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Belonging/Mana Whenua Since returning from the summer break, I have observed Shahzaib choosing his own friend groups as opposed to just playing with sister Wajiha. Shahzaib enjoys his time with Steven, Saleh, Ali and Yamin most.

Well-Being/Mana Atua Shahzaib is toilet trained, and very confident ensuring his needs are meet at school. If he needs the toilet he will tell us as well as go by himself.

Contribution/Mana Tangata


Shahzaib has moved from the Kiwi Shahzaib is confident and group to the Tui group and is now communicates readily with his joining in the Islamic session. sister and similar aged peers. As Shahzaib enjoys these group times his English continues to flourish we and actively participates. expect to see his sentence structures expand and conversations with older peers to be maintained for longer periods. T. Bushra can speak Shahzaibs home language. Exploration/Mana Aotroa Shahzaib enjoys to actively exploring basic math and science concepts through sensory activities. His favourite at the moment is sand, although his mother has expressed concern of sand effecting his skin. We continue to offer sand in appropriate ways ensuring it does not get in his clothes or on his back/stomach which appear to be sensitive. Shahzaibs sister is about to graduate to primary school. It is important we prepare Shahzaib for this transition. We will do this by reinforcing his own identity separate of his sister, and strengthening his emerging friendships. Shahzaib has shown an interest in the Islamic sessions and prayer, we will support him in learning how to perform wadu and prayer.

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