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Belonging/Mana Whenua Sameena is becoming very confident in her place at An-Nur within her own social group. Using her photos and art work to display in the classroom is increasing her mana whenua. As Sameena is five years old we will start supporting and expanding her links between centre and wider community. Contribution/Mana Tangata

Well-Being/Mana Atua Sameena is now five years old, and is continuing her education with us until she turns six. Sameena has therefore been with us a long time, and we are conscious of the need to balance the predictable routines she enjoys with activities and events that cause her moderate uncertainty. Communication/Mana

It is very evident during play Sameena is confident in her use of Sameenas ability for complex English and Arabic, happy to social problem skills are increasing. initiate and maintain conversations We have observed her starting to with peers of all ages as well as take on a protective role teachers. encouraging younger children to play with particular children. We will challenge her increasing ability through more appropriate peer meditating strategies. Exploration/Mana Aotroa Sameena enjoys using a wide range of materials for active exploration. Sameenas emerging interest of developing working theories of her world is expanded on during group sessions.

Sameena is very socially capable and strives to please adults/be good. We will follow her interests to encourage her confidence in self and identity of self to continue flourishing. For example it is a valuable skill being able to use trial and error, we will encourage Sameena to see this a strategy rather than failing which she would avoid at all costs. With Sameena being five years we will continue offering more formal sessions and routines closer to what she will encounter at school.


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