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Belonging/Mana Whenua Nusayba has a strong sense of identity with sophisticated understanding of possessions for her age. Now Nusayba is three years old she has started participating in the larger Tui group time and Islamic sessions.

Well-Being/Mana Atua Nusayba is very independent, with feeding, sleeping and now toileting! Nusayba is able to articulate her needs. Nusaybas mother will be having a baby brother in the near future.

Contribution/Mana Tangata Manhas confidence has grown a lot, as regularly shared with her mother. Manha has the patience and determination required to follow ongoing projects we will begin offering her more of these to continue building on her confidence.

Communication/Mana Manha refused to speak when she started with us, this had been observed at her previous centre also. We could tell by her actions she could understand English but was not yet confident enough to express herself. Manha is now very verbal this is great to see! We are all proud of Manha and encourage her speech. She happily chats with friends as well as initiate conversations to teachers Manha is doing very well, and has established a close group of three good friends, while enjoying social interactions with all her peers. We will continue to build on her sense of belonging and confidence to encourage further contributions. We will continue offering a range of free play and large group activities to support Manhas friendships. These friendships are very important to her and see her continue to experience success.

Exploration/Mana Aotroa Manha enjoys all art and creative experiences. I have observed her using this medium to explore mathematical concepts of patterns, shape and size which she is introduced to throughout different sessions.


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