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Notes to the CV Format Sept 12

1. The format should be strictly followed.

2. CV to be prepared in A4 Size only.

3. Font to be used : a. Calibri 16 for name- Name not in Capitals only bold b. Calibri 12 for headings Capitals and bold c. Calibri 10 for remaining data d. Check that font Calibri is used throughout. 4. Please ensure that all data is filled in the tables given as per new format. 5. Please do not change or remove the borders. 6. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes. 7. Those that have done 12th and 10th from CBSE Board must write AISSCE and AISSE, others may have HSC and SSC or ICS and ICSE . 8. Those that do not have work experience should delete the relevant rows. 9. Details of your internship project / work ex should be in the order in which you did worked e.g. data collection should be before analysis and report writing must be later. 10. Mention only 4 bullet points in the point 9 11. All details in point 9 must be in past tense and begin with a verb. Try not to repeat the same verb. (Refer list given earlier for verbs) 12. Achievements etc. a. To be written in reverse chronological order b. You may write groupwise e.g. academic, sports, cultural - but do not mention headings. ( The reader will understand the groups) c. Years to be written, not in brackets. d. Mention only important achievements. e. Club together similar achievements. f. Avoid any activity up to 12th Std. unless it is something outstanding. g. Minimise the use of bold. h. Limit your achievements etc to 8 13. Proof read your cv before you come for review. 14. Please carry a hard copy 15. Save a copy in your pen drive with your name as -Name Surname- SIIB CV Sept 12, CV saved with any other name/ format will not be considered. 16. Please be prepared well in advance to save time.

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