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Lesson 2: Dignity of Teaching as a Profession

Observe a class. List down the personal and professional qualities of the

1. Personal Qualities
Knows how to listen with each other
Good Communicator

2. Professional Qualities
Good Communicator
He or She is effective communicator

Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What do you think are the best qualities of the teacher that you have observed? Why?
The best qualities of teacher that I have observed is he or she is listening to his or her
students without giving judgement first, he or she assess each scenario nor conflicts arise
whether inside the classroom or within school community. Not just like that he or she is
also an effective teacher wherein students gain mor knowledge in him or her.

2. How can the teacher continue to grow personally and professionally?

If he or she is open to any comments and suggestions that could let him or her grow and
developed as an individual or professionally, hearing those words with other people
sometimes doesn’t sounds rude but they are just more concern on you for you to grow
and developed personally.
Complete following:

1. I realized that
2. I believe that for you to grow and developed personally as a teacher, sometimes we may
find rude or gossips the people around us, but we didn’t even notice sometimes their
piece of advice or even help could also be the way for us to grow personally if we are just
willing to listen and apply it within ourselves.
3. I feel that for us to grow and developed personally, let us not ignore someone who’s
willing to help us to conquer it.
4. When I become a teacher, I will always be open to any kind of development wherein I
could use it for my teaching profession too.

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