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Belonging/Mana Whenua

Wajiha truly feeling sense of belonging in centre. She is very confident to talk about what she values at home and we also encourage her express her ideas and thoughts without fear.

Well-Being/Mana Atua
Past few weeks I noticed she has developed an increasing responsibility of protect other children from harm as well as her own well being.

Contribution/Mana Tangata
She share her knowledge with her friends and teacher and always confidently give her voice. For example, Talk about Shaitan.

Communication/Mana Reo
Wajiha has ability to sustain long conversation, many times I observed her has private conversation with her friends..

Exploration/Mana Aotroa
She develops her confidence in playing alongside with her friends to explore the environment and make sense of social world. She also can put express her thought through drawing. Inxa Allah, We will encourage her to talk more about islamic topic and we also will extend her islamic knowledge basic on her previous knowledge.

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