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Guidelines For CV (2023)

1. Follow Calibri font type and font size as given in the sample CV
2. The LinkedIn address must be included and should be in blue color
3. After putting the percentage in result column, write Sem in bracket.
4. Must write the name of the city from where schooling and graduation has been done. Do
not write too big names of schools. Write abbreviations, city
5. The time stamp for all the projects (WIP, Live and CSR) must be mentioned. E.g. -
(Aug.9-Aug.16, 2019). Please note that 2019 or 2020 etc. should not be mentioned twice. Write
the word graduation in bracket for the projects done during etc.
6. A formal passport size photograph with plain background only is acceptable. Get e-copy
of professionally clicked photograph to be put in the box given on the top in CV. The position
and alignment of the photograph should be appropriate.
7. Page Number must be put in footers where ever it exceeds 1 page.
8. Permanent address only should be put in the footer including Pin code for the city.
9. For all projects (WIP, CSR, Live) Location and Project Title must be mentioned.
10. Need not capitalize each word, only the first letter has to be in capital.
11. Avoid putting ‘participation’ in co-curricular activities if you already have secured 1st,
2nd or 3rd positions in the same event.
12. Put CSR project in community service and not in internships
13. Curricular activities should not be too old. Latest from class 12 onwards.
14. If you had any position like coordinated an event, headed any project like clubs etc.,
keep it in positions of responsibility.
15. Mention your proficiency level for technology R, Python, Excel, languages. The
proficiency levels can range from working knowledge to advanced. Remember you will be
asked questions based on your level of knowledge.
16. Single inverted commas (‘) to be used to highlight any input. (“) Are used to quote an
17. Additional learning is anything done in addition to the curriculum.
18. Do not use the word ‘I’
19. Highlight your work done during SIPS, Live projects etc
20. Use active verbs for e.g., Carried out instead of did, Data collection and /or
compilation instead of colleting the data and putting it together.
21. No full stop to be put after bullet points.
22. Must mention the languages known. Besides the main language/s, you can say: ‘Read,
Write at basic/intermediate/advance level French, Punjabi’ etc.
23. Pl. remember you need to justify anything mentioned in the CV including the
hobbies for example; if you say sports- expected PI questions-which sport, sport person, -
why, comments on latest matches
24. Do not write long list of certificates for the sake of it. Include only those which can be
justified. The certificates mentioned should add value.
25. Whatever is very valuable and important from recruiter’s point of view, should be in
bold and italics to catch the attention like received an appreciation, State level performer etc.
26. While mailing your resume, the word file has to be saved as: Roll no. Space Name,
Surname in this order only. Only the first letter of the name and surname should be in caps.

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