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Tuesday, October 11

Who is Seth Cooper?

Hes a member of an IT tem. He works on an IT team (Information Technology)

How did he get his job?

He had several interviews. During the interviews he was always professional. He did not ask personal questions.

Do you think the guy we just saw will get the job?

Tips for a good job interview

Interviewers want to assess: Interest in the job Professionalism Personality Fit, including applicable skills 1. You should dress for success: Wear a suit. 2. You should give a firm handshake: Not limp, not too hard. Remember to make eye contact and smile. 3. Key questions: Tell me about yourself: Give a summary of your career, abilities, and goals.

Dont tell your whole life story. What is one of your weaknesses? Dont talk about your personal weaknesses, Eg. I often oversleep, and I have missed important meetings. Instead, talk about professional areas where you can improve, Eg. If someone isnt working hard enough, I sometimes do their job. I am trying to focus on my own work. Inappropriate questions, Eg. About your personal life, your age, if you are married. You can say. I d rather keep the focus on the job, not my personal life. 4. Things to remember: Stand up to greet the interviewer. Dont wear too much cologne.

Bring a copy of your CV (resume) Ask for the interviewers card Turn off your cell phone. If you forget, and it rings, apologize immediately and turn it off without checking it.

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