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The Capital Region Maritime Center will host a


for adults and kids 10 years old and up. The 8-hour course will be taught over three (3) evenings from 6-9 PM on August 23, 24 and 25. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ALL 3 CLASSES and BE ON TIME to be eligible for the 50-question multiple choice final examination, held the last day of class. Successful completion leads to a NYS Safe Boating Certificate necessary for youth ages 10 to 17 to legally operate a motorboat solo. It is also needed for ALL operators 14 and over to legally operate a personal watercraft (PWC) which includes Jet skis, etc. The course is free but there is a $25 facilities use fee ($50 max per family) payable by check to the Capital Region Maritime Center. The course is free to CRMC members. There is a $10 filing fee with NYS Parks for students 18+ to receive their certificate. Youth 10-17 no cost. Minimum age to participate in the course is 10 years. With advance notice, accommodations can be made for persons having disabilities. To reserve a seat, send a check for $25 (non-refundable) for each registrant made to the Capital Region Maritime Center and the student name (s), address, and phone number to CRMC Boaters Safety Training, PO Box 22, Alplaus, NY 12008. Class will remain open for registration until all seats are sold. (40 students maximum) NYS Safe Boating Certificates will be given to students to pass the course. Certificates are good for life and never have to be renewed. Some insurance companies may offer discounts to certificate holders. For more information or to reserve a seat call


8/25, 2011 from 6-9 pm
(all sessions mandatory)

WHEN: Tues, 8/23 thru Thurs, WHERE: Capital Region Maritime Center
901 Maritime Ave, Alplaus, NY 12008

WHO: Adults and Kids 10+ HOW MUCH: $35 total.

(Includes all materials, a taxdeductable $25 facility charge + $10 filing fee to NYS Parks for students 18 and older, payable separately.)


and pay only the $10 fee CALL 518-384-0644 to reserve your spot; or send your check & registration info to CRMC

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