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Numeracy We will be focusing on counting, partitioning, calculating; securing number facts, understanding shapes, handling data and measures,

and identifying relationships. Any practice at home with times tables would be beneficial to your childs numeracy. Spanish The children will have a weekly lesson teaching them Spanish in accordance with the governments aim to introduce Modern Foreign Languages in to the primary curriculum. The children will be learning a range of skills from counting to answering and asking questions.

We look forward to making your childs learning enjoyable by adopting a variety of teaching strategies. This is a summary of the learning programme for the current term, together with suggestions of things that you could do to support your childs schoolwork. We hope it will be useful and helpful. RE We will be learning about Christianity and Hinduism principally this term. We will be learning about various festivals and celebrations this term and will be learning about Jesus.

Literacy We will continue to extend our reading and writing skills in our daily literacy hours and through other subjects where appropriate. We will be focusing on traditional tales, fables, reports and stories with familiar settings.

P.E. The children will be expected to have labelled PE kits that should be kept in school all week. We will be using the hall for gymnastics and to learn dance. We will also be learning and improving fielding games and ball skills in outdoor PE.

Topics As you may be aware this year we will be continuing to make our curriculum even more fun and interesting for our children by following our creative curriculum. Here are some of the topics that we will be covering this term: Being Me including my local area Africas Child Sunshine and Plants

ICT We will use ICT to research our topic work this term and will be using a selection of writing and graphics packages. We will be learning word processing skills, how to incorporate multimedia into our work, how to control devices and how to use the internet safely for research.

PSHE & C We will be learning about welcoming people into our school and how to create a community. We will spend time learning about the importance of setting goals and learning how to achieve them. We will also be discussing how changes affect our lives

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