Newsletters 2006 - AVT

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Training & Translations

Newsletter 2006

CONFUSABLE WORDS: holiday - holidays If you describe a single day as a holiday, it is a day on which nobody in a particular country is required to work, often because that day is a religious festival. In Britain these holidays are called bank holidays. (It is always open 12 am to 2 pm, except Bank Holidays). In British English, a holiday is also a period of time lasting more than two or three days that you spend away from home for pleasure. When you go away from home in this way, you day that you go on holiday. (The remainder of that holiday passed without incident). When you spend a long period of time like this each year, you can also refer to is as your holidays. (Where are you going for your holidays?). The holidays are also a period of time when schools and colleges are closed. (I am staying with a school friend during the school holidays.). You can refer to a period of time away from work as holiday. (The company offers a pension scheme and three weeks holiday). Other words The usual American word for a longer period of time spend away from work or school, or for a period of time spend awaty from home enjoying yourself is vacation. At a British university, the vacation is one of the periods of several weeks whn the university is officially closed ro teaching. URL Recomendado: GEOGRAPHY RESOURCES Map Machina: National Geographic presents this searchable collection of maps, also available by category. Check out the conservation maps to see something completely different. Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make Me a Map: Will Fontanez of the Cartographic Services Laboratory at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville has designed this exploration of cartography. Maps: David Leveson of the Geography Department at Brooklyn College put together these straightforward tutorials on basic concepts in making and reading maps. Mathematics of Cartography: Well-done interdisciplinary tutorial on map making - not too heavy on the graphics either; from Rice University. Zip Code, Area Code, City, County & Time Zone Cross Refs: Just type in the code and it will bring up all kinds of geographic and demographic data on a community or region - even zip code maps. Para jugar un rato Geographia: Virtual destinations around the globe to help your students further experience the physical geography of the world around them. Geonet: Based on National Geography Standards, this game challenges students to apply knowledge of geography in a number of different contexts and can last up to 2 hours. Where is That?: Funbrain game in which maps come up on the screen and students must identify countries, states and capitals. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. sobre tipos de transporte (See possible answers below). How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre tipos de transporte. (See possible answers below).
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1 We will pick up the shipment for transport on the next available vessel. 2 Please provide us with the comparative costs for shipping to New York by train via Louisville and by boat. 3 In accepting this Bill of Lading, the shipper accepts and agrees to all the terms, conditions and exceptions as specified in the contract. 4 Do you have cargo space available on your next ship sailing to New York? 5 We would like the goods shipped by air since the shipment must reach us within a week. 6 We can act on your behalf if you send us, in addition to the Bill of Lading endorsed, a letter to Customs authorizing us to do so. 7 We would like to know the current freight rates for this merchandise, the loading dates, the time of transit, and frequency of sailings. 8 Cargo to be delivered unto order of Smith and Co. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Vamos a recoger el envo para transportarlo en el primer buque disponible. 2 Por favor proporcinenos los costos comparativos de transporte a Nueva York por tren via Lousiville y por barco. 3 Al aceptar este conocimiento de embarque, el expedidor acepta y suscribe formalmente todos los trminos, condiciones y excepciones tal y como se especifican en el contrato. 4 Dispone usted de espacio en su siguiente barco con destino Nueva Cork? 5 Deseamos que la mercanca se nos enve por avin, ya que debe llegar dentro de una empresa. 6 Podemos actuar en su nombre si nos enva, adems del conocimiento de embarque endosado, una carta dirigida a l aduana en la que nos autorice a hacerlo. 7 Quisiramos saber los precios de transporte actuales par eta mercanca, las fechas de carga, el tiempo de transporte y la frecuencia de las salidas 8 Carga a entregar a la orden de Smith & Co.

Frases para pensar: Good and Peace There's harmony and inner peace to be found in following a moral compass that points in the same direction regardless of fashion or trend. --Ted Koppel Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. --Buddha I believe in the sun even though it is slow in rising. I believe in you without realizing. I believe in rain though there are no clouds in the sky. I believe in truth even though people lie. I believe in peace though sometimes I am violent. I believe in God even though he is silent. --Unknown Either war is obsolete or men are. --R. Buckminster Fuller There are no warlike people, just warlike leaders . --Ralph Bunche Permanent good can never be the outcome of untruth and violence. --Mahatma Gandhi
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Training & Translations

Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: You won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you. --Ajahn Chah (Reflections) Peace does not dwell in outward things, but within the soul; we may preserve it in the midst of the bitterest pain, if our will remains firm and submissive. Peace in this life springs from acquiescence not in an exemption from suffering. --Francis Fenelon But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. --Galatians 5:22-23 We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. --Anton Chekov Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. --John Muir One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

CONFUSABLE WORDS: sometimes - sometime You use sometimes, to say that something happens on certain occasions, rather that all the time. (Do you hear from your sister? - Sometimes.) You can also use sometimes to say that sometimes happens I certain cases, but not in every case. (Sometimes they come for a term, sometimes for 6 months). When you spend a long period of time like this each year, you can also refer to is as your holidays. (Where are you going for your holidays?). Sometime means at a vague or unspecified time in the future o past. (Can I come and see you sometime?). When it is used in this way, sometime is often written as two words. (He died some time last year.). You also use sometime in front of a title or name or a job to indicate the position or job that someone had at an unspecified time in the past. ( Sir Alfred Munnings, sometime President of the Royal Academy.)

URL Recomendado: Para los que tenemos MSN - Conversemos con la Encarta a travs del MSN Puedes chatear con la enciclopedia Encarta. Te contesta a cualquier pregunta, preferiblemente preguntas "enciclopdicas", pero tambin te contesta a cualquier otra pregunta. Si ests aburrido, puedes charlar con ella, vers que siempre te contesta a tono. No es necesario tener la Encarta instalada, es totalmente gratis. Si tienes una duda existencial, o deseas saber algn dato, puedes contactar la Encarta a travs del MSN. Debes agregar entre tus contactos del MSN a El nico problema es que por ahora slo contesta en ingls. Pero puedes hacerle incluso preguntas personales, que ella siempre tendr una respuesta para darte. Las preguntas que mejor responde son
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Training & Translations

del tipo "I want to see the map of Sweden" o "Where was Pablo Picasso born?". Ver para creer... Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre tipos de transporte y embalaje (cont.). (See possible answers below). 1 Unless you pack your goods carefully they can be damaged by atmospheric moisture, bilge, or cargo shifting. 2 Truck shipments direct from Caracas. 3 Our prices are quoted inclusive of packing charges. 4 We employ specialist export packers to do our packing. 5 Wouldnt this small package be better shipped by air? 6 Please pack our goods for sea shipment in waterproof boxes. 7 When packing, please consider that the crates are likely to receive rough handling. 8 We have today dispatched the following goods by road. 9 Your order is ready for dispatch. We are awaiting your instructions. 10 When packing is complete, please notify our agents. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Si no empaca/embala su mercadera con cuidado, puede sufrir daos por la humedad del ambiente, el agua o los movimientos de carga. 2 Embarques por camin directamente desde Caracas. 3 Nuestros precios incluyen los gastos de embalaje. 4 Usamos el servicio de empaquetadores especializados en exportacin par embalar nuestros productos. 5 No seria mejor enviar este pequeo paquete por avin? 6 Favor para envos por barco, empacar en cajas impermeables. 7 Al embalar, tome en consideracin que las cajas de maderas pueden ser manipuladas con poco cuidado. 8 Hoy enviamos las mercaderas siguientes por ruta. 9 Su pedio esta lista para ser enviado. Estamos esperando sus instrucciones. 10 Cuando el embalaje de la mercadera este terminando, notifquelo, por favor a nuestros.

Evolution People who exercise their embryonic freedom day after day,little by little, expand that freedom. People who do not will find that it withers until they are literally 'being lived.' They are acting out scripts written by parents, associates, and society. -- Stephen R. Covey Our earth is degenerate in these latter days; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; and the end of the world is evidently approaching. -- Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C. I am not caused by my history--my parents, my childhood and development. These are mirrors in which I may catch glimpses of my image. -- James Hillman Up to a point a man's life is shaped by environment, heredity, and movements and changes in the world about him. Then there comes a time when it lies within his grasp to shape the clay of his life into the sort of thing he wishes to be.
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Training & Translations

Only the weak blame parents, their race, their times, lack of good fortune, or the quirks of fate. Everyone has it within his power to say, "This I am today; that I will be tomorrow." -- Louis L'Amour

CONFUSABLE WORDS: statistics statistical Statistics are figures which give factual information about the world or about an area, for example the number of dogs in a town, the average age of doctors, or the percentage of pupils who pass an exam. (Statistics never prove anything.) Statistics is also the branch of mathematics which studies these figures and interprets them. When it has this meaning, statistics is an uncountable noun, and takes a singular verb. (Social science courses commonly require elementary mathematics or statistics.). Statistical is the adjective describing things related to statistics. (Little statistical work has been done on fads and fashions). Other words Instead of saying that two things have a statistical relationship, you can say that they are statistically related. URL Recomendado: GLOBALHEALTHFACTS.ORG: Here's a site that will give you some quick numbers on world health. has data on HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, avian flu, and other diseases, and you can find it out with the click of a mouse. Just click on the map at the home page, or type a country name in the search box, and you'll get recent statistics. You can also stroll down and click on topics (including Demography and the Economy) which will compare countries for each topic. Its companion site, ), is also useful for getting statistics about world health. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre seguro maritimo (See possible answers below). 1 This company, in consideration of a premium as agreed, and subject to the terms and conditions printed herein, does insure Company XX. 2 Touching the adventures and perils which this Company is contented to bear they are of the seas, fires, jettisons, etc. 3 Valued at sum insured, shipped on board XXX. Sailing date X, and from Veracruz to New York. Loss, if any, payable to Company XX. 4 It is a condition of this insurance that there shall be no interruption or suspension of transit unless due to circumstances beyond the control of the Assured. 5 The following warranties shall be paramount and shall not be amended or suspended by any other provision. 6 This policy is not transferable unless countersigned by an authorized representative of this Company or the Assured. 7 This insurance attaches from the time goods leave the warehouse (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Esta compaa, considerando la prima acordada y de acuerdo con los trminos y condiciones indicados en el presente, asegura a la Compaa XX. 2 En cuanto a los riesgos y peligros que esta compaa esta dispuesta a asumir, se incluyen los de naturaleza martima, los incendios, la mercanca echada al mar, etc. 3 Valorado por el monto asegurado, embarcado a bordo de XXX. Fecha de salida X, en Veracruz y desde dicho puerto hasta Nueva York. En caso de perdidas, estas le sern reembolsadas a la compaa XX. 4 Una de las condiciones de este seguro es que no debe haber interrupcin o suspensin de
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transito, a menos que sea por causas ajenas a la voluntad del asegurado. 5 Las siguientes garantas prevalecern y no sern modificadas o suspendidas por ninguna otra disposicin. 6 Esta pliza no es transferible, a menos que sea refrendada por un representante autorizado de esta compaa o del asegurado. 7 Este seguro entra en vigor a partir del momento en que la mercadera sale del depsito. Think about it! "Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered." -Anon. "Don't try to buy at the bottom and sell at the top. It can't be done except by liars." -Bernard Baruch "I made my money by selling too soon." -Bernard Baruch "A market is the combined behavior of thousands of people responding to information, misinformation and whim." -Kenneth Chang "Emotions are your worst enemy in the stock market." -Don Hays "Everyone has the brainpower to follow the stock market. If you made it through fifth-grade math, you can do it." -Peter Lynch, "Modern Maturity Magazine, Jan/Feb 1995" "90% of the people in the stock market, professionals and amateurs alike, simply haven't done enough homework." -William J. O'Neil "I have probably purchased fifty 'hot tips' in my career, maybe even more. When I put them all together, I know I am a net loser." -Charles Schwab

CONFUSABLE WORDS: hire rent - let In British English, if you pay a sum of money in order to use something for a short period of time, you can say that you hire it. In American English, it is more common to say that you rent it. (He has been unable to hire another car because of the holiday season. He rented a car for the weekend). If you make a series of payments in order to use something for a long period, you say that you rent it. (The apartment he had rented was on the 3rd floor.). If you rent a house or room to someone, they pay you money to be allowed to live in it. (They had tried to make ends meet by renting the basement room to a family of Italian refugees). If you let a house or room to someone, they pay you money to be allowed to live in it. (The notice said: Room in private flat to let until end October). URL Recomendado: Calendario con feriados de todos los pases del mundo. En este sitio web podrn ver el calendario con los feriados de todos los pases del mundo. Tambin

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esta la versin amigable para poder imprimirlos. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre Aduana (See possible answers below). 1 All articles obtained abroad must clear customs. 2 The penalties for smuggling and for making a false declaration are severe. 3 Please produce the Certificate of Origin. 4 If you do not wish to pay duty immediately, you can deposit the goods in a bonded warehouse. 5 Do you intend to re export the goods? 6 It is against the law and the law is the same for everyone. 7 It is no use pleading ignorance, there will be duty to pay. 8 All imported goods are sold with out the addition of import duty. 9 Please specify whether this is the duty paid price. 10 We enclose our shipping instructions form and will be pleased if you fill it put and return it to us together with a copy of the invoice for customs clearance abroad. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Todos los artculos adquiridos en el extranjero deben ser despachados en la aduana. 2 Las multas por contrabando y por hacer declaraciones falsas son severas. 3 Presente por favor, el certificado de origen. 4 Si no desea pagar los derechos ahora mismo, puede depositar los productos en un depsito de la aduana. 5 Tiene intenciones de reexportar la mercadera? 6 Es contra la ley y la ley es la misma para todos. 7 Es intil fingir ignorancia, habr que pagar derechos. 8 Todos los productos importados son vendidos sin derechos de aduana. 9- Especifique, por favor, si este precio incluye los derechos. 10 Adjuntamos nuestro formulario de instrucciones de envo; le agradeceremos que nos lo devuelva cuando lo haya respondido, junto con una copia de la factura para el despacho de aduana en el extranjero. Frases de Confucio Saber que se sabe lo que se sabe y que no se sabe lo que no se sabe; he aqu el verdadero saber. Exgete mucho a ti mismo y espera poco de los dems. As te ahorrars disgustos. Cada cosa tiene su belleza, pero no todos pueden verla. Es posible conseguir algo luego de tres horas de pelea, pero es seguro que se podr conseguir con apenas tres palabras impregnadas de afecto. Una casa ser fuerte e indestructible cuando est sostenida por estas cuatro columnas: padre valiente, madre prudente, hijo obediente, hermano complaciente. Los vicios vienen como pasajeros, nos visitan como huspedes y se quedan como amos. Aprender sin pensar es intil. Pensar sin aprender, peligroso. Lo que quiere el sabio, lo busca en s mismo; el vulgo, lo busca en los dems.

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CONFUSABLE WORDS: speak talk When you speak or talk , you use your voice to produce words. Sometimes you can use both speak and talk without changing the sense very much, as in the following examples. (Johnny had been speaking almost in a whisper. Uncle Sam went on talking, in his low, throaty voice). You usually use speak when one person is addressing another, and the second person is listening rather than joining in. For example, a politician speaks to an audience. If you speak to someone about something that worries or annoys you, you say that you think is wrong. (It was Harolds turn to speak. He never spoke at meetings but just stared at the other directors. It was essential that I speak to Smithy. Several parents had spoken to me expressing their grave concern). You usually use talk when two or more people are having a conversation or discussion. For example, when people have a meal together, they talk to each other. If you talk to someone about something that worries or annoys you, you discuss it with them and expect them to express their point of view. Note that in American English you can also talk with someone. (A family of five were finishing lunch and talking loudly. She said that she would like to meet me because Patricia had talked about me. If you are really serious, Davis, Ill talk to Watson. Have you talked with the doctor yet?). If you speak a language, you know that language and can use it. (You speak such excellent French!. Peter was one of the few members of his team to speak good English. He made friends with Korean laborers who spoke some English but wanted to learn more). During an actual conversation, you can talk or speak in a language, or talk or speak the language. Note that speak is slightly more formal. (Sitting Bull was to talk in the Sioux language; an interpreter was to translate. They spoke in Yiddish in case the line was being taped. There where a lot of people on the boat talking French. Then it dawned on me that they were speaking Spanish). URL Recomendado: GeoHive: Global Statistics Welcome to GeoHive, a site with geopolitical data, statistics on the human population, Earth and more. The main kind of data you can find here is on the population of regions, countries, provinces and cities. Next to that there are some statistics on economic factors like wealth, infrastructure; statistics on natural phenomena; ....... and yet, even more.. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre Estrategias de Exportacin (See possible answers below). 1 The imposition of a quota on our products going to Britain will force us to replace our sales office with a production plant. 2 The bacterial count on the cheese was too high to allow export to the US. 3 The VAT of 18.5 % makes our electronic products very expensive in Germany. 4 We will have to change the color and the size of our packaging if we want to export our products to the US. 5 We will need $1,000,000 minimum to construct an assembly plant there. 6 Company ABC could be a potential partner for us since their distribution channels are similar to ours. 7 What have the results of your research revealed? 8 The export opportunity seems too good to pass up. 9 With sales offices springing up everywhere, it may be time to consider reorganizing our export department into an international division. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 La imposicin de una cuota sobre nuestros productos exportados a Gran Bretaa nos obligar a reemplazar nuestras oficinas de venta por una planta de produccin. 2 El conteo de bacterias en nuestros quesos fue demasiado alto para permitir su exportacin a los Estados Unidos. 3 El I.V.A. de 18.5 % hace muy caros nuestros productos electrnicos en Alemania.
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4 Vamos a tener que cambiar el color y el tamao de nuestro embalaje si queremos exportar nuestros productos a los Estados Unidos. 5 Necesitaremos por lo menos un milln de dlares para construir una planta de montaje all. 6 La empresa ABC podra ser un socio potencial para nosotros, ya que sus canales de distribucin son similares a los nuestros. 7 - Qu es lo que han revelado sus estudios? 8 Esta oportunidad de exportar parece demasiado buena para dejarla pasar. 9 Ya que surgen oficinas de ventas por todos lados, quiz sea el momento de plantearnos la reorganizacin de nuestro departamento de exportacin como divisin internacional. Para pensar: Podemos vivir ms despacio? Ya van para 18 aos desde que ingres en la Volvo, una empresa sueca. Trabajar con ellos es una convivencia, pero no menos interesante. Cualquier proyecto aqu demora dos aos para concretizarse, aunque la idea sea brillante y simple. Es una regla. Los procesos globalizados causan en nosotros (brasileos, argentinos, peruanos, australianos, asiticos, etc.) una ansiedad generalizada en la bsqueda de resultados inmediatos, en consecuencia, nuestro sentido de la urgencia no surte efecto dentro de los plazos lentos de los suecos. Los suecos debaten, debaten, realizan "n" reuniones, ponderaciones.... Y trabajan con un esquema ms bien "slow down". Lo mejor es constatar que, al final, acaba siempre dando resultados en el tiempo de ellos (los suecos) ya que conjugando la madurez de la necesidad con la tecnologa apropiada, es muy poco lo que se pierde por aqu en Suecia. Lo resumo as: 1. Suecia es del tamao del estado de San Pablo (Brasil) 2. Suecia tiene tan slo dos millones de habitantes. 3. La ciudad ms grande, Estocolmo, tiene apenas 500.000 habitantes (compare con Curitiba, PR, Brasil donde existen dos millones de habitantes o tan solo Mar del Plata - Argentina, ciudad balnearia, donde casi un milln de personas viven permanentemente o Rosario PBA Argentina con tres millones.). 4. Empresas de capital sueco: Volvo, Scania, Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, Nokia, Nobel Biocare, etc...Nada Para tener una idea de la importancia de ellas basta mencionar que es la Volvo quien fabrica los motores propulsores para los cohetes de la NASA. Digo para los dems de stos otros grupos mundiales, que los suecos pueden estar equivocados, pero son ellos quienes pagan mi salario. Por ahora, menciono especialmente que, no conozco un pueblo, como pueblo mismo, que posea ms cultura colectiva que los suecos. Voy a contarles una historia corta, slo para darles una idea... La primera vez que fui para Suecia, en el 90, uno de mis colegas suecos me recoga del hotel todas las maanas. Estbamos en el mes de Setiembre, algo de fri y nevisca. Llegbamos temprano a la Volvo y l estacionaba el auto bien lejos de la puerta de entrada (son 2000 empleados que van en coche a la empresa). El primer da no hice comentario alguno, tampoco en el segundo o en el tercero. En los das siguientes, ya con un poco ms de confianza, una maana le pregunt a mi colega: "Tienen ustedes lugar fijo para estacionar aqu? Not que llegamos temprano, con el estacionamiento vaco y dejs el coche al final de todo..." y l me respondi simplemente as: "es que como llegamos temprano, tenemos tiempo para caminar y quien llega ms tarde, ya va a llegar retrasado y es mejor que encuentre lugar ms cerca de la puerta. No te parece?" Imaginen la cara que puse. Gracias que me enganch sta experiencia en el arranque... Y con ella fue suficiente para que reviese en profundidad todos mis conceptos anteriores. En la actualidad, hay un gran movimiento en Europa llamado "Slow Food". La Slow Food International Association, cuyo smbolo es un caracol, tiene su central en Italia (el site en la Internet es muy interesante, vistalo). Lo que el movimiento Slow Food predica es que las personas deben comer y beber lentamente, dndose tiempo para saborear los alimentos, disfrutando de la preparacin, en convivencia con la familia, con los amigos, sin prisa y con calidad. La idea es contraponerse al espritu del Fast Food y lo que ste representa como estilo de vida. La sorpresa, por tanto, es que ese movimiento de Slow Food est sirviendo de base para un movimiento ms amplio
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llamado Slow Europe como resalt la revista Business Week en una de sus ltimas ediciones europeas. La base de todo est en el cuestionamiento de la "prisa" y de la "locura" generada por la globalizacin, por el deseo de "tener en cantidad" (nivel de vida) en contraposicin a la "tener en calidad", "calidad de vida" o "calidad del ser". Segn la Business Week, los operarios franceses, aunque trabajen menos horas (35 horas por semana) son ms productivos que sus colegas norteamericanos o britnicos. Y los alemanes, que en muchas empresas ya implantaron la semana de 28,8 horas de trabajo, vieron su productividad aumentar en un elogiable 20%. Esa llamada "slow attitude" est llamando la atencin hasta de los norteamericanos, discpulos del "Fast" (rpido) y del "Do it now" (Hgalo ya). Por tanto, esa "actitud sin prisa" no significa hacer menos, ni tener menor productividad. Significa s, hacer las cosas y trabajar con "ms calidad" y "ms productividad", con mayor perfeccin, con atencin a los detalles y con menos "stress". Significa retomar los valores de la familia, de los amigos, del tiempo libre, del placer del buen ocio, y de la vida en las pequeas comunidades. Del "aqu" presente y concreto, en contraposicin contra lo "mundial" indefinido y annimo. Significa retomar los valores esenciales del ser humano, de los pequeos placeres de lo cotidiano, de la simplicidad de vivir y convivir y hasta de la religin y de la fe. Significa un ambiente de trabajo menos coercitivo, ms alegre, ms leve y por lo tanto, ms productivo, donde los seres humanos realizan, con placer, lo que mejor saben hacer. Es saludable pensar detenidamente en todo esto. Ser posible que los antiguos refranes "Paso a paso se va lejos" y "La prisa es enemiga de la perfeccin" merezcan nuevamente nuestra atencin en estos tiempos de locura desenfrenada? Acaso no sera til que las empresas de nuestra comunidad, ciudad, estado, pas, empiecen ya a pensar en desarrollar programas serios de "calidad sin prisa" hasta para aumentar la productividad y calidad de los productos y servicios sin necesariamente perder "calidad del ser"? En la pelcula "Perfume de Mujer" hay una escena inolvidable, en la que el ciego (interpretado por Al Pacino) invita a una muchacha a bailar y ella responde: "No puedo, pues mi novio va a llegar en pocos minutos". a lo que el ciego (Al Pacino) responde: "Pero es que en un momento, se vive una vida.." y la saca a bailar un tango. Y el mejor momento de la pelcula es sta escena de slo unos segundos. Muchos viven corriendo detrs del tiempo pero slo lo alcanzan cuando mueren ya sea de un infarto, o un accidente en la autopista por correr para llegar a tiempo. Para otros que estn tan ansiosos por vivir el futuro que se olvidan de vivir el presente, que es el nico tiempo que realmente existe. Todos en el mundo tenemos tiempo por igual pues nadie tiene ni ms ni menos que 24 horas por da. La diferencia est en el empleo que cada uno hace de su tiempo. Necesitamos saber aprovechar cada momento, porque, como dijo John Lennon, "la vida es aquello que sucede mientras planeamos el futuro". Felicitaciones por haber conseguido leer ste mensaje hasta el final. Hay muchos que lo habrn dejado por la mitad para "no perder tiempo" tan valioso en ste mundo globalizado. Prof. Juan de Dios Ortuzar

CONFUSABLE WORDS: safety security You use safety to talk generally about being protected from harm or danger. If you are worried about someones safety, you are worried that they might have an accident or be attacked. If you are worried about the safety of a ladder, you are worried that it might cause an accident. If you are worried about the safety of a drug, you are worried that it might have a bad side effects. I was more concerned for his safety than I was for my own. We need to clearly establish the employers responsibility for health and safety at work. Professor Goldberg, Chairman of the Committee on Safety of Medicines, stated: No drug is completely safe.
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You use security to talk about the precautions that are taken to protect someone or something from attack or something from being stolen. For example, if you are worried about the security of your property, you are worried that someone might attack it or steal it You may want travellers cheques which have the advantage of considerable security against theft. The Queens visit has been marked by tight security. The security of a country is the measures it takes to prevent attacks and spying. He argued that security depended upon disarmament and the co-operation of free people. He was still regarded by the U.S. Government as a possible threat to national security. URL Recomendado: A new Web exclusive from The McKinsey Quarterly: Excelente sitio con artculos de vanguardia sobre muchos temas de negocios. Tiene una biblioteca enorme y la posibilidad de suscribirse a los newsletters segn los temas de inters de cada uno. Muy recomendable! Translation Exercise: How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Cultura y Apoyo a la Venta (See possible answers below). 1 The vendor shall commit himself to remedy any defects due to faulty design, materials or workmanship. 2 His liability shall be limited to defects which arise during the guarantee period. 3 If dispatch is delayed, the guarantee period will be extended by a period equivalent to the delay. 4 Zimbabwe will not let us repatriate the profits we will generate from our activity there. 5 Set up a meeting with the Saudis to discuss plans for a new refinery outside Riyad. 6 Our product includes a one year guarantee on all maintenance, repair and parts. 7 Does the price include on-site installation by your technicians? 8 You can receive replacement parts from Bilt Repair Co., our authorized agent in your country. 9 The US Food and Drug Administration has strict regulations governing the presence of additives in food. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 El vendedor se compromete a reparar cualquier desperfecto debido a defectos en el diseo, el material o la fabricacin. 2 Su responsabilidad se limitar a los desperfectos que surjan durante el perodo de garanta. 3 Si el envo se demora, el perodo de garanta se prolongar por un lapso equivalente al retraso. 4 Zimbabwe no nos autorizar la repatriacin de las ganancias que nuestras actividades generarn all. 5 Organice(n) una reunin con los saudes para discutirlos proyectos de una nueva refinera en las afueras de Riad. 6 Nuestro producto cuenta con garanta de un ao que cubre mantenimiento, reparaciones y refacciones. 7 - El precio incluye que sus tcnicos realicen la instalacin en nuestro local? 8 Puede conseguir repuestos en Bilt Repair Co., nuestro agente autorizado en su pas. 9 La Food and Drug Administration de los Estados Unidos tiene una reglamentacin estricta en cuanto a la presencia de aditivos en los productos alimentarios. 7 Habits Of Spectacularly Unsuccessful People by Ren Graeber NUMBER 1 - They Think, Say, & Do Negative Things. Yes. They see problems in EVERY opportunity. They complain that the sun is too hot. They cursed the rain for ruining their plans for the day. They blame the wind for ruining their hair. They think that everyone is against them. They see the problems but never the solutions. Every little bit of difficulty is exaggerated to the point of tragedy. They regard failures as
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catastrophes. They become discouraged easily instead of learning from their mistakes. They never seem to move forward because they're always afraid to come out of their comfort zones. NUMBER 2 - They Act Before They Think. They move based on instinct or impulse. If they see something they like, they buy at once without any second thought. Then they see something better. They regret & curse for not able to take advantage of the bargain. Then they spend & spend again until nothing's left. They don't think about the future. What they're after is the pleasure they will experience at present. They don't think about the consequences. NUMBER 3 - They Talk Much More Than They Listen. They want to be the star of the show. So they always engage in talks that would make them heroes, even to the point of lying. Oftentimes they are not aware that what they're saying is not sensible anymore. When other people advise them, they close their ears because they're too proud to admit their mistakes. In their mind they're always correct. They reject suggestions because that will make them feel inferior. NUMBER 4 - They Give Up Easily. Successful people treat failures as stepping stones to success. Incompetent ones call it quits upon recognizing the first signs of failure. At first, they may be excited to start an endeavor. But then they lose interest fairly quickly, especially when they encounter errors. Then they go & search for a new one. Same story & same results. Incompetent people don't have the persistence to go on and fulfill their dreams. NUMBER 5 - They Try to Bring Others Down To Their Level. Incompetent people envy other successful individuals. Instead of working hard to be like them, these incompetent ones spread rumors and try every dirty trick to bring them down. They could've asked these successful ones nicely. But no, they're too proud. They don't want to ask advise. Moreover, they're too negative to accomplish anything. NUMBER 6 - They Waste Their Time. They don't know what to do next. They may just be contented on eating, getting drunk, watching TV, or worse, staring at the blank wall with no thoughts whatsoever to improve their lives. It's perfectly fine to enjoy once in a while. But time should be managed efficiently in order to succeed. There should be a proper balance between work & pleasure. NUMBER 7 - They Take the Easy Way Out. If there are two roads to choose from, incompetent people would choose the wider road with less rewards than the narrower road with much better rewards at the end. They don't want any suffering or hardship. They want a good life. What these people don't know is that what you reap is what you sow. Efforts & action will not go unnoticed. If only they would be willing to sacrifice a little, they would be much better off. Successful people made it through trials & error. They never give up. They are willing to do everything necessary to achieve what they aspire for in life.

CONFUSABLE WORDS: fairly quite rather Fairly, quite, and rather are all used to say to what extent something is true. For example, if you want to say how big something is, you can say that it is fairly big, quite big or rather big If something is described as fairly big, it is at least as big as you would expect or need to be, but not as big as other things like it. Note that when an adjective like big comes before a noun, you talk about a fairly big thing. Theres a loaf of fairly fresh bread. Her hair had been growing, but she had decided to keep it cut fairly short. I suppose wed better get going fairly soon, hadnt we? We live in a fairly rural area. If something is described as quite big, it is usually bigger than something that is described as fairly
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big, and bigger than most other things like it. You can say that something is quite big when you want to express surprise at how big it is. Note that when an adjective like big comes before a noun, you usually talk about quite a big thing but you can also say a quite big thing. It was quite dark by now, and there was no moon. The dog turned on her more than once and bit her quite severly. It was quite a long climb up the white, chalky road to the cemetery. She did so in a quite detached way. If something is described as rather big, it is usually bigger than something that is described as quite big. If you say something is rather big, you are emphasizing how big it is, and you may even be suggesting that it is too big. Note that when an adjective likebig comes before a noun, you can talk about either a rather big thing or rather a big thing. Rather can also be followed by words like too or more and by comparative forms of adjectives. Its apparent simplicity and reliability are rather deceptive. She got rather angry with me when I tried to intervene. He put an arm out ad his father rather shakily took it as they began to walk. They had a rather sad look. I have had rather a sad life. In the second year two rather more specialized subjects are chosen from a total of seven. URL Recomendado: Spelling Games Spelling Bee Pick from falling letters to spell the word on your screen. As you progress from easy mode to normal, the letters start moving faster. In hard mode, there are no starter letters, and you need to spell the entire word that matches your picture. With each correct word, you are rewarded with a little animation, and your word moves over to the finished work space. Catch the Spelling Interesting Things for ESL Students has a huge collection of spelling games, which are also pretty interesting for those studying English as a first language. These games feature falling letters, but this time you catch them with a paddle, like the popular arcade game Breakout. Select from word categories (birds, kitchen, body parts), difficulty, level of hints provided, or grade level. FunBrain: Spell Check Choose the one word in each set of four that is spelled incorrectly, and then spell it correctly. If you get 100% on all twenty problem sets, you can add your name to the Leader Board. Translation Exercise: How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Mercados Extranjeros (See possible answers below). 1 Analysts are predicting political instability in that country for at least three more years. 2 The low labor wage rate makes a decision to locate our assembly plant in North Africa very attractive. 3 The consolidation taking place in this industry through mergers and acquisitions may lead to antitrust violations. 4 Will there be North American exhibitors at this years European Book Fair? 5 We should locate our research and development facilities in that country because they produce many skilled scientists and engineers. 6 - The companys objective is to gain technical knowhow. 7 As this is a first order, we should valuate the risks and protect ourselves against them. 8 Collect trade and status information on the buyer along with economic information on his country. 9 An unforeseen political decision may interrupt the contract. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Los analistas han pronosticado inestabilidad poltica en ese pas por lo menos durante tres aos mas. 2 Los bajos salarios de los obreros hacen que la decisin de establecer nuestra planta de montaje en el norte de frica sea muy atractiva. 3 La consolidacin que se est dando en esta industria por medio de fusiones y adquisiciones
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puede llevar a violaciones de las leyes antimonopolistas. 4 Habr expositores norteamericanos en la feria del libro europea de este ao?. 5 Deberamos ubicar nuestras unidades de investigacin y desarrollo en ese pas, porque produce muchos cientficos e ingenieros calificados. 6 El objetivo de la compaa es adquirir conocimientos tcnicos / know-how. 7 Como ste es un primer pedido, deberamos evaluar los riesgos y cubrirnos de ellos. 8 Recopile informacin comercial y financiera sobre el comprador, as como informacin econmica sobre su pas. 9 Una decisin poltica imprevista podra interrumpir el contrato. 10 ERRORES GERENCIALES COMUNES S, es cierto. Los gerentes cometen errores. Las equivocaciones son el medio que tiene la naturaleza para mostrarnos que estamos aprendiendo. Edison dijo una vez que es necesario cometer 10.000 errores para hallar una respuesta. Ahora presentamos una lista de diez trampas en las cuales pueden caer tanto los gerentes nuevos como los veteranos. 1. No hacer la transicin de subalterno a gerente El empleado tiene un trabajo y lo hace. Aunque el trabajo quizs exija participar en un equipo o compartir estrechamente con otros empleados, el trabajador, al final, slo debe responder por s mismo. Logr sus metas? Lleg a trabajar a tiempo? Hizo correctamente su trabajo? Cuando la persona se convierte en gerente, todo cambia. De la noche a la maana tiene sobre sus hombros la responsabilidad de los resultados de maana tiene sobre sus hombros la responsabilidad de los resultados de un grupo de personas, no de s mismo. Sus empleados lograron sus metas? Estn altamente motivados? Hicieron correctamente el trabajo? Para convertirse en gerente es necesario desarrollar todo un conjunto nuevo de destrezas: destrezas humanas. Algunos de los empleados ms calificados tcnicamente pueden llegar a ser los peores gerentes porque no logran hacer la transicin de subalterno a gerente. 2. Ausencia de delegacin A pesar de los esfuerzos constantes de muchos gerentes por demostrar lo contrario, una sola persona no puede hacerlo todo. Y aunque fuera posible, tratar de hacerlo todo no es la forma ms eficaz de utilizar el tiempo o el talento de un gerente. Usted bien podra ser el mejor estadstico del mundo, pero al convertirse en gerente de un equipo de estadsticas, su trabajo cambia. Su labor ya no es realizar anlisis estadsticos sino manejar y desarrollar a un grupo de empleados. Cuando usted delega el trabajo en los empleados, multiplica la cantidad de trabajo realizado. Un proyecto que a primera vista pareca agobiante sbitamente se vuelve manejable al dividirlo entre doce personas. No solamente eso, sino que al delegar el trabajo se crean oportunidades para desarrollar las destrezas laborales y de liderazgo de los empleados. Siempre que acepte una nueva asignacin o una tarea como parte de un trabajo a largo plazo, pregntese si alguno de sus empleados podra encargarse en lugar suyo. 3. No establecer las metas conjuntamente con los empleados Le dicen algo las palabras barco a la deriva? Deberan. Un buen desempeo comienza con metas claras. Si usted no establece metas conjuntamente con sus empleados, la organizacin por lo general se queda sin rumbo y los empleados sin retos, de tal manera que apenas tienen motivacin para presentarse a trabajar todos los das y cobrar sus cheques al final de la quincena. Las metas de sus empleados comienzan con la visin de dnde desean estar en el futuro. Por lo tanto, usted como gerente debe reunirse con sus empleados para desarrollar metas alcanzables, factibles, que les sirvan de gua en sus esfuerzos por realizar la visin de la organizacin. No deje a sus empleados a oscuras. Aydelos a ayudarle a usted y a la organizacin, estableciendo metas y trabajando mano a mano con ellos para hacerlas realidad. 4. Falta de comunicacin En muchas organizaciones es un verdadero milagro que haya alguien que sepa lo que realmente sucede. La informacin es poder y algunos gerentes utilizan la informacin en
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particular el control que tienen sobre ella- para cerciorarse de ser los individuos mejor informados y, por tanto, ms valiosas de la organizacin. Algunos gerentes evitan las situaciones sociales y evaden por naturaleza la necesidad de comunicarse con sus empleados. Otros sencillamente estn demasiado ocupados y no hacen esfuerzo alguno por comunicar la informacin con regularidad, dejndose llevar por otros asuntos ms apremiantes o sencillamente olvidndose de hablar con sus empleados. Cualquiera que sea la razn, la difusin generalizada de la informacin a travs de toda la organizacin, y la comunicacin que esta difusin permite, es esencial para la salud de las organizaciones de hoy en especial durante las pocas de cambio (es decir, en todo momento). Hay que facultar a los empleados por medio de la informacin para que puedan tomar las mejores decisiones posibles en los niveles ms bajos de la organizacin: rpidamente y sin necesidad de la aprobacin de los superiores. 5. No aprender La mayora de los gerentes estn acostumbrados al xito y en un principio dedicaron mucho tiempo a aprender a fin de lograrlo. Por esta razn, precisamente, muchos fueron sacados de las filas de los subalternos y ascendidos a cargos de gerencia. Sin embargo, una vez instalados en sus cargos, muchas veces se contagian de una enfermedad temida el endurecimiento de las actitudes- y comienzan a exigir que las cosas se hagan nicamente a su manera. Los gerentes exitosos encuentran las mejores formas de hacer las cosas y de culminar sus metas, y despus desarrollan procesos y polticas para institucionalizar esos enfoques eficaces de hacer negocios. Ese mtodo es maravilloso, siempre y cuando que no cambie el entorno empresarial. Sin embargo, cuando ste cambia, si el gerente no cambia es decir, si no aprende- la organizacin sufre. Esta situacin puede ser especialmente difcil para el gerente que ha alcanzado el xito procediendo de una determinada manera. El modelo del gerente como una roca inamovible que resiste todas las tormentas ya no es vlido. En la actualidad, los gerentes deben estar listos a cambiar su forma de hacer negocios en la medida en que su entorno cambie. Deben aprender, experimentar y ensayar cosas nuevas constantemente. Si no lo hacen, estarn condenados a desaparecer como le sucedi a ese gran Tyrannosaurus Rex de la pelcula Jurassic Park. 6. Resistirse al cambio Si usted cree que puede frenar el cambio, est muy equivocado. Ms le valdra tratar de desviar el curso de un huracn. Buena suerte! Cuanto ms pronto reconozca que el mundo incluso el suyo- ha de cambiar, gstele o no, mejor. As podr concentrar sus esfuerzos en tomar medidas que cambien positivamente la vida de su empresa. Esto implica aprender a adaptarse al cambio y utilizarlo en su beneficio en lugar de empearse en luchar contra l. En lugar de reaccionar a los cambios despus del hecho cumplido, adelntese activamente a los cambios que se avecinan y formule los planes para enfrentarse antes de que golpeen a su organizacin. Hacer caso omiso de la necesidad de cambiar no la hace desaparecer. 7. No destinar tiempo para los empleados Para algunos de sus empleados, usted es un recurso. Para otros, es un socio en quien confiar. Otros pueden ver en usted un maestro y mentor, mientras que para otros puede ser un instructor o un padre. Cualquiera que sea la forma como lo vean sus empleados, todos tienen algo en comn: necesitan de su tiempo y orientacin durante el desarrollo de su vida profesional. Ser gerente es un asunto humano, y usted debe destinar tiempo para la gente. Habr empleados que necesitarn ms de su tiempo que otros; en esa medida es importante para usted evaluar y suplir las necesidades de cada uno de sus empleados. Aunque algunos de sus empleados pueden tener mucha experiencia y necesitar poca supervisin de su parte, otros podrn necesitar atencin casi constante cada vez que realizan una tarea o una actividad nueva. Asegrese de estar disponible siempre que un empleado necesite hablarle. Deje de lado su trabajo por un momento, olvide el telfono y preste toda su atencin al empleado. De esa manera no solamente mostrar a sus empleados que son importantes, sino que escuchar realmente lo que tienen que decir. 8. No reconocer los logros de los empleados
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En estos das de cambio constante, reducciones de personal y creciente incertidumbre laboral, es ms importante que nunca encontrar formas de reconocer el buen trabajo de los empleados. El mayor problema no es que los empleadores no deseen retribuir a sus empleados la mayora de los gerentes estn de acuerdo en que es importante recompensarlos- sino que muchos gerentes no dedican tiempo a retribuciones. Aunque las alzas salariales, las bonificaciones y otros adornos se han evaporado en gran medida en muchas organizaciones, son muchas las cosas que se pueden hacer sin invertir demasiado tiempo, esfuerzo o dinero. En realidad, los reconocimientos ms eficaces las notas personales del gerente- no cuestan nada. Nunca debern estar tan ocupado como para no dedicar uno o dos minutos a reconocer los logros de sus empleados. El resultado ser que la moral, el desempeo y la lealtad mejorarn. 9. Optar por la solucin rpida en lugar de la duradera A todos los gerentes les encanta resolver problemas y arreglar las partes descompuestas de su organizacin. El desafo constante de lo nuevo e inesperado atrae a muchas personas hacia la gerencia. Infortunadamente, en su celo de arreglar los problemas rpidamente, muchos gerentes olvidan destinar tiempo necesario a buscar soluciones a largo plazo a los problemas de sus organizaciones. En lugar de diagnosticar el cncer y realizar una ciruga mayor, muchos gerentes hacen curaciones superficiales. Aunque no es tan divertido como apagar incendios, es necesario ver el sistema en su globalidad y encontrar la causa para poder solucionar realmente los problemas. Una vez identificada la causa es posible desarrollar soluciones verdaderas de efecto duradero. Cualquier otra cosa es apenas un tratamiento sintomtico y no resuelve el problema. 10. Tomarse las cosas demasiado en serio S, los negocios son cosa seria. Si no lo cree as, basta ver lo que sucede cuando se excede el presupuesto y las finanzas de la compaa quedan en rojo. Es una forma muy rpida de reconocer cun serio es el asunto. Independientemente de la gravedad de las responsabilidades que pesan sobre los hombros de los gerentes y precisamente por esa razn- usted debe conservar su sentido del humor y promover un ambiente ameno tanto para usted como para sus empleados. Invtelos a una rifa en la oficina, una reunin informal en algn restaurante cercano, un almuerzo campestre en su casa. Sorprndalos con premios especiales por cosas tales como la corbata ms rara o la estacin de trabajo ms creativa. Bromee con ellos. Disfrute! Cuando los gerentes se jubilan, generalmente no son recordados por sus logros con respecto a los presupuestos o la disciplina de sus empleados. Las personas recuerdan a quienes no se tomaron el trabajo demasiado en serio y supieron poner un toque de humor, alegrando as sus das y haciendo el trabajo ms tolerable. No sea un ladrillo. Viva cada da como si fuera el ltimo. Fuente:

CONFUSABLE WORDS: occasion opportunity chance possibility An occasion is a time when a particular event happens or a particular situation arises. - Several times as a child was bullied by older boys. On one occasion, I was knocked unconscious. - I met him only on one occasion. - There are occasions when you must not refuse. An occasion can also be the event itself, especially an important event such as a wedding or public ceremony. - In his shirtsleeves he felt he wasnt properly dressed for the occasion. - This garment is just special enough to be worn for casual evening occasions. If you say you have occasion to do something, or that an event is an occasion for something, you
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mean that people and circumstances make it possible. This is a rather formal use. - She had had little occasion to mix with the opposite sex. - The question remained whether Benn could succeed in making this crisis the occasion for fundamental change. If you have the opportunity or the chance to do something, you can do it because people and circumstances make it possible. Opportunity is more formal than chance. Note than you do not say that you have the possibility to do something. - You will have the opportunity to ask the athlete questions about his personal career. - New job opportunities have been found for women. - The cinema specialized en revivals, and this was a quite wonderful chance to see this unique masterpiece. - I didnt have a chance to say a word. A possibility is something that might happen or be done, but that also might not happen or be done. You say that there is a possibility, that a possibility exists, or that something is a possibility . - There was just a possibility that they had taken the wrong road. - Only then did he permit his mind to consider the possibility of an accident. - The possibility exists for trade unionists to rebuild their confidence. - If only they had told me of this possibility, how much suffering I would have been saved! - They rang to say that Jeffrey might have typhoid, it was a possibility, but no one was to worry. URLs Recomendados: Tabla Periodica de los Elementos: Completa pgina informativa sobre las caractersticas, propiedades, istopos, estructura cristalina de la tabla peridica de elementos. La Biblioteca Pblica de New York (NYPL) se ha tomado el trabajo de digitalizar ms de 300.000 imgenes de su archivo y subirlas a Internet para la consulta del pblico. Fotos histricas y recientes, divididas en categoras... obviamente jams podr ver ni una fraccin de toda esta riqueza visual, pero al menos no se pierda conocerlo. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Nuevas tendencias del comercio internacional (See possible answers below). 1 Harmonizing standards will save us billions of dollars. 2 Subcontracting consists of transferring (contracting out) part of an activity, usually manufacturing or marketing, to an existing company or subsidiary created for that purpose. 3 Closing down the plant in Mexico will save the company $ 300,000, and cost 3,000 jobs. 4 We must implement stiffer quality requirements in order to benefit from the new economic block. 5 These services companies divide their activity between written media and personal (direct) contacts. 6 - The Russians are willing to pay for their order for computers with vodka. 7 Country A will accept our trucks and send Country B the equivalent value in grain. Country B will send the equivalent value in textiles to Country C. Country C will pay us $ 5,000,000. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 La estandarizacin de normas nos permitir ahorrar miles de millones de dlares. 2 La subcontratacin consiste en ceder una parte de una actividad, generalmente la produccin o la comercializacin, a una compaa existente o una sucursal creada con ese propsito. 3 El cierre de la fbrica en Mxico le ahorrar $ 300.000 a la compaa y costar 3.000 empleos. 4 Debemos aplicar requerimientos de calidad ms rigurosos para poder beneficiarnos del nuevo bloque econmico 5 Estas compaas de servicios dividen su actividad en medios escritos y contactos personales (directos) 6 Los rusos estn dispuestos a pagar su pedido de computadoras con vodka. 7 El pas A aceptar nuestros tractores y mandar al pas B el valor equivalente en cereales. El pas
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B enviar el valor equivalente en textiles al pas C. El pas C nos pagar $ 5.000.000. Google La palabra googol fue creada en 1930 para designar un nmero formado por un 1 seguido de cien ceros. El matemtico estadounidense Edward Kasner consider que era bueno contar con un nombre para un nmero tan grande y le pidi a su sobrino de nueve aos que lo inventara. El nio propuso googol, que desde enconces fue ampliamente usado por los matemticos en todas las lenguas. La empresa Google confirma que su nombre se inspira en la palabra inventada hace casi ocho dcadas y precisa que el trmino refleja la misin de la compaa de organizar la inmensa cantidad de informacin disponible en la web y en el mundo.

CONFUSABLE WORDS: actually really Actually and really are both used to emphasize statements. Both words can emphasize a whole clause or sentence, or just a word or group of words. You use actually when you are saying what the truth is about something, in contrast to other things that might have been said or thought. - All of the characters in the novel actually existed. - Actually, all pollution is simply an unused resource. You can also use actually to emphasize something surprising. You put actually in front of the surprising part of what you are saying. - Tom actually began to cry. - I was actually cruel sometimes. Actually can be used to be precise or to correct someone. - No one was actually drunk. - We couldnt actually see the garden. You use really in conversation to emphasize something that you are saying. - I really think hes sick. - I only wish your people really trusted me. When you use really in front of an adjective or adverb, it has a similar meaning to very. - This is really serious. - It was really good, wasnt it? - Were doing really well. URLs Recomendados: AIRLINEPORTAL.ORG - Here's a site you world travelers will find useful. ( ) has directories of hundreds of airline Web sites worldwide. What's nice about this is that each listing has a description of the airline, what type of planes it uses, and where it flies. There are links to each airline's Web site, where you can look up more information. There are also links to airports, hotels, travel guides, airline products (including planes for sale), and dozens of weather forecasts. OUR TRAVEL ASSISTANT procedures.shtm With the recent news about the terrorist plot to blow up multiple airplanes, security has been tightened for air travel to and from the United States. At Our Travel Assistant ( procedures.shtm ), the U.S. Transportation Security Administration has all the details about what you can and cannot take on an airplane. The site also has information for travelers with disabilities and medical conditions, those who need to transport special items (e.g., alcoholic beverages, firearms & ammunition, lighters & matches, medications, sporting equipment, etc.) , and traveling with children. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Aspectos jurdicos de la Exportacin Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


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Importacin (See possible answers below). 1 The contract provides that case of dispute shall go to arbitration. 2 If the airplane were found defective, the product liability claims against the builder would be large. 3 The price was quoted free to buyerspremises. 4 All the prices are to be understood as ex-works. 5 No order shall result in a binding contract of sale unless and until it is accepted by us in writing. 6 Unless specified otherwise, all goods will be delivered within 15 days from receipt of the order. 7 15 % of the total value of the order will be charged for all cancellations. 8 Our liability in terms of these conditions is in lieu of and to the exclusion of all other warranties, conditions or obligations imposed or implied by statute or otherwise in relation to the quality or description of the goods. 9 In testimony whereof the aforesaid parties have set their hands. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 El contrato estipula que los casos de litigio sern sometidos a arbitraje. 2 Si se concluyera que el avin tena desperfectos, las demandas de indemnizacin por daos y perjuicios hechas al constructor seran altas. 3 - El precio se cotiz libre hasta el local del comprador. 4- Todos los precios son en fbrica (no franco). 5 - Ningn pedido implica un contrato de venta que nos comprometa, a menos y hasta que lo hayamos aceptado por escrito. 6 - A menos que se especifique lo contrario, toda mercanca ser entregada 15 das despus de la recepcin del pedido. 7 - En caso de cancelacin, se cobrar un 15 % del valor total del pedido. 8 - Nuestra responsabilidad en cuanto a estas condiciones reemplaza y excluye cualquier otra garanta, condicin u obligacin impuesta o implcita en los estatutos, o relacionada de cualquier otra manera con la calidad o la descripcin de la mercanca. 9 - En fe de lo cual las partes arriba mencionadas han firmado. La tecnologa est de festejo y en Internet abundan los rankings Las computadoras cumplieron 25 aos y uno de sus mejores aliados, Internet, 15. Para festejarlo, diversos medios dieron a conocer los mejores equipos de la historia y una serie de sitios que cambiaron la historia y sin los cuales no se podra vivir. Las listas completas. Los festejos no cesan en Internet, donde diversos sitios y usuarios se esmeran por elaborar rankings con lo mejor de los ltimos aos. La idea naci a partir de los 15 aos de Internet y la aparicin de la primera computadora personal, hace 25 aos. te presenta los mejores rankings: (Links relacionados para acceder a las notas originales) Revista Time: como todos los aos, la prestigiosa publicacin elabora una lista con los 50 mejores sitios del ao. Al mismo tiempo, dio a conocer un listado con las 25 sin las cuales no podramos vivir. Links Relacionados: Time: los 50 mejores sitios Time: los sitios sin los cuales no se podra vivir The Guardian: las webs que cambiaron al mundo PC World: las 25 mejores computadoras de todos los tiempos Los 50 mejores: - Entretenimiento, arte y medios: Drawn!; Jumpcut; Sundance Splinks; Wolfgang's Vault; Photo Muse; Podcast Pickle; Pandora; The 9; YouTube - Shopping, estilo de vida y hobbies Phone Scoop; Delicious Days; Not Martha; Shop Intuition; Kids-In-Mind; Mighty Goods; Zunafish
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- Medios e informacin The Morning News; Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone; Charity Navigator; Footnoted; Tailrank; Deadspin; Digg; The Human Clock - Para mantenerse conectado MySpace; Google Spreadsheets; SingShot; Meebo; Dodgeball - Para pasar el tiempo TMZ; Shockwave; Yu-Gi-Oh Groove; Cute Overload; Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas; Number Logic - Viajes, restaurants y autos Zipcar; Farecast; Kayak; Zillow; Hop Stop; CentralPark; Yelp - Buscadores de Internet y servicios Accoona; Kosmix; Snap; Pixsy; Argali White & Yellow; Blurb; Seamless Web; McAfee SiteAdvisor Revista Time: Los 25 sitios sin los cuales no se podra vivir Amazon, Apple Movie Trailers, Blogger, Craigslist, Drudge Report, eBay, ESPN, Factcheck, Flickr, Google, HowStuffWorks, The Internet Movie Database, Lifehacker, The Museum of Modern Art, Netflix, National Public Radio, The Orion, Rotten Tomatoes, Shopzilla, Technorati, Television Without Pity, The Smoking Gun, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, Zappos. Por su lado, el diario The Guardian elabor la lista con los sitios web que a su criterio cambiaron a la web: 1., fundado en 1995 por Pierre Omidyar. 2., en 2001 por Jimmy Wales. 3., Shawn Fanning (1999). 4., Chad Hurley, Steve Chen y Jawed Karim (2005). 5., Evan Williams (1999). 6., Steve y Julie Pankhurst (1999). 7., Matt Drudge (1994) 8., Tom Anderson y Chris DeWolfe (2003) 9., Jeff Bezos (1994) 10., Rob Malda (1997) 11., David Talbot (1995) 12., Craig Newmark (1995) 13., Larry Page y Sergey Brin (1998) 14., David Filo y JerryYang (1994) 15., Stelios Haji-Ioannou (1995) Las mejores computadoras de todos los tiempos La PC cumpli la semana pasada nada menos que 25 aos, tiempo en el cual sin dudas cambi la vida de las personas. La revista especializada PC World elabor la lista con los 25 mejores creados en ese tiempo. Vale la pena aclarar que se trata de equipos muy norteamericanos, es decir, no abarca una gran cantidad de computadoras europeas, muchas de las cuales fueron las que ingresaron en la Argentina y que no se encuentran en la lista. El ranking ( 25. Non-Linear Systems Kaypro II (1982) 24. Toshiba Qosmio G35-AV650 (2006) 23. Apple eMate 300 (1997) 22. Hewlett-Packard 100LX (1993) 21. Alienware Area-51 (1998) 20. Gateway 2000 Destination (1996) 19. Apple iMac, Second Generation (2002) 18. Hewlett-Packard OmniBook 300 (1993)
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17. Toshiba T1000 (1987) 16. Tandy TRS-80 Model I (1977) 15. Shuttle SV24 Barebone System (2001) 14. Atari 800 (1979) 13. IBM Personal Computer/AT Model 5170 (1984) 12. MITS Altair 8800 (1975) 11. Sony VAIO 505GX (1998) 10. Apple PowerBook 100 (1991) 9. Columbia Data Products MPC 1600-1 (1982) 8. Tandy TRS-80 Model 100 (1983) 7. Commodore Amiga 1000 (1985) 6. IBM Personal Computer, Model 5150 (1981) 5. IBM ThinkPad 700C (1992) 4. Apple Macintosh Plus (1986) 3. Xerox 8010 Information System (1981) 2. Compaq Deskpro 386 (1986) 1. Apple II (1977)

CONFUSABLE WORDS: under underneath below - beneath If something is under, underneath, below, or beneath another thing, it is in a lower position than the other thing. You use under or underneath when you con imagine a straight vertical line joining the two things, or when one thing covers the other. - Did you put some newspapers under that clock? - We squeezed under the wire and into the garden. - The space under the bed was suffocating. - To help you with this, put a cushion underneath you. - Now the spiders underneath your dress. Below is usually used to say that one thing is at a much lower level than another. - She would ring later to get the phone number in the call box below their flat. - Below the house the beach is long and shelving. - Down below in the valley the chimneys were smoking. Beneath has a similar meaning to under or below, but it is used mainly in writing. - the warm and sluggish river flowing past the Embankment beneath his window. - They searched everywhere, in the cupboards, under the carpets, beneath floorboards and mattresses, even in the bathroom and kitchen. * Far beneath them, the trees of the forest sighed in the breeze. URL Recomendados: Citas y Ortografia : Directorio temtico y buscador de citas, frases clebres, proverbios y refranes. Por autores celebres como Shakespeare, Wilde, Seneca, Cervantes,... :Este sitio, basado en tcnicas innovadoras, muestra las habilidades y herramientas necesarias para reducir los errores ortogrficos entre un 50 y 80% en pocas semanas. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Litigios (See possible answers below). 1 These conditions shall be construed and governed in accordance with British Law. 2 Any dispute arising between us and the Buyer shall be submitted to the London Court of Arbitration. 3 Penalty clauses on customer orders or contracts cannot be accepted unless a specific undertaking in writing is secured from our company, governing each order or contract concerned.
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4 Conditions of the Buyer conflicting with the present conditions of sale will not engage the supplier. 5 The Japanese win most contracts because they can underbid us. 6 The Chairman will agree to sign the contract subject to alterations to Clause 6. 7 Mediation is most often used in labor/ management disputes. 8 The mediator has no authority to order or direct the disputing parties. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Estas condiciones sern interpretadas y aplicadas conforme a la legislacin britnica. 2 - Cualquier diferencia que surja entre nosotros y el comprador ser sometida al Tribunal de Arbitraje de Londres. 3 Las clusulas de penalidad en los pedidos o contratos de clientes no pueden ser aceptadas a menos que nuestra empresa les confiera un compromiso especfico por escrito, el cual rija cada pedido o contrato en cuestin. 4 Las condiciones del comprador que sean contrarias a estas condiciones de venta no comprometern al proveedor. 5 Los japoneses obtienen casi todos los contratos porque pueden proponer condiciones ms ventajosas que las nuestras. 6 - El presidente firmar el contrato bajo reserva de ciertas modificaciones a la clusula 6. 7 - La mediacin se usa en la mayora de los conflictos laborales / de gerenciamiento. 8 - El mediador no tiene autoridad para dar rdenes o directrices a las partes en litigio 25 Sites We Can't Live Without ( By MARYANNE MURRAY BUECHNER ) Here we honor some '50 Coolest' finalists from years past, sites that continue to impress us with new content and features and deserve a spot on anyone's must-click list. It rules e-tail, with 34 different product categories (including groceries; new and used cars could be next) yet stays true to its bookstore roots, with nifty features like Search Inside the Book, and the new AmazonConnect, which links you to blog posts from your favorite authors from the home page. Apple Movie Trailers Coming attractions for movie buffs and reason enough to finally get that broadband connection. Blogger The place to go to create your own blog; tools are powerful and easy to use, and it's free. Craigslist This wildly popular portal of classified ads serving more than 300 cities in the U.S. and across the globe recently expanded its real estate listings, and helps power HousingMaps a mash-up that locates properties for sale using Google Maps. (Craigslist charges fees to real estate brokers in New York and for job ads in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but is otherwise free.) Drudge Report Matt Drudge, newsbreaker, got more than 3.5 billion hits in the past year. Ebay The auction powerhouse keeps expanding its repertoire, allowing users to write blogs and create wikis (collaborative info-banks), and to "Skype" each other about individual items up for bid (i.e. use the Internet telephony service to place voice calls). ESPN Best all-around sports site, with sports news, sports videos, sports columns and sports data galore. Honorable mention goes to, which lets you watch baseball games that aren't broadcast in your local TV market. The service's success inspired CBS Sports to team up with NCAA to offer March Madness on Demand which drew 5 million viewers earlier this year. Picks apart speeches, press releases, TV ads and other public statements by politicians of all stripes to set the record straight. Flickr This public showroom for personal pics is one of the fastest-growing social networks on the Web, and now it has a blog.
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Google What started as the Web's best search engine has become a jack-of-all-trades, offering all sorts of free applications, from Spreadsheets and Calendar to Picasa (for digital photos) and Gmail. There's Google Scholar, which lets you search for academic papers on any topic, and Google Finance (nice charts!); Google Maps has inspired countless "mash-ups" including Register for a free account and you can personalize your home page too. Click here, for a menu of features and services that have officially launched; go to Google Labs for the new stuff that's still in beta (such as Spreadsheets). The unaffiliated (but lovingly devoted) has helpful tips and advice for making the most of all things Google. Read more about some of Google's latest-greatest features in the TIME archives. HowStuffWorks Easy-breezy explanations of how things work, from money laundering to hybrid cars, game consoles to the human kidneys. The Internet Movie Database Encyclopedia of entertainment that covers some 800,000 films, television shows and video game titles. Users help keep the Internet Movie Database current, submitting 16 million data bits in 2005 alone. Lifehacker Computer-tech tips and tricks to help you save time, and keep you sane; sister-blog Gizmodo gives up all the latest gadget news. Too mainstream for you? Best to head over to our favorite geekconvention, The Museum of Modern Art

Now available: MoMA Audio, a selection of museum tours as downloadable podcasts. Wear your own earbuds as you walk through the special exhibitions or the permanent collection; separate audio tours are available for kids and for the visually impaired. Netflix More than 60,000 DVD titles available to rent, from classics to art-house flicks to major studio releases. Digital delivery is scheduled to start early next year, but don't expect those red mailers to be phased out anytime soon. National Public Radio Not to miss: NPR podcasts, NPR music, NPR This I Believe, NPR Stories The Onion Long before The Daily Show, long before Stephen Colbert, there was The Onion, and it's still hilarious, and now you don't need a subscription to read the fake news archives. Podcasts are also now available. Rotten Tomatoes Gathers movie reviews from far and wide, and reports box office and other stats; flicks receive a critical average on the 100-point "tomatometer." also gets a nod for streaming episodes of "Statler & Waldorf: From the Balcony," an Ebert & Roeper spoof starring those lovable muppetcurmudgeons. Shopzilla New comparison shopping sites keep popping up ( isn't bad) but nothing beats Shopzilla's search tools and merchant ratings. Technorati Blog finder that keeps getting better while the blogosphere gets bigger. Searches are faster and more accurate, and now you can personalize the home page; a new Discover section provides a round-up of top posts by topic. Newcomer Sphere is also worth a look. Television Without Pity Bitingly funny TV show recaps. The Smoking Gun Continues to document interesting news (sample headline: "Six Skulls Found in Strippers Home") and get the occasional big scoop, like outing writer James Frey.
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Wikipedia A real Web wonder: this massive, collaborative online encyclopedia is written, edited, and maintained primarily by volunteers; some 1.3 million articles in English, and millions more in 228 other languages. Yahoo! Arguably Google's toughest competition for top Web property. Check out the new My Web 2.0 service, which incorporates the social bookmarking activities of the recently-acquired (you get to see where other people are surfing, and share your own favorite links). offers a visual guide to gridlock situations on major roads in 20 metropolitan areas; Yahoo Photos offers new ways to share images (more advanced search features, tagging and other tools); and the new Yahoo Tech page cherry-picks from CNET's playbook. Earlier this summer, Yahoo partner site scored with video highlights and a live MatchCast. Simply the best place to shop for shoes online, with stellar customer service and free shipping all the time.

CONFUSABLE WORDS: former late deceased You use former to describe someone who used to have a particular job or position, but who no longer has it. For example, the former president is someone who used to be the president, but is not any more. Former does not indicate whether the person is alive or dead now. - former President Gerald Ford. - Sir Ralph Verney, former chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council. You use late when you are talking about someone who is dead. For example, the late someone who used to be president, but who is now dead. They need not have been president when they died. - My mother, although only a poor relation, nevertheless was related to the late Sir Perceval Large. - Harold Ross, the late editor of The New Yorker. A deceased person is one who has recently died. For example, the deceased president is someone who was president until they died a short time ago. Deceased is a rather formal word. - Duke Amadeus IX, the sixteen-year-old son of the now deceased Duke Louis. - I felt grateful to the deceased Uncle James. GRAMMAR Deceased is most commonly used as a noun. The deceased is a dead person, especially someone who has died very recently. It is a formal word, commonly used in legal contexts. - Did you know the deceased? URL Recomendados: DIPLOMACY MONITOR: Diplomatic ties between countries can have a trickle-down effect on businesses and individuals, so it's a good idea to stay on top of what's happening in the diplomatic area. Diplomatic Monitor is a great way to do that. This site has news items and links to documents about the latest diplomatic happenings. You can browse the latest news items, stay up on the major active issues, read items relevant to specific categories (Human Rights, Commerce/Trade), and scan documents by region, issue, or country, to name just a few ways you can use this site. To give just one example of what you'll find at this site -- a story describing how China has shut down over 100 Web sites since July for copyright violations. Machu Picchu Virtual: Imgenes panormicas en vistas de 360 grados. Un completo tour virtual a la enigmtica ciudadela de Machu Picchu, la Ciudad Perdida de los Incas, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de toda la humanidad. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Voc. Sobre: Impuestos y Sistema fiscal (See possible answers below).
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1 Every domestic corporation in the US must file an annual tax return with the Internal Revenue Service. 2 US corporations are required to make estimated tax payments. 3 US corporations have deductions for business expenses and losses. 4 We are too heavily taxed. The tax code should be overhauled from top to bottom. 5 Lately an audit has been performed on their company. 6 The Internal Revenue Service has assessed him $ 100,000 in back taxes. 7 The firm made fraudulent claims for expenses they did not incur. 8 We find it unusual that our products should be charged a VAT of 33% when they are not considered luxury items in our country. 9 The new tax law closes the loophole we have enjoyed for the past three years. (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Todas las sociedades estadounidenses deben hacer una declaracin anual de impuestos al erario publico ( en Argentina AFIP). 2 - Las sociedades estadounidenses tienen la obligacin de pagar anticipos estimados de sus impuestos. 3 Las sociedades estadounidenses pueden deducir los gastos y las prdidas del negocio. 4 Nuestra carga de impuestos es demasiado pesada. El cdigo fiscal debera ser ntegramente revisado. 5 Recientemente se realiz una auditoria de cuentas a su empresa. 6 - El fisco evalu en $ 100.000 el atraso en su pago de impuestos. 7 - La empresa hizo declaraciones fraudulentas de gastos que no efectu. 8 - Nos parece extrao que nuestros productos sean gravados con un IVA del 33% cuando en nuestro pas no son considerados coma artculos de lujo. 9 El nuevo cdigo fiscal ha suprimido el vacio del que nos beneficiamos en los ltimos tres aos.

Articulo Recomendado: Cartograms ( ) Images of the social and economic world Here is an ordinary map of the world:

Roughly speaking, on a map like this, the sizes of the countries of the world are in proportion to their actual sizes on the surface of the planet and their shapes are the
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same as their actual shapes. (This is only approximate though, since some distortion is inevitable when you go from a spherical planet to a flat map.) It's possible, however, and sometimes very useful, to redraw the map with the sizes of countries made bigger or smaller in order to represent something of interest. Such maps are called cartograms and can be an effective and natural way of portraying geographic or social data. Here, for example, is a cartogram that shows the human population of the countries of the world: Population

In this map the sizes of countries are proportional not to their actual landmass but instead to the number of people living there; a country with 20 million people, for instance, appears twice as large as a country with 10 million. Although the figures for populations of countries are well established and familiar to many, the cartogram provides a new way of looking at them and in particular makes clear the enormous disparity in the population of different regions. Note how large India and China have become: between them these two countries account for more than a third of the population of the world. On the other hand, notice the near-disappearance of Canada and Russia, the world's two largest countries by land area, which have relatively few people in them. Notice also how the lines of latitude and longitude have become distorted by the growing and shrinking countries. This is an unavoidable consequence of the cartogram transformation: in order to give the countries the right sizes and still have them fit together you need to warp things a bit. The method used here, however, does a pretty good job of keeping the map recognizable. Cartograms are most often used to show population data, but there is no reason why they need be limited to population. They can in principle be used to show almost any quantity. Here is a cartogram of the world in which the sizes of countries are proportional to Gross Domestic Product, which is a measure of how much wealth a country's economy generates, and hence, to an extent, of the wealth of the country's inhabitants: Gross domestic product

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Notice how America and Europe dominate this map, along with Japan (yes that huge dark-green island on the right really is Japan), while Africa dwindles almost to invisiblity. Now here are a few more cartograms. In all of the maps on this page the countries have the same colors, which helps to identify countries in the cases where shapes have changed a lot. Child mortality

People living with HIV/AIDS

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Total spending on healthcare

Energy consumption (including oil)

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Greenhouse gas emissions

If you are interested to see more cartograms, you might like to visit the website of the Worldmapper Project, where a group of colleagues and I are gathering together an evergrowing collection of cartograms showing all sorts of aspects of the social, economic, and geographic world. The web site contains, among other things, downloadable posters of cartograms that you can print out, along with data sets, descriptions of the statistical analyses, and information about the methods used to produce the maps. (The maps shown here were made specially for this page and are not part of the Worldmapper Project, but there are similar maps on the project web site.) Technical details: These cartograms were created using a variant of the diffusion algorithm of Gastner and Newman. Data for the population cartogram were taken from
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the Gridded Population of the World compiled by the International Center for Earth Science at Columbia University; elevation and bathymetric data were taken from the NOAA 2-minute Gridded Global Relief data set. Data for the other cartograms came from the United Nations Statistics Division and from the databases of the World Health Organization. In all of the cartograms on this page, Antarctica has been treated the same as the sea, meaning its area is unchanged although its shape may be distorted slightly to make room for changes in the sizes of other parts of the world. 2006 M. E. J. Newman Permission is hereby granted for the use and distribution by others of the text and figures on this page for noncommercial purposes. Go ahead and send them to your friends, post them on your blog, use them in school. Whatever. My only request is that you either give a link to this page or just mention that the maps were made by me. (Or both, if you're feeling particularly enthusiastic.) If you would like to use any of these materials for commercial purposes, please drop me a line. Contact details are here. If you spot any errors in the text or figures, the author would very much appreciate hearing about it. Again, contact details are here. High-resolution versions of the figures are available on request from the author. My computer software for producing cartograms is freely available here. A number of other programs implementing the cartogram algorithm of Gastner and Newman are also available. See here, here, and here. The views expressed on this web page are personal and are not necessarily shared by the University of Michigan.

CONFUSABLE WORDS : teacher - lecturer tutor - professor Anyone who teaches con be called a teacher. However, if you say that someone is a teacher, you usually mean that they are a schoolteacher and work in a primary or secondary school. - My mother, a primary school teacher herself had already taught me how to read. - Good teachers never underestimate the ability of children to learn. - In Britain, a lecturer is someone who teaches at a university or college. - David is now a lecturer in mathematics an London University. - A lecturer gave a talk on the tsetse fly. A tutor in a British university teaches small groups of students, and is also responsible for giving individual students help and advice. - The Head of a Department may appoint a member of his staff as tutor to individual students. - His tutors in English and History give him quite favourable reports. A private tutor teaches individual pupils, usually to help them in subjects which they find difficult at school. - Ken had made progress with his home tutor. In Britain, a professor is the most senior teacher in a university department. In American and Canadian universities and colleges, all the senior teaching staff are called professors. Note that Professor is also used as a title with a persons name. - James Challis, Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge. - And everebody seems to have money these days. Except college professors. - the research being carried out by Professor Butler and his team. URL Recomendados: Tips for easier flying world merge Smoother Flights at the FAA Travelers Page - Tips for Easier Flying I remember the days when you could show up at an airport with barely any time to spare before your flight, and race to the gate just before the plane's departure time. That has all changed, of course, to the chagrin of people like me who are always late. Air travel is a
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lot more complicated than it used to be, especially in the U.S. If you want to stay up on all the latest developments in this area, a good site to visit is the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Travelers Page. Here you'll find links to information about airport status and flight delays, limitations on items that can be brought on board (such as liquids, aerosols, and gels), security screening procedures, prohibited items, cell phone use, flying with children and pets, consumer complaints, safety, health, and more. World Merge: E-Mail sent using the Free Trial Version of WorldMerge, the fastest and easiest way to send personalized e-mail messages. Translation Exercise How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Voc. Sobre: Derecho y Sistema fiscal (See possible answers below). 1 The royalty payments these year amount to $100,000. 2 Is the fee for the license to be paid each year or is it a one-time payment? 3 Do any tax treaties exist between our country and Algeria? 4 The government has just signed a bilateral agreement with Sweden reducing our withholding tax 15 %. 5 What are the tax benefits when you open a subsidiary in Hong Kong? 6 Multinationals use tax havens just as well as individual tax dodgers. 7 Transfer the profits we made last year at our subsidiary in the UK to our holding company in Andorra so we can send funds to the subsidiary in France to buy the machinery they need. 8 The transfer price for those components manufactured at our subsidiary in the Philippines is $ 43,00 each. 9 Have our office in Jersey bought those products for resale in Denmark? (Possible answers. Remember more than one version is possible. ) 1 Los pagos de regalas se elevan a $ 100.000 este ao. 2 - La cuota para la licencia se paga cada ao o se trata de un pago nico? 3 Existe algn convenio fiscal entre nuestro pas y Argelia? 4 El gobierno acaba de firmar un acuerdo bilateral con Suecia que reduce en un 15 /o nuestra retencion de impuestos en el pas de origen. 5 Cales son los beneficios fiscales cuando se abre una filial en Hong Kong? 6 - Las multinacionales utilizan los parasos fiscales tanto como las personas fsicas que defraudan al erario. 7 - Transfiera las ganancias que obtuvimos el ao pasado en nuestra filial inglesa a nuestra compaa tenedora en Andorra para que podamos enviar fondos a la filial en Francia, que comprar la mquina que necesita. 8 - El precio de transferencia para las partes fabricadas en nuestra filial en las Filipinas es de 43 dlares por unidad. 9 Nuestra oficina en Jersey compro estos productos para su reventa en Dinamarca? Articulo Recomendado: Diez razones para escuchar lo que se dice en los blogs por Fernando Polo. Habla Vctor Ruz en Linotipo, sobre el artculo del Wall Street Journal sobre investigacin de mercados utilizando la minera de datos en blogs y foros de opinin. Para compensar la ausencia en el artculo del WSJ, expongo aqu los diez motivos por los que una empresa no puede dejar de escuchar lo que se dice en la red: 1. Acceso. Blogs y foros de opinin son gratuitos y estn a un tiro de click. Cualquier buscador generalista nos permite acceder a opiniones relevantes para nuestro sector de
Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


Training & Translations

actividad. 2. Espontaneidad. Todo eso que se pierde cuando se paga a las personas para que hablen de ello (i.e. Ciao). 3. Influentials. Las personas ms influyentes offline, se encuentran hoy online. Los bloggers con mayor autoridad, "suelen" ser creadores o fijadores de tendencias. Conectores entre los innovadores y los consumidores masivos (The Tipping Point, Malcom Gladwell) 4. Google. El poder de Google hace que el mensaje de un foro de opinin (o de un weblog) pueda aparecer antes que la crtica formal de un medio tradicional online. 5. Mtricas. La tecnologa de text mining permite medir, comparar y valorar masivamente millones de mensajes relevantes. 6. Histricos. La foto fija suele ser menos importante que la evolucin en el tiempo de un estado de opinin. Un sistema de monitorizacin web es especialmente eficiente configurado como servicio de seguimiento continuo. 7. La compentencia. Nunca antes se estuvo tan cerca de conocer los puntos dbiles o fuertes de la competencia como ahora. 8. Rumores. Blogs y foros de opinin son el caldo de cultivo apropiado para diseminar rumores, veraces o falsos. Adelantarse y tomar medidas correctivas de comunicacin puede suponer la diferencia entre la debacle meditica o un articulito imperceptible en pgina par de un diario de provincias. 9. Precio. Servicios como Technorati, Intelliseek o LastInfoo, pueden resultar bastante ms econmicos que una encuesta telefnica o un focus group. 10. El primero en mover ficha. Un gran operador de telefona mvil en Espaa deca: "cuando esta tcnica sea imprescindible, quiero llevar ya aos aprendiendo a escuchar la web". En mayo de 2003 publiqu un artculo en Harvard Deusto Marketing y Ventas, sobre la conveniencia de escuchar lo que est diciendo la red.

Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:

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