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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, September 1, 2011 Contact: Aimee Chiu Phone: (202) 595-3160 Email: aimee@aicongress.

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Project Nur Launches Blood Drive to Honor 9/11 Victims

Students nationwide join the Muslims for Life campaign to collect 10,000 pints of blood.

Washington, D.C. Project Nur (PN), in conjunction with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, announced the launch of a nationwide blood drive honoring the victims of 9/11. The campaign, Muslims for Life, seeks to collect 10,000 pints of blood and save 30,000 lives. Muslims for Life will host blood drives at 71 chapters throughout the country for the entire month of September. Additional blood drives are being held at multiple sites in conjunction with various community organizations, including the American Red Cross and Americas Blood Centers. Students across the country will commemorate the lives lost on 9/11 by organizing blood drives on their campuses, handing out fliers, giving blood and, most importantly, saving lives, said Hassan Naveed, Program Coordinator at Project Nur. Project Nur students from over 50 chapters across the country are preparing to volunteer their time for this campaign and give blood. Visit to find answers to frequently asked questions or locate a blood drive near you. Project Nur is a student-led initiative of the American Islamic Congress focused on advocating for social justice by empowering responsible leaders to cultivate an environment of acceptance and mutual respect between Muslims and all communities. Visit for more information.

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