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Further Adventures in Dowsing - the Charts

Compiled, written and conceived by Dave Cowan, Boulder, CO

Copyright 2009 Blue Sun Energetics LLC Contact Dave to discuss reprint rights for class or workshop use.

Disclaimer The information in this Manual is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. It is in no way intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or otherwise aect any mental, physical or psychological disease, disorder or illness. Anyone seeking medical treatment or diagnosis should consult with a Licensed Health Professional. Given the regrettable track record of misdiagnosis and over prescription of dangerous drugs by the medical establishment, however, anyone deciding to do this is further encouraged to always seek at least a second opinion. Do your own preventative homework. Educate yourself, take responsibility, live fully and freely. 2


s outlined briey in the rst volume, Adventures in Dowsing (available as a download from a quick and easy way to get helpful information from your Superconcious Mind is through the use of Dowsing Charts. About three fourths of us are visual learners. Using visual charts is easier for many people than navigating text or auditory modalities of learning alone. Charts are hands on tools, and can be made quickly and easily to measure and aect practically any issue imaginable. How do the charts work? Let us review for a moment the dynamics of Dowsing. With Dowsing, we experience an interface between the physical and non-physical dimensions. This occurs in part because of certain physical structures in the body that respond to subtle, or non-physical, forms of energy. The most obvious of these structures would be the Autonomic Nervous System, or ANS. The ANS is designed to operate automatically to regulate body functions like breathing, heart rate and countless physical processes so you dont have to consciously think of these things. This is very convenient! The ANS also responds automatically to what it perceives as threatthe so-called ght or ight response. We share this kind of survival reex with all living things, down to the smallest microbe. It is part of what is also called electrophysiological reactivity; the ability to instantaneously react in order to adjust to changes in our environment. When you make a conscious decision to act upon the physical world, you can move your body to act on your command. These kinds of actions involve the conscious mind sending information through the Central Nervous System to the larger motor muscles in the body. You do this when, for example you type on a keyboard, or pick up a glass of water. However, the ANS is wired into the Superconscious Mind, which operates beneath conscious awareness, but actually makes up 90% of our brain capacity, compared to the 10% capacity used by the Conscious Mind. Given this proportion, which aspect of Intelligence would you put more condence in to give you more complete information on a situation? When we put a question to the Superconscious Mind, it will respond through the ANS and the smaller or micro muscles of the bodythe same way it would respond to a life stressor through the ght or ight response. The dierence with Dowsing is that you are consciously tapping into this deeper intelligence, rather than just relying on it as a re alarm.

What is the Superconscious Mind then? A traditional Materialist scientist would say it is the product of millions of years of physical evolution. Somehow we evolved a biological computer we call the brain. Of course this computer, though amazing, is pretty much limited to perceiving sensory data, and is thus chained to the physical worldthus the Empiricists Oath: Anything measurable is real, anything not measurable is imagination. The Quantum Physicist would oer that we now can demonstrate that the brain supports Quantum Functions as well as physical ones. As such, the brain is not limited to operating within the sensory world, but is involved in nonlocal reality and can aect matter and energy through the power of attention and intention. Non-local also infers not being limited to linear time or space. We nd that the brain is the vehicle for the Mind, which can exist without a brain! The Mind is a non-local point of awareness not limited by the body, time or space. The Mind lls the Universe. The Quantum Physicists, although recognizing Oneness in the form of entanglement, have not quite yet made the leap to acknowledging the causal directionality of these processes. Many researchers have observed the strong correlations between Quantum functions and traditional views of Metaphysics and Spirituality, while many still hold on to the wish that we are still somehow the foundational Cause of the Mindin other words, we made ourselves. This wish represents one of the nal defensive bastions of the ego, the ego being a set of conditioned beliefs built on the false foundation of separation, individuation and the fears this imaginary condition fosters. The experiencer of Non Dual reality, or Oneness, has stepped out of the mirror enough to appreciate the possibility that a pre-existing Intelligence, preceding the material universe and thus the brain, is at the causal root of even the Mind itself. This infers a Divine Thinker, or Creator. Dare we say God? If this were true, then all seemingly separate aspects of the Universe are unied in this Prime Intelligence. As an expression of this Prime Intelligence, your Superconscious Mind is holographically wired into not only all possible knowledge, but also into appreciating your true Self as One with that Intelligence. Again, to what aspect of your self would you prefer to refer to for accurate and helpful information? The choice is limited to two; the time-bound conditioned and fearful, although logical (in its own terms) ego, or your Superconscious Mind which retains the memory of and communication potential with all that is?


lease refer to Adventures in Dowsing for the preliminaries and basic clearings involved in a typical Dowsing session. These charts are to be used as an appendix or in addition to the protocol outlined there. Be sure to be coming from a clear place when approaching the charts, assured of your protection, accuracy, optimal frequency, etc. Dowsing works best when it is used for Healing or a return to Wholeness, as this is the common solution to all perceived problems. All of the charts involve holding pendulum over the fulcrum or center point, asking the appropriate question, and allowing the Superconscious Mind to direct the movement toward the answer. There are explanations with suggested questions and approaches for shifting energies with each of the charts. Trust your intuition and Guides to help you. These charts represent the accumulation of dowsable issues that came to me over the years. Some of these evolved out of workshops, or were modied from others work. Whenever I would read about or hear of a new set of variables or way of seeing something and it would occur to me, Hey, this could be Dowsed, a new chart would result. I highly recommend you do the same. Use these charts for as much as they are helpful, but consider building you own personal set as well, based on your own learning and what is revealed to you. Nobody has the patent on the right way to Dowse! I have provided a set of dowsing template blanks in the back that you may duplicate for your own (non-commercial) use. Most of the charts will provide information that will lead to the opportunity to either remove or improve something. I again refer you to the rst manual on techniques for removal and enhancement, or bringing in, of energies. This is a form of Dowsing I like to call Active Dowsing that goes above and beyond just getting information, or Passive Dowsing. I would like to acknowledge my teacher, Raymon Grace, for introducing me to this way of working. I also want to thank my friend and colleague Montgomery Young who generously provided his skill and time in putting these charts together from my rough sketches. I also acknowledge the work of Doreen Virtue and all the teachers I have met along the way. Thank You! And nally, a word on the value of non attachment to outcomes. As with any Healing Art, the practice of Dowsing can be oered in the service of Spirit for true healing, which is wholeness or returning to Oneness, or can be taken up by the ego for its own purposes of keeping up the illusion of separation.

There is a tendency, especially as the rst results from Dowsing begin to manifest, for the ego to jump in by making us feel somehow special or particularly powerful. Actually, any feeling or idea that makes us feel better or worse than anyone is coming from ego. We are all equal beings, and the Universe is our relationships with each other is one of my favorite quotes from Golas The Lazy Mans Guide to Enlightenment. Give the power of your Superconscious Mind back to its source, and leave the results up to Spirit (God, or the Divine, or whatever word or symbol works for you). We are all operating within the One Mind of the Divine. Our wholeness and Healing are already accomplished on the level of Spirit. It is only on the level of form; the body, time, space and the world, where it is possible to suer. All we as healers can ever do is shorten the time it takes to come back to this understandingthis is called Awakening to our True Self. Eventually, we all will Awaken. So there is nothing really to be accomplished here, other than realizing that who we really are is not here at all! We are One with the One. So please dont take what you think of as your self too seriously. And lets help each along the way as best we can by sharing whatever we do from this place of inner peace, condence and knowing. It is said that with the movement from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, we are moving from the age of belief to the age of knowing. May your Dowsing be an assist to you on your Path of Knowing who you really are! And you are amazing beyond words!


ere are some suggestions how best to use the charts. 1. Simply open each to each chart and ask, Is this an appropriate chart to use for (person, situation)? Wait for a Yes or No response 2. Ask from the Contents page, How many of these charts would be helpful today for (person, situation)? Go down the list of charts and wait for a Yes response, or use your Hand Chart to dowse out how many charts on the page or in the list apply, Dowse ou t the number of digits in the answer, and then ask for the number of the rst chart, the second one, etc. 3. After a number of clearings, dont for get to ll any voids with 5th Dimensional energies. Please direct any questions or comments (success stories!) to: Consider signing on to the Newsletter and be kept updated on our events. You may also enquire about sponsoring a Dowsing event in your area, or, if you are a Trainer, using these materials in your classes. Also note our Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Healer Coach Licensing program. This is an amazingly transformative course aimed at deepening your Spiritual awareness which leads to a recognized License as a Spiritual Healer. Earn the recognition and legal protection you deserve! The Charts have been coded M, E, S, P, En as pertaining to either Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Physical or Environmental Domains. You may want to ask if an issue is at root pertaining to one or more of these areas, and access the appropriate charts that way. There will be some variation of focus within certain charts, so please dont limit your search by this criteria only.



1. CHART OF TEN .................................................................................................................. 11 2. BALANCE CHART............................................................................................................... 12 3. STARTING POINT ............................................................................................................... 14 4. IDENTITY FOCUS ............................................................................................................... 16 [ MES ] 5. EXPANDED IDENTITY ........................................................................................................ 20 [ MES ] 6. LIFE ARENAS ..................................................................................................................... 22 [ MES ] 7. CHALLENGES 1 ................................................................................................................. 24 [ ME ] 8. CHALLENGES 2 ................................................................................................................. 26 (MESPEN) 9. BLOCKAGES ...................................................................................................................... 28 (MESP) 10. BLOCKAGES AND DOORWAYS ....................................................................................... 30 (MES) 11. MEGA HERTZ SCALE ...................................................................................................... 32 (SP) 12. AURA FREQUENCY IN HERTZ ........................................................................................ 34 (MES) 13. BRAIN WAVE FREQUENCIES ........................................................................................... 36 (MS) 14. DARK ENTITIES 1 ............................................................................................................ 40 (MES) 15. DARK ENTITIES 2 ............................................................................................................ 44 (MES)

16. NON BENEFICIAL ENERGY PATTERNS ........................................................................... 47 (MESP) 17. IMPLANTS ....................................................................................................................... 49 (SP) 18. MUSICAL TONES ............................................................................................................ 50 (MEP) 19. COLORS .......................................................................................................................... 51 (MESP) 20. WHO YOU GONNA CALL? ............................................................................................ 53 (S) 21. BENEVOLENT ETS .......................................................................................................... 54 (S) 22. MORE ANGELIC HELPERS .............................................................................................. 55 (S) 23. ASCENDED MASTERS 1 ................................................................................................. 56 (S) 24. ASCENDED MASTERS 2 ................................................................................................. 57 (S) 25. CHAKRA LEAKAGE ......................................................................................................... 59 (MES) 26. LIMITING ARCHETYPE .................................................................................................... 61 (MES) 27. POSITIVE ARCHETYPES .................................................................................................. 63 (MES) 28. SOURCES OF ENERGY AND INFORMATION .................................................................... 65 (MES) 29. WATER SURFACE TENSION ............................................................................................ 67 (P) 30. ORGAN OF CONCERN .................................................................................................... 68 (P) 31. PH ACID ALKALINE SCALE ............................................................................................ 70 ( P)

32. CORE FEARS 1 ................................................................................................................ 71 (ME) 33. CORE FEARS 2 ................................................................................................................ 72 (ME) 34. MENTAL, PHYSICAL, SPIRITUAL EXTRAS ....................................................................... 74 (MSP) 35. HOMEOPATHIC POTENCIES ............................................................................................ 76 (P) 36. WEIGHT CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 80 (EP) 37. PARIETAL LOBE ACTIVITY .............................................................................................. 82 (M) 38. SOLFEGGIOS, HEALING FREQUENCIES .......................................................................... 84 (PS) 39. MIASMS .......................................................................................................................... 86 (P) 40. CELL TRANS MEMBRANE ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL ...................................................... 88 (P) 41. 5 ELEMENTS, MERIDIANS .............................................................................................. 90 (EP) 42. EARTH ENERGIES AND GEOPATHIC STRESS .................................................................. 94 (PEN) 43. CUSTOM BLANK CHARTS .............................................................................................. 98-101



his chart is the most universal of all charts. It can be used to measure practically anything that can be measured. How you set it up in your Mind determines how you use it. It can be used for counting, miles, pounds, inches, light years, gallons, years, etc. You can see the numbers as they are, or as 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc. You can also use it as a Percentage scale. EG: What percentage of the population can learn to Dowse? or What percent of my income should I donate to charity? etc. It can also be used (cautiously) for predicative information, or Probability. I say cautiously, as the Future is wide open, and we are creating it as we go. With Probability (as a Percent) always qualify, Under current conditionswhat is the Probability that? See Adventures for more.


-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7

-8 -9




Blue Sun Energetics

his chart addresses measuring anything or issue that can be looked at from a Balance point of view. EG: any kind of issue measured as Yin or Yang. Left of center (negative zone) could represent Yin, the right side Yang. You can ask about the energetic state of the body or organ this way. Another use is Benefit vs. Deficit. Ask, What is the effect of this food or supplement on my body? or How does this place, person or situation affect my energy? Corrective procedure: If an organ measures weak (Yin side) use a Right Spin to raise the energy. If an issue measures on the right side (Yang, or over energized) use a Left Spin to reduce the energy or Stress. No matter what the application, the intent is to bring the energy back to 0 which represents Balance.



se this chart whenever you want to start an investigation. The Primary Domain is not necessarily consistent with how the issue may appear. Ask Is this issue at its root Physical, Mental, Emotional or Environmental? You can then refer to the charts coded with either P, M, E, S or En and go through each asking if they are relevant. I often ask Is this issue a present life issue? Past Life? or Future life? It seems many issues these days are coming up from Parallel lives to be cleared once and for all. The notion of Past or Parallel lives is consistent with the idea of Oneness; that we are all seemingly individual expressions of the One Mind. If this is so, then all lives are shared! It seems, however, as we design our experiences here, we tend to manifest or identify with lives of a similar theme or Karmic avor over time in order to best learn our forgiveness lessons. We seem to resonate, as it were, with specic expressions of individuality within the greater Oneness that we are. Radionic Rates are number values that can be Dowsed on the chart of 10 for any issue imaginable. Ask, Is there a Radionic Rate for this issue for (person)? I have never gotten a no response! How many digits in the Rate? And the rst digit is? The second? etc. Once you have the Rate, with a Right Spin, command, I am now sending this Rate to (person) at the most appropriate strengths and potencies for their optimal benet. I ask that this rate continue to resonate with (person) at full strength and potency until no longer needed, necessary or benecial. Whenever a new issue comes forward, you may want to refer back to this chart. The Rate, which will be a number of any length, can also be copied on a piece of paper and carried, or slapped on a bottle of water to infuse the water with that energy.





his chart has to do with what the Superconcious knows about the clients Identityor, what areas the client is currently Identifying with. Bear in mind, aside from Divine Love or Universal Consciousness, none of these identities are real. They are more like stations or concepts in our awareness where we may be lingering. As such, we can get stuck in the stationguring this out can motivate us to hop back on the train of Awakening! Soul Imprisonment implies something causing limitation is likely going on in another Dimension. Find out which one, and a Time Frame if possible. You may need to release some old contracts, vows, karmic issues or interfering spirits or ETs. The Pain Body is explained elegantly by Eckhard Tolle as a Parasitic Emotional memory that creates suering to feed its addiction. A good denition of the Ego! Even Spirit Identication can be out of balance, as in when we fail to integrate all the dimensions, or get ungrounded. When we over-spiritualize everything, this is another Ego ploy to create an Identity around being more Spiritual than others. As the extra chakras come on line as a natural part of the evolution of the 5th Dimensional Light Body, we expand by stages from awareness of our connection to Mother Earth (Terran Chakra below the feet) to our Solar, Galactic and ultimately Universal connection. This is how we come to realize that all within our awareness is US, that we ARE the universe of our experience, and even our awareness of that is a stage in our growth toward total awareness of Oneness with the Divine, Prime Creator, or God. We are moving toward a 12 Chakra system. The Planetary Ascension Team describes those volunteers who are here to raise the frequency and thus the consciousness of the Planet and Humanity through their Presence and what they may do as healers, artists or educators. Some are rst timers on the Planet or in human incarnation, and so may feel somewhat detached or nave when it comes to understanding human aairs. They may even feel a sense of not belonging here until they become aware of their higher purpose.


[M E S]
Planetary C ss onsciousne


Spirit Awaken






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Soul Imprisonment
Blue Sun Energetics

Planetary Ascension Team



e are all multidimensional beings. We are also One with the Divine. Within that Oneness, we are having multiple experiences simultaneously. Knowing these other hidden identities can help us better understand and accept parts of ourselves that may leave us confused us or make us feel like we dont belong. Frankly, we dontso, if this is you, youre right! But self acceptance can be part of our total Healingand it leads to other acceptance as well. Its also fun to know ourselves on other levels. Just dont let the Ego suck you into thinking you are special; everyone is, and no-one is! We are equal beingshaving a Human experience. A Human Human is one whose primary focus has always been evolving on the Earth. They will be very close to Nature, and do not feel the need to venture into esoteric worlds. Many Native and Aboriginals would qualify here. They can become Earthbound Spirits when they die because they are happy just to be here with Mother Earth. A Fairy would be someone closing aligned with the Elemental Kingdom, or 2D. People with Fairy connections are often inspiring to be around; they carry a lot of Light in the form of good humor and sociability. We need folks like that to keep us lightand from taking ourselves too seriously!

A person from the Galactic Federation is tied into the council of Beings overseeing the Planetary Ascension process. As such, they can hold a sense of the bigger picture, a feeling of condence in the Plan and a sense of participating in something big it helps to put our problems in perspective when we can see the big picture. These folks will be drawn to information on 2012 and the Planetary Ascension. The dierent Planets and Cosmic places are simply locations where we have, or are having, another experiencepart of our total education in this quadrant. You may feel a connection to some of these societies, and there are good books channeled from these places. Barbara Marciniaks Bringers of the Dawn is a good one to start with, especially for Pleiadians. We the Arcturians by Norma Milanovich is another. An Ascended Master is a 5th Dimensional Being here by free-will choice to help the Planet and Humanity. They dont need to be here like the rest of us to learn lessonsthey did already, but Love you enough to come back and help. Theres a lot coming through nowthis is the big show theyve been waiting for!

Incarnate Angels are Humans operating from the upper 4th Dimension with a strong connection to the higher 5th Dimension. They live from the Heart. They are often very sensitive to things like cruelty and violence, and do not tolerate this kind of energy very wellit makes them sick. They are prone to showing up at the right place and the right time to do some goodgive a hand or encouragement, or even a healing touch or prayer. Keep your eyes openthey will shine through the eyes of that loving person, whether old, in-between or very young, and leave you feeling like, well, youve been touched by an Angel! An Elemental often has a pixie or gnome-like appearance, and an anity for Nature. They may have an impish personality and love to play tricks. They have a hard time in Cities. Once one has been identied, they can consciously decide to align more with Nature, and feel more at home here. Walk-ins are the positive versions of entity possession. Knowing one is a walk-in can be helpful in explaining life events especially if you Dowse the year of transition. This was usually a time of signicant change in Life direction, usually toward a more altruistic service to others orientation, as a Walk In is usually a more mature soul with a higher purpose in service to mankind. See Ruth Montgomerys Strangers Among Us . A Wizard is someone who is likely playing that role in a Parallel life. They will be drawn to magical possibilitiesperhaps healing arts like Energy Work or Homeopathy. One goal of a Wizard is to Master the Transmutation of Elements. As such, they are often able to turn lead into Gold in the form of amazing Healing Skills, invention or use of new Healing technologies, crystals, sacred geometry and other ancient arts. A Final Incarnation is a reason for celebration. It means a Soul has neared the end of its 3D life lessons. Many here at this time have waited until now for their nal incarnation, as they want to graduate along with Earth and all 3D life forms during the Shift the Ages due to culminate in 2012. If you are one, however, be on the lookout for your nal forgiveness lessonit could be a biggya crowning achievement in forgiveness drawn from the deepest recesses of your being. Its ok, though, as this being your nal incarnation, you will most likely pass the test with ying colors!


Ascending with Terra means you will be among those who move into the 5th Dimension with the Earth in your current physical form. This means your physical form will be going through some fundamental re-designing, which can be temporarily weird. Research Light Body Activation for more insight. Support your body with Light, rest, water and patience! Trust that you will be guided to be at the right places at the right time! Remaining on 3D Earth implies not making it through the Ascension to a 5D expression. This does not carry with it any form or level of judgment. One Dimension is not better than another. They just represent dierent kinds of experience. If a Soul chooses to remain with 3D Earth, or incarnate onto another 3D Planet, it is because it knows what kinds of experiences it needs on its sojourn home to Oneness. It may be these are simply young souls going through the same curriculum as all of us! Although a future 3D Earth may be dealing with some of the same challenges we see today on Earth, it may be that with a diminished population, there would be less pollution, more available resources and a new perspective on the lessons of history to draw upon. Eventually, we all make it home. The paths may vary, the destination is the same. 8th Dimensional Beings come from highly developed non-material civilizations located much closer to the Galactic Center than Earth. As this is the Dimension of the Mind of God these would be pretty highly developed beings. They would be here as Ascension helpers, too, I imagine. A Time Lord 9D being would be part of the planning executive for our experience of Time. As we are nearing the end of the current dispensation of Time, a 9D Being would likely be here to help usher in the next Time Wave and help us adjust to the next Cosmic Plan.


[M E S]



his chart can be used to focus on specic areas for deeper investigation. Ask how many apply. Forgiveness Lesson invites the client to look at areas where they may be holding a grievance, or a relationship where the thought of it brings a loss of Peace. Consider introducing them to the simple Hoponopono forgiveness method. Without necessarily feeling it, just have them bring the person or situation to mind, and tell that person I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you until the feeling becomes lighter. Zero Limits by Joe Vitale is a good book on this technique, and it works to permanently shift relationships, even if the person is deceased. There are two kinds of Forgiveness. The old style looks at the fault, thus making it real, and then forgives. True Forgiveness sees no fault at all, only the radiance of the Divine Creator behind the face of the criminal. True Forgiveness eventually leads to the realization there is nothing to Forgive. When we get there, we realize we too are Forgiven on this level. The rest of the items are fairly self explanatory. See what kind of questions come to mind and trust your intuitive sense. For example if you Dowse Spiritual Identity it may bring up the question, Is this person aware of their Spiritual Identity? If you get no, ask if there are other charts that can help bring forward this information, or other Spirit Guides or Angels. Maybe they are in denial of their Spiritual Identify, or have mis-identied themselves. Ask. Or if Highest Purpose comes up, you may ask Is this person aware of, or in their Highest Purpose? and Is starting this new job, relationship or ______ a part of their Highest Purpose? If Occupation comes up, you may want to use the Balance Chart to see the overall eect of their current occupation on their Mind, their Body or Spirit. Do they have any unfullled vows or agreements keeping them in an unpleasant situation that could be cleared? Use the probability chart to ask What is the probability they could nd an occupation more in line with their Highest Purpose in a weeka month2 months? etc. You may want to Dowse in a team of Helpers (see below) to lead the client to the perfect Occupation. Think of these Helpers as the job committee, asking which Helper will work on specic aspects of the career change. This idea of Helper Committees can be applied to any project, or course.


[M E S]



think of Challenges as Life Lessons in Process. They do not have to become blockages, but can if we give into fear or denial. When we repress issues, they grow larger in our imagination. Approach these issues with sensitivity. Usually, when you Dowse a Challenge (and there can be more than one here), the client will recognize what is being referred to. Even if the conscious Mind does not want to go there, their Superconscious Mind is well aware of whats going on. You can ask to what degree, or percentage, is this challenge impacting happiness, fulllment, relationships or nancial success. Knowing these things can provide some motivation for change. You can also ask to go back to the time (year, month and/or day) that the challenge became a blockage, measure its intensity on a scale of 10, and reduce it to zero (left spin) at that time. For some reason, this seems to give better results than doing the same for the current time frame. Although we understand that in Quantum Time, all events are happening at once, the conscious or operative mind still believes in Time as an absolute, so we work with it on a level it can accept. Boredom is a challenge that seems to come up for lots of teens. Maybe its cool to be boredI forget! Boredom is a sign the person is stuck in their egoic mindwhich has an insatiable appetite for more. More of anything will do. This is the root of Bulimia, addiction to TV, endlessly talking on the phone, loud musicanything to give the experience of more. Of course this is the insatiable Ego once again doing its best to obscure the fact that we already have everything! The ego realizes our endless need for more perpetuates our sense of Separation and lack, thus ensuring its own survival. Because it knows it is an imaginary being, the ego has a program to avoid its own dissolution at all costs, even at the cost of your life. Yes, the ego would rather destroy you than have you see it for what it iswhich is nothing at all! It is just a sick jokenot even a funny one. Hey you know what! The ego is sooo boring! Cognitive Dissonance occurs when we try to hold onto contradictory ideas or beliefs. Remember that all conict is between illusions. None of our ideas are ultimately true or real as perception is always incomplete. The egoic mind chops up reality into little bits promising someday well have enough information to put it all together. Yeah, right! This is another ego game to keep us stuck in the head and away from our True Nature : Peace. Learn to meditate and become the detached observer of your thoughts. Youll soon appreciate their unreality!

[M E]


he notion of Compromised Guides, Higher Self and Consciousness comes from Lynn Grabhorns work. You will have wanted to check yourself on these before attempting to help anyone else. When these come up, as noted in Adventures in Dowsing, ask your Guides permission (Can I, May I and Should I proceed?), then ask (Left Spin) that all aspects of the Guides, Higher Self or Consciousness that are not 100% of the Light be cleared and replaced with aspects of 100% Lightin a manner easily acceptable to the client. For EMF Interference, ask if the source is natural or manmade. Dowse out (LS left spin) all negative eects, and in (RS right spin) protection and healthy adaptation to EMFs. Scalar Interference is likely of Human source. You may want to Dowse in (RS) a protective, reective shield, or shift the Scalar wave to a healthy frequency. Surveillance device implies some kind of tracking device. Ask if it is of Human or ET originis it material or ethericare there other charts here than can shed more lightis it in the Highest Good to keep this implantis it part of an agreement or contractis the contract completeis the contract in (the clients) Highest Goodcan it be neutralized with Dowsingdo I need to ask a specic Guide, Angel or Master to do thisis this Guide in one of the charts in this book? This is an example of a chain of questions you can ask once you identify an issue. Obviously, the more you learn on these topics, the more informed questions you can ask. Ask to be guided to sources of information that will expand your understanding of some of these things. One of my personal favorites is Nexus Magazine (.com). Stay awake and openyou are surrounded with energy and information all the time! A Critter is some kind of lower Astral formoften bug-like, if you see one. Just send them to a higher dimension for purication. Negative Energy Beacons/Objects are things that have some kind of connection to a lower Astral entity or thought form. They are like homing beacons for negative energy. Often they are old antiques, creepy pictures or objects, family heirlooms or garage sale treasures. Even old record albums and books can carry these energies. Clear the Astral energy by asking your guides to take it higher, and ask to be shown what objects do not belong in the home or property. Often there can be an emotional attachment to work throughlike getting rid of an old family portrait or gift. Maybe that junk car out back, or the cow skull hanging on the fence (I had that one!). Chuck it! Youll feel much better.


[ M E S P En ]



ou can think of a Blockage as a Challenge thats moved underground. In other words, it is much more likely to be a persistent pattern. Likely they were established a long time ago, but repressed, denied, and then projected out and reecting back to us as negative experiences like illness, enemies, bad luck, you get the picture! Again, we do not need conscious recall of the details when one of these patterns comes up, we just need the willingness to acknowledge the possibility it exists, and to ask to have it cleared is enough. One of the ways these things aect us is by paralyzing the Will, as in Whats the use...thats just me. S*** happens to me all the time! No point in trying to change it! The rst one Guilt, is the worst of all, because it serves to keep us in perpetual isolation, separation and suering, and it is not real! Its rather a collective hallucination that runs deep in the Human Psyche. Clearing Guilt or any of these other Blockages may not be a one shot deal you may have to be happy with clearing it layer by layer. The rst step in clearing anything is, however, awareness of the problem. This is a necessary starting point. Turn the process over to the Divinetell the Divine you are determined to be free of this blockage, and you would appreciate all the help you can get ! Ask to be made aware of when the blockage is operativea solid clue is whenever you feel a loss of Peace or Joy.

Ive made a distinction between Morality and Ethics. Clarify which one is appropriate for the situation. Morality implies rules established by others which come from outside of us (Nation, Culture, Religion). Ethics are the internally motivated sense of right and wrongthe conscience, if you like. When we are aware of our brother and sister as equal expressions of the One Holy (Whole) Self, ethics become spontaneous and natural. Why would I hurt myself? Morality, on the other hand, can be the basis of useless guilt and mental and emotional slavery. When Parallel Lives come up, ask to Dowse out the year according to my current understanding of years, ask if it is measured in 1,2, 3, 4 digits, or more. Ask if you are dealing with a past or future Life. When you get the year, ask if it is AD or BC? Measure the degree of inuence of this other Time experience on the current life (scale of 10). Ask if the Parallel Life issue is at root Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual. Is it directly associated with the overall issue you are Dowsing today? Ask permission to Dowse out (LS) that issue from whatever value out of 10 it measures at to 0. Ask (LS) to break all contracts, vows, agreements, karmic issues and non-benecial psychic cords with that Life, and to remove the cellular, mental and emotional memories that

no longer serve the highest good. Bring True Forgiveness (RS) to all relationships implied by the issue at hand in all Time Frames and Dimensions. [M E S P]



ou could say these issues represent transitional opportunities. As Blockages, they are issues needing attention so we can move forward on our Path. Measure the degree of interference for any of these in percentage. As Doorways, these issues represent new directions or choices we can choose to follow. Again, these may represent themes needing ongoing attention to completely heal.

Distractions are anything we are using to keep us stuck. Look at behavior patterns, habits, or how we use a lot of our time for clues. If a certain behavior or activity keeps bringing us around to the same old form of sueringlike being addicted to abusive relationships, for example, we might look at that pattern as simply something our ego has set up to keep us looping back into suering and staying unaware of our True Self. When Adopted Beliefs come up, it is time to look at our assumptions about what is true for us. 99% of our thoughts are conditioned; picked up from the culture, parents, teachers, media and each other. We hold onto these adopted beliefs because we are afraid that without them we would have no beliefs, and we might not exist as a separate being. And we would be right! When you see how these beliefs are like Distractions and just cause suering, personal and collective, we have an opportunity to chuck them. Dont be afraid to be without beliefsthis will be temporaryas what you are doing by chucking the fake ones is telling the Universe youre ready for something Real and lasting to arrive, and it will, because the Truth is within you all along. The old Age of Pisces was the Age of Beliefwelcome the Age of Aquariusthe Age of Knowing. When you Know, you no longer need belief. Belief implies you dont know. Knowing you dont know is where you start on the Path to Wisdom. Some of these Doorways, like Breath Work, Fasting, Mantra Work, and Study are suggesting practices and disciplines to consider making friends with. We need some kind of practice that brings us closer to Oneness or the Divine on a regular basis, or we simply get lost in the dream of the body, time, space and the world. The choices coming up here are advice from your Higher Self, who knows what will work best for you. Maybe you are practicing these things in a Parallel lifeask if this is so, and if so, ask if you can tap into that aspect of yourself to help cultivate the skill here.


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his chart captures an average of the vibrational speed of the energy eld, which are reective of a variety issues both physical and non-physical. Simply ask, Where is my client on this scale today? The answer can provide a thread of questions around these issues. For a quick x, simply raise (RS) the value to optimal. Soul Re-absorption refers to a lastditch eort to salvage the soul substance of a being totally committed to its own destruction. The Soul can be salvaged from a dead end situation and start over on the evolutionary journey. The physical issues like Cancer, Candida and Flu are not diagnostic, but show their overall frequency would be supportive of these states. Below 68 it would be dicult to maintain any consistent degree of Happiness. Notice as the 12 Strand DNA begins to manifest (a natural part of the evolution of the 5D Light Body) the frequency rises. As Happiness lies at 70 which is also the 3D Limit, the implication here is that in order to be Happy, we must transcend limited Material consciousness. We must be able to see beyond the narrow range of our senses, and know beyond the cognitive prison of judgment and perception. Spinning up the frequency can hasten the shift to expanded awareness. This kind of Knowing is more feeling based that information based. The beginning of the inner shift is the awakening of the Willthe desire to see things dierently. If there were any value in suering, this would be it. That is, to get to the point of throwing up our hands and giving upon our own strength, and looking to a Higher Power to carry us. Something wonderful happens when we get to this place. Our emptiness makes room for the Divine, who says Now youre getting it! Lets do this life together from here on! The White Brotherhood refers to a council of Ascended Masters playing a major role in the Planetary Ascension.


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his chart is based on a measurement scale used by Valerie Hunt. The frequency of the aura does change, so be aware youre just getting a snapshot of the aura at the time of asking. For that matter, you can ask for the aura frequency at any point in time, too. Suicide is the lowest frequency. Suicidal feelings are the last ditch attempt of the Ego to destroy the form (body), rather than allow the Self to awaken. It is the result of denied and suppressed Guilt building up to intolerable levels. If this shows up, work on releasing Guilt in this and other lifetimes, and psychic cords or entities. Encourage self forgiveness through Hooponopono. Right Spin the frequency to the optimal. Pain Body identication is another Ego ploy to keep us in separation and suering. Dowse out (LS) the emotions, beliefs, assumptions and desire to identify with the Pain Body. You may need to Time Travel to specic emotional events the Pain Body is still feeding o. Re-measure in the Hertz scale.

Further up we have Annunaki 4D Access/Ego Dominant consciousness resonating from 400 Hz and below. The Annunaki are 4D ETs who symbolize polarization in the Male psyche, or the wounded male archetype. It was polarization in the Male energy 400,000 years ago that led to the colonization of Earth by these supernatural ETs, according the well-documented work of Zecheria Sitchin. They were responsible for nishing o the evolution of Mankind by upgrading rudimentary Hominids into Modern Humans for the purpose of slave labor. They went on to become the God Kings of early western civilizations, and established the lineage of human-God rulers, or Royal lineages, who still feel they are licensed to rule the planet by Divine Right. Western society, in exemplifying the qualities of the wounded male such as greed, power-mongering, domination and the need to wage war is now paying the price for this imbalance. A big part of the Shift of 2102 is the return of the Divine Feminine in the hearts of mankind and the nations. In order to Ascend with the Planet into a 4D or 5D level of existence, we will need to speed up our Auras past 400 Hz. Another frequency hurdle at this time is that of Uranium. The 177 above ground nuclear bomb tests done before the test ban have saturated the planet with this toxic radioactive element. In doing so, the dark forces have attempted to create a frequency fence around the planet (along with Haarp, cell phone towers and 60 cycle EMFs) in order to stall or prevent the Ascension. Our misguided leaders have done this because they know the Ascension marks the end of the need for control by authorities, governments and experts. The ruling class has no provision for gracefully stepping down. Just like the wounded male, they cant admit fault or apologize because they dont know how. From any point registered on the scale, feel free to Right Spin the Aura up to the optimal frequency.

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his chart measures the electrical activity of the brain, which can also be read with standard Biofeedback equipment. This measurement reects the quality of Consciousness moving through the brain. Contrary to the Materialist Scientic view, the brain does not cause the Mind; rather awareness or consciousness causes the brain and body and uses the brain as a medium of communication. Generally, the lower the brainwaves, the deeper our connection to all that is. The higher the brain waves, the more focused, and thus limited, is our awareness. Kind of puts the brain in context, doesnt it? The more its out of the way, the greater we expand our awareness! With this chart, you will nd it benecial in most cases to lower (LS) the brain waves to facilitate higher states of awareness. However, if you will be writing an exam in the future, or doing something that requires a lot of clear, focused attention, you could dowse in an Ideal Beta frequency of 13 Hz into that future time period. Notice we have the same Annunaki Access Range as on the last chart with the higher Brainwave frequencies here. Notice also the role of TV and the Media in keeping us out of the more expansive lower frequencies. You can cultivate Alpha states by imagining tracing a large horizontal gure eight over your eyes. This connects the hemispheres so they are operating in an equally balanced fashion. Notice how this calms you down and puts you in a relaxed, pre-meditative state. Even better, elevate your eld of vision about 20 degrees up wards. If you close your eyes and imagine a full-sensory experience, you will also drop into Alpha. You can ask, What would be my ideal dominant brain wave frequency? and then Dowse in the frequency (RS) as your default frequency.


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llow me to interject the Non Dual Perspective here before discussing these. All outer experience is a projection of the inner world, and nothing else. We all experience ontological Guilt by virtue of being here in the 3D World in a body. The cost of individuating was a loss of the memory of Oneness. This is why we feel Guilt at the deepest of levels. Most of our Guilt is Unconscious, but its there! Rather than face this painful Guilt, we project it out in the form of others who we can then blame for our suering and avoid the unbearable Guilt inside. Being a Victim hurts so good! Trouble is, this doesnt workthe cycle of Guilt, Pain and Suering just keeps going aroundthanks to the Ego. The Ego is your belief in separation. It has a lot invested in keeping you down, so you dont see it for what it is, which is NOTHING! Its just a bad ideaor nightmare. So when we detect and clear these beings we are simply looking at a form of projection that embodies our deep denied fears, guilt and pain. And thats what we clear by Divine Grace when we simply ask. Having said this, the language we use in discussing Entities is necessarily Dualistic, but now you know better! There is nothing outside of your self that does not come from within! Repeat after meAll I ever experience is myself! Before attempting to clear any of these issues, be sure to ask for the most appropriate Helper or Helpers starting two charts forward (Who You Gonna Call?, etc.). It can be helpful to ask from which Dimension are these beings operating from, and as you send them (LS) out, ask they be taken to the most appropriate Dimension for the highest good of all. Attempting to clear these with inadequate or inappropriate Helpers could backre, and just create more resistance. Possessed requires digging deeper to nd out by what? Ask if the possessing entity is identied on the page, or another chart elsewhere. Negative Spirit Guides can be upgraded as per the protocol in Adventures. Be careful with the Potential Killer, Dangerous or Suicidal energies. Just proceed without too much dialogue, as the conscious Mind of the client may be taken over. Remember there is nothing to fear, as the Light in you is the most powerful force in the Universe. Every Entity has shown up for healing, even if they dont act like it! A Weak Entity is often associated with Drug or alcohol use. Negative Elementals can be associated with Heavy Metal poisoning, or not. They can also be associated with Geopathic Stress. Either way, send them with assistance to the 2nd Dimensionthis is where they belong and are harmless. You can do the same with the metals. A Machine/Articial Intelligence being is a biological robot and may not be ensouled. Ask. If you encounter one, treat them with kindness and respect. Silently ask if you can Dowse out any negative programming or communication systems, and whether

this is in the Highest Good. A Primal Animal is operating at a Bestial level. They can be subject to negative survival reexes, and are primarily Sex Motivated. They are operating from the Lizard or survival brain, and thus are easily controlled by the ego. Dowse to render them harmless (LS) by removing all survival fears and aggressive reexes. Assign them a Spiritual Policeman as a Spirit Guide (RS) to protect them and others. A Negative Energy Agent is acting on behalf of someone or thing at a distance. Ask if they have a Karmic Contract with the controller, and whether that can be recalled and cancelled. Do so with a left spin. Call on the Record Keeper of the Akashic Record of all their relationships, and ask the Record Keeper to stamp the book of that relationship COMPLETED on the last page in RED. This technique works for clearing up any old relationships that hang in there despite the ending of learning. Predatory STS (Service to Self ) are self-absorbed energy vampires who can leave everyone in their path drained of Life Force. Check out whether they are possessed. All you may be able to do is place them in a cocoon of Light to protect them and others from them. Call in the Divine Light (RS) to bring them the Memory of Oneness and their original Innocence. A Re-animated Human implies a Zombie-like situation. Ask if the original Soul is safe at home. Ask if you can send the possessing being to the Light. *Special Case: this is RARE, but can happen. Some Dark Entities must complete their agreement to suer or rebel completely before ascending to the Light; before they can heal they have to go the limit in their suering. If this is the case, ask your Guides to send the Entity to the furthest reach of outer darkness (LS). I dont know where this is, nor do I care to know. But, in one case at least, this was what was needed for that Entity to bounce back immediately to the Light! A Controlled Victim Food Source STS is someone likely possessed or targeted by a vampirish being literally sucking the life out of them. They are a food source, just like in the Matrix movie. Ask to cut all ties, connections, agreements, vows or contracts with the source (LS). Bring back their Vitality, Life Force and splintered Soul fragments (RS). A Government NWO (New World Order) Clone is someone given over to the small cabal of Planetary controllers. These families have enjoyed a free ride on the Planet for so long, they think it is their God given right to rule. They say so right on their Dollar Bill! If I encountered one of these, I would politely tell them the session is over, and theirs was free of charge! Afterwards, you can Dowse to see if there is any remedial approach you can take for the original Soul taken over. These folks are usually convinced they have sold their soul to the devil, which is not true. The Soul is eternal and cannot be sold! All that can happen is you forget you have one, or are convinced by some negative propaganda that you are beyond forgiveness. Total hogwashno, I wouldnt even wash a Hog in that!. Same with an M.I.B., or Man in Black. These are Human ET hybrids acting as mindless agents for negative ETs

and their Human cronies. It is best to avoid them entirely. If you are in their scope, it is because you have intruded, in their perception, into their territory. It may be that one of your clients is considered their property. Ask if this is so, and support the client in gaining their freedom. Surround the MIB in Angelic Light and prevent them from doing any harm to anyone. This should get them transferred o the Earth to some nice holiday resort planet! Same for an ET Clone. As all Matter is Energy, and is thus alive in some sense, we need compassion for all beings, no matter at what stage of growth or evolution. With all these forms and manifestations of thought, remember LOVE NEVER FAILS. Even if Love sparks some degree of curiosity, you have done a service. Negative Dracos are the remnants of an ET race who have enjoyed some degree of autonomous power on the planet. They can be the negative power behind world leaders and other powerful humans, like those in the NWO, or Illuminati. Indications are that these and other negative ET races cannot handle the rising frequencies on earth at this time, and so they are exiting abandoning ship as it were. This will leave a lot of disempowered leaders wondering why it is they no longer can command the fear or respect of the massesLook! The Emperor has no clothes!


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ere are some more issues to check into. I dont like to give these things too much attention. Some can get xated on Dark Energies, like being mesmerized by the ame! The point is to detect, clear and move on! That said, some of these can represent life-long challenges that can easily be lifted. Some of these can also follow us from Past or Future lives. Geopathic Entities are likely negative elementals who hitch hike along Geopathic Stress lines. These lines are recognized causes of Disease in progressive countries like Germany. They have text books of disease proles associated with these energy lines passing over beds. If Geo Stress itself shows up, my rst advice is Move the bed! Then check into the oce, couch, or wherever you spend a lot of time. Send the Entity to the most appropriate Dimension for the Highest Good of All with the aid of your Guides or Helpers. Ask for the reversal (LS) of all negative eects and symptoms associated with the entity.

A Black Spiral is some kind of negative vortex lodged in the eld. Ask to have it neutralized and dissolved in Divine Light. A Vampire is more likely to be of the energetic type, not the Hollywood type! Ask to be made aware of any unhealthy relationships which may be a focus for this kind of sick energy. An ET Surgical Contract may involve a higher agreement to work with positive ET races as they attempt to improve their own DNA or species characteristics. As such, a contract of this order may involve a level of service you have made on a Soul level. You may want to leave this alone, or Dowse in a speedy completion if the idea freaks you out! Of course, if you get it is of the non-benecial type, do the contract completion exercise mentioned earlier. A Beast is similar to the Primal Animal energy on the last page. You cannot expect a lot of sophistication from a Bestial energy, but you can help render it harmless by Dowsing down its aggressive instincts and reexes. Ask if you can request an upgrade on behalf of the Beast essence. Maybe you can help them to accelerate their evolutionary soul path and save them a few lifetimes! Teach Forgiveness. A Henchman is a particularly nasty Demonic entity. These are the beings associated with the more heinous crimes of humanity, like plagues, genocide, gulags, wars and the holocausteven love of horror movies! Ask the Spirit Doctors to handle these boys! They are being unleashed from the lower Astral plane these days as Earths frequency rises, as they along with other lower Astral ri ra jump ship. This can contribute to the increase of horric things happening on the Planet as we continue to move to the Higher and Lighter Dimensions. They are like a repressed symptom that is forced to the surface as a natural part of the Healing.

The BlackWitch and Warlock entities often reect beings that have been playing these roles over many lives. You may need to go to the source life and clear the possessing entity there. Find out what is at the root of the taking on of the Identity of a Black Witch or Warlock. Look for old Contracts, Vows or unresolved Karmic games. You may need to revisit this one, as there can be a lot of baggage heredrugs, psychic cords, and addiction to Ego power to name a few. In the meantime, Dowse to render them harmless in this life and to reduce the Fear of Light and Love. These are not to be confused with White Witch or Warlocks of the Wiccan / Elemental type. A Tengu Spirit is an energy most likely to aict those on a Buddhist path, either in this life or other lives. Find the best helper to bind and clear this energy. You may need to visit the life of original contact, and clear it there. This has the advantage of clearing multiple lives at once. Ask to heal all relationships in all time frames and dimensions harmed by this energy. A Poltergeist is a playful, impish energy curiously associated with troubled young women in the home, presently or in the past. Suspect this when familiar objects are lost, literally disappearing from where they were put, then magically showing up after a frantic search. Falling objects, noises, even things ying o shelves can be indicative of a Poltergeist. You will nd upon asking that a poltergeist is usually upset over some perceived slight or oense in the past, and is acting like a spoiled child seeking attention. Take a kind and patient attitude toward these beings. They are caught in the lower 4th Dimension, and are miserable themselves. Ask your Spirit Guides to approach them in a manner acceptable to them and to accompany them to the most appropriate Dimension for the Highest Good of All. Extend them forgiveness. They really didnt mean to upset you, they were just upset themselves! A Draco Shapeshifter is similar to the Negative Draco above, only these guys like to put on human form. Dracos are beings of a Lizard evolutionary path. Again, treat them with respect if you discover one! Be comforted to know they are mainly here as observers, and dont necessarily mean you harm. You may even feel led to broach to topic, and learn something! Not all Dracos are of the nasty type. Ask the Dowsing system which type you have in front of you before proceeding. Clear the negative programming from the DNA. If a client shows up as a Murderer, do not assume this is referring to this life. Ask. Most, if not all of us have had lives where we have played both murderer and victim. If this comes up, ask if there is some healing or Forgiveness due. Such an unconscious memory implies a deep pattern of guilt and regret coming up for Healing. Lead the client in an exercise of Hoponopono directed to themselves. A False Light Being implies some kind of imposter. Ask if this applies to your

client, or is it about someone who has duped them on some level. You may need to investigate other charts to discover the imposter. Nevertheless, caution them to qualify any truth that comes their way as coming from 100 % Pure Light of the Divine or not. Dowse out (LS) all negative eects of False Light on the Mind, Spirit or Body. Greys provide the predominant image of ET in the popular imagination. Some have reported they are more of a vegetable form of life than animal. Other say they are here from our future; future versions of humanity who are attempting to come back and correct their DNA for the benet of their own future generations. Apparently, they got so cerebral, they lost touch with their emotionshmm more wounded male fall-out? If true, then this is actually a sad missiontrying to correct the mistakes of the past by manipulating free will beings cannot be incurring positive Karma! Like any suering being, the Greys need our forgiveness. However, if you Dowse your client is being interfered with against their will, send the Greys a message (RS) In the name of the Light, you do not have permission to interfere with this life. Return in Peace to your home Dimension. You are forgiven. (True Forgiveness recognizes there is no crime or sin to forgive. We are all equally innocent creations of the One Divine Source). The Nordics are an ET race responsible for the Aryan ideal racial type worshipped by the Nazis. Historically, they were regarded as erce and ruthless Warriors. If they come up for a client, look for an historical life period of rst contact and deal with the issue there. They are like the Annunaki of Sumerian lore; rebellious creator Gods charged with managing civilizations, but corrupted by their own egos. You may want to clear the DNA of any negative traits or traces from interbreedingagain, go back to the source life. A Psychic Weapon is the etheric trace of a projectile (spear, arrow, knife, bullet, guillotine) still held in the energy eld from previous trauma in past lives. If the projectile was the cause of death, it is more imaginable that one might carry that energy forward, along with the emotional charge around the event. A Psychic Weapon can be at the root of chronic pain or organ weakness. Identify the year of the trauma. Go there and Dowse out the energy pattern of the weapon(LS) and send the energy into the most appropriate dimension. Dowse out the emotional and cellular memory of the trauma. Fill the voids.


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ere we nd a set of patterns and issues for further clearing. As long as we in the world in a body, we will have stu to clear. It is part and parcel of our awakening to Oneness and in becoming whole to heal these remnants rooted in the belief in time and separation. Please do not make these issues any more real than that! Benet, however, from the lightness that can result as move through these layers of illusion toward the Light of our Being, which is Perfection as the Divine.

When we Scramble (the) Reproductive Intelligence & Survival Instinct of (a)Disease Spirit (LS) we are sending a clear message to our own Mind that we no longer subscribe to the need for a disease. This is acknowledgement that on some level we made the decision to have the disease in the rst place. A basic tenet of awakening is this is not done to me, but is done by me (A Course In Miracles). Once we accept this level of responsibility, we accept the ability to make another choice. Disease and Illness are favorite ego devices to keep us focused on the body, which is a symbol of separation. Likewise, clearing the Spirit of Disease is reclaiming any Life Force that we have given to the Illness. Past Homes can leave an energetic trace or imprint, especially if the home was the scene of strong negative emotions. Clear (LS) all negative symptoms and eects of the past location, and clear the location while you are at it! Fill (RS) with 5th Dimensional energy. The same can go for Past Acquaintances. Check for Etheric Cords to the Chakras if this one comes up. As above, please dont give away your power to the notion of Past Lives. In Quantum Time, all lives are being lived simultaneously, and none is more special than the other. However, in the experience of linear time, there can be inuences or bleed throughs from parallel dimensions of time that can be helpful as foci for clearing, and accepting, perhaps, current challenges as part of a bigger picture. If Past Archetypes show up, check against the two Archetype charts below. The Place: Negative Emotional Imprint is like an expansion of the Past Homes issue, but can apply to any location in prior experience. It may be helpful to establish the time period of the experience coming up. Go back to the time and place (if recognized) and reduce the inuence then and there to 0. You may need to go into what exactly was happening there (entity, emotional trauma, physical trauma, etc.)


Noxious Rays can be earthly, as in Geopathic Stress, or coming from Space or other dimensions. Just ask. Send them back to their source (LS) transmuted into 100% Pure Light. Non-Benecial Guides refers to your own Spirit Guides. Deal with this as per the suggestions in Adventures in Dowsing. Rejection in the Womb can be corrected. Measure the month of the imprinted pattern. Measure on a scale of 10, with 10 as life threatening, the degree of mental, emotional or spiritual stress, or the degree of feeling wanted, loved or supported. Dowse these issues up or down accordingly. Extend Forgiveness to the parents. Accept: We all do the best we can, given our chosen experiences and consciousness at the time. This is equally true for you in all circumstances. Accept: We choose our parents as the best possible teachers for this lifetime Disease Payo can indicate an unconscious wish to suer, as this makes us special (the ego loves it!) and gets us perks we may not be willing to give up in being healed. Go sensitively with this, as the conscious mind may not believe it! Dowse out (LS) the unconscious belief in the benets of suering, or the death wish. Sub Personalities are like programs running on the task baryou dont see them, but they run all the time! Forgive the sub-personality as you would anyone else, remove all ill eects, then integrate (RS) back into the whole person. The Rejection of God is getting down to the bedrock of the human condition. No one harms themselves knowingly. If we reject God, it is because we do not know ourselves as God, or Gods creation. It is because we are holding out for Separation at all costsand the cost is our own health, happiness and peace of mind. Dowse out the resistance to and fear of the Light of Truth. Dowse out the preference for illusion over Truth. Dowse up the probability for awakening to our True Identity to 100% at the most appropriate time for the Highest Good of All. Former Soul Damage can occur at any point in our total evolution. The Soul cannot truly be damaged, but it can be split, denied or ignored. Ask to go to the point of origin of the damage, and to Reintegrate (RS) all damaged aspects into 100% integrity with the original Soul. A Wernicke Program is a thought form induced in a hypnotic state during times of extreme abuse or mind control situations. It is a self-destructive program, convincing the person to do something (usually harmful) at a given command, or to self-destruct if they break the hypnotic contract. Not healthy! Remove the Program (LS) at the point and time of connection, clear any an all contracts or agreements with the source of the Program, and replace with the program, I am Loved, I am safe, I am as God Created me.

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mplants are usually etheric (non-material) but you will want to check if it is physical if one comes up. They are generally markers or data transmitters which keep us connected to beings interested in tracking us. As such, they could be benign and represent some kind of agreement we have with beings in another dimension, or ETs. Ask. If it is not benign, simply remove (LS) and cancel any non-benecial agreements, contracts or vows involved.

I frankly dont know what most of these are. I just accept if they show up, and they are not benecial, then its nobodys business what I do! Between Life Report Station means you might nd yourself giving a report to somebody between lives instead of the usual procedure. Its like a regular appointment with the Maa, I guess! Check into vows, agreements or contracts needing voiding. Memory Erased could mean that youve had some encounters that were erased from your memory, sometimes experienced as missing time episodes. This is what people with ashbacks or dreams of ET involvement have reported. Again, these encounters may be benign or not. You can ask for return of the Memory if it is in your highest good to do so. An NWO Physical implant is more on the order of what is injected into livestock and soldiers these days. Some say the NWO (New World Odornot a typo!) has plans to microchip us all. If you check positive for one of these, you may want to just scramble its electrical polarity. If you have a good idea where it may be on the body, consider using a magnetic pulser ( to neutralize it. 10 minutes exposure should do it. A Neutral Tracking implant suggest benign intentions. Not being sure what all these are, I would suggest if one shows up, ask if its presence is of any benet to the client. If not, ask to have it scrambled, deactivated and neutralized at the point of origin, and to reverse any and all associated negative symptoms, blockages, as well as vows, agreements or contracts made with the source of the implant.


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hese are another set of frequencies that relate, among other things, to the Chakras. A tone can be out of balance either way, but is usually decient. The sharps and ats indicate communication or harmonization between the Chakras. If a tone comes up signicantly decient, bring it in (RS) at the most appropriate strengths and potencies for as long as needed or benecial. I have also sat down at a keyboard and played the chosen tones back in multiple octavesit feels good! Ask for which tones are out of balance, then use the Balance Chart to determine if theres too little or too much of that tone. [M E P]



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imilar to the above. Ask how many are out of Balance. Suggest the client follow up by wearing a garment , eating foods or exposing themselves somehow to their decient color. Spin in or out as needed.



s noted, before dealing with the kind of issues on the last few pages, come here and ask, Is there someone here who can and will help resolve this issue? If you get Yes, ask to be shown who. As you Dowse out the issue, say something like (LS) I now ask the Spirit Doctors to bind this Demonic entity and take it to most appropriate Dimension for the Highest Good of All, rendering it harmless. Remove all negative eects of this energy in all time Frames and Dimensions and heal all relationships aected.

The Spirit Guides here would mean you or your clients personal Spirit Guides. They can handle most, but not all situations. Dont take them for granted. They draw near when we recognize them with thanks. The Spirit Doctors are a group of Archangels equipped to handle Demons, Henchmen, and other super-baddies. If the Spirit Guides ever say no to a clearing, ask the Spirit Doctors. Ive never been turned down. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray is such a powerful force of Compassion, he was only recently called to serve this Planet in 2001. Before that time, we couldnt handle such Love! See him as a Ruby colored Buddha with a White Light radiating from the Heart. The Flying Rods are shape-shifting ETs mentioned in William Gammills The Gathering. They are described as jolly beings who can take on human form. They love to help, if called on. Sylphs are the Nature Spirits of the sky. They appear as wispy clouds, sometimes looking like feathers or angel wings. They often show up after a dose of Chemtrails has been dropped. You can see them move in and begin to clean up the mess! If you see Chemtrails, call in the Sylphs! The rest of the Helpers are specic Archangels. If you get other refer to the next four charts: Benevolent ETs, Ascended Masters and More Helpers . At each chart, ask Is there someone on this chart willing and able to help with the task? How many? Show me the rst etc. It is good manners to thank the being/energy for doing the work after Dowsingjust like you, they like being recognized!













hese are a group of upper 4th and 5th Dimensional helpers similar to the idea of Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. That is, beings who have transcended the cycle of re-incarnation and are free to exist as higher dimensional beings. Many have chosen to act as helpers and guides from the Spirit realm. Some may actually re-incarnate and become beacons and examples to all humanity of living in Grace, beyond the ego. Ask for help with clearings, understanding, creative inspiration, etc.







he main Chakras are energetic vortexes centered over the endocrine glands. They extend in front of and out from behind the body. They connect us as vortex portals to all Dimensions of existence, and can hold or give access to stored memories from other Time frames and existences. They can also be entry points for energetic connections to others, either benecial or non-benecial. We call these psychic cords, which can be the means whereby others can access and drain our energy at a distance, especially those with whom we may have had a prior intimate relationship. Ask if this chart is an issueit very often is, especially for healers, teachers or others in the public view. People who want what you have may unconsciously send out a psychic cord. Ask how many Chakras have leaksyou can also ask what percentage of the Chakra energy is being drained, if there is a Cord involved, if the draining is involving Past or Future lives, or a relationship from this life. After removal of the Cord (LS transmuting it to Pure Light and bringing Forgiveness into the Relationship) ask to recover (RS) all lost energies and restore the Chakra to full functioning.

The dierent Chakras also have their correct direction of Spin. As there are dierent schools of thought here, simply ask for each Chakra, or generally, Are these, or is this, Chakra Spinning Correctly? You can then ask to be shown the direction of correct spin for that Chakra at this time, as the optimal direction can change depending on what the Superconscious Mind is up to! Ask also what percentage of the leak is going to the Past or Future. There is a musical note or tone associated with each Chakra. Ask if it is decient or over-energized (Balance Chart). Dowse it in or out as needed. If you have access to a piano, you can also play the note of major chord to yourself as sound therapy. Chakra #5, the Thymus, has also been called the Energetic or New Heart Chakra. It is a recently developing Chakra, reecting the evolutionary changes humanity is experiencing at this time, as are the four extra Chakras connecting us with the Earth, Planet, Sun and Galaxy. We are evolving a 12 Chakra system, consistent with the evolving 12 strands of DNA. There are actually many secondary and micro chakras in the body such as in the palms and soles of the feet, behind the knees and at the back of the head, for example. Every cell has a Chakra by virtual of the electrical spin of the RNA/DNA. You may want to inquire as these extra and cellular Chakras as well.


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hese refer to personality imprints that we carry forward from Parallel lives. If the challenges and lessons in the lifetime were not completed, then bringing forward the Archetype insures that we will continue to project and experience similar issues as an opportunity to get the forgiveness lesson. After detecting an Archetype, the next question should be, Has (the person) learned the lesson implied by the Archetype? Ask if it is in the highest good to clear the Archetype, or to wait until they get the lesson. You can Dowse up (RS) the probability they will learn it to 100%, even stipulating a time frame, if you wish. Sometimes just the awareness of a limiting Archetype can provide mental relief, as in No wonder I cant hold down a job! In another life, Im a King, and everyone works for me! It may be helpful to go back or forward in time and address the imbalance in personality at the that time, removing the Karmic agreements and ill eects of the personality in all time frames and dimensions.


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s above, these would be personality patterns from lifetimes where we able to progress in our Souls path to Oneness. Knowing these patterns are in our elds and memories, we can call them forward to assist us now. Dowse in (RS) the positive inuence, knowledge and experiences of these personalities into the present day awareness. Direct these energies into projects, relationships, or situations that would benet from them. Calling these Archetypes in is one way we can experience Soul Retrieval, as we pull together all the scattered aspects of our Selves into one experience. Ask what percentage of your total being is dispersed in other time frames. Heres a suggested dialogue: (RS) I now call to my present Self and experience of time all disconnected parts of myself entrapped in alternate time frames. I call upon all skills, talents, knowledge and abilities from these parts of myself to be applied to my present life in service to the Light and my Highest Purpose at this time. After retrieval, measure again! Knowing your Positive Archetypes may also help in motivating you or your client in bringing attention towards a new career or job change. Begin by asking how many apply to your subject, then identify them one by one. As a matter of interest, you could also Dowse out the year of the Parallel life where this Archetype is the strongest, and call on that specic essence. Measure the degree (percentage) of current resonance with yourself in that life, and raise it to 100% in order to fully draw on that aspect of your Self.


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f you are receiving information from any source that deeply resonates with you, whether it be from a person, a book, a billboard, a psychicanything, you may want to check and see if its coming through from a Higher Source, and if this Source is reliable! Use this chart when you know the information is signicant, yet you are not sure if you should act on it. Like a dream, for example. Lower or dark energies nd it entertaining to play with humans sometime, like mean older brothers. Especially if the information has the potential to make you do something where later youll look really dumb! or really insane. You can also look here to see what sources of information you can appeal to in your meditation, prayers, or whatever means you use to connect. There could be a rich source or information and inspiration that you are missing out on because youre simply not tuned to that station! Ask, Is there a source of information here that could benet me at this time? Measure and raise, if necessary, the communication potential between you or your client and this source.


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he surface tension of water molecules is relative to the amount of electrical charge held by the molecule. The stronger the charge, the less bondable is the molecule. Its like its so bound up in itself, it cant easily bond with other molecules. Our work, thus, is to typically reduce the water surface tension to the optimal minimal charge, measured in this case in Dynes. You can do this for any body of water, bottled water, local or at a distance. Theres something about water that makes it an ideal subspace antenna. The perfected water molecule, or clustered water molecule, forms a crystalline lattice that is sensitive to overt and subtle energies of light, sound, temperature, pressure and even thought (scalar energy). Water is the universal solvent and is necessary for the completion of the trillions of biochemical events that occur in your body every second! Water is critical to nutrient transport and toxin release. You can survive 40 days without food, only 3 without water. Surface tension is directly related to PH. High surface tension = Acidic PH. PH is directly related to Oxygenation. Therefore, Surface Tension is directly related to Oxygenation. Low surface tension = greater oxygen transport potential. The two strongest predictors of cancerous cellular changes areacidic PH and low Oxygen. Are you getting the picture? Therefore, of all the Physical things that can be Dowsed for, this one seems to produce some of the most tangible results. People literally feel a rush of oxygen to the brain, creating calming and mental clarity. Do a pre-test measurement on the scale. Left Spin the Surface Tension of the water in the body to the optimal minimum level. Dowse in the memory (RS) of this level to be remembered and communicated to every water molecule introduced into the body, or aected by excretion. Re-test to see the results. Ask your client, How do you feel?

Radionic Homeos were added just to give you an idea of how bondable, and thus absorbable are these remedies. They can be made on a device such as the Sulis Remedy Maker from the UK.


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his is fairly self explanatory. Once you have identied a prime concern, ask about co-organs that may be involved or aected. Measure the stressed Organ on the Balance scale for yin yang status. Check the organs frequency, life force and functional status (percent). As organs, like cells, can be considered beings in and of themselves, treat an unbalanced organ like a client. Ask about emotional trauma, toxicity, mental stress, circulation and oxygenation. Some organs still retain the memory of childhood diseases, vaccinations, surgery or injuries, or drug use. Check also for Miasms or Etheric weapons and entities.




s noted, PH is closely related to water surface tension and oxygenation. Most typical is over-all hyperacidity. Aside form a sugar/grain/meat based diet, the top causes of Acidosis are dysfunctional shallow breathing (stress response) and suppression of the Pancreatic secretion of Bicarb of Soda. Shallow breathing is a Fight of Flight response to stress when we try to disappear to avoid threat. This response is transferred to mental and emotional as well as physical threat. The Pancreas can be either exhausted from over stimulation of insulin and enzymes from a grain-based, cooked food (or typical) diet, and/or holding on to emotions of loss. Bicarb of Soda is normally secreted to neutralize digestive HCl, but an exhausted Pancreas cant keep up, so we pass our own digestive acid onto the bloodstream and body. If a client measures below 6.6 or Overall Ideal, determine what percentage of the imbalance is due to either the rst or second factor. Teach the client deep, abdominal breathing while you spin out (LS) the memories of stress or trauma that started the unhealthy breathing pattern. You may want to pinpoint the time of the habit formation and Spin it out there. Check the Pancreas as per the Organ Chart above. Once these issues are covered, go back and recheck the overall PH level. Right Spin it toward Alkaline if need be. You may also want to Spin in a memory program for the ideal PH.






hese often have to do with Past Life memories , DNA memories when we were in non-human form, or even back to the level of elemental memory. Going to the point of origin to clear is advised. Remove (LS) the DNA, cellular, mental, emotional, muscle, tissue, and organ memories associated with each fear. Fill voids with Divine Light and Love.

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ach of these will imply its own set of further questions. By getting specic measurable data on any item, you can then get a before and after reading after doing a removal or correction. Blood Flow to the Brain may require a schedule of regular Dowsings to stick. EFT implies the benet of learning the Emotional Freedom Technique. This simple and eective method of clearing old emotions is outline at and Heart Brain Balance is another issue some say needs to be corrected in order to Ascend. Use the Balance Chart to check and correct. Eect of Mass Consciousness implies the eects of the hypnosis of social conditioning (Chopra). This shows a need to break away from beliefs which are often the eects of friends, family, tradition, education, religion or media and begin thinking for oneself. Programmed Death has to do with our belief of when my time is up. This may have to do with family patterns. Surrender the belief (LS) and give your time to the Divine! The Love Index of the Home can be measured on a scale of 10. Raise it to 10 if it is below. Elemental Transmutation is a latent ability in Humans to transmute elements within their bodies, and thus, ultimately, receive all of their nutritional needs from the air or sunlight. With 10 as optimal, measure your progress on the scale. Dowse it up if this interests you, or you just want to cut back your grocery bill! The set of Dark Side inuence Through items identify areas where we are being negatively aected through secondary means. These infer attachment issues, especially if we note an emotional charge around any one of these areas. Ask to release the negative thought form or entity working through these means. Investigating our feelings around these areas might help us see how we have become inadvertently attached. Oh, I could never give up my (beliefs, possessions, friends) may be a clue as to these things keeping us in an energetic trap. If one comes up, revisit the Dark Energy pages to identify and clear the issue. Catastrophobia (Barbara Clow) refers to the unconscious cellular memory of prior planetary cataclysms. We all carry this information buried deep in our memories. As such, Catastrophobia can be triggered by media inuence, fear-based religious beliefslike Armageddon, and survivalist paranoia. LS it out at its source in Time.


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nything under the sun can be broadcast or sent at a distance as a remedy to a known target with Dowsing. Lets say your husband or wife calls you up and they have just been stung by a wasp. Ask the Dowsing system for permission to send a Homeopathic remedy. Use the chart to determine the best potency. The principle here is that like treats like. A homeopathic of wasp venom, at the right potency can reverse the symptoms caused by the same! Once the potency is identied, with a Right Spin, say I am now sending the frequency and energy signature of the specic wasp that caused the sting to (name) at a potency of __. I request that the remedy will continue to resonate in (the persons) eld until the symptoms subside, and is no longer needful, necessary or benecial. This is an example of non-local virtual Nosode homeopathy in action. Sarcode homeopathy is to support the tissue once the Nosode is clear. After clearing the Nosode, which can also be bacteria, virus, fungus or other infectious agent, you can measure and send a Sarcode remedy for the skin, organ or muscle aected. This can also help with Allergies and toxins. You can send an inverted pattern of a toxin, allergen or addictive substance in the same manner. For example, I now send (RS) the inverted form of Rened Sugar at __ potency for my sugaraddicted grandson Billyetc.

The potencies listed are the most commonly made ones. CM and MM are xed potencies, but KM and KLM require you dowse a specic number to go with them. Dowsing Specic Potency in Range is asking you to Dowse an item to identify x or c or m potencies, but then Dowsing the number value of the potency yourself. How many digits in the potency?...and rst digit is? the second is?






here are multiple factors that can go into weight issueseither too much or not enough body weight. Ask how many issues on this list apply to your subject. Ask to be shown the issues in order of priority. You then will want to ask which of these need to be Dowsed for daily, weekly or monthly, and how many days, weeks or months. I would suggest writing up a little plan and teach your client how to Dowse these things for themselves, as well as make the lifestyle changes implied. You may also Dowse in (RS) the memory of the ideal levels into the cellular and tissue memories for as long as benecial to support ongoing results.

The Pituitary, among numerous other things, stimulates the Thyroid. Low Thyroid is fairly common. As it regulates body temperature and the rate of burning nutrients, a low Thyroid can contribute to weight gain as well as sluggish digestion and elimination. Measure the vitality and functional ecacy of the Thyroid on a scale of 10. The Thyroid requires adequate Iodine and Selenium. Stressed Adrenals are another reason for a Low Thyroid as the Thyroid will try to compensate for low hormone production by the Adrenals. Stressed Adrenals also put out too much Cortisone with abdominal weight gain a primary symptom. Use the Balance chart to measure and bring back Cortisone levels to normal. The two biggest dietary stressors on the Adrenals are Sugar and Caeine. The Hypothalamus is a master regulator, tied into the Pituitary and Pineal glands. Check it on a Balance scale. Starvation Fears may stem from early upbringing, or Past Life memories. Identify the Time frame of the acceptance of the belief and go there to remove it. Family Patterns and Conditioning can be handled the same. An example may be guilt-laden programming to nish everything on your platewhat about those starving people in China! Another common pattern is gobbling your food coz theres too many mouths and not enough food; especially if you want seconds. On another note, genuine Starvation can be the result of Malnutrition or Malabsorption of nutrients. Modern foods are depleted of many important trace minerals. Suggesting a good Green Foods product and a Liquid Colloidal Mineral supplement can compensate for a typical modern diet. Check for the integrity and vitality of the Small Intestine. Damage from fungus (sugary, grain based diet), parasites, over the counter pain medications and gluten can seriously damage this organ, leading to Leaky Gut syndrome. Check the levels for Leaky Gut with 0 as ideal, and 10 as lethal. If 10 check for Celiac Disease

or extreme gluten damage and intolerance. Left Spin out all stressors aecting the Small Intestine, along with all associated symptoms and eects. Right Spin the ability of the Small Intestine to recognize and conform to its ideal within the energetic template of the body. You may need to Dowse this for a number of days, along with Dowsing in the Motivation to make basic lifestyle and dietary changes. A Sedentary Lifestyle seriously limits proper Digestion and Elimination. Encourage at least a vigorous daily walk. Rebounding is fun and convenient if you cant get outdoors. Suggest a return to more water based foods (Fruits, veggies) and reduction of dense animal proteins (meat, cheese), and a bread free diet. Grains are not suited for the Human Digestion. They are relatively new foods for our hunter-gatherer digestions. The exceptions are sprouted grain products, or gluten free grains. Constipation must be addressed for proper digestion and Detox. Encourage self-education or refer to a good Nutritional Consultant. The Obesity Virus implies contagioncheck other family members if this comes up. Neutralize virus and pathogens (LS) by sending the Life Force and collective consciousness of the (virus, bacteria, fungus, worm) back to the most appropriate dimension, scramble and de-active its reproductive intelligence, and reverse all ill eects of the pathogen. MSG has been called the nicotine of the food supply. Look for junk food addictions, and send an inverted virtual homeopathic. Stay away from all fast foods. Watch the video Supersize Me. Glycogen is the hormone secreted when we eat proteins. It causes a release of glucose from fat cells. Dowse it up to optimal levels and ecacy. Insulin does the opposite, causing the storage of glucose and swelling fat cells in response to eating sugar, rened carbs (grains, pastas, white potatoes, etc.) and alcohol. Dowse the Insulin response down to optimal levels, and reverse the symptoms and ill eects of excess Insulin on the body. Sugar Addiction and Fungus issues usually go hand-in-hand, as Fungus, especially Candidas, stimulate the brain to crave sugar, which in turn feeds the Fungus (and Cancer!). Youll also nd an acidic PH here, as Fungus loves an acidic body, and hates Oxygen! It is actually just doing its job as a recycler of dead bodies. Best to send it a message, Im not ready to check out yet!


Emotions of Holding On have been associated with weight gain. Unrecognized emotional pain creates of pattern of selfdefense. If this shows up, go to the time of the emotional trauma or decision, and reverse it there. Left Spin the emotions around the beliefs, memories, impressions and false decisions made at that time. Restore (RS) Self love and forgiveness, and ask for the healing of all relationships implied by this event. Food Addiction, Oral Stage refers to unfullled oral satisfaction in infancy. Being put on a formula too soon or not bonding with Mother by being able to suckle naturally or failure to bond emotionally with Mother in infancy may set up a pattern of gratication needs such as compulsive eating or smoking later in life. Check the levels on these things, with the ideal at 10. According to the author of Your Bodys Many Cries for Water, what we label hunger in many cases is thirst. Increasing (RS) the Water Awareness and Motivation index can help remind us of this basic misinterpreted impulse. The author goes on to say any pain is a cry for water! And a glass of water will satisfy hunger in most cases. Not enough can be said for reducing stress generally, and nding the riches of our Inner Resources, or Divine Self. Weight gain implies taking more energy in than we need because, on some level, we feel inadequate within. One denition of an addiction is You cant get enough of what you dont really want. What we really want is to feel full at all timesfull of Love, Joy, Self Respect with a positive outlook on tomorrow. Without these things, we cant help but look for satisfaction out there in the things, objects, people and food around us. Understanding this can be a rst step in learning to self-nurture in other ways. Fall in love with your self, not in a selsh egoic manner, but in truly giving yourself what you need to be truly happy. Take time to go withinperhaps a vacation or learning meditation or yoga, or some kind of creative outlet can be the beginning of a new self respect. How can you love others if you dont start loving yourself by ensuring you meet your needs? Live life from the inside out, and you may nd your needs from the outside, including food, will demand less of your attention. The Light Beyond the Light exercise involves forming a triangle with your thumbs and forengers laid over a chakra while you stand in the sunlight and get lled up with Solar Light food. It works!


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efore the age of two, we did not have clear sense of separation between ourselves and our primary caretakers or our environment. We felt like an extension of whatever we experienced. Around age 2, the Parietal Lobes of the brain, along the side behind the ears, kicked in to begin the natural trend toward individuation; the beginning of a sense of a separate me. Neuroscientists call this part of the brain the Orientation Association Area, or OAA. Hence, we learned to say no and mine and entered the terrible twos. Hopefully, we learned to temper that period, and gained some basic cooperative skills. Trouble is, the Temporal Lobes continue to aect us in the same way, contributing to an ongoing sense of alienation and a separate me into adulthood. Meanwhile, Western Cultural values exemplify the virtues of the rugged individual (Ive got be meee) while at the same time many suer from existential angst in epidemic proportions in the forms of depression, suicide and psychosomatic diseases. You could say all our suering stems from our sense of separation; from each other and our Divine Source. Anthropologists point out that a natural transitional point of maturation occurs in primitive cultures around, if not before, the age of 18. This time is often marked by some kind of ritual welcoming the person into a new phase of maturity and involving absorption into some kind of collective identityas a hunter, craftsperson, medicine man, warrior, etc. Thus the drive to individuate is subsumed into an identity that now serves the greater good (tribe, culture). In Western society we do see weak versions of this ritual (family gatherings, campus fraternity rites, induction into service clubs or the military), but by and large, we grow up without the benet of being able to shed the separate self in a clear, transformative ritual setting. Measure your client on the Scale. In most cases, there will be a benet to reducing (LS) the over activity of the OAA. To balance the situation, consider the role of the Left Frontal Lobe in facilitating states of union or oneness. In many, this is under activated. Use a chart of 10 for the LFLobe with 10 as optimal and 0 as dormant. You may raise (RS) it up to optimal.






he Solfeggio frequencies are derived from the musical tones of antiquity. Dr. Len Horowitz (DNA and The Pirates of the Sacred Spiral Tetrahedron Press) points out that these same frequencies have appeared lately in numerological studies of ancient sacred texts. It turns out that these frequencies, when applied to the body as electrical frequencies at biological levels, are eective at neutralizing manmade pathogens. These are normal bacterial and viral forms that have been deliberately altered in Human laboratories for the express purpose of Biological Warfare. Yes, I know this may be hard to believe, but this is the source of commonly known health issues like Lymes Disease and Aids. Dr. Horowitz has the documentation! (See his Emerging Viruses) The 528 frequency is apparently used in DNA research as it has been seen to reset the DNA back to its ideal template. Unexplained syndromes and symptoms may have a basis in bio-warfare microbes. We have all been exposed with the Chemtrail problem. I would suspect that Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are simply default diagnosis for sets of chronic symptoms associated with these mad creations of the military-industrial-congressional complex that Eisenhower tried to warn us of as he left oce. Included in this chart are some other more esoteric frequencies. Ask if any of these frequencies would benet your client, and identify them. Ideally, you would want to use these with a Frequency Generator like the GB 4000 available from . However, you can still Dowse in (RS) all the benets of the frequency of ___ at the most appropriate potencies and strengths, with all the biological benets thereof.






hese are energetically inherited patterns of pre-disposition to disease identied by Hahnemann, the father of Homeopathy almost 300 years ago. He observed that diseases in the family lineage, if survived, would leave an energetic imprint in the cells of future generations which would predict a greater probability or predisposition to disease for some in the lineage. According to Hans Selye, who looked at the eects of Stress on biology, Miasms are more likely to manifest when we are in a state of Exhaustion or depletion from too many accumulated life stressors leading to a weakening of immunity and regenerative potential. A Miasm for Tetanus (or lockjaw) can be part of a prole for TMJ (temporal mandibular joint disorder). A Miasm for Cholera may predict a tendency toward Bowel weakness, etc. Think of Miasms like rocks in a farmers eld. As long as they are undergroundno problem! But you never know when one will pop up, and then it needs to be dealt with, or it could ruin your tractor! Dowse out the Miasm (LS) on a cellular memory level, and ask that it also be cleared at the point of origin, at all points in the lineage, past, present and future. You may need to call in a specialized Helper for this. You may want to identify the year of the establishment of the Miasm in your lineage and go there to clear it at that time.





ccording to Bruce Liptons recent work, the Cell Nucleus is no longer considered the brain of the Cell. Rather, all of the internal Cellular processes and exchanges with the body are mediated by the Cell Well Membrane. This structure requires adequate Fatty Acids and Water in diet. The electrical charge on the Cell Membrane is reective of its overall function and vitality. Fresh and raw foods, as well as exposure to Sunlight, provide an abundant supply of free electrons to the body. In the short term, small doses of Bicarb of Soda can do the same. The normal electrical voltage in the body is a function of the Kidney/Adrenal complex. In Chinese Medicine, these are considered the batteries of the body. Check on their status on a chart of 10, or a Balance chart. Do a separate reading for each, as one can be functioning quite dierently than the other. Find out if what is stressing them is Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual or Environmental. Again, you can treat an organ is if it were a being, because it is!

Obviously, you want your client in the Healthy Range. Another emergency rst aid tip: get a 9V battery, hold one terminal with a nger on your left hand, and tap the other terminal with your right. This is sending an electrical transfusion into the body that can temporarily top up your battery!






hinese Medicine has a 6000 year history of research and success. Do you think they are on to something? Compared to Western Drugs and Surgery Medicine with maybe 300 years historyIm inclined to say yes.

Youll need to study Basic Chinese Medicine to appreciate the value of Dowsing these issues. However, there is some balancing you can do with the help of your Guides and the Dowsing System. First, with the Elements in mind, ask if there are any decompensating Elements. If yes identify and measure them on a Balance Scale. Simply raise or lower the Element accordingly. The same with the Meridians. Ask to be shown any imbalanced Meridian, check on a Balance chart (left Yin, right Yang) and correct accordingly. Tip: repressed emotions can clog the Meridians or specic points. Ask if this is a cause of any imbalance, and investigate. Also, a Laser Pen available at most big box oce supply stores can balance the Meridians at the terminal points in the corner of each ngernail. Running the laser over the nger tips along the bottom line of the nails can give you an energetic boost, and charge up the Meridians. Dont over-do, and avoid exposing the eyes!


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hese factors are often unseen and thus overlooked. Geopathic Stress may be involved in as many as of all diseases and medical conditions. Suspect and check this chart when there is any kind of chronic health issue, especially when the issue is associated with moving to a specic location, or is multi-generational involving the same home and property. Geopathic Stress is a recognized disease causing factor in many European countries. It is rooted in the idea that Mother Earth is a living entity, and has streams of energy owing throughout her body much as we do. Where we spend a lot of time, such in bed, an oce, or living room couch, is where many of these inuences can be strongest. One way to nd out if Geopathic Stress is an issue is to simply move the bed, the oce chair or favorite easy chairand see what happens. Cats are natural Geopathic Stress detectors as they seem to be drawn to and like places that would be unhealthy for humans. Dogs, on the other hand, will be attracted to places that are good for humansso take my advice, boysits better to be in the doghouse than the cathouse!

The Hartmaan and Curry lines are named after the medical doctors who rst identied these many years ago. They run in latitudinal and longitudinal lines over the entire planet, like the grid map you see on a typical globe. Where they intersect can create a point of energy that is stressful to human life, with the Haartman lines associated with cancers. If your home or property tests positive for either of these lines, consider the following protocol: Dowse the outer perimeter of the home looking for a Yes response to non-benecial Geopathic energy lines. Traditional Dowser s will use L Rods for this purpose, which you can make by bending some wire coat hangers. But a normal pendulum will work. When you detect such a line, ask if it is going into the home, or coming out of the home at this point. Mark the spot. Continue around the entire perimeter of the building or property. Get some 18 inch lengths of copper wire; multi strand electrical wire is ne. It can be insulated or not, but it needs to be bendable and hold its shape. Make some giant staples with the ends 3 or 4 inches each, and drive or plant the staple in the ground at the point you want to intercept the line. Do this for every entry and exit point you have identied. That will re-direct the energy back into the Earth and keep your home clear. You may need to re-check the place in a few weeks or months, as sometimes the lines can drift, especially if you are in a seismically active area like near a volcano or a place prone to earthquakes. A Spirit Line indicates some kind of connection to a gravesite or site involving earth-bound spirits, like the site of a massacre or battle. Ask to trace the line to its start and clear the energies at the source as you would entities at a distance. Toxic Bed Springs occur when the metals get magnetized through repeated movement over time. This is more referring to

actual spiral springs, although at metal springs can also be a problem. Metal spirals are ideal antennas for picking up and amplifying energies indiscriminately. You may be able to de-gauss them with the appropriate equipment, but I would suggest if there are other Geopathic or chronic Health issues, consider switching to a non-metallic sleeping system. A Positive Ionic Field is producing unhealthy charges that can contribute to many chronic imbalances . The language is confusing, but a Negative Ionic Field is actually healthy. If a Positive Field shows up, see if you can discover its source. Ask how close is the source, can your Guides go there and negate or reverse the pattern, or can the energy be diverted from your home and grounded back into the Earth? Hydro Lines are a documented source of cancer-causing (immune suppressing) frequencies, particularly implicated with Leukemia. The research is there, although suppressed. Suggestion: nd another place to live. Deadly Orgone was Wilhelm Reichs term for chi gone bad. It can make you ill, and can be produced around devices of high electrical output like transformers, cell towers and microwave devices. Microwave ovens are banned in Japan and Russiawhy not here? They are just right, however, for footstools, and can stimulate some helpful conversation in that harmless role! Factoid: Microwave ovens were invented by the Nazis. Need I say more? A major source of DO is Cell Phone Towers. If you live near one, you need to do everyone a favor and learn about simple Orgonite tools to protect life from these invasive energies. The towers are literally creating a frequency fence in an attempt to keep us from Ascending at this pivotal time. Dont worry its not working, but in the meantime we can do our part! See my friend Jons site for info and products. Likewise is the HAARP project located in Alaska. This experimental array of powerful transmitters can literally tear holes in the ionosphere, and can bounce psycho-active data o the upper atmosphere literally aecting the mental state of targeted populations. If this shows up in a clients prole, I would look at raising their frequency beyond the range of Haarp, and Dowse a Radionic Rate for their protection. Suggest placing an Orgonite Grid around the home and property. An Apex Grid Point is a focal point of a larger energetic planetary grid. Youll have to check the Balance Chart to determine its eects. The Gravitational Grid plays a part in the stabilization of 3D Earths Dualistic nature. As such, it may also be part of what is inhibiting Ascension, or the rise to a 5D experience. Ask your Guides if this can be shifted, or if you simply may need to move away from or avoid this limiting factor. The Electromagnetic Grid may be viewed as Earths nervous system. As such, it can be under or over activated, and may need some stress reduction of its own! Use the Balance Chart to determine inuence. Ask the 2D Elementals to help direct or tone down this energy if too high or stimulating. The Light Grid, on the other hand, is associated with the planetary Light Body, or Merkaba, and is part and parcel of the shift to 5D Earth. It was anchored in 1987 as part of the Harmonic Convergence. This marked the start of a 25 year transition period referred to in the Mayan Calendar as The Time of No Time, or the time when time as we know it will be over. If it shows up in a prole, this is reason to celebrate,

although adjusting to this Grid may be stressful! A Portal indicates some kind of dimensional doorway or rift. If encountered consciously, this can be a place of deep insight, downloading of information, or even time and space travel! If unaware, however, one may experience disorientation or even fear-invoking experiences. It is best to be in this energy with your eyes open, and being fully grounded in your body. A Lateral Flow simply indicates an earth energy line with a horizontal pathway. A Quartz Field can indicate a power place situated over an underground concentration of quartz crystal or granite, which has a high proportion of quartz. These can be very powerful healing places, as in the location of John of God in Brazil, where thousands come for miraculous healings every year. It is another reason to celebrate if you are living over one, although the high energies can be taxing on the nervous system. Raise the Adaptation Level to 100%. If it shows up, ask if the client is being negatively aected by the eld, or needs to seek one out for healing. A Conductive Energy Field simply indicates the presence of highly electrically conductive minerals or water in the area. Gold, Iron or Copper veins may be close by. This may create a zone of electrical stimulation, which can be either benecial or stressful. Use the Balance Chart to determine the overall eect. A Dome Energy Spiral is generally considered benecial, and is the result of underwater springs radiating out from a natural vertical underground well, which may not be noticeable on the surface. An Electromagnetic Vortex exhibits both inward and outward spins of energy or male and female energies, like a vortex within a vortex. These can be mentally and emotionally stimulating areas, and also a place to ground and make a deeper connection with Mother Earth. They may be places to help imbalances in yin and yang energies. Electrical Vortexes are right spin spiraling energies from within the Earth in a male or yang polarity. As such, they tend to be stimulating, and can exacerbate things like inammation, infection, tumors or other yang conditions. On the other hand, they can also stimulate creative ideas and visions. You will need to ground yourself after being in this kind of energy for very long. A Black Ley Line is the result of unhealthy radiations form minerals or polluted water underground. They will concentrate as Black Spirals which can be major causes of ill health, especially if a bed is situated over one. The healthy variety of these is the White Ley Lines and Spirals. An Overground Standing Stone indicates some kind of radiation from a standing stone at a distance. These are often granite structures. In Europe, they are found commonly associated with sacred sites, and known as dolmens or menhirs. Check for overall eects, and divert as needed. Clay is regarded as an unhealthy medium in which to build a home, and is associated with increased incidence of cancers. Perhaps this is because many clay sites are in river beds or deltas where moving water creates an electrical charge buildup. Unfortunately, many major towns and cities are built in just these kind of sites. Remove the negative inuence and raise the adaptation levels as needed.

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he past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind within the ultra violet eld. These electromagnetic codlings can be changed, and in fact are in constant ux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not a linear one way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more xed than your future. Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become a reality, and evidence would be found to conrm it. Yet it would be a completely dierent past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate yet valid les within the hologramic programs of time. As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do eects your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and mis-actions that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore, all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn to do this consciously. The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you constantly rearrange your memory of the pastwith the experience of each new moment, each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given experiential event. Your hypnotherapists are aware that pseudo-memories of ctitious or altered past events can be implanted in the minds of humans through deep state inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and they way they eect the subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations evolve and change. And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual

recreation, not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was. Thechild within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young adult and elderly you in your future. Re-Scripting the Past Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your individual past, from the stance of Now. Within the NOW, you can Merkabically convert to the MerKiVa and as such gain the controls of all within our multidimensionality. That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it. It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of co-creation in the singular moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni Earth. We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place. In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not changed his or her past. As an example, the channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having a traumatic past life bleed thru of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow. Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens, were pulled into the re-enactment because the trauma they felt when desperately attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multidimensional self that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear. The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience. This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically eecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. It does

so by changing the past. When you rescript your past and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is eliminate. It is as if the trauma never occurred, and that is exactly what happens. This is but one example. So regardless of the specic details, all of you have traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection required in enlightened co-creation. Do not be dismayed, this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Merkiva within the NOW. And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You have the ability to remove trauma from the past at anytime, and from an over view that is the completing portion of the lesson of why you chose the experience in the rst place. Channeled from Archangel Metatron through James Tyberon


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