOOK | Audioscript B1

UNIT 1 2 Someone who is creative is imaginative, artistic

and talented.
1.01 | Reading, page 5 3 Someone who is curious wants to find out and
Presenter: What do they do all day? This week: learn about things.
forensic artists 4 Someone who is unreliable doesn’t do what they
Karen Jacobs works as a forensic artist. say they will.
Karen, what is a ‘forensic artist’? What do 5 Someone who is dependable is someone you can
you do all day? trust and rely on.
Karen: In simple words, I draw people! For 6 Someone who is friendly is pleasant and helps
example, the police contact me when a other people.
witness sees someone commit a crime. 7 Someone who is popular is liked by lots of people.
I listen to the description of the criminal
8 Someone who is generous gives a lot of their time
and turn the description into a picture.
to people.
Presenter: So, forensic artists help catch criminals?
9 Someone who is polite behaves in a very nice way.
Karen: In a way, yes! Do you know who Lois
10 Someone who is serious is very careful and doesn’t
Gibson is? She’s in the Guinness Book of
laugh a lot.
World Records as the world’s most
successful forensic artist. Her pictures help 11 Someone who is shy is nervous and embarrassed
catch lots of criminals – over 1,300 of them around people.
so far!
Presenter: Do you only draw criminals? 1.03 | Word formation, page 7, exercise 3
Karen: No, I also draw historical figures. I do lots Nouns with –ity / -ness
of work for TV programmes and museums. 1 friend, friendship, friendliness
At the moment, I’m working on a TV
2 politeness
documentary about ancient Egypt. We’re
making drawings and 3D models of the 3 seriousness
pharaohs. It’s fascinating! 4 shyness
Presenter: Do you use a pencil and paper?
Karen: Yes, but we also use computers. These days,
1.04 | Collocations, page 7, exercise 5
technology is developing very quickly. It’s Collocations with adjectives
really useful, and there are some great 1 big trouble
computer programs we can use. When a
2 fast asleep
witness says that a person wears glasses,
for example, we can bring up on screen 3 feel small
different styles of glasses for the witness to 4 wide awake
choose from. 5 long time
Presenter: What skills do you need for your job? 6 deep voice
Karen: Forensic artists do need good drawing
skills, of course, but they also need good 1.05 | Listening, page 8, exercise 2
people skills. We often work with people
who are upset, so we help them remember 1
clearly and give us enough detail. Perhaps Teacher: Welcome back, everyone. This term we’ve
the witness says the criminal has curly got someone new joining us. Everyone, this
hair. We try to find out exactly what they is Jared. Say hello to Jared!
mean by ‘curly’. For example, is ‘wavy’ a Children: Hello,/Hi, Jared!
better word? A forensic artist also needs to
be an expert in different hairstyles! 2
Presenter: What do you know about faces? Boy: It’s great, isn’t it?
Karen: Faces obviously change as we get older. But Girl: It’s OK. I don’t know most people here, so …
this is interesting: the face of a shy person Boy: I’m Mike. You know me now!
changes differently to the face of a lively,
Girl: Hi, Mike. Nice to meet you. I’m Samantha. I’m
sociable person! And do you know which
new in the area.
part of your face continues to grow all
through your life? Your nose! 3
Presenter: Welcome back to Question The Answers, the
1.02 | Topic vocabulary, page 7, exercise 1 show where you can win a lot of money on
Words connected with personality every question – if you’re clever! Our next
1 Someone who is negative is not enthusiastic contestant is Robert.
about something.

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STUDENT’S BOOK | Audioscript B1

4 Presenter: Now, not all of you will know who

Presenter: I’m joined in the studio now by Josephine Josephine is, so let me explain. In
Harper. Josephine, welcome. some ways, Josephine’s just a normal
university student studying – what is
Josephine: It’s lovely to be here.
it? Maths?
Josephine: Geography, actually.
1.06 | Listening, page 8, exercises 3 and 4
Presenter: Right. But she’s written a science book
1 What job does Jared want to do when he’s older? for children, a physics book about
Teacher: Welcome back, everyone. This term we’ve space and time and the wonders of the
got someone new joining us. Everyone, universe, and it’s extremely popular.
this is Jared. Say hello to Jared! Josephine, tell us – how did you come up
Children: Hello,/Hi, Jared! with the idea for the book?
Teacher: Jared, can you introduce yourself to Josephine: Well, it’s quite interesting actually. I’ve
the class? got …
Jared: Hi everyone – my name’s Jared. I’m
14 years old, and I live in the middle of 1.07 | Speaking, page 10, exercise 4
town with my mum and dad and my sister Interviewer: Hello. What’s your name?
Ellie. Both my parents work. My mum’s a
Nisha: My name is Nisha Gupta.
computer programmer and my dad’s a
nurse. They’re both great jobs, but I want Interviewer: How old are you?
to be a dancer when I’m older. My sister Nisha: I’m 14 years old.
Ellie wants to be a teacher, I think. Interviewer: And what’s your name?
2 What does Samantha agree to? Alfie: My name’s Alfie Dugmore.
Boy: It’s great, isn’t it? Interviewer: How old are you?
Girl: It’s OK. I don’t know most people here, so … Alfie: I’m 15.
Boy: I’m Mike. You know me now! Interviewer: Where do you live, Nisha?
Girl: Hi, Mike. Nice to meet you. I’m Samantha. I’m Nisha: I live in a small house in a village called
new in the area. Tiltbury. It’s near Manchester.
Boy: Can I get you something to eat? There’s some Interviewer: And Alfie, where do you live?
great pizza in the kitchen. Alfie: I live in Manchester.
Girl: I’m fine. I’m not hungry, thanks. Interviewer: And do you study English at
Boy: Do you fancy dancing? school, Alfie?
Girl: I don’t think so, thanks. I’ll just stay here. Alfie: Yes, I’ve studied English for nearly six
years now. I really enjoy it.
Boy: A drink of something? Maybe some lemonade?
Interviewer: Do you study English at school, Nisha?
Girl: That sounds nice, thanks.
Nisha: Yes, I do.
Boy: I’ll be right back!
Interviewer: Do you like it?
3 What does Robert have at the moment? Nisha: Yes, I do.
Presenter: Welcome back to Question The Answers, Interviewer: What’s your favourite school
the show where you can win a lot of subject, Alfie?
money on every question – if you’re
Alfie: My favourite school subject is probably
clever! Our next contestant is Robert.
history, but I really like languages too.
Now, Robert’s 22 years old, works as a
Interviewer: Nisha, what’s your favourite
builder – that’s right, isn’t it, Robert?
school subject?
Robert: That’s right, yes.
Nisha: Maths, I think.
Presenter: And you’re an animal lover.
Interviewer: And what do you enjoy doing in your free
Robert: Yes. My dream is to have a farm one day time, Nisha?
with lots of horses in the fields, and I love
Nisha: Well, I don’t have a lot of free time, but
cats and rabbits, of course – my brother’s
when I do, I enjoy chatting online with
got several – but right now I’ve got a
my friends and listening to music in
couple of mice at home called Charlie
my room.
and Benny and they keep me company.
Interviewer: And what about you Alfie?
4 What is Josephine studying? Alfie: I don’t have a lot of free time during the
Presenter: I’m joined in the studio now by week either, but at weekends I play a lot
Josephine Harper. Josephine, welcome. of sports. In the winter I play football and
Josephine: It’s lovely to be here. in the summer I play cricket.
Interviewer: Alfie, please tell me about your best friend.

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Alfie: He’s called Ben. 7 I can’t believe they’re going to pull down the house
Interview: And Nisha, please tell me about your I was born in! It’ll be gone forever!
best friend. 8 My parents bought an old house so they can do it up
Nisha: I don’t have a best friend exactly, as and make it attractive again.
I have many friends. But Charlotte is a
very close friend. I’d say she’s one of the 1.11 | Word patterns, page 17, exercise 4
friendliest and kindest people I know. Word patterns
She’s good fun to be with too.
1 It’s worth visiting a new neighbourhood before you
Interviewer: Thanks Alfie and Nisha. buy a house there.
2 I’m not keen on living on the 20th floor of a block
Unit 2 of flats!
1.08 | Reading, page 15 3 I think that your happiness depends on where
you live.
4 I told you to tidy your room up and it’s still a mess!
bedrooms in local family flat available. All meals and
cleaning, but not laundry, included. 5 We had to stop the neighbours from playing
loud music!
2 Natasha, I was walking past the noticeboard when 6 When we moved house, my parents made me have
I saw the perfect accommodation advert! When are the smallest bedroom!
you free to see the rooms?
Adriana 1.12 | Listening, page 18, exercises 3 and 4
3 Hi Adriana. When we saw the rooms, did you notice Interviewer: Hello. Leyla Murphy is an expert on the
any bedroom lamps? I’m in the supermarket and can different ways people around the world
buy some if not. live. Leyla, could you tell us about that?
Natasha Leyla: It’s something that I’ve been interested in
since I was around 16. I used to want to
4 From: Adriana To: Mum be an architect. I would often watch
I don’t need the cooking things you were planning to programmes about unusual buildings on
send as all meals are included. Please look after television. My interest in houses, though,
them for me for the future! was really started by my dad getting a
new job in China. It was a big change to
5 House-warming party – 7:30 pm Thursday! our way of life, but we all went with him.
Refreshments provided but numbers are limited Interviewer: Did you get the opportunity to visit any
because of space, so please let us know if you can unusual homes?
make it.
Leyla: Oh, yes. I went to Mongolia and met
Natasha and Adriana people living in yurts. A yurt is like a large
tent. The family lives in one big room,
1.09 | Topic vocabulary, page 17, exercise 1 with a fire in the middle. They stay in one
Words connected with the house and home place for a while with their animals and
then move on after a few weeks.
1 attic 2 roof 3 ceiling 4 balcony 5 fence 6 living
room 7 dining room 8 basement 9 study 10 garage Interviewer: So, they never stay in one place for
11 hedge 12 chimney very long?
Leyla: That’s right. They put their yurt up where
1.10 | Phrasal verbs, page 17, exercise 2 they find water and grass for the animals.
After a while, the animals have eaten the
Phrasal verbs grass in the area and it’s time to find the
1 I didn’t like this house when we first moved in but next place. One family invited me to spend
now I love it! the night with them in their yurt. I thought
2 When we moved house, it took me a long time to it was going to be smoky, and a bit
make friends and settle in. frightening, but it wasn’t at all. It was really
peaceful and I actually slept very well.
3 I was tidying up my bedroom when I found some old
comics I didn’t know I had! Interviewer: Are there other examples of
unusual houses?
4 Come and stay for a few days! We can put you up in
the spare room. Leyla: One of my favourite examples is the
underground houses in Tunisia. They dig a
5 You could rent your flat out while you’re on holiday
large hole in the ground and then dig rooms
and make some money.
around the hole. It’s perfectly safe, although
6 Jake couldn’t afford the rent so he had to move out. it’s very hot work digging out the rooms. It’s
worth it, though, when you can step into the
cool air and get away from the sun.

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Interviewer: Is it mostly the weather that affects the the tube at a speed of up to 1,200 kilometres per hour.
houses people build? That’s almost the speed of sound! Today, the fastest
Leyla: Yes, generally. For example, in the trains in the world only travel at about half that speed.
Philippines some people live in stilt houses, Travelling by Hyperloop, it will only take about 30
houses on wooden legs. That can be useful minutes to go, for example, from Los Angeles to San
for keeping rats out of the house. It also Francisco in the USA. That’s half the time it currently
creates a space under the house for animals takes by plane. However, the Hyperloop won’t take us
like sheep. The real reason, though, is that to the other side of the world. It’s only designed for
there are often floods in the area. journeys of 1,600 kilometres maximum. For longer
Interviewer: Finally, what are your plans for the future? journeys, taking a plane will still take less time.
Leyla: I’ve just finished a tour visiting houses in I’m looking forward to hearing more about the
countries all around the world, and I’ve Hyperloop. I really hope it’s a success! Who knows?
written a book. I think I’m going to rest Maybe we’ll all travel by Hyperloop when we’re older!
and then go back to Ireland and design a
house using some of the things I learnt. 1.15 | Topic vocabulary, page 29, exercise 1
Interviewer: Thank you for talking to us today. Words connected with holidays
1 package holiday: a holiday where flights and
1.13 | Speaking, page 20, exercise 4 accommodation are included in the price.
This is a photo of two blonde girls in a living room. They’re 2 cruise: a holiday on board a big ship
sitting on a sofa and both of them are using their laptops. 3 camping trip: a holiday where you sleep in a tent
In the background, on the left, there’s a small picture on
4 guided tour: when an expert shows you round a
the wall. In the background behind the sofa, there are
tourist attraction
two red lamps. Between the lamps there’s a big picture on
the wall. On the left, next to the sofa, there are two small 5 business trip: when someone travels as part of their job
tables. On one of the tables, there’s a plant and on the 6 school trip: when students visit a place away from school
other one, there’s a small lamp and some candles. On the
sofa, to the left of the girls there are two green cushions 1.16 | Topic vocabulary, page 29, exercise 3
and on the sofa to the right of the girls there are two more
Words connected with holidays
cushions. In the foreground, on the floor in front of the
sofa, there’s a bright orange rug. In the foreground on the Places to stay: campsite, hostel, resort
right, you can see part of another sofa. People: backpacker, guest, sightseer, tour guide, tourist
Things to take on holiday: currency, guidebook,
Unit 3 luggage, passport

1.14 | Reading, page 27 1.17 | Word formation, page 29, exercise 4

THE HYPERLOOP Adjectives with un- / im- / il- / ir- / dis-
Turning sci-fi travel into reality! by Ben Hudson, 1 uncertain
aged 13
2 unable
Have you ever dreamt of travelling really fast, like
people do in science-fiction films? In sci-fi, spaceships 3 uncomfortable
fly across the universe at the speed of light. In real 4 unhelpful
life, however, flying so quickly is impossible. Although 5 dishonest
humans have flown in supersonic planes that go faster
6 illegal
than the speed of sound, today most planes can’t travel
that fast, and trains and cars are even slower. 7 unhappy
As part of our class project on travel and transport, 8 impatient
I’ve found out about a really exciting new means of 9 unpopular
transport called the Hyperloop. It’s solar powered, 10 impossible
environmentally friendly, safe, affordable – and fast!
11 disabled
The inventor of the Hyperloop is Elon Musk. He thinks
it will revolutionise travel for all of us. Scientists have 12 unfair
been working on the Hyperloop idea for several years. 13 irresponsible
There’s still lots of work to do, but they have already 14 untidy
started to build it. The first Hyperloop may cost around
€5 billion. That sounds like a lot, but Musk has been 1.18 | Word patterns, page 29, exercise 6
involved in other successful projects and he’s already
Word patterns
experienced in raising millions of dollars.
1 Will you have time to look round the Colosseum
So how will the Hyperloop work? Imagine a long
while you’re in Rome?
tube connecting two cities. The passengers will sit in
a specially designed capsule, and there will be three 2 We spent a lot of time lying on the beach. It was
capsules per train. Magnets will push the train down so relaxing!

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3 Are you interested in coming on a camping trip in 4 You will hear two friends talking about going on a
the summer? school trip.
4 I’m really looking forward to going on the Girl: It’s the school trip to a local farm next week!
sightseeing tour next week! I can’t wait! It’ll be so good to get out of the
5 I’m not keen on having a job that involves lots of classroom and into the fresh air.
business trips. Boy: I’ve never been to a farm before, but I love visiting
6 I don’t know why they prevented us from going in places and seeing how they really work. We’ve been
that room in the castle. studying farming and agriculture at school, and
I hope this trip teaches us a bit more about that.
7 Are you ready for your holiday next week? Have you
packed yet? Girl: We’ll have a lot of fun on the bus!
8 Please don’t make us go on another guided Boy: It’ll be really noisy with all of us travelling together.
tour tomorrow! I don’t know how the teachers survive it!
5 You will hear a girl telling her friend about a
1.19 | Listening, page 30, exercises 3 and 4 camping trip.
1 You will hear two friends talking about a holiday Boy: How was your camping trip?
they went on. Girl: Well, as you know I usually love camping, but
Boy: I really enjoyed our holiday together! It wasn’t this wasn’t my favourite trip!
busy so there was plenty of space in the pool. Boy: Why?
I loved swimming all day! Girl: I had lots of luggage. I had two suitcases and a
Girl: Yes, I was surprised there weren’t many people backpack, so there was no room in the tent. And
there. It’s a shame we didn’t have the chance to when I needed clothes, I couldn’t find anything.
make many new friends. I like meeting people Buying those suitcases was a bad idea and a
my own age and making friends on holiday. What waste of money.
did you think of the tours? Boy: What was the campsite like?
Boy: I got a lot out of the tours. It was worth visiting Girl: It was in a really quiet area, which I liked, but it was
the local area and finding out about it. quite expensive. I’m glad I took plenty of money.
Girl: There wasn’t much the guide didn’t know, 6 You will hear two friends talking about their
was there? summer holidays.
2 You will hear two friends talking about a hotel Girl: I’ve been thinking about holiday plans for this
they stayed at. summer. My family would like to go abroad. Do
Girl: What did you think of the hotel we stayed at? It you have any plans?
seemed to take forever to get to the room and Boy: My family and I usually go to a small place by the
everything was so far apart! I prefer to stay in sea. We’ve been going there for about four years
small places. now, but I think this year might be different. Dad
Boy: Small places are OK, but bigger hotels have more wants to go on a sailing holiday.
facilities, and it was good to have a gym and a Girl: That sounds like it could be risky!
swimming pool. It was the cost that really surprised
Boy: No, not at all. Dad’s got lots of experience. And
me! I’d expect a five-star place for that much.
the lake isn’t far from here, so it won’t take us
Girl: Yes, you’re right, but we were only two minutes long to get there.
from the beach.
Boy: I guess so. I might have to start saving up for my 1.20 | Speaking, page 32, exercises 4 and 5
next holiday now!
A boy is leaving his school because his family is
3 You will hear two friends talking about a TV moving to another town. The students in his class
programme they saw. want to buy him a present. They know he likes
Boy: Did you watch World Travel on TV last night? skateboarding, cycling and football. Talk together
They talk about a different country every week about the different presents they could give him
and this one was all about India. and then decide which one is best.
Girl: Yes, I didn’t know anything about it, really, so it Girl: So, we know he likes skateboarding, cycling and
was good to find out some information. I’m not a football. I think they should get him a skateboard.
big fan of spicy food, though, so it might be Boy: Well, he’s probably got one already, hasn’t he?
difficult to find things to eat if I went there!
Girl: Yes, true.
Boy: I learnt a lot, too, and next week they’re going to
Boy: A pair of knee pads would be useful.
talk about Mexico. That’s somewhere I’d love
to visit! Girl: Yes, it would. Good idea. Let’s just think about the
other ideas too. What do you think about the
Girl: I’m really looking forward to that. Why don’t you
cycling helmet?
come round and we can watch it together?

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Boy: They’re quite expensive, aren’t they? And maybe It’s just like really being there and taking part in the
he’s got one already. event with your friends from around the globe!
Girl: Yes. How about a pair of gloves? F Art lovers from all over the world can finally walk
Boy: Can you say that again, please? around the same gallery together with Woofbert VR.
With special exhibitions and guided tours, it means
Girl: They could buy some gloves … you know, to
that anyone from India to Indiana can enjoy and
protect his hands when he’s skateboarding.
learn from the greatest art ever made. You’ll even be
Boy: Well it’s the same problem that he may have some able to virtually enter your favourite paintings!
already, but people often lose gloves or they get
G Download the Google Cardboard app on your phone,
holes in them, so it may be a good suggestion.
put your phone in the cardboard holder and suddenly
Girl: Yes, or the thing for tools might be a good idea. you’ve got a genuine virtual reality system for your
Boy: What’s that? This thing here – you use it when favourite games! Google Cardboard allows people to
you need to repair something, like a bike wheel or experience virtual reality for very little cost. Apart
something. Yes, that might be really useful though from games, other apps allow you to experience
not the most exciting present to receive. activities such as hang-gliding and deep-sea diving.
Girl: Well, we know he’s really keen on football. So H Watching a film in a D-BOX seat will blow your
perhaps they could buy him a ticket to a mind! The film contains instructions that make the
football match. seat move to match what you can see on the screen.
Boy: Do you mean a ticket to see his favourite team? Both in the cinema with your friends or at home with
your family, it puts you in the middle of the action
Girl: Yes, that’s right.
with your favourite hero.
Boy: I’m sure he’d love that, but do you know how much
they cost? I don’t think they’d have enough money. 1.22 | Topic vocabulary, page 39, exercise 1
Girl: Oh, I see. That’s a shame. Well, how about a football
Words connected with outdoor activities
scarf in the colours of his favourite team, then?
1 hiking
Boy: That’s a great idea. I think he’ll love it!
2 horse-riding
Unit 4 3 ice-skating
4 rock-climbing
1.21 | Reading, page 37 5 sailing
Maximum fun! The web’s best guide to fun, high-tech 6 skiing
things to try in your free time!
7 snowboarding
A Galactica, a virtual reality rollercoaster in the UK, takes
8 sky-diving
you on an amazing, some say ‘frightening’, journey!
Riders actually travel on a real rollercoaster wearing
a virtual reality headset. A computer calculates the 1.23 | Phrasal verbs, page 39, exercise 3
exact position of your head and shows you stunning Phrasal verbs
images. You will think you are flying beyond the stars, 1 I’ve got some free time so I’m going to take up
around black holes and through distant galaxies! sailing. – start doing a new hobby
B Go along to the Science Museum’s Power UP event 2 I’ve recently started to work out at the gym three
and you’ll be able to do much more than just look times a week. – exercise
at the exhibits. Gamers of all ages can take on the
challenge of classic games on games consoles from 3 The bad weather means they are going to call off the
the last 40 years. While you are playing, you’ll learn tennis competition. – cancel
about the way gaming has developed into the multi- 4 Are you going to go out this evening or help me clean
billion pound industry it is today. the house? – leave your house to meet friends, etc.
C Judging by HoloLens, homes of the future are going 5 At the weekend, my brother and I stay up and watch
to look very different. Go home, put the headset on TV. – don’t go to bed until later than usual
and your video games seem to float in front of your 6 Let’s get together on Sunday and I’ll tell you all about
eyes! As well as video games, you can watch movies my hiking trip. – meet, spend time together
on a giant virtual screen and surf the internet on a 7 My family and I try to eat out together at least once a
virtual computer. month. – go to a restaurant
D SubPac is a high-tech gadget you wear like a 8 I’m really tired, so I’ll probably sleep in tomorrow
backpack. As you listen to your favourite music on your morning. – stay in bed in the morning longer than usual
headphones, SubPac turns the low notes into powerful
vibrations you can feel in your body. You’ll really feel as
if you’re next to the speakers at a concert!
1.24 | Collocations, page 39, exercise 5
E When you enter Virtually Live through your Collocations connected with free time
headset, you can enjoy sports events and concerts 1 I’d love to have a go at snowboarding because it looks
from anywhere in the world! The system records a like a lot of fun.
live event and then creates a virtual version online. 2 Do you like spending time with friends at the weekend?

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3 It’s important to make time for your interests the place, what it would be like to visit and that kind
4 You should take a break from work and try to relax of thing. The thing that really appeals to me, though, is
that they let you see into someone’s life, and really get a
5 We had a good time on the camping trip
sense of what it’s like to be that person. The way people
6 The next time we have the day off school, let’s go live in some countries is totally different from how we
ice‑skating. live, and I find that really interesting.
Speaker 5
1.25 | Listening, page 40, exercise 2
Going to the cinema is fine, and I try to see most things
Speaker 1 that come out, but I’d rather watch films at home. I prefer
I try to go to the theatre once a month. Luckily, my old classic films to modern ones, and it’s a lot of fun to
parents enjoy the theatre as well, so we go together. invite people round, make some popcorn and watch
I always have a good time when I go to the theatre. them together. I guess that’s what I enjoy most because
I enjoy watching plays and I think it’s very different I like introducing my friends to things they’ve never seen
from going to the cinema. I don’t mind going to the before. They’re usually surprised at how good the films
cinema with friends, and we usually have a good time look in black and white and they’ve often never realised
together. But at the theatre, you really feel like you’re that people made such good films in the past.
in an audience with other people. Everyone laughs at
the same time and everyone claps at the same time. You 1.27 | Speaking, page 42, exercises 4 and 5
don’t really get that in the cinema.
Layla: Well, I don’t have a lot of free time, but most of
the things I enjoy are indoors. I love watching
1.26 | Listening, page 40, exercises 3 and 4 films, so I go to the cinema whenever I can. I’m a
Speaker 1 big fan of fantasy films. The reason is that you
I try to go to the theatre once a month. Luckily, my parents can relax and forget about the real world. What
enjoy the theatre as well, so we go together. I always have a about you, Rory?
good time when I go to the theatre. I enjoy watching plays Rory: Personally, I like doing sport in my free time.
and I think it’s very different from going to the cinema. I play basketball a lot.
I don’t mind going to the cinema with friends, and we Layla: Me too. I also like swimming. It’s really good
usually have a good time together. But at the theatre, you exercise, so I go to the pool two or three times a
really feel like you’re in an audience with other people. week. Do you like swimming?
Everyone laughs at the same time and everyone claps at Rory: A little, but I prefer outdoor activities like
the same time. You don’t really get that in the cinema. rock climbing.
Speaker 2 Layla: That’s interesting. I’ve never been rock climbing.
Most people I know watch online videos occasionally. It must be exciting. Where do you go to do it?
For some people it can be a fun thing to do with Rory: During the week, I go to the sports centre where
friends, but it’s never really seemed all that interesting there’s a climbing wall.
to me. The skateboarding videos I watch have a more
serious purpose. I’m trying to get my tricks just right, Layla: That sounds fun. Perhaps I’ll try it sometime. Do
and watching experts doing them is almost as good as you go rock climbing anywhere else?
having them there in person to show you. Some of the Rory: Yes, I sometimes go rock climbing in the
tricks they do look absolutely amazing! It’s great to be countryside with my dad. Not very often though.
able to stop, watch exactly how someone does it and Layla: I suppose that’s because it’s quite a long journey.
then practise it yourself. It also helps to see that even You could go camping and stay the whole
the best in the world make mistakes sometimes! weekend though.
Speaker 3 Rory: That’s a great idea. Do you do any
I’ve always been a big fan of watching films, and I don’t outdoor sports?
really mind whether I watch them on the big screen or at Layla: Not really. I’m not very keen on being cold.
home with a few friends. I’ll watch almost anything, and if Oh … except skiing. I did it once and I loved it.
you name a film from the last five years, I’ve probably seen I’m going again this winter. Do you enjoy
it! To be honest, though, I’d say that my favourite films are skiing, Rory?
probably action films. A good action film makes people
Rory: Not really. I’m not a big fan of winter sports.
in the audience feel as if they’re there with the hero,
experiencing all the excitement with them. That’s what Layla: I see. So why do you like basketball and rock
I love about them. I’m meeting a friend this evening and climbing so much?
we’re going to see a new action film. Rory: I’m not sure really.
Speaker 4
I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries lately, you Unit 5
know, factual programmes about interesting people and
places around the world. I mostly watch them online.
2.01 | Reading, page 49
Some of the places you see are incredibly beautiful TeenLife > Animal lives
and you learn a lot about the history and culture of Helping sick and injured animals!

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In their free time, four volunteers take care of 4 feel well enough for: I know you’ve got a bad
animals in need. stomach ache, but do you feel up to having
A Dom – Wildlife A&E some lunch?
I live in the south-east of England and help with the rescue, 5 kill a very sick animal: Our 22-year-old cat’s very ill,
treatment and release of injured wild animals – mainly so the vet might have to put her down. It’s very sad.
deer, foxes, badgers and squirrels. Often, someone 6 faint, become unconscious: I felt really lightheaded
walking or riding sees an animal in trouble. They contact at school this morning and nearly passed out.
us and we hurry to help. If you’re in the area and see an 7 become happier: Cheer up! Don’t look so sad.
animal that needs help, you should call our emergency
8 make sad or miserable: It really gets me down when
phone number immediately. And if you see people
people don’t look after animals properly.
carrying a deer on a stretcher, they’re probably from
Wildlife A&E* – so you’ll know the deer is in good hands!
2.04 | Collocations, page 51, exercise 4
B Jen – Costa Rica Animal Rescue Centre Collocations with have, take, make and do
We look after ill or hurt wild animals and birds such 1 have or take a bath or shower
as monkeys, tortoises, and parrots. We treat them, then
release them when they’re healthy again. Volunteers 2 make or take a decision
must be at least 14 years old, and have to pay for the 3 have a headache
organised programme (from one to twelve weeks). 4 make a mistake
When they get here, though, they don’t have to find 5 make an effort
somewhere to stay, as food and accommodation are part
of the package. If you can afford it, and your parents 6 take care of someone
say you can go, it’s an amazing experience! 7 have flu or a cold or a cough
8 make fun of someone
C Fiona – Wellington SPCA Animal Rescue Unit
9 have or take medicine
Here in New Zealand, our Animal Rescue Unit rescues
trapped animals, often pets. If you join the team, you’ll 10 do or take some exercise
be able to help with an animal that needs rescuing 11 have surgery or an operation
from a cliff, tree or hole in the ground. Rescued animals 12 make up your mind
sometimes return to their owners, if we know who they 13 make your bed
are. If the animals are badly hurt, they receive medical
care at an SPCA** Centre, but many go to volunteer foster 14 do homework or housework
parents. These people take an animal into their home for a 15 do your teeth or hair
while until it’s well enough to find a permanent home.
2.05 | Listening, page 52, exercises 2
D Alex – Sea Turtle Rescue Centre, Greece
Well, we covered a range of things. What I found really
You have to be over 18 to be a volunteer here. I’ve
useful was how to deal with bleeding, but we also looked
always loved turtles, so I applied as soon as I was old
at what to do when things get in your eyes, and we started
enough. I couldn’t wait to start! Since then, I’ve needed
off by looking at what to put in a first-aid kit.
to have lots of training so I know what to do. Each year,
around 50 injured turtles from all over the country
arrive at our centre. Many of them have had accidents 2.06 | Listening, page 52, exercises 3 and 4
with fishing boats or speedboats. Members of the public Interviewer: Hi Kate! I’m writing an article for the
can come and see the turtles, and learn about them and school magazine about the new First Aid
how to help protect them. course the school is running. Can I ask
you a few questions?
2.02 | Topic vocabulary, page 51, exercise 1 Kate: Sure!
Words connected with health and illness Interviewer: What did you think about the course?
The body: ankle, blood, bone, chin, knee, shoulder, skin Kate: It was really good! I wasn’t sure what to
Problems and illness: ache, cold, cough, cut, flu, hurt, expect before I went. I was a complete
infection, injure, pain beginner, and I thought some of the
other students might already know basic
Treatments and help: bandage, medicine,
first aid, but they didn’t. I don’t usually
operation, prescription
like situations where I don’t know
anyone, but the tutor helped everyone
2.03 | Phrasal verbs, page 51, exercise 3 relax. Some of the students were a bit
Phrasal verbs older than me, but we got on well.
1 recover from: It took me a week to get over my cold. Interviewer: How long did the course last?
2 become ill with: Janie’s come down with flu so she Kate: It was four hours, but the time flew by!
won’t be coming to school this week. I wanted it to go on more! And I learnt
3 gain, add extra: My dad’s on a diet because he put on so many skills.
weight over the summer. Interviewer: Such as?

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Kate: Well, we covered a range of things. What Unit 6

I found really useful was how to deal
with bleeding, but we also looked at 2.08 | Reading, page 59
what to do when things get in your eyes,
A young star of the kitchen
and we started off by looking at what to
put in a first-aid kit. Remember the anchovy and tomato pizza that you
created? For most of us, it takes a long time to learn
Interviewer: That sounds interesting, but it must be
how to make something tasty, but not for Remmi Smith.
scary with all that blood.
Still a teenager, she’s already creating fantastic dishes.
Kate: We didn’t actually see any real blood. But, She’s also becoming well known for her Italian salad
you know, people are often scared in an dressing, which is delicious. And with her knowledge
emergency situation when somebody of social media, she’s making sure that everyone knows
injures themselves. They want to help, but she’s here!
they don’t have the right training so they
Remmi, who lives in the USA, is just 16. She has already
don’t know the best thing to do. I think
starred in two cookery shows and has published a
that’s the reason people feel frightened
book of healthy recipes. From the age of four, Remmi
sometimes, rather than seeing blood.
helped in the kitchen by preparing vegetables. By the
Interviewer: What else did the course cover? age of seven, Remmi was a real foodie who could cook
Kate: Next we talked about what to do if complete meals for her family.
someone is unconscious, including how Remmi, who was born in China, began making videos
to give them CPR. for fun. Her mother took videos of her while she was
Interviewer: Can you tell us more about what CPR is? cooking and put them online. A local cable channel
Kate: I’m sure you’ve seen it in TV programmes. broadcast them. They then asked Remmi to create
It’s when they push on someone’s chest another show for them.
and blow in their mouth. That show focused on Remmi’s main interest, which
Interviewer: Oh, yes. That can’t be very easy. is getting teenagers to take healthy eating seriously.
She believes that when young people make their own
Kate: It isn’t, but it’s very useful. You’d be
food, they care more about what they eat. Remmi works
surprised how many thousands of
with a company in the USA which shows her videos in
people have survived because of it. You
school cafeterias. About 3.5 million students watch her
never know when you might need to use
every day!
it – at the swimming pool, in the
playground, in the street. CPR can make Remmi believes that young people can create a
a big difference in those first few healthy meal for their family which isn’t expensive.
minutes before an ambulance arrives. Her delicious recipes include vegetable paella and
strawberry kebabs. In fact, strawberries, which are
Interviewer: I guess you’re right. Would you
Remmi’s favourite food, appear in other recipes,
recommend doing the course?
including strawberry sandwich!
Kate: Yes, definitely. You should think about
Her latest idea is a healthy-snack service. For a
doing it, too. You might not want to study
monthly subscription you receive snacks, which include
medicine like me, but you never know
fruit bars and popcorn, and fun cooking activities that
when someone might get injured.
help you develop a healthy lifestyle.
Interviewer: Yes, you’re right. I may do it too! Did you
get a certificate? 2.09 | Topic vocabulary, page 61, exercise 1
Kate: Not yet, but I should get it in a couple
Words connected with food
of weeks.
1 bitter: coffee, dark chocolate
2.07 | Speaking, page 54, exercises 4 and 5 2 juicy: orange, strawberries
Student 1: Oh, not bad. On schooldays, it’s not too early 3 salty: crisps, popcorn
as I live near school. At the weekend, I can 4 sour: lemon, lime
stay in bed longer. 5 spicy: chillies, curry
Student 2: Yes, I go to the gym. I try to go once or twice 6 sweet: cake, milk chocolate
a week – usually at the weekend, when
I have time. 2.10 | Phrasal verbs, page 61, exercise 3
Student 3: Oh, I rarely have a bath – maybe once a
Phrasal verbs
month. I have a shower every day, though.
1 Next, you need to chop the tomatoes up into very
Student 4: Well, I have a check-up every six months,
small pieces.
and actually at the moment I’ve got a brace
on my teeth to make them straighter, so 2 Wait for your soup to cool down or you’ll burn
I have to see my orthodontist once every your mouth!
three or four weeks. 3 Recently, I’ve cut down on the amount of sugar I eat.

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4 Make sure you eat up all your vegetables, or there’s 2.13 | Speaking, page 64, exercise 4
no dessert!
1 The family is having dinner at home together.
5 I think I should probably give up sweets and crisps,
at least for a while. 2 It looks like it’s somebody’s birthday. There are
balloons and a cake.
6 Fruit juice starts to go off after being open in the
fridge for a few days. 3 The cake looks delicious.
7 If it was up to him, my brother would live on 4 I think the girl is opening a present.
takeaways and junk food! 5 Everyone seems to be having a good time.
8 There’s no time to cook, so I’ll warm up the leftovers
from last night’s dinner. Unit 7
2.11 | Word formation, page 61, exercise 4 2.14 | Reading, page 71
1 fry: a frying pan, a fried egg by Jess Owen
2 mix: a cake mixture, mixed flavours, a mixing bowl ‘Teenagers today are lazy and just play video games.’
‘People only shop online these days.’ Teenage Markets
3 spice: a spicy curry
show us that neither of these statements is true. At
4 cream: a creamy sauce, creamed corn weekends in the UK, shoppers are visiting their local
5 blend: a food blender Teenage Market. There, they browse and buy from
6 boil: boiling hot, boiled potatoes market stalls – all run by teenagers.
7 satisfy: feel completely satisfied, a satisfying meal Adam Enan, 16, runs Yummy Candles, a stall which
sells luxury soaps and candles. Abigail Howard, 13, sells
8 taste: a tasty dish, tasteless vegetables
accessories for the house and garden. They’re just two
of many teenagers who sell their products at a Teenage
2.12 | Listening, page 62, exercises 3 and 4 Market. From clothing to comics, there’s a wide variety
Woman: Today, we’re looking at world records connected of products on offer. Several teenage artists exhibit and
to food. Many of us love to eat a hamburger once sell at the markets, including Aidan McCallum, who’s
in a while, but the world’s biggest cheeseburger 13. He had been selling his work for several years
was enough to feed hundreds of people! It before he joined the Teenage Market. ‘I’ve taken part in
weighed 913.54 kilos and was prepared at the many exhibitions and craft fairs and I also sell my work
Black Bear Resort in Minnesota, USA. It was in a shop,’ he said. ‘By doing this, even more people will
over three metres across and had about 24 kilos see my pictures.’
of tomatoes, more than 18 kilos of American The Teenage Market was the idea of two teenage
cheese and 8 kilos of pickles on it! brothers, Joe and Tom Barratt. They had heard about
The burger took four hours to cook, and they a successful event called the Vintage Village, where
had to use a crane to flip it over! Even the people sell vintage items. They wondered if a similar
bread took seven hours to cook. In order to event run by teenagers could work. They posted a video
claim the world record, you have to be able to on social media, asking for interested teenagers to
eat the burger, and everyone at the event had apply. ‘For our first event, we had 70 applications!’ said
a taste. I wouldn’t want to do the washing-up! Joe. ‘We immediately realised there were young people
out there with the right skills and creative talent.’
Takeru Kobayashi obviously likes hamburgers
because he holds the record. He got through a Their first market was a success, leading to more
dozen of them on a TV show! Competitors had appearing around Britain. They give teenagers experience
three minutes to eat as many as they could. In running businesses and also help local areas. Before, some
competitions like this, most people have a town centres had been empty on Sundays. Now, they’re
special way of eating them. They make each fun and lively places to visit. And having more people
one wet by dipping it in water. That makes it spending money there helps the local economy too.
less difficult to get down. Of course, it’s If you’re a teenage entrepreneur, the Teenage Market
important that the hamburgers are all the can help you find customers, promote your products
same size. Before being grilled and then added and make sales. To get involved, just create a profile on
to the bun, which weighs 50 grams, the the Teenage Market website and then apply to take part
burgers all have the same weight: 110 grams. in upcoming events.
Kobayashi holds a number of other world
records, such as eating 62 slices of pizza in 12 2.15 | Topic vocabulary, page 73, exercise 1
minutes! Before each competition, he gets
Words connected with shopping
ready just like an athlete does. His preparation
involves eating 6,000 calories a day and then 1 change: coins, or the money you get back when you
exercising to avoid putting on weight. buy something
And remember – food world records can be 2 voucher: an official piece of paper that you can use
dangerous, so don’t try any of this at home! instead of money

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3 cash card: people use this to take money out of a Aisha: I like looking. I won’t be long, Mark.
bank machine
4 If it’s half price, it’s usually 50% cheaper.
Dad: There you are, Karen. I’ve been looking for you!
5 If it’s a bargain, it’s very cheap.
Karen: Sorry, Dad. I can’t believe how many stalls
6 If it’s on special offer, it’s cheaper than usual.
there are.
7 If it’s second-hand, someone has owned it before.
Dad: I know – you should think of having a stall.
8 If it’s brand-new, it hasn’t been used before.
9 The bike isn’t in stock, but we can order it for you.
Mum: All of these shoes are on special offer. And
10 This jumper’s too small. Can I exchange it for a these are half price.
bigger one, please?
11 I got two of these for my birthday, so can I return 2.19 | Listening, page 74, exercises 3 and 5
one of them?
1 What do they decide to get Tim?
12 Are you going to buy the film or just rent it?
Dan: What are you doing, Mum?
13 How much does this phone cost?
Mum: I’m looking at this website and trying to choose a
present for your cousin Tim. It’s his
2.16 | Phrasal verbs, page 73, exercise 2 birthday soon.
Phrasal verbs Dan: Get him a gift voucher. Then he can choose
1 I’m going to save up my pocket money and buy a something he likes. That’s what I always want!
new comic. Mum: I know that, Dan, but he’s two years younger
2 If you shop around, I’m sure you’ll find a bargain than you. When you’re younger, it’s nice to
somewhere else. actually get a present. I was thinking of this
3 These shoes are really uncomfortable, so I’m going to video game.
take them back. Dan: Mum! He’s eleven, not six! He wouldn’t like that.
4 If you lend me the money for the ticket, I’ll pay you Mum: I knew you’d be better at this than me! Any
back tomorrow. ideas, then?
5 My uncle doesn’t earn much money, and he finds it Dan: Why don’t you get him a book?
difficult to get by on his salary. Mum: I don’t know what he’s already got. Actually,
6 We don’t want to run out of snacks during the picnic, I think you were right. If we get him a gift card,
so let’s get some more now. he can choose his own book.
7 With all the desserts, the bill will add up to at least €50. Dan: I told you!
8 I’ve got too many clothes, so I’m going to give some
2 What does Aisha decide to try on?
away to charity.
Mark: This is boring, Aisha. What are we doing here,
anyway? You haven’t got any money, so you’re
2.17 | Idioms, page 73, exercise 3
not going to buy anything.
Idioms for shopping and spending
Aisha: I like looking. I won’t be long, Mark. This
1 We’re going to shop till we drop tomorrow! – go jumper’s nice, though. It would suit you.
shopping for a long time
Mark: It is nice! But I won’t try it on because I’m not
2 The cheapest kind of shopping is window buying anything today.
shopping! – looking but not buying
Aisha: I know! Neither am I! Oh – look at this T-shirt.
3 Dana won the lottery so she went on a spending Lovely colour! It goes well with these
spree – bought lots of things shorts here.
4 Their youngest kid was rushing around like a bull in Mark: You need some new shorts, don’t you?
a china shop! – likely to cause damage
Aisha: Yeah, but my mum’s going to order some online
5 I’m celebrating, so the pizza is on me for me.
tonight! – I’m paying
Mark: Right, shall we go? Put the T-shirt back.
Aisha: Hold on – I’m just going to see what I look like
2.18 | Listening, page 74, exercise 2 in it. I’ll only be a second …
1 Mark: [sighs]
Dan: What are you doing, Mum?
Mum: I’m looking at this website and trying to choose 3 What did Karen like the most?
a present for your cousin Tim. It’s his birthday soon. Dad: There you are, Karen. I’ve been looking for you!
Karen: Sorry, Dad. I can’t believe how many stalls
2 there are.
Mark: This is boring, Aisha. What are we doing here, Dad: I know – you should think of having a stall.
anyway? You haven’t got any money, so you’re
not going to buy anything. Karen: Good idea! But they seem to have everything

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here already. Did you see the handmade soap Unit 8

and candles? Some of them were lovely.
Dad: Yes, they were. My favourite was the cake stall! 2.21 | Reading, page 81
I’ve bought several to take home with us. PROJECT FASHION!
Karen: Mmmm, great! Do you know what I saw? A BY YEAR 8 STUDENTS
fantastic painting of a skyline. It was one of the
Our class has been doing a project on the fashion
best paintings I’ve ever seen. I talked to the
industry. Read on to find out what some of
artist – he’s only 13! Dad, can I have one of
us discovered!
those cakes now? I’m starving!
A Robert
4 How does Jack’s mum pay for his shoes? Does your typical outfit have an effect on the
Mum: All of these shoes are on special offer. And these environment? I wear jeans almost every day. Jeans are
are half price. Do you like any of them, Jack? made of denim, which is a form of cotton. It takes a lot of
Jack: I like these, Mum. They’d be good for school. water and chemicals to produce the cotton, which is then
dyed (usually blue) and the dye often ends up in rivers.
Mum: Yes, they would. Do you want to try them on?
When making ‘stonewashed’ or faded jeans, volcanic
Jack: OK – hold on. Yes, they fit really well. They’re stones are used to ‘hit’ the denim. Those stones are
more comfortable than the shoes I’m shipped around the world, using a lot of fossil fuel. Even a
wearing now. simple pair of jeans causes environmental problems!
Mum: Great! Let’s get them. I think I’ve got a voucher B Lewis
for this shop here somewhere.
My friends and I often organise a clothes-swapping
Jack: Oh look – it says here because it’s a sale you can’t party. It’s great fun! You get together and take along
use vouchers or gift cards. all the clothes you’re bored with or that don’t fit you
Mum: Oh well. It’s not important. I’m sure I can use my anymore and then swap them. I swapped two old tops
credit card. I hope so because I haven’t got any I never wear for two T-shirts that really suit me! In my
cash on me. view, it’s great because you avoid buying new clothes
Jack: Yes, of course you can. Let’s find an assistant. and that helps the environment. It’s easy to organise.
You don’t even have to be the same size because you
can alter the clothes to fit you!
2.20 | Speaking, page 76, exercise 4
C Jen
Boy: Right, so, last year, I saved up to buy a really nice
The fashion industry causes some environmental
birthday present for my mum. It took me about
problems. The idea that we can do something about the
three months!
problems the fashion industry causes is called ‘ethical
Girl: Personally, I think that’s a great idea. What did you fashion’. In my opinion, supporting ethical fashion is
get her? extremely important! We can do this by checking how
Boy: I got her a necklace. She loved it! How about you? the clothes we want were made. Some companies try to
Have you saved up for anything? protect the environment and only use green chemicals.
Girl: Yes, I really wanted a new bike, so I saved up for We can support ethical fashion by only buying from
that. People gave me money for my birthday, and these companies, and we can put pressure on other
I saved some of my pocket money each week. companies by writing to them or organising a social
media campaign. I’ve already started a Facebook page
Boy: How much did it cost?
on ethical fashion!
Girl: It was about 150 euros. It’s a great bike! You can
D Grace
see it in this photo – look! What do you think?
Often, clothes are thrown away after being worn only
Boy: It’s amazing.
a few times. If you ask me, we should make our clothes
Girl: So, are you saving up for anything at the moment? last longer by taking better care of them. And when
Boy: Yes, I actually want a new bike too. I’m trying to we’ve finished with an item of clothing, why not recycle
save 10 euros a month. it? That might mean taking it to a recycling point, or
Girl: When do you think you’ll have enough money? even finding a way to reuse it yourself! With a bit of
imagination, that old T-shirt with a hole in it could
Boy: I’m not sure! Maybe in five or six months. Are you
become a trendy scarf or a headband! I rarely throw
saving up for anything?
clothes away now!
Girl: No, not at the moment. I need a new phone, but it’s
my birthday soon and I’m hoping I’ll get one then. 2.22 | Topic vocabulary, page 83, exercise 1
Boy: Who do you think will give it to you?
Words connected with clothes and accessories
Girl: That’s a good question. My mum and dad, I hope!
Parts of clothes: button, collar, pocket, sleeve
Accessories: belt, bracelet, cap, earring, glove, handbag,
jewellery, necklace, wristband
Other items of clothing: jumper, sandals, shorts, socks,
suit, sweatshirt, trainers

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2.23 | Phrasal verbs, page 83, exercise 2 However, it was in the 1980s that trainers really took
off. In 1984, the Air Jordans became popular when they
Phrasal verbs were worn by the basketball star Michael Jordan. They
1 I went to a fashion show and all the models had cost $65, which was a lot of money back then.
really strange clothes on. Today, there are many different kinds of trainer in the
2 Why don’t you hang your clothes up instead of shops in a wide variety of colours and styles. Some of
leaving them on the floor? them are created with the help of technology. These
3 I was in a hurry but I couldn’t do the zip up on designs help people run faster, jump higher and, of
my coat! course, look cool while they do it!
4 Do we need to dress up for the party or is it just an
informal event? 2.26 | Speaking, page 86, exercises 5 and 6
5 I was glad to get home and be able to take my shoes Your school is going to have a new school uniform
off after a long day! and the headteacher is thinking about including
6 If you’re going out, make sure you put a coat on some of the items of clothing in the pictures below.
because it’s going to rain. In pairs, talk together for two minutes about which
items the new uniform should include.
7 Kieran tried about a dozen tops on but he didn’t like
any of them. Student A: OK, so we have to select two items for the
new uniform. Shall we talk about the
8 My trainers are starting to wear out so I’ll need some trainers first?
new ones soon.
Student B: Yes, I really like the idea of wearing trainers
to school.
2.24 | Word formation, page 83, exercise 4
Student A: Yes, me too to a certain extent. On the one
Adjectives/nouns/verbs hand, they’re comfortable and practical, but
1 cloth: new clothes, the clothing industry on the other hand, some trainers can be
2 design: celebrity designer, badly designed very expensive.
3 trend: a trendy outfit, a real trendsetter Student B: Yes, and they might not be formal enough.
4 amaze: to my amazement, feel amazed, an Student A: So, do you think we should choose
amazing experience formal shoes?
5 create: express your creativity, feel creative, the Student B: No, I don’t. Even though they may look
creator of a design smart, I don’t think they’re as practical or as
comfortable as the trainers.
6 fashion: a fashionable pair of jeans, an old-
fashioned shirt Student A: I agree. What about the clothes? A shirt and
tie would be too formal, wouldn’t it?
7 appear: improve your appearance, become apparent
Student B: Yes, it’d be better to wear a polo shirt.
8 beauty: a beautiful face
They’re much more practical to wear and
easier to wash.
2.25 | Listening, page 84, exercises 3 and 4
Student A: What do you think about having a jumper?
Trainers are everywhere, aren’t they? Do you own a pair? Student B: Well, it’s very warm in winter, isn’t it?
If you do, then you are just like millions of other people However, it’s too hot in the summer.
around the world. In America, where these shoes are
called sneakers, the industry is worth a billion dollars a Student A: Yes, you’re right. So, what about a
year! But where did trainers come from? jacket instead?
The first shoes with rubber soles were produced in Student B: Well, a jacket looks more formal than a
the 1870s. During that decade, more people became jumper, so the teachers may like it.
involved in sport. Ordinary shoes with leather soles Student A: And it has a lot of pockets which can
weren’t very good for sports such as tennis. People be useful.
needed something softer. Student B: But the jacket and the jumper are equally
In 1916, simple trainers called Keds were made in uncomfortable though.
America. They became popular with children, who wore Student A: I definitely agree with that. What
the shoes for running and playing. Keds are still made about trousers?
today, over a hundred years later.
Student B: Well, they look smart, but some girls may
Another well-known trainer that is still made today is prefer to wear a skirt.
Converse All-Stars. They were first worn in the 1920s
Student A: Yes, you’re right.
by basketball players. The classic design allows a player
to move quickly around the court and also supports Student B: So shall we choose the trainers and the
the ankle. polo shirt?
In the 1950s, young actors, like James Dean and Marlon Student A: Yes, I think so. They’re the most comfortable
Brando, wore jeans and trainers to show they were and the most popular with students. We
different from older people, and many young people want them to be happy at school, don’t we?
copied this style to look like them.

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Unit 9 9 someone who can balance and jump well, often in a

circus: acrobat
3.01 | Reading page, 93 10 someone who goes up mountains, walls or
Want to play quidditch? rocks: climber
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, you’ll know what
quidditch is. It’s the game where they fly around on 3.03 | Phrasal verbs, page 95, exercise 2
broomsticks. But did you know that we Muggles (or Phrasal verbs
non-wizards) can also play quidditch? 1 Mum, they won’t let me join in with the game!
Real-life quidditch isn’t exactly the same as the sport 2 The team with the lowest points at the end of the
in the novels and movies. If flying broomsticks existed, round is knocked out.
perhaps it would be. But sadly, they don’t exist, so real‑life
quidditch is played on the ground. But it’s similar in other 3 The referee held up a red card and sent Garcia off.
ways. I asked a team from Poland to tell me about it. 4 She’s had to pull out of the competition because of a
Jarek: ‘It’s fun! Each team consists of a seeker, three knee injury.
chasers, two beaters and a keeper. There are 5 The weather’s so bad, I think we’ll have to put the
boys and girls in each team – a maximum of match off until next week.
four boys or four girls. All the players play 6 Can you help me set up the table tennis net?
with broomsticks between their legs. I’m the
7 Put away all the equipment when you’ve finished
team captain and the position I play is chaser.
using it, please.
Marta: ‘I’m also a chaser. We try to score goals using
8 I’m surprised that real-life quidditch caught on
a volleyball, called a quaffle. We have to throw or
so quickly!
kick the ball into one of the opposing
team’s three hoops. If we score a goal, we get
10 points.’
3.04 | Collocations, page 95, exercise 4
Wojtek: ‘I’m a beater. There are three other balls on Collocations with do, play and go
the pitch during a match, called bludgers. 1 How often do you play tennis/football/basketball?
Beaters throw these at the other team’s 2 Have you ever played golf?
players. If a bludger hits a chaser, the chaser
3 Do you do athletics at school in the summer?
has to drop the quaffle (if they’re holding it),
go back to their side of the pitch and touch 4 How often do you go swimming in the winter?
one of the goalposts. I wouldn’t want to be a 5 Have you ever been ice skating?
chaser – we throw quite hard!’ 6 Do you do gymnastics sometimes in PE?
Ewa: ‘I’m the keeper. I defend our team’s hoops, but 7 Have you ever been windsurfing?
I can also try to score goals.’
8 Do you know anyone who goes horse-riding regularly?
Tomek: ‘I’m our team’s seeker. At the 17th minute of
9 When was the last time you went for a bike ride?
the game, the snitch comes onto the pitch.
This is a person wearing a yellow sports kit 10 Have you ever been water-skiing?
with a ‘tail’ attached to their shorts. The 11 Do you know anyone who goes surfing regularly?
seekers come on a minute later. If a seeker 12 Do you know anyone who does yoga?
catches the snitch and pulls the tail, the game
stops. Catching the snitch gets you 30
points – but the snitch is usually a very
3.05 | Listening, page 96, exercise 2
fast runner!’ Boy: You went surfing, didn’t you? How did your first
Would you like to play real-life quidditch? If so, which lesson go?
position would you choose? Girl: Ugh, it was so hard! I knew it was going to be
difficult from watching other people do it, but
3.02 | Topic vocabulary, page 95, exercise 1 I didn’t think it would be that difficult!
Word connected with people in sport Boy: So did you manage to ride a wave?
1 someone in a football/basketball team: player Girl: Not really. We started on the beach, practising
how to stand on the board. And then when we
2 someone who plays computer games: gamer
went out. To be honest, I was happy just to be
3 someone who leads a sports team: captain able to stand up for a few seconds. I’m worried
4 someone who judges a football/basketball that I’ll never be able to do it. It’s impossible!
match: referee
5 someone on a horse or sometimes a bike: rider 3.06 | Listening, page 96, exercises 3 and 4
6 someone on a bike but not a horse: cyclist 1 You will hear two friends talking about a
7 someone who does athletics, or who is good at competition they entered.
sport: athlete Boy: The tennis competition was a lot of fun, wasn’t
8 someone who does gymnastics: gymnast it? You did much better than last year. You must
be proud of yourself.

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Girl: Yes, I am! At least I wasn’t last again! I was a Girl: There aren’t enough hours in the day, even if
complete beginner last time, though, and I’ve I get up early to practise.
practised a lot since then. I’ve got much better. Boy: Your schedule is full already, so it’s hard to see
Boy: It’s amazing what a bit of regular practice can do. how you could organise your time better.
I think that’s why I did so well, really. I’ve been Girl: You’re probably right.
training three times a week for months.
6 You will hear a girl telling her friend about a
Girl: Maybe next year I’ll beat everyone else like surfing lesson.
you did!
Boy: You went surfing, didn’t you? How did your first
2 You will hear two friends talking about a football lesson go?
match they saw.
Girl: Ugh, it was so hard! I knew it was going to be
Girl: So what did you think of the football match difficult from watching other people do it, but
against the other school? Exciting, wasn’t it? I didn’t think it would be that difficult!
Boy: It wasn’t just exciting. It was incredible! Five Boy: So did you manage to ride a wave?
goals in the match, and every one of them was
Girl: No, not really. We started on the beach, practising
something special. The extra practice our team
how to stand on the board. And then we went
did really worked. I think they’re getting better
out. To be honest, I was happy just to be able to
and better with each match.
stand up for a few seconds. I’m worried that I’ll
Girl: It’s just a shame our side had to be the never be able to do it. It’s impossible!
losing side.
Boy: To be fair, I thought they played better than us. 3.07 | Speaking, page 98, exercise 4
They seemed faster and stronger. With more
training, we’ll be ready for them next 1 Oh, all the time! Probably every day! We play things
time though. like football in the playground at school, and we
often play with a ball in the park after school. My
3 You will hear a boy telling a friend about an best friend absolutely loves video games – though
athletic event. I’m not so keen on them, and board games like
Girl: I watched you in the 100-metre race Scrabble and Monopoly.
yesterday. Congratulations! 2 Take my cousin Alex, for example, he competes in
Boy: Thanks. My time was a bit slower than I’d motorcycle races. That can be quite dangerous! I’ve
expected, but I still managed to win. It’s my been to a few of his races. They’re great fun to watch!
favourite distance. It was really exciting, but then 3 I’m a keen athlete and I’m actually very
I always like competing in the 100 metres. competitive – I really like to win! – so I wouldn’t say
Girl: The crowd really enjoyed it as well. any of my friends are more competitive than me.
Boy: Yes! I didn’t know so many people at our school That isn’t possible! But a couple of them are very
were interested in athletics. It was a bit of a competitive like me, and others are not so competitive.
shock to see just how many were watching. It 4 Well, my dad loves watching football on TV and, to
was good to win in front of a crowd like that. be honest, I think it’s a bit boring. I don’t think I’ve
4 You will hear two friends talking about ever sat and watched a whole game. I like playing
rock climbing. football, but I’m not so keen on sitting in front of
the TV watching football for an hour and a half. I’d
Girl: The school’s organising a rock-climbing trip. It
rather do something more active!
should be a lot of fun. Are you interested?
Boy: It sounds a bit risky to me! I might need to get a
bit more information first. Unit 10
Girl: Oh, come on! You’re just putting it off because 3.08 | Reading, page 103
you’re a bit nervous. It’ll be great! When you get
there, you’ll soon relax and enjoy it. We Love Hollywood Freddy Wood’s film blog – 7th July
Boy: Well, if you’re sure. I’ll tell the teacher to put our Motion capture – making movie magic!
names down for the trip, then. And I’m going to Hulk in The Avengers. The Na’vi in Avatar. King Kong
watch a few videos online so I know what in Skull Island. What do these have in common? All of
to expect! these characters were animated using ‘motion capture’.
5 You will hear two friends talking about how they With motion capture, an actor wears sensors on their
organise their time. body. A special camera records the movement of each
Girl: I’m really enjoying gymnastics, but I never have sensor and a 3D moving ‘skeleton’ is then made. After
enough time. I have swimming twice a week, filming, animators can ‘hang’ any ‘skin’ they like on
Spanish on Fridays and lots of homework. I don’t it. In other words, they can make the actor look like a
know what to do. penguin or a chimp, or even a monster.
Boy: I think you have to decide what’s important. Why Back in 1937, the Disney cartoon Snow White used a
don’t you take a break from swimming? As soon low-tech form of motion capture. Today, film-makers
as you do that, you’ll find that you’ve got a lot use more advanced technology. This makes modern
more time. characters look incredibly realistic. Take Gollum in

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The Lord of the Rings films. If they’d drawn him as a 3.10 | Phrasal verbs, page 105, exercise 2
cartoon, he wouldn’t have seemed as real. And if the
actor, Andy Serkis, had worn special make-up, he Phrasal verbs
wouldn’t have looked so unusual. However, with motion 1 Enter your username and password to log into
capture, the film-makers captured Andy’s expressions the site.
and movements, and then added the animation of 2 We’re going to put on a school play at the end of term!
Gollum’s appearance.
3 When I wrote a fan letter to J.K. Rowling, I didn’t
Motion capture can make life easier for actors. Think expect her to write back, but she did!
about the alien Maz Kanata in Star Wars: The Force
4 If you don’t log out of Facebook on a public
Awakens. If Lupita Nyong’o, who played Maz, had had
computer, someone might post a joke comment or
to put on make-up every day to get ready for filming, it
status update pretending to be you!
would have taken her hours. Instead, she acted wearing
a special suit, with tiny white dots on her face. These 5 Can you turn down the volume? It’s too loud!
captured her expressions via a computer program, and 6 Can you turn up the volume? I can’t hear it!
special effects experts added the character’s unique 7 I hate it when people talk in the cinema. Why can’t
face afterwards. It would also have been difficult for they just shut up and watch the film?
animators to draw the penguins dancing in Happy Feet.
8 The two comics I buy every week come out on
However, they didn’t do that. Instead, they filmed real
a Friday
dancers first to create the penguins’ dances.
Motion capture is also used in both video games 3.11 | Word patterns, page 105, exercise 3
and pop videos. The Coldplay video for Adventure of
a Lifetime took six months to make because it used Word patterns
motion capture. The band members appear as chimps 1 How did you manage to get tickets to the opening
having fun in the jungle. Of course, if they had worn night of the show?
costumes, we wouldn’t have seen their expressions. 2 Are you able to come with us to the cinema
What’s your favourite motion capture movie, video on Friday?
game or pop video? Who’s your favourite character? 3 Ella’s definitely capable of winning the talent show.
4 The school play is a great chance to show off your
3.09 | Topic vocabulary page 105, exercise 1 acting skills.
Words connected with people in the media 5 What are my chances of getting a main part in
1 I play the violin and piano, and I really want to be a the play?
professional musician when I’m older. 6 I don’t think my parents will let me go to the music
2 The editor of the magazine sent a journalist to festival next weekend.
interview David Guetta, the famous French DJ and 7 I don’t think my parents will allow me to go to the
record producer. music festival next weekend.
3 What’s the name of the presenter of the quiz show 8 I don’t think I’ll be allowed to go to the music festival
The Chase? next weekend.
4 Eddie Redmayne is a great actor – he was amazing
in Fantastic Beasts! 3.12 | Listening, page 106, exercise 2
5 Who is the author of the Divergent books? I’m really keen on drama, and always audition for the
6 She’s a really talented performer – she can act, sing school play! In the past, I’ve always been given a small
and dance. part, but this year I got a main part! I was so excited – and
7 When you’re a celebrity, photographers follow nervous too, of course. Mrs Nowak the director was
you everywhere. lovely – really kind and helpful. She taught me a lot. The
most difficult thing was learning all the lines. I locked
8 Two of my aunt’s paintings are in our local
myself in my bedroom for hours and hours, saying them
art gallery.
over and over again until I’d remembered them. The one
9 They hold an outdoor music festival near here problem I had was my costume. We all had to get our own
every summer. costumes as the school didn’t have any. I wasn’t sure what
10 As I walked out onto the stage, all my to do – I needed to look like a woman from hundreds
nerves disappeared! of years ago. In the end, I had my dress made by my
11 The band are making their next album in a neighbour, Mrs Davis. She’s really good at sewing.
recording studio in New York. She did an amazing job, and I looked fantastic. I’m so
grateful to her.
12 The film starts at eight, so let’s meet inside the
cinema at quarter to.
13 We’re going to the theatre tonight to see a play.
3.13 | Listening, page 106, exercises 4 and 5
14 When we visit the science museum next week, Hi everyone! As you know, we usually put on a school
you’ll see a dinosaur skeleton! play or concert at the end of the summer term. This year,
we’re going to do a musical. It’s called Disco Inferno,
15 The Grafton Centre is a great venue for concerts, and it’s lots of fun! Mr Taylor, the head of the drama
shows and parties.

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department, is going to be the director, Mrs Patel will be Unit 11

our musical director and the costumes will be Mr Farah’s
responsibility. Now, there are lots of different roles, and 3.15 | Reading, page 115
we need people who can sing and dance. We’re going
Summer camp
to hold auditions next Wednesday and Thursday after
school here in the school hall. There are parts for people Our guide to unusual ways to spend your summer!
of all ages. We also need people to help backstage, so A Robotics Camp
let Mr Taylor know if you’re interested in helping with Robotics Camp is fun and educational, all at the same
lighting or things like that. Usually when we do a show time! Students choose to work alone or in pairs to build
we do it for one night only, but this year – because we and program a robot. With sessions for different levels
think it’s going to be really popular – we’re going to do it of ability, you’ll learn how to use the right software and
three nights in a row, on July the 12th, 13th and 14th, so if how to construct your robot. Please note that students
you get a part, make sure you’re free on those dates. And, are not allowed to keep any of the materials used at
of course, we’ll have lots of rehearsals between now and the camp.
then, and they’ll take place on Thursday evenings. We’re
B Camp BizSmart
going to get programmes printed and these will have
photos of the cast. Actors will have their photo taken for At Camp BizSmart, we’ll give you all kinds of tips
the programme by a professional photographer on the about starting and running your own business. You’ll
4th of June. It’s quite expensive to put on a big musical get experience in working with successful people and
like this, so it won’t be free this year. Tickets will be on working in teams. You’ll graduate from camp with your
sale from the start of next week. They’ll cost £5 each, own business plan ready to go! One recent visitor said
and I think they’ll sell out quickly, so please remind your she had learnt more in a week here than in a year at
friends and parents to buy them as soon as they can. her school!
C Kids’ Culinary Academy
3.14 | Speaking, page 108, exercises 4 and 5 Kids’ Culinary Academy is perfect for young people
1 who either want to learn the basics or develop their
skills. Each day is a new adventure in learning about
Student A: I love reading crime novels like the Robin
a different type of cuisine. It is easy to enrol and our
Stevens novels and of course, Sherlock
excursions in the local area include trips to well-known
Holmes. I enjoy trying to guess who did it.
foodie destinations, as well as other tourist attractions.
Student B: Really? That’s interesting. I’m a big fan of
D Camp Kids ’N Comedy
Sherlock too. It’s so clever how he solves
the crimes. If you want to put up a tent, climb trees and learn how
to survive in the wild, then Camp Kids’N Comedy isn’t
2 for you! But if you’re full of opinions, we’ll take you and
Student C: Well I use Instagram a lot. Me and my friends turn you into a confident performer. Our experts will
love memes. Even though they’re short, I like help you write material and practise your show. You’ll
them because they’re funny. Sometimes soon have the audience laughing!
I want to find out about the original source E Camp Jam
and then end up reading a news article about From song writing to playing as a band, Camp Jam will
the original story or event. guide you every step of the way. You’ll perform live and
Student D: That sounds like fun. Well, I love creative make recordings that are yours to keep. Not only that,
writing, so I’m often on a site where teenagers but we’ll also teach you all you need to know about
upload short stories. We read them and then getting more fans and surviving in the music industry.
add comments. As well as getting people to F Plantation Farm Camp
read your work, the feedback can help you
We all need a break from our smartphones, and
improve your writing.
Plantation Farm Camp offers exactly that. With
Student C: That’s interesting. I never thought of that. no electricity, the camp allows young people to get
away from the pressures of their online lives and
3 make friendships that last a lifetime. By growing and
Student E: I don’t read very often, but I don’t think it’s preparing your own food, you’ll connect with nature
a problem. You shouldn’t have to read if you and with each other.
don’t want to. It’s important to only read G Camp Can-Aqua
things you enjoy.
Camp Can-Aqua is the perfect place to learn water
Student F: I’m not sure I agree, to be honest. It’s very sports. Students select different activities each day to
important for teenagers to read regularly. develop their own individual skills. You’ll also get the
It’s good for the imagination, and for chance to go on a three-day canoe trip, where you’ll
learning about the world. If people don’t learn to rely on those around you. Older students
read when they’re children and teenagers, can attend leadership camps, where they may get a
they won’t read when they’re adults. certificate in important skills!

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H Hollywood Stunt Camp 3.19 | Listening, page 118, exercises 3 and 4

You need to be fit for Hollywood Stunt Camp! You’ll need
1 What subject is the teacher teaching?
all your energy as you learn how to fall, fight and jump off
a building! Professionals will take you all the way from the Teacher: OK, now you’ll have to put your thinking
basics to appearing in a short movie. The camp ends with a caps on to answer the next question. I’d
stunt show, where you can show off what you’ve learnt! like you to work in groups to decide what
the area of this shape is. It’s a hemisphere,
which is half of a circle. So, you might need
3.16 | Topic vocabulary, page 117, exercise 1 to experiment a little but you should be
Words connected with studying able to work it out. I’ll give you five
1 A school lesson is a period of time when you are in minutes to think about it and then we’ll see
the classroom. who’s got the right answer.
2 A school subject is an area of study, like maths, 2 Where is Callum now?
English or history.
Girl: Hi, Callum. I’m surprised to see you here.
3 When you study, you try to learn something.
Boy: Yes, I know. I should be having lunch now,
4 When you read, you look at letters on a page to see really. And I’m starving! But I’ve got to see
what they mean the headteacher.
5 In the UK, you go to primary school between the Girl: Why’s that?
ages of 5 and 11.
Boy: Mrs Robinson caught me copying off the boy
6 In the UK, you go to secondary school between the next to me in class during the test.
ages of 11 and 18.
Girl: Oh, no! Perhaps you’ll know not to do that next
7 You take or sit an exam when you try to answer the time! See you!
questions on an exam paper.
8 You pass an exam when your mark is high enough. 3 What does the girl want to learn?
9 A pupil is someone at primary or secondary school, Girl: Hello, I’m ringing about the course that’s
but not university. starting next week … That’s right, yes … I know
10 A student is someone at school, at college or the basics of how to play, but I’d like to advance
at university. to the next level to see how high I can go. …
I know it’ll take a lot of practice to learn all the
right moves, but I don’t mind losing if I learn
3.17 | Phrasal verbs, page 117, exercise 2 something! … My mum asked how much the
Phrasal verbs course was. And she asked if I needed to buy
1 Our teacher asked us to copy out the vocabulary anything. Hold on. I’ll just get a pen.
from the textbook.
4 How did Mike get to school today?
2 Our school breaks up for the holidays on Friday!
Teacher: I’m afraid you’re late, Mike.
3 We have to hand our homework in on Monday morning.
Boy: I know, Miss. Sorry, Miss. The problem was
4 We asked the teacher to go over the explanation one that my dad’s car wouldn’t start and then
more time. when I got to the bus stop it had already
5 My brother was at college but he dropped out gone so I went home again!
because he didn’t like it. Teacher: It’s not far from school to your house. Why
6 Make sure you study or you’ll fall behind the not cycle?
other students. Boy: I used to do that, but I got wet all the time.
Anyway, my dad finally got the car going
3.18 | Idioms, page 117, exercise 3 and dropped me off. I won’t let it happen
Idioms for education and learning again, Miss.
1 ‘You always have your nose in a book! You should go 3.20 | Speaking, page 120, exercises 4 and 5
outside for some fresh air.’– read
This is a photo of a group of girls and their teacher. It
2 ‘We have to learn these words by heart. And we’ve
looks as if they’re at school because there are posters on
only got two days to do it!’ – study and remember
the windows in the background. Perhaps they’re doing
3 ‘Congratulations. You’ve passed the test with flying a dance lesson or a theatre lesson. All the girls are in a
colours!’ – with a high mark line and the teacher is standing on the left. The girls in
4 ‘How are we going to solve the problem? We’ll the foreground are lying on the floor and the teacher
have to put our thinking caps on.’ – consider is pointing at the girls in the background. I suppose
something carefully she wants them to lie on the floor too. I’m not sure
5 ‘When I started my new job, it didn’t take long to why they’re doing that, but it seems to me that they’re
learn the ropes.’– know what to do pretending to fall over. I guess they could be practising
part of a play or a dance performance. I can’t see their
6 ‘Ben’s always playing tricks on me. I’m going to teach
faces very well, so it isn’t clear whether they’re all having
him a lesson!’ – punish someone so they behave better
fun, but I imagine they’re all enjoying themselves.

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Unit 12 7 This bear has grown up in a zoo and so can’t live in

the wild.
3.21 | Reading, page 125 8 Rabbits have sharp teeth and can cut up most plants
1 and trees.
3.24 | Word formation, page 127, exercise 4
Help the environment – collect litter!
Adjectives and nouns
Saturday 9 am, Stonebridge.
1 I find bugs and worms absolutely disgusting.
Equipment provided but bring refreshments.
2 What’s the explanation for the peacock’s amazing
For transport, contact
tail feathers?
3 The natural world is amazing and I love learning
From: Holly To: Katie about animals.
It’s the clean-up tomorrow! Text me before 6 pm if 4 Some of the frogs in the rainforest are poisonous.
you want to go with me and Mum. If not, we’ll take
5 The scenery and the views on safari in Africa
someone else.
are incredible.
6 A bioblitz is much simpler than a proper
3 scientific study.
Dad 7 Almost all plants need sunshine to grow.
We’ll have collected 50 bags of rubbish by the time we 8 Many tropical birds and fish are very colourful
finish! Mum’s asking if you’ll drive us there tomorrow
morning as she’s busy! 3.25 | Listening, page 128, exercises 3 and 4
Erin: Hi, Reece. Did you find out what the problem
4 was with Harry?
Holly, Reece: Oh, hi, Erin. He was fine. I thought he might
The local radio rang! They want to interview you about have a problem with his legs, but the vet said he
helping with pollution problems. They said you should needs to get more exercise. I should have
phone them to arrange a time. realised hamsters need more exercise when he
Mum started putting on weight.
5 Erin: That’s good. Talking of vets, I saw a famous vet
on TV last night. He’s called Noel Fitzpatrick
and he has a show called Supervet. He treats
Help local wildlife through clean-up projects! animals with difficult problems that other vets
Come along with your ideas! can’t cure. The show’s all about how he and his
For details of the first meeting, contact assistants find unusual solutions to the animals’
problems. It’s a great programme. Have you
seen it?
3.22 | Topic vocabulary, page 127, exercise 1
Reece: No, but I’ve heard of it. Why is he so famous?
Words connected with natural habitats
Erin: When animals are hit by cars or hurt in some
Rainforest: gorilla, monkey, snake, tiger other way, he helps them recover. That’s what
Desert: camel, lizard, snake he’s best known for. He even helps animals that
Ocean: dolphin, shark, whale have lost feet or legs. I read about it online. He
helped a cat called Oscar and made new legs for
Grassland: elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, zebra
him. It was amazing! Oscar’s owners must have
been really pleased.
3.23 | Phrasal verbs, page 127, exercise 2
Reece: Wow! New legs! Imagine doing that! I’d love to
Phrasal verbs be a vet. I wonder how he started.
1 Nocturnal animals wake up at night and sleep during Erin: He grew up on a farm in Ireland. He was
the day. bullied when he was young because he had
2 Camels can live without water for up to eight days problems reading and writing. He says that
before they need to fill up again. because of that he developed friendships with
3 Male penguins can bring up a baby penguin until the animals. I guess he might have decided to
mother returns. become a vet because of that.
4 Salmon are born in rivers, then swim downstream Reece: Yes, possibly. I imagine it takes a long time to
and end up in the ocean. train and get so good.
5 Beavers and wolves mate for life but other animals Erin: He trained for four years and then worked and
split up after mating. studied in America. Then he went to Ireland to
work on farm animals before he moved to
6 We should support the WWF so they can keep up England. Now he sees animals every morning
their good work with animals. and operates on them every afternoon.

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STUDENT’S BOOK | Audioscript B1

Reece: You know a lot about him! You must be a Niko: I think the river too.
real fan. Adela: What else do you think we should choose?
Erin: I am! He obviously loves animals. He thinks we Niko: My second choice is the farm.
need to use the same ideas in animal medicine
Adela: That’s funny. I was going to say that too. I think
as in human medicine. And I agree with that.
we agree, then. So we’re choosing the farm and
And I’d love to be a vet, just like him.
the river. Great choices.
Reece: You could be Supervet 2!
Niko: Yes, I think so too.
Erin: No, I hate being the centre of attention. But it
would be great to help animals and their 3.27 | Optimise your exams, page 142,
owners in the same way he does.
Listening, exercises 3 and 4
Reece: Why don’t you start by helping me take my dog
for a walk? Girl: Dad, have you seen my tennis racket? I’ve got a
match this afternoon.
Erin: Good idea! Let’s go!
Father: Did you leave it in the car when Mum picked
you up from school?
3.26 | Speaking, page 130, exercises 5 and 6
Girl: I’ve already looked and it isn’t there!
You both love nature. You are thinking of going
on a weekend trip together. Look at the pictures Father: Let’s go and check your bedroom. It’s probably
below and talk together about the different places there. [pause] Why are all these things on the
you could visit and then decide which two would floor? When are you going to tidy your room?
be best. Girl: Sorry, Dad! Oh, look! It’s here in my wardrobe,
Niko: So, we have to choose two activities to do at the next to my jacket.
weekend. What do you enjoy doing, Adela?
3.28 | Optimise your exams, page 142,
Adela: Well, we have to decide together, so let’s discuss
them all. Shall we start with going to the beach? Listening, exercises 5 and 6
I love going to the beach, especially when 1 You will hear two friends talking about a show at
it’s hot. the theatre.
Niko: Mmm … it might get too hot, but we could swim Boy: I’m really sorry I didn’t come to the theatre last
in the sea. night. Was it good?
Adela: Yes, or if you like swimming, we could go to Girl: Yes, it was amazing. The singers were so
the lake. professional and they had some really energetic
Niko: True. We could go fishing there too. dance routines too.
I love fishing. Boy: Wow – that sounds really tiring! I have to admit,
Adela: Yes, but there’s often lots of insects in musicals aren’t really my favourite type of show.
the summer. I’m not keen on singing and dancing, but I still
Niko: Well, we could go to the mountains. I love wanted to come because it was your birthday. By
rock climbing. the time I tried to buy a ticket, it was too late.
Adela: That sounds dangerous. I suppose in the winter Girl: Oh don’t worry! Maybe next year…
we could go skiing. 2 You will hear two friends talking about being in
Niko: Mmmm … or what about going to the forest. a band.
That could be fun. We may see wild animals. Girl: Hey Matt, I saw you playing guitar with your
Adela: Well, I do like animals, but some wild animals band last night.
are dangerous. Boy: Oh did you? It was ok, but I’m sure we’re capable
Niko: True. So how about the zoo? We could see lots of better. How could we improve?
of animals there. We can watch them being fed. Girl: Hmmm well… I think it’s important to spend
Adela: Yes, it can be lovely to watch the animals in the more time practising together than on your own.
zoo. But I sometimes think they’re sad. We could Boy: Yes, you’re right.
go to a farm though. Although, you’ve probably Girl: And listening to a variety of styles can help too,
seen those animals before, you can interact with even if it’s not the type of music you usually play.
the animals in farms and learn a lot about them. When you practise, ask everyone to play a song
Niko: That sounds like fun. So what do you think we so you can pick up different ideas.
should choose? Boy: Good idea. I’d like to get some more experience
Adela: Well, we haven’t mentioned the river yet. of performing.
I think we agree with each other that we both Girl: Yeah, that’d really help. But I wouldn’t
like animals – there’s lots of wildlife and birds recommend entering one of those talent shows
by the river. You could go fishing and I can do a on television. The bands hardly ever
bit of sunbathing. So my first choice would be become successful!
the river. What would your first choice be?

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STUDENT’S BOOK | Audioscript B1

Optimise your exams, page 143,

3.29 | Interviewer: Why do you think your maths teacher
gives you so much homework?
Listening, exercise 8
Jenny: Well, I suppose our teacher gives us a lot
Are you celebrating something special? At the Ranmere of extra work to prepare us for the final
Hotel, we have over 25 years’ experience in organising exams, so it’s probably right to get that
weddings and parties. With space for up to 80 guests, much homework.
our beautiful Stanlow Room is available for just 400
pounds from Sunday to Thursday evenings, and 500 Interviewer: I see. It would be good to find a solution.
pounds on Fridays and 600 pounds on Saturdays. What would you suggest?
For an extra fee, we will also provide drinks, light Jenny: I think it would be great if we got more
refreshments and full meals. We can also organise the help in the classroom. For example, we
music for your event, whether you want a DJ, a live could spend more time in class to look at
band or classical musicians. If you have any questions different ways to solve problems.
about your big day, our celebrations team will be happy Interviewer: Great, and what do you think about
to advise you. group work? Would that help?
To make an enquiry, just visit our website at Jenny: Well, we’re doing a project in the IT That’s R-A-N-M-E-R-E. Or you can room, and I think working in groups is
call us on 7946 0874. We look forward to helping you useful because we can help each other.
organise an event to remember. To be honest, at first I didn’t like doing
group work as I prefer to work alone, but
Optimise your exams, page 143,
3.30 | now I think working together is
definitely a good way to learn.
Listening, exercise 9
You will hear an interview with a student called Jenny. 3.31 |
Interviewer: Hi Jenny. The Student’s Union is doing a
Optimise B1 Student’s Book, by Malcolm Mann and
survey on homework. Can I ask you a
Steve Taylore-Knowles. Published by Macmillan
few questions for our questionnaire?
Education, a division of Springer Nature Limited.
Jenny: Of course! What would you like Copyright Springer Nature Limited, 2019.
to know?
Interviewer: In which subject do you get the
most homework?
Jenny: Um, that would be maths, definitely.
We’ve had homework every day this
week, and I still have homework for four
more subjects to do by Friday.

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