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Musa Jones

February 2015

Well Being/Mana Atua

Belonging/Mana Whenua

Musa is becoming very

independent, he is now
toilet trained, takes rest
and sleep as his body

Musa often
brings treasure
from home to
share with his
friends and
After speaking with his
Musas family
Grandmother we are
members often visit and stay a little time
more focused on his
when picking up or dropping off Musa. This
emotional well-being,
has seen Musa develop strong connections
supporting Musa to express, articulate and
between home and centre.
resolve a range of emotions.
This term we are focused on belonging and
will extend Musa by exploring his familys
country of origin and becoming familiar with
the world map.
Contribution/Mana Tangata
Communication/Mana Reo
Musa happily
Musa has English
initiates play
as his second
although prefers
language, he is
to wait for an
able to understand
invitation. Musa
and communicate
always responds
in English.
appropriately to
Recently we have
others initiating play or conversation.
observed he does not appear to hear or is
Musa is currently involved in our large group
ignoring some things. We will watch this
time (science, nutrition, technology group
closely to ensure it is not tiredness or
interest based), and Quran
something simple.
Exploration/Mana Aotroa
Musa enjoys creating and solving problems
in play and exploring ideas through dramatic
play. Musas interest in things outside
himself has continued to expand. We support
his interests in different characters and giving
materials for imaginative play.

Musa is a very friendly and confident boy at

An-Nur. We are most focused on his positive
social strategies for negotiation and selfexpression. We will focus on how Allah likes
us to interact with others as taken from the
Islamic planning, and extend on his skills for
negotiation such as trading, setting use limits
etc. We already see this behaviour during
group sessions and with speaking to his
family want to encourage it further.
As always we will focus on his Arabic and
Islamic knowledge with Musa this term
joining the Islamic session on top of Quran.

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