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kev|s|on of tenses

1he presenL slmple ls used Lo Lalk abouL

O ablLs and rouLlnes
O 9ermanenL slLuaLlons
O nlenLlfln or naLural fanLs
l ffs f Lhe dog afLer breakfasL
he |ves ln eden
WaLer bo|s aL 100 degrees Celslus
1he presenL nonLlnuous ls used Lo Lalk abouL
O nLlons happenlng no
O 1emporary slLuaLlons
O nnoylng hablLs (lLh alays forever eLn)
he's tf|ng Lo someone
l'm stf|ng lLh !enny unLll l flnd a plane of my on
e's ffs belng mean Lo me
1he pasL slmple ls used for
O sequenne of anLlons LhaL happened ln Lhe
O CompleLe pasL anLlons
O nLlons LhaL happened ln Lhe pasL aL a sLaLed
or deflnlLe Llme
O 9asL hablLs or general pasL sLaLes
llrsL she |ced up her umbrella Lhe she oened Lhe
he fed Lo Lhe Lraln sLaLlon
Ldard ent on hollday lasL monLh

he ent Lo bed aL 8 o'nlonk
he alays hfd porrldge for breakfasL
1he pasL nonLlnuous ls used for
O n anLlon ln progress ln Lhe pasL LhaL as
lnLerrupLed by anoLher anLlon
O 9arallel anLlons happenlng aL Lhe same Llme ln
Lhe pasL
he fs gett|ng on Lhe bus hen someone sLole her
Whlle she fs hfv|ng a lesson Lhe nhlldren ere
mf|ng a nolse
1he presenL perfenL ls used for
O nLlons LhaL happened ln Lhe pasL buL Lhe Llme
ls unknon or noL sLaLed
O nLlons hlnh began or happened ln Lhe pasL
buL relaLe Lo Lhe presenL
O nLlons LhaL have happened ln a perlod of Llme
LhaL has noL yeL flnlshed
l Lhlnk l musL have been here before

1hey hfve |ved ln Lhls Lon for several years

1hey hfve been oen by Lhe nelghbours' shouLlng
Lhree Llmes th|s ee
1he presenL perfenL nonLlnuous ls used Lo
O lonus on Lhe duraLlon of an anLlon LhaL sLarLed
ln Lhe pasL and nonLlnues up Lo Lhe presenL
1he unlverse hfs been exfnd|ng for over 13 bllllon
1he pasL perfenL ls used for
O n anLlon LhaL happened before anoLher
anLlon of Llme ln Lhe pasL
When l arrlved aL Lhe alrporL Lhe plane hfd already
1he pasL perfenL nonLluous ls used Lo
O lonus on Lhe duraLlon of an anLlon LhaL sLarLed
and flnlshed before anoLher anLlon of Llme ln
Lhe pasL
We hfd already been f|t|ng for over an hour hen
Lhey lnformed us LhaL Lhe Lraln Lo 8rlghLon had been
@he Iuture

Cther fs of tf|ng fbout the future
1hls follolng expresslons nan be used Lo lnLrodune Lhe fuLure or fuLure ldeas

8e fbout to do someLhlng l'm abouL Lo puL Lhe keLLle on uo you anL a nup?
8e on the o|nt of do|ng someLhlng 9eLer's on Lhe polnL of reslgnlng from hls [ob
8e bound]certf|n]sure to do someLhlng Lunlle ls bound Lo pass her lrennh exam
Shoud + lnflnlLlve ?ou should be promoLed!
It's(fbout) t|me somebody dld someLhlng/someLhlng
lL's abouL Llme you ere promoLed!
@here's f good chfnce thft 1here's a good nhanne LhaL Laurenne lll geL Lhe [ob
I doubt heter]|f]thft l doubL LhaL vlnky lll geL Lhe [ob

luLure form use Lxample
9resenL slmple 9rogrammed/snheduled evenLs 1he plane leaves aL 4pm
W|]Shf + lnflnlLlve LaLemenLs of fanL 1he sun lll rlse Lomorro
W|]Shf + lnflnlLlve 9redlnLlons ?ou lll ln some money
W|]Shf + lnflnlLlve 9romlses l lll never leave you
9resenL nonLlnuous 9rearranged evenLs l'm golng Lo Lhe donLor Lomorro
Go|ng to + lnflnlLlve lnLenLlons/plans l'm golng Lo make an appolnLmenL
lLh Lhe donLor Lomorro
Go|ng to + lnflnlLlve LaLemenLs based on presenL
lL looks as lf lL's golng Lo sno
luLure nonLlnuous nLlons ln progress aL a nerLaln
Llme ln Lhe fuLure
e lll be Laklng hls lrennh exam
Lhls Llme Lomorro
luLure perfenL nLlons hlnh lll be flnlshed by a
glven fuLure Llme
e lll have reLlred by Lhen
luLure perfenL nonLlnuous Lxpresses Lhe duraLlon of an anLlon
or sLaLe aL a glven fuLure Llme
Cn Lhe

Marnh she lll have

been orklng here for LhlrLy years

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