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June 1, 2011 Re: Manuel Ruiz

To Whom it May Concern, I was privileged to have Manuel Ruiz in my Psychology of Learning course this past Spring 2011 semester. Mr. Ruiz thrived in his studies and received an A in the course. Mr. Ruiz is a respectful, mature young man with a thirst for knowledge and understanding. He is timely, intellectual, driven, and good-natured. Over the course of this Spring semester, Mr. Ruiz has come class every day, prepared to learn. He often enriches the class environment with his thoughtful comments and questions. On numerous occasions, Mr. Ruiz has even stayed late, after class was over, to ask me follow up questions on the material covered during the lecture, in order to ensure that he understood the material accurately. Mr. Ruiz is a considerate student who is always respectful of the others and is a team player. In fact, Mr. Ruiz has regularly spoken up if some of the material is not easy to understand so that it can be clarified for everyone. In observing Mr. Ruizs interactions with other students in the class, I took note of his respectful nature, personable character and willingness to assist his fellow students. In sum, I highly recommend Manuel Ruiz to serve as a member of your sales team at TMobile. I know that he is eager, responsible, personable, and easy going and will be an excellent and responsible addition to your sales team. I strongly believe that Mr. Ruiz is worthy and deserving of a position at your corporation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Sara Bauer Adjunct Lecturer Lehman College Psychology Department E-mail: Phone: (516) 732 9823

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