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English Banana.

Test Your Grammar Skills
Zero Conditional 2
Soap dissolves if you leave it in water.

Plants die

if you dont water them.

Milk goes off

if you dont keep it in a cool place.

Ask the teacher

if you dont understand.

I dont mind

if you want to use the car.

Children get upset

if theyre being bullied.

Stamps can be good fun

if you enjoy collecting things.

It can be hard to access the web

if you dont have a PC at home.

The heater comes on

if you press this switch.

Pasta tastes awful

if you let it boil for too long.

I can go early on Fridays

if I ask my managers permission.

I usually like listening to the radio

if Julie has it on.

My mind goes blank

if you put me on the spot.

The car runs like a dream

if you service it regularly.

Dogs really like it

if you walk them regularly.

big grammar book English Banana 2003


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